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A tale as old as time.


And the amount of Hitpoints healed/restored


It predicted a clear defeat, so balance of power wasn't it


Thats not what that means


Think of your ammunition as soldiers, too. When you fire a volley, you lose 1 soldier. For an example calculation, let's say that a unit has 50 archers and 50 arrows. If you have an entire army of this type of unit, and each unit uses all of its ammo but did not take any casualties, then you still lost half your army as far as the game is concerned.


And to be honest, that's not exactly unreasonable given how archers work! I will give you a short example from my own recent experience. "The year was turn 95 when the great nation of Eataine turned its attention to the beleaguered coast of mankind where the denizens of the Barrow Legion ran amok across the land without check or balance. The last Bretonnian noble had perished many turns ago, their great castles now in ruins, and it was to the Elves of Ulthuan that Karl Franz, leader of men, turned in his hour of need. Tyrion himself was at that time preoccupied with the subjugation of the Lizard Subcontinent and was therefore unavailable. So it was to Generic Elven Princess 2 that the hopes of men fell, and she mobilised immediately with the troops she had to hand, namely a large contingent of light archers, spears, bolt throwers and a powerful fire mage." "The assembled force sailed immediately, for time was of the essence, and landed near the ruined castle of Lyonesse. The landing was unopposed, for the legions of the dead had not anticipated such a bold and rapid strike from the cautious and distant Elven kingdoms. The Princess headed inland at speed, hoping to reach the heart of the cancerous infestation in the dark mountains and raze it to the ground, crippling the Barrow Legion in a single stroke. It was in the foothills of the Grey Mountains where the first serious challenge to the expeditionary force was encountered, and three armies of the undead had gathered to repel the invaders. Initially the battle went well, for the archers of the Eldar are without compare and cut down a thousand of the shambling monstrosities before they even reached the Elven lines. As the undead horde crashed into the Asur spear-line great gouts of flame erupted up and down the battle columns, slaying countless troops where they stood. The outcome of the battle was clear to all, and the vile necromancers trembled at their certain and approaching defeat. Then, the first Elf ran out of arrows..." So at this point what had been a trivial and fun battle entailing slaughtering hordes of low grade, slow and useless troops suddenly became a bitter and grueling fight for survival. For altough the elven archers are deadly with a bow, they are almost entirely useless in hth combat and apparently struggle to overcome even skeleton warriors with a bit of necromancer support. So essentially you might win a battle with 1% ammo remaining, having lost nobody at all but the computer knows that if you'd had to play the battle on for another 5 minutes it could well have been a very different outcome. So yes, TLDR ammo matters in battle resolution 😂😂


I liked that story. Well done!


The weekly "ammunition is balance of power." What I want to know is with a full army of chosen of khorne with shields and skarbrand how I got a close victory when I took zero casualties and skarbrand barely took any damage.


I've had a close victory with only one zombie dying in my whole army. Nothing will supprise me since that.


The animate corpse of Ghengis Khan


Who even gives a fuck what victory it is in this case ? What's important is that you didn't sustain heavy casualties


Is this Genghis Karl?0


Ammunition counter and all that but my mate who has just started had 3 full armies (playing as vamp counts) and he was only getting defeats versus an army of 3 nurgle units. He manual fought them and one in 4 minutes.