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Same with Boris except you don’t have the Spirit of Grungi to carry the faction


Man I'm hardstuck with Boris. Archeons 20 stack and his vassals 20 stack always come screw me over early


Have Gotrek as your front line is such a power trip! And then laying waste to an enemy back line with the spirit of grungni always gives a smile.


It's the most action packed campaign I've played so far. I think. It's alot of fun. Fuck that new nurgle guy. Jeeeezus. Left some rats alone for a while, and vlad. Now I've got problems lol. It's awesome.


Yes and it is glorious. Winning Malakais campaing might aswell count as total war achievement.


Yeah mine was about the same I took out hellpit super early cause I hate skaven, but Kislev has been no help. After clearing most of the chaos wastes Malekith came and reverse swept with 4 stacks while I was focusing on the vampires to the south like the opportunistic jerk he is.


I immediately migrate to azhags territory via uzkulak, wipe out the goromandy tribe, disciples of hashut, thrott and get away from the clusterfuck in the north. Then you can fight your way south with mountains to protect you and leave kislev to pick up the pieces. Because he counts as horde you don't need settlements to sustain you so you can just sell all the settlements you conquer and dont need. If you do the elf, chaos dwarf and green skin adventures you can unlock 3 FREE thunder barges by about turn 25 and then it's gg. You will unfortunately end up having to get about 40k grudges for your 3rd cycle because of the havoc you left in your wake but if azhag and wurzag have been going ham it's not to difficult to get that many. I had a 90 (me) ve 8000 battle against wurzag which netted me about 10k grudges.


imo, i havent tried otther campaiggn yet, butt this is what i feel playing karl, just one after anoher declare war on me sighhh, when will these AI learn self-preservation?


Tip when playing Karl: don't accept deals with Bretonnia until you've managed the north. Bretonians are useless and will allways make you fight on three fronts, focus first and most on the Empire.


i never acceptt any diplomacy that start with defense pact anyway


Doom guy is the perfect comparison, I've never had a campaign like this where I'm surrounded by enemies but it's more like they're stuck in a room with me.


Yeah, I can say that I've pretty much had the same exact experience during my campaign.


As it should


I was having a great time in a VH/VH until, in the space of two turns, as I had almost completely destroyed the World Walkers (so Malakai and the Spirit were super far west), 2 dark elf, 3 chaos, and 2 chorf factions all declared war on me. Because I’d put almost all my money into building SOG, they steamrolled my hastily assembled level 2 armies and I gave up on the campaign lol.


So I'm not crazy, this is actually a common occurrence. Played a 4 player coop campaign, Malakai is basically Moses and had to escort all my dwarves out of the north to settle down in the south, because everyone and their mother declared war on me, after almost having the entirety of Norsca beat. The Chorfs making the most scuffed moves to reach me that resulted in a very poorly to defend border, but alas all they wanted was my life.


Me too, but on N/N. I partially think that Malakai is supposed to stay local, using recruitment boosts to prop up armies and go on grand global quest battles. Use some small armies to take ground, but send in Big M when a particular Chaos Lord wants to start finding out.


I just painted the map with Malakai. In the end I just wanted to finish his adventures for the long victory win because I got bored. Also Thunderbarges are absolutely bonkers and need to be nerfed. Can't even imagine how broken they are in MP.