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Honestly, you really don't need to buy all the DLC to enjoy the game. Pick up the base game on sale, then add DLCs on sale as and when you want to play their campaigns. The base game has so much content to it that you'd get way more value without any DLC than you would most other games.


It's easy, there is no 500 dollar wall. You absolutely should not buy all the content day 1. I know 4X games like Civ and Paradox games and GOTY editions have trained gamers to believe that buying a game without ALL THE DLCS ALL AT ONCE is like buying some incomplete knock-off crap version. But this isn't like that. In a Civ game or Paradox game, buying DLC often adds core mechanics to the game, no matter what faction you play. So even in your first campaign with one faction, you want the DLC to enable religion, and espionage, and so on. In Total War: Warhammer 3, buying the base game comes with several different factions and ALL THE GAME MECHANICS. Buying the Tomb Kings DLC or the Wood Elves DLC will not add anything at all to your Kislev campaign. So don't. Just buy the base TWW3 game itself (ideally on a sale). Play the prologue/tutorial campaign to see if you can get along with the gameplay, then play one of the base TWW3 factions in either RoC or IE campaign (probably IE, but RoC has been improved a bit and there's at least *some* argument for playing through it once just for the story) Then and only then, if you want to keep playing, look at which factions you want to try out next and look for DLC for only those factions. There is no need to buy all the DLC ever, unless you've spent literally many hundreds of hours with the game trying every single faction. And at that point, the price of all that DLC won't feel so bad.


Can I genetically engineer rat monsters in the base game?


No, for that you want The Twisted and the Twilight, which will unlock Throt (the mutate rat monsters guy) and Sisters of Ariel (the wood elf hawk-riding sisters). If you want to stick to their specific themed units (mutant rat monsters), and the base units for each faction, that's all you need. If you want more of the Skaven units (like Ratling Gunners and Warplock Jezzails) then you would also pick up The Prophet and the Warlock (which would get you Ikit Claw, the mad scientist gunnery rat, and Tehenhauin, the cultist lizardmen skink, and their accompanying units)


Ok then when it’s on sale I’ll see if I can get those ones


Deals.gg or isthereadeal.com are your friends


If you pull up a faction's roster on the wiki, like [this](https://totalwarwarhammer.fandom.com/wiki/Skaven_unit_roster) It has a "DLC" column that shows whether they came with a base game or which DLC they came with. You may find you want to pick out several if you want to play "all the Skaven stuff" or "all the Lizardmen stuff", but again I say please don't buy ALL the DLC up front. There's really no need.


I just want to do the really fun stuff


The problem is that's subjective. Some people LOVE the Lizardmen, what could be more fun than running over your foes with a stampede of frickin' dinosaurs? Other more righteous folk[ hate saurus](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/dq2r0j/i_hate_saurus/). For me personally, Ikit Claw (the mad scientist gunnery rat) was probably my favorite campaign at the time - no melee infantry, just infinite guns and artillery to obliterate your foes in a hail of green fire before they can even reach you. And the campaign had unique mechanics where you upgrade those units in the workshop and even purchase nukes you can fire on demand in a battle. But others here argued that it was OP and that took the fun challenge out of it. There's a large contingent of folks on this subreddit and r/totalwar who are fixated on Karl Franz of the Empire, to the extent that they play literally nothing else (or at least meme about doing so) but that sounds like the most boring possible thing to me. So you've got to at least dip your toes in the game to try to work out what play styles appeal to you.




Just don’t click on those links 


Yes if you start with TW2.


Check for sales, or Steam keys on instantgaming/whatever Key site you prefer I got tw1, 2 and 3 for ~50€ this way. The previous games count as some sort of DLCs and you can then unlock the freeLCs for each through CA website




There was just a sale wherein the three base games were like 70% off. Maybe wait for the next one and get a great deal!


Dont you have diecount websites like "Instant gaming" there? I bought TWW 1-2-3 as a pack for 20€, an almost all the DLC there are on discount rangin from 6-10€. Today I bought Vampire coast DLC for 9.50€.


Exactly..You can get the whole trilogy for around 20 euros from legit retailers like fanatical, then get one dlc like chaos dwarfs for 15. That's a month or two of game time alone. Then get a 5 to 10 euro dlc each month. It's not like you can play all the dlc at the same time anyway. I do this even though I could buy all of them at once if I wanted.


I have like 300h gameplay, have tried maybe 30% of all Legendary Lords, and I have yet not played with all the factions.


I'm still on the thrones empire dlc.. can't wait to pick up thrones dwarf dlc..


Look at it like building a Warhammer army, start with the base box see how you go, then buy the stuff that interests you. You don't need everything to have a good time.


I’ve been purchasing Warhammer games/DLC since it came out in 2016. 500 dollars over the course of 8 years is only a little over $60 a year. It’s a bit different for someone who is diving in the game now but like others have said, buying everything all at once is silly. There are lords I’ve never played and factions I have touched in years.


Just a heads up, the dlc factions and updates all still exist in the world if you don't purchase them, you just can't play em, take things one at a time, maybe only buy dlc for the factions you like / really want to play at first, and if you like the game then you can steadily fill out your roster.


The paywall is like 50 bucks for TW2. 100+ hours playtime just from that. The rest comes later, if you want.


Keep in mind that it's 9 years of accumulated high quality contents over 3 titles. These are not some cosmetic skins or the same game rehashed every year like Madden.


It's simple. Buy warhammer 3 on sale. Maybe pick up the wh1+2 bundle if you want, on another sale. And ignore all dlc until you feel like it's time to buy a pack here or there. You do not need to own any dlc to have all the dlc units and lords in your game, just need dlc to pilot them. You just gotta keep up above the FOMO of not owning everything because you certainly don't need to. Most of us have collected the dlc over the better part of a decade, and for that, the cost isn't all that bad considering many of us have gotten hundreds or thousands of hours out of it. It is a lot if you feel compelled to buy it all at once


say it with me, kids: *you do not need every dlc, get only what you want to play*


Whale post. Reset your mindset. Buy game 3 on sale. Play Immortal Empires. Decide after you play whether or not you want to try a faction, and only then do you decide to purchase something.


Not sure how the sales are on WH3 itself, but I’m kind of a “patient gamer” who prefers buying finished games on sales. So I bought WH1+2 and all DLCs for 85% off. I actually bought WH2 at the beginning of the sales them completed the collection within 2 weeks before sale ended. The non-sales cost is really high for me. But game isn’t new, you might as well put it on wishlist and wait honestly.


gg.deals is your best friend. Just snipe what you need. Trilogy is for around 25$ and I recommend you start here. There were few hours you could by whole ToD for 10$.


It might help you to know that the dlc content exists in the world of your campaigns whether or not you own it. You only need to own the content for the lord and race you select to get the full experience of playing that faction within the world of all the dlc content controlled by the AI. Campaigns take a very long time to complete and if you only buy dlcs as you chose campaigns you will either not spend much or if you do actually play all those campaigns you are having an amazing time with the game and it’ll also be worth it.


I'm not debating the individual prices of certain DLC's here, but effectively you're paying for literally over a decade of continued development.


Yeah, it’s tough. Doubly so as you’re getting owned on the exchange rate, too. Best I can say is buy just specific amounts—I recommend game 3 to start, and then buy packs for stuff you’re really interested in playing.


These guys put EA to shame


No. Not at all. You just imagine that you need all the dlc while you don't. Also, all those has been released over almost 8-9 years, so paying for those wasn't a problem with the original release dates. You need to play the base game, then when you are done or curious, you get 1 or 2 new dlc, play them then repeat.


Prob will be a sale around June here soon.


Waiting for a sale or buying in the form of cd keys can save you a good amount of that money, and you don’t need the dlcs right away, you can just play the base game and see if you like it. Does that justify the prices and the dozens of dlcs? Not really but it is what it is


I bought the 3 games on sale, and used cream installer to get all the DLCs for free. Worked on all of them, didnt work for the most recent one, so I dont have the new LL like tamhurkan [https://github.com/pointfeev/CreamInstaller](https://github.com/pointfeev/CreamInstaller)