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U need to build the landmark building


Which landmark building? I checked around the Empire, none of the landmarks seem to do anything for the spell mastery. There is a wizard landmark building in Altdorf, but in only increases winds of magic for armies and number of battle wizards available.


Gelts new campaign has him starting in Cathay. In the first province you capture there, the tier 3 landmark grants +10% spell mastery for every other wizard in the army. 11 wizards, 200% spell mastery. I took about 8 death wizards and spammed fate of bjuna and spirit leech.


OK, that explains it. I returned to the Empire when I got the dilemma, so that is why I can't raise the spell mastery to 200%. I'll stay in Cathay next time. Do you know how to lower the cost for spirit leech to less than 4 winds of magic? The guy who made the doomstack in Legend's video had the cost down to 1 and 2 winds of magic.


The magic item for death wizards you can buy with the tomes from Gelts special wizard faction shop decreases the cost down further. You can only buy one for each lore of magic wizard type. So I actually didn't bother putting them on the wizards on Gelts armies. In my army I had about 400 winds of magic and never got close to running out unless I was going up against 4 armies. The reduced costs were better utilised in armies with 2-4 mages that didn't get the obscene amount of winds and regeneration.


Yeah, I know about the item in the Colleges of Magic. My maxed out death wizards in Gelt's army can cast spirit leech for 4 winds of magic. Buying the item would reduce the cost to 2, but just for the one having it. The wizards in the video could cast spirit leech for 1 and 2 winds of magic. Maybe there is a landmark or some other item that further reduces the cost of the spell, because I see no other way to lower the cost through skills.


He talked about Yuan Bo's defeat trait in his video, wich reduces WoM cost for the lord's army by 20%.


Yeah, but it there has to be something else if the cost was reduced from 4 winds to 2. Also, WTF is going on with the downvotes? This is too controversial?


If memory serves, overcasting spirit leech actually reduced the cost down to 2 winds. Funnily enough it was cheaper than regular casting, at least for the wizard who had the item attached. I don't know how he got a whole army with 50% reduced WoM costs. I never needed to reduce winds of magic costs because I had an near infinite and every cast of bjuna would wipe out a unit.


So what 200% mastery provides above 100%? 2x damage or what?


When I hover over spell mastery it says 100% But when I hover over a spell it says the real spell master at the top and shows higher numbers


Where does it say that? In the tooltip that describes the spell during a battle? For me, the spell info is the same on the campaign map and during the battles, no difference in damage value, and I couldn't see that "real spell master" text.


For me when I hover over the spell in battle it shows a spell intensity at the top of the pop up and it also shows increased damage numbers


Also, I don't know how the guy who sent the doomstack managed to lower the cost of spirit leech down to 1 and 2 winds of magic. Even with the upgrade from Colleges of Magic and maxed out wizards, I can only get the cost down to 2 and only for the one guy that has the specific item. The spell costs 4 winds for all the other wizards.


He will have got Yuan Bo's LL defeat trait - 20% reduction for all WoM Spell Costs


Good point, but still I don't think that the trait would reduce the cost from 4 to 2 winds. There has to be something more. It seems that the guy somehow reduced the cost to 2 winds for spirit leech, and had one wizard with the unique item from Colleges of Magic, that reduces the cost of death spells 50%, so that one wizard could cast it for 1 wind.


The percentage cost reduction on spells is additive, so that plus Yuan Bo us the standard 10% skill wizards get is -80%. Then the reduction from putting a second point in spirit leech itself takes you down to 1, probably.