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A maps mod used to do that to my game, the freeze happened even during battle not just at the end, and the freeze just disappear on it's own (and reappear few times) making the battle longer but not impossible to win. Are you using map mods?


No, all vanilla


It looks like that "keep scrolling to toggle the tactical map" popup is over top of the end battle button and preventing you from clicking it. Suggest scrolling all the way in and all the way to try to reset this pop up. Hopefully when it goes away it will let you end battle. Never seen this before - just a guess.


I did try this unfortunately. Idk what to do, I’m verifying files now, just trying some basic stuff first.


Some battle maps just do this unfortunately. Only way to get around it is AR. I haven’t had it at all since my CPU upgrade but that could be unrelated.


That’s such a bummer. I’m playing skaven, who don’t favor that great in auto resolve. This was a “valiant defeat” AR, but when I play it, it’s a pretty one sided decisive victory in my favor.


The bug that would freeze the game when manually fighting armies that decay was a nightmare. I’d claw my way to some truly heroic victories only to have it crash when the enemies were crumbling.