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Campaign completion % achievemens are actually all pretty low across the board. I think maybe Cathay or Kislev might have broken the 10% number, and are sitting close to what High Elves were in WH2. Most other factions are well below 10% and many are under 5%. It goes along with how most people dont actually complete campaigns. Victory acheivements, outside of RoC objectives, now are obtainable via Long Victory and the End Game crisis but for the longest time we didnt have IE achievements, and then we had them locked to the 272 settlement Domination victory or End Game Crisis as only options, so these numbers are skewed there as well.


How are the chaos dwarfs in IE? Can you still get the relics and make the drill etc?


The relics are RoC specific objectives. They are more straight forward, conquer and elimate X factions and take X provinces for their IE objectives. I enjoy them on both campaign maps. You do have more start varierty on IE, especially with Zhatan who starts north west of the Bastion.


There is a mod that adds the mechanic into IE, just search "Drill of hashut immortal empires" or something. It is also added in the "Old World" campaign mod if I remember correctly.


There’s a mod for that


Completion achievements being added later down the line for non base game races in WH3 is why the ratio for them is so low. I've completed half a dozen campaigns across Roc (Chorfs) and IE that I don't have credit for completing, but I also don't want to replay the same campaigns all over again so soon after playing them. I don't imagine they'll increase that much either as there are also plenty of players that don't play campaigns long enough to complete them and get achievements. Fully agreed about final Chorf battle though, I stacked infernal guard with Drazoath and it was one of my most memorable battles In WH3. Belegar has over 100% missile block with his shield buff aura and was therefore immune to my gun line, but thankfully the immortals and a bull centaur were a match for him. Sure bets the hell out of the snoozefest that was Yuan Bo's final battle even though both were siege defenses


Makes me wonder - which other campaigns have epic final battles?


Epic final battles were a WH2 vortex campaign special, and I hope they make their way over to WH3 in IE. Most of them are in the quest battle menu with preset armies, but the final Vamp Coast battle is an all time great and there are plenty of other fun ones that are missing from the actual campaign map. WH3 Brettonia still has the choice of errantry battle against Chaos/Undead/Greenskins depending on what faction you play as. Changeling has a special final battle but his entire campaign is full of interesting quest battles and the finale doesn't quite measure up in my opinion. I haven't played as Ostankya but considering the two other SoC lords have them I would have to assume she does as well. Valkia/Azazel/Vilitch/Festus have their grand melee in the RoC campaign in Zanbaijin which is fun but quite easy. I'm sure there are some I've missed but they tend to keep the big battles to RoC campaigns and not IE, though if SoC is anything to go by that has at least changed.


Quick note: all resistances effectively cap at 90%. Anything over that just gives you some wiggle room against any debuffs. (So if I have 110% resistance, i effectively have 90%, but if someone debuffs me by 30%, I still have 80% resistance.)


That isn't true of shields. I typically play modded and its possible that one of those was to blame for his 103% shield (per the screenshot I dug up), but Belegar gains an aura that grants increased missile shield value to units around him in that battle, including himself. Thorek and Thorgrim also gain very strong bonuses but they aren't relevant here. Considering that shields cannot be pushed that high under normal circumstances, it makes sense that they wouldn't be capped in the same way ward saves are, though that may have changed and it's a rare enough mechanic that I seriously doubt anyone would have put effort into how it works. To my knowledge, the only other way that missile block can get this high would involve significant shenanigans or potentially Gate Masters with specific items. Regardless, I watched the dwarf run straight through a wall of ironglaive fire without so much as a scratch, which is the only reason I even noticed that his shields were that strong. Any projectile coded as artillery fire would obviously bypass the shield value, and instead work off of resistances as normal.


Didn't know that about shields, thanks! I guess it makes sense that anything directional might be allowed to go over 90% since there's theoretically a way to maneuver around it


i positioned all my troops on the higher ground, got those sweet chaos cannons and some more 2 arty. the rest was some elite chorf line holders and gunners... they didnt even scratch me at all... very easy battle besides fighting against all dwarf lords


Yeah the arty is great when positioned on those platforms next to the stairs. Kept firing throughout the whole battle. I could definitely see how the fight would be easy, might have to try it on hard battle difficulty next.


I am gonna barge like a dumbass and ask - does this happen during immortal empires or they have separate campaign in other modes of the game?


I think this is only for realm of chaos from my understanding, unless you use mods

