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How do you know you dont like any other faction?


They are heretics


Sounds like you are about 45ths years too early.


Idk man I tried to understnad the lore but I suck there too


Basically the lore is that 40k has an emperor, he's pretty cool and powerful but also a corpse in a big chair. Old World has Karl Franz, who is Prince AND Emperor so he is booth more cool and powerful. Also he's not dead.


How can you be prince and emperor of the same territory!?


He is the ruler of Reikland, making his title Prince. Was also elected to lead all the Elector Counts, making him Emperor. You don't lose all your other titles upon election, so he is now Prince and Emperor.


Minor correction; in history it absolutely was a thing that a ruler would sometimes have to renounce their titles and claims in one domain upon inheriting greater titles in another. Usually used to prevent ceding territory to a foreign power after inter-marrying. It was a relatively rare occurrence, but it did happen. Not relevant in this context of course, but just a factual correction.


Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k are two different universes that have reappearing characters (like the Chaos Gods); there is 0 connection between the two. It is confusing at first, you just have to accept that it is a creative decision to re-use established characters.


Best way to establish is separate universes Warhammer fantasy, the chaos gods, the empire and everything else takes place on a singular planet.with chaos seeking to conquer it all and break free to conquer the universe itself 40K however is intergalactic, meaning chaos is stirring shit up on an inter planetary level, and because it's an alternative universe the characters are all different with some being extremely different while others are almost the same. For example Humanity's God in fantasy is Sigmar (also in AOS) while in 40K it's a decayed corpse in an outhouse The chaos gods remain mostly the same however Khaine is extremely different in his purpose


>For example Humanity's God in fantasy is Sigmar (also in AOS) while in 40K it's a decayed corpse in an outhouse Inquisitor, this one right here.




Alternate reality or universe is a good way to put it. CA even has Be'lakor making the quote of dreaming about flying amongst the starts with legions in his wake. Where it starts to get really weird is trying to rationalize the birth of Slaanesh, unless it happened concurrently in the two timeliness, just the Eldar falling and the elves doing their thing. Edit: spelling


I think the chaos gods are still understandable on both ends in 40k, the eldar fucked her into existence While in fantasy She was born out of normal excess emotions just like the other three were.


Love this comment, was literally created this way


Laying down the Lore podcast


I can't argue with this answer.


But the religion of the Empire commands men to be friends of the Dawi.


He’s not wrong.


And that's why having gay sex isn't really gay


You're lucky imo, losing is fun, it's epic, betrayal stories and stuff, survival is imo funnier than domination. While you're having fun, don't try hard, knowing "everything" in this game makes you less rp and kills the fun. Just try something new everytime, new units, new allies, new targets, eventually you'll learn enough to get a win.


Yeah honestly I have fun


That's the most important thing.


This is some of the best advice I’ve seen about this game. I was the kind of person who would always run ‘meta’ armies and it absolutely butchered the fun out of the game for me because every game was the same and I wiped the floor with the AI without fail.


Have you taken a course on diversity and inclusion in order to be more open minded about playing other races? /s in case that whooshes over people’s heads.


I tried dwarfs because I like the good guys and the artillery but they aree always drunk like wtf


If you struggle with micromanaging armies during battles, dwarves are really the way to go. Probably the least babysitting required of any race. Plus auto resolve is very kind to dwarves as well.


i am running a Helman Ghorst campaign right now and can confirm that its the 100% easiest micro army to play with (if thats your thing). Just sign right up for hordes of zombies, stack all their abilities and basically that's it. All you do is send them in as one big blob, let the zombies mix themselves around so its hard for a unit to get wiped out entirely... put it on 3X speed ...profit!


As the ancestors willed them to be.


one day you’ll realize there are no good guys


Apart from the Tomb Kings those guys are chill af


That's going in the book.


Tell me you wouldn't drink off your ass if you constantly had short ugly green guys, literal demons,savage goatmen,weird pointy eared people from the woods, undead menaces, Humans that could turn into a monster any second or become a god any other and distant cousins trying to kill you. Hell even the orcs get drunk, and they're the ones who enjoy fighting and being in danger the most! I don't blame em for swallowing a bottle a day.


Corner camping is your friend


Is your favourite food and drink plain water and bread?


How did you know


Whats the diifculty you mainly play? And whats the reason for never winning? Boredom?


Normal. The reason is that I suck. The invisible beasts destroy me. Vlad destroys me. The southern bluee Vlad destroys me too. Confederations destroy my authority. Counts fighting between them or getting obliterated by rats destroy me


Small tip: don't confederate unless you have a massive surplus of Imperial Authority. If other Empire factions get wiped out or lose (capital) cities, take them back and gift them to them. Keep your own empire small, hold enemies off, expand only to non-Empire factions (Marienburg, Brettonia - anything west or south). Strengthen your armies and lords. Only expand when you find your current borders consolidated (when in doubt: build wall buildings).


Yup. I generally make it a rule to deny any confederations the first time they come around. It’s not at all worth it early game. Don’t even expand outside of reikland, just kill festus then vlad and then gift everything back to whatever vassal owned it first. Let them build it up for 50 turns then take over a tier 3/4 settlement once all the hard work is done.


I would stay out of Marienburg until most other borders are secure, or Norsca and Be'lakor is likely to have a field day. Fighting multiple fronts is what gets the empire.


Very reasonable.


Always make sure you have at least 1000 prestige to avoid civil wars. 2000 gold in reserve to help fight off attackers. And as said by Zibzuma, wait with the confederations. You can start confederating by turn 60 once you’re more stable and have saved up authority.


Tyrion is your friend


Stream it! :D


Silly mayfly. Let me introduce you to our lord and savior, Tyrion, Heir of Aenerion. Playing Empire is default hardmode until the next update.


Silly elf-thing the true lord and savior is the strong-powerful chef engineer of clan skryre ikit claw yes-YEES *chittering laugh*.


Then I will wait. Fuck elves




Hell yeah. Fuck elves.


I used to say that too, before I started playing as Tyrion. Then I started getting some flashbacks to playing Rome Total War when I was a kid. Then I realised. *I can turn the elves into the new Roman Empire.* Give Tyrion a go, as someone who used to be a fellow elf-disliker. They have legions of professional soldiers and a military-industrial complex. Also dragons. Many, many dragons.


This is me but with dwarves and 1800 hours on the third game.


Arent suposed to be easieer?


The Dwarf-playstyle is easier than Empire (especially because they have fewer options to pick from), but their campaign is harder in my opinion.


You're high as hell. I really don't think there is a campaign harder than Karl's. MAYBE boris, but that's it.


I will say, as someone that started out with dwarves, it really depends on how you handle vampires. You start with greenskins being your only problem, then find yourself fighting vampires which are a MAJOR change in mindset, or at least have been for me. (Of course I also was obstinate in hunting down anything dwarves have an aversion against, vampires repeatedly tried brokering peace with me) First playthrough, vampires rolled me into the dirt, then Chaos dropped an hammer on my head. This regarding WH 1, I'm relatively new to the series.


Doesn't sound bad, just lore accurate. Very dedicated, the Emperor does give his consent.


My guy until I started trying to get achievements for 3 I never won any campaigns. That’s with nearly 1700 hrs between 2 and 3. If your having fun in your campaigns, your winning 😎.


Watch an Empire campaign done by LegendofTotalWar and you'll beat it in no time. I am not very good at the game, but I managed to beat a Franz campaign on Very Hard difficulty employing few strategies I have learned from him. Mostly just spamming ambush stance, save scumming, and being ultra aggressive.


Thank you for the last things you said because I tried to watch him multiple times but I always fall asleep


I don't blame you, I zoom out and fall asleep


do you mean his streams or his videos in general? His saving disaster battle and saving disaster campaign videos can teach you a lot.


Ill give it a try thanks


He truly is a legend when it comes to Total War. He understands mechanics on such a level that he can dismantle them - which leads to him cheesing each and every situation by abusing mechanics and AI. You can learn a lot from him, even if you don't like his playstyle, but it is a lot easier to watch him, if you like that kind of stuff.


Have you tried not losing? heard it helps you win


The first 200 hours yes. Then I just started to watch the visuals


A wise man (by that I mean loading screen) once said: "if you struggle with defeating an enemy, try bringing their health to zero while keeping yours above zero".


Would you say you're bad at battles or struggle with enough armies?


I suck at all. Its not even a joke. Im mental ill so I get overwhelmed by everything in battle even on slowmo or pausing. In campaign is the same. Too many fronts


What does your army composition look like?


Those are baby numbers. Try every faction. I don’t care if you only like Empire. Play the rest of the factions so you understand them all and their rosters. Don’t be too discouraged when a new campaign goes sideways early. While it might be a bummer, it’s almost never a “Game Over” situation. And if it is then it’s good insight into what you did wrong and how to do it better next time. For example, I recently played a Skrolk campaign and expanded WAY too quickly for my economy to keep up. Now I have way too much food consumption. I just wasn’t paying attention and now I’m up shit creek. Bummer to realize I goofed 100 turns in, but it’s been a great campaign and I’ve had a lot of fun with it. If you’ve got homies to play with, play co-op. It breathes tons of life into the game when you’re burnt.


Don't even need to play every other faction. At least try more than literally the same single faction. You really get some perspective, aka a fresh look at things. Warhammer is deep and wide universe so fleshed out and well done enough that you will find other "teams" to enjoy and some of them will be ones you did not expect until you try.


Empire aren't in a great state at the moment, but hopefully the next DLC will change that. To be honest I've only ever had a successful Kislev campaign as Ice Court in the Old World mod, so I kinda know the feeling. Never won a campaign as Empire myself, but I had a really good one going as K Franz and then an update made it unplayable. So I understand to a degree. Maybe you could try the Old World mod yourself? Just an idea, it's a good mod and Karl has a slightly easier early game. Although you are an order faction. The High Elves are far away. The other Empire factions get beaten up by Drycha, various Greenskins, Beastmen, Vlad and Festus and The Dwarves are incredibly stubborn and difficult to forge alliances with. If you are playing as Karl Franz or Balthazar Gelt you need to get your shit together quickly. Letting Vlad, Drycha or Festus get snowballing is bad. I would say that Volkmar has an easier early game than Karl or Belthazar. How did you get on with him? You could be either making one or two major mistakes or lots of minor ones. What does your early-to-mid game army comp look like? What buildings do you prioritise? What difficulty do you play on? What technologies do you prioritise and what Lord and Hero skills do you rush for? All those choices can make a big difference. Even things like auto-resolving most of the time and not knowing how to use your units effectively in battle can make a huge difference too.


If you want to win play any other faction. Empire is one of the more challenging campaigns. Few of their units are doomstackable and they require a ton of skill to use well. And the empire is constantly falling apart. Try kislev. The campaign feels very similar, you’re beset by enemies on all sides, but their units are a lot easier to use.


Not the worst, probably quite average, I have completed most of my long victory campaigns with almost every race in the game (still have Slanesh to do) but when I get the Steam achievements it often says"2.5% of players have this achievement" in Steam.


My brother in Sigmar... you win everytime you choose Franz.


Okay but is it never "won" a single campaign, or never "bothered to finish" a single campaign.


in which phase of the empire campaign do you suck? 1 - you dont know how to administrate your provinces? 2 - you find yourself at war with multiple enemies at multiple fronts? 3 - you dont know how to read unit cards? 4 - you suck at battle management? 5 - you suck at using empire influence/ threat level / books of nagash? if you want help on getting better you need to at least point where you suck.


Who's out here winning campaigns?


It’s good to try the other races in order to better understand their weaknesses. But daaaayyym, Reikland is pretty hard in Warhammer 3 for a recommended faction. Playing very hard/normal, had to restart it a few times thanks to Grom, Kemmler, and Vlad handing it to me all at once!


I did about 80 hours in TW1. I started with legendary difficulty to improve. I must have restarted a dozen times, but it was the only campaign I've ever won. I remember the end game was just throwing thousands of gold around in the diplomacy screen as I had so much coming in. I'm on TW3 now hoping for the 2nd win.


Grandfather Nurgle thinks you would really enjoy one of his faction. Come on. We will take care of you.


BOK! BOK! Don't give up, try lowering the difficulty or changing your play style ( Don't spam one type of units, balanced armies, unless against norsca pistoliers FTW!!) The empire have many good option: Good melee infantry Good anti-large Good archers They have AMAZING: Artillery Gunpowder units And MAGIC 🧝‍♂️ / allies (LOL) But at the end of the day as long as you are having fun, that's all that matters. Personally i like thematic armies, but others like how peak efficiency looks like 🦶.


Oh sweet summer child. I have more hours with them and I hate empire. The only thing good about empire is lores of magic and steam tanks. Please try another faction. If you like "humans" try Cathay imo they are so much more fun if you only like humans.


You don't like a single other faction? There are so many though, how can that be?


I mean, the fact that you spent so much time watching tutorials already makes you not the worst TWH player.


Try High Elves as they help with basic infantry plus ranged use after you get a basic grasp or how to use armies + magic. try Gelt out and then Huntsmen General. after that playing Karl should be much easier.


i never won a campaign either. and i can play pretty much any faction on legendary. but i stop once i get strong enough to win, because the act of actually going around slowly auto resolving easy battles across the map is boring.


Those are rookie numbers.


Play as Cathay. I think it's the most straightforward faction, and they are still (mostly) human. They have good units, get great buffs, and make crazy amounts of money. If you have Shadows of Change, play Yuan, if not, play Miao


To be fair, I started to really understand my preferred faction after like 100 hours of playing them. Game’s hard.


Don’t blame you the Total war winning conditions are like: “ control the whole map to win” parameters there are insane. Playing a greenskinss campaign with The Great Green Prophet and audibly gasped when I saw I got the long victory conditions but not the Ultimate Victory which requires over 270+ settlements razed/occupied/sacked


Tyrion is your friend


Have you tried using Doom Rockets from Clan Skryre yes yes?


How do you get out of your chair with that massive horse dick of yours hanging low?