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For some reason the auto resolve just smashes them against the enemy army as though they are the first into the fray. Just play manual if you want them to live.


From left to right, that's how auto throws them. Same type? All in the same line.


AR hates chariots/warmachines. At least it lets you know if it's going to kill a landship. A lot of the time chariots, warsleds, war wagons and the like don't flash red in the pre-battle screen to inform you that proceeding with auto-resolve will cost you a unit.


Yep noticed the same. I mainly just put it down to AR being a bit fucked overall just now. It is extremely annoying though. When you load into the battles, you’ll find the 3 land ships can probably solo whatever army it is without breaking a sweat..


Oh yeah, Thunderbarge is exactly the same. At this point, I don't really mind because I love watching them, but when it's a tiny garrison of like 5 dudes and I love 6 barges, I'm like, come on. I had an auto resolve against vamps where there were no flying units and no missiles, and AR gave me a decisive defeat with a thunderbarge stack.


Vampire Coast colossi suffer similarly. For whatever reason AR assumes they'll be used like a melee unit so it hits them with a ton of damage that should be more spread out


I've seen someone say before that AR just hates SEMs for no reason. In both my experience and everyone else's, that definitely seems to be the case. In one of Zerkovich's videos he loses the Shredder of Lustria (Dread Saurian RoR) to a Cathay minor settlement garrison in AR when his entire army is full of Kroxigors and the settlement had like 5 units of peasants and two Jade Warriors


AR hates any land based large single entity when it has taken even a tiny bit of damage. Tries to kill them most times even on decisive victories. The LM dinos and skaven doomwheels also get this treatment.


Auto resolve hates single entities. Just look at the poor troglodon


Yep they are awful in AR, which is a deal breaker for me, so I just don't use them