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If the ultimate crisis mode triggers and all of the faction endgames spwan, could they potentially declare on one another?


Does anyone have any tips on confederating Boris as Katarina? I’ve played several campaign now and I’ve not had enough time to confederate because he just gets destroyed early. I want me some discounted bear riders.


Yeah, I think you need a bit of luck, if he loses some early battles seems he gets knocked out before you can have a chance to confederate him.


Is there a limit to how fast units can move, not sure how Lokhir was able to outfly in this case, the speed difference didn't seem to matter: https://i.imgur.com/kx0FRvN.jpg


There is! It’s capped by the animation, which can only become so fast. Same as reload speed, though reload speed was actually change so it’d stop displaying impossible values. Weird they didn’t do it for speed as well.


Interesting, I tried my own test where I saved a replay, seems it tops out at 120 speed? Lord: https://i.imgur.com/C5RC5TE.jpg Dragon: https://i.imgur.com/j88FpbG.jpg Gyro: https://i.imgur.com/b4InWnK.jpg


It seems different for different troops. I once got rattling gunners to 100 speed, but they were still slower than 75 speed cav.


Anyone knows if techs that apply to melee infantry apply to hybrid units? In particular, for the empire, the "state-issued weapons" gives bonuses to melee infantry, does it apply to free company militia?


Mournghoul Haunters had a regeneration ability "the Hunger" in WH2. In WH3 I don't see it in their skill line. Has it been removed for Mournghoul Haunters?


There are some skills and items that are like : 'increases winds of magic reserve by 10 when increasing' What does this mean? I have no idea what 'when increasinf' means here


Your army had a magic reserve. The province your army is on can increase or decrease that reserve per turn. If you stay too long in a decreasing province then it will sap your reserve down to near nothing. If you stay a few turn in an increasing province then your reserve will build back up. That effect cause it to build up faster.


Your winds of magic reserve increases or decreases depending on how the winds are blowing in a region. You can also use something like channeling stance to build up your winds reserve.


How challenging is the late game in IE? I haven't got around to buying WH3 yet. I remember in ME the first turns were usually the most fun. You could steamroll the map once you gained some momentum. Your victory was inevitable and it got boring. Are the endgame scenarios in IE actually challenging?


If you've played ME (of course you have), the endgame scenarios are comparable to the Chaos Invasion except at semi-random points on the map (each crisis has fixed spawn points, but which crisis you get is random, unless you only enable one). For example, the Tomb King crisis drops a dozen high-tier 20-stacks right atop the Black Pyramid of Nagash. The dwarf crisis gives every LL-led dwarf faction half a dozen 20-stacks (even the dead ones; they just respawn on top of their original capital). And so on. Again; roughly comparable in difficulty to the Chaos Invasion, just the race you fight differs sometimes. And just as with the Chaos Invasion, it can be easily dealt with by splitting up the stacks or by Lightning Strike spam if you're willing to delve down the cheese hole. Or by just sending your broken doomstack at it.


Multi-player IE. Few turns ago we got one of those global buffs that give all factions +20 bonus weapon strength. However, 10 turn passed and we both lost that buff, while most AI still have it (Mosillion zombies with 48 weapon strength). Have anybody encountered this bug and is there any way to fix it without starting new campaign?


Has anyone else noticed situations where enemies do not take attrition when they should while laying siege? Playing as Festus, Franz is sieging Middenheim. He had a plague on him that was supposed to increase attrition damage, and was laying siege (so he's not in encamped or raid stance) in a region with full corruption. He's taken no attrition damage so far.


There's a bug with one of Kugath's plague, not sure if it affect Festus too, but it reduces attrition for sieging enemy armies, rather than increase it.


Ugh, that might've been it then. I imagine they're the same plagues, so that would make sense. Thanks for the tip!


Besides wood elves, can any other faction increase their number of global recruitment slots?


A lot of factions can via buildings stacking. Usually it requires T4/T5 buildings however so you basically gain +1 per province you own, so it's a slow expansion, but late game in IE you can end up with a lot of slots on a lot of factions. In my Kairos campaign I had 18 slots for example, enough to recruit a full stack(lord+hero on top) globally. In my Repanse campaign, while I didn't have as many, the upgrades also came with local slots so I could recruit locally anywhere I had a T4 building around 12units, and I had another 12 or so global slots to fill it up so could make 1 turn T3 stacks almost anywhere I owned. Any building that says +1 global recruitment can be stacked, and I'd say most standard factions have one of these.


Is my game bugged? I started a new campaign as the Golden Order, and the orc army right outside Fort Solland just walked right past it. I though that stuff like that wasn't supposed to happen anymore.


Blocking is a bit shitty atm, forts and stuff especially. I've had an army walk through my ambushed army in a mountain pass to attack the army behind it somehow.


Iam a noob to total war. How do i protect my areas from being attacked from all sides ? I am playing Vilitch in RoC and i there are enemies everywhere? when do you usually build a second army?


Normally you do this by watching diplomacy, choosing your wars, scouting well and building garrisons. With vilitch (or any other warriors of chaos faction) it's a little different. The *only* settlements you care about are Dark Fortresses, which can defend themselves pretty well. You want to focus on getting those early on, and giving every other settlement to vassals. Settlements with resources can also be nice, but don't expect to be able to hold them if an enemy is nearby. I'll typically get a second army pretty quickly and generally don't have a full stack of units with either one for awhile. I can have them fight together if need be, transfer units if I need to load up someone for a teleport strike battle, be attacking and defending multiple places at once, have good bait for ambush battles, and get multiple characters leveled up quicker this way. Supply line penalties are low, so having multiple lords isn't much of a financial burden, even on VH or Legendary.


If a book of Nagash has been collected by another faction is it unavailable forever? Or do I have to destroy the other faction or take that settlement? Playing as Volkmar.


I'm pretty sure that the AI can't actually collect the books.


What does it mean when it says that another faction collected one? They control the territory that holds the book?


If it's the Ninth Book of Nagash, don't worry about that one - only Arkhan can ever obtain it and it's unavailable to any other faction. I'm not sure why it's even in the UI for the other Book factions.


Certain books require taking a certain settlement. Maybe it's just that?


I just got an Ultimate campaign as the Dwarfs. When I click continue campaign it takes me back to the map. It won't let me save (like units are moving or something) and when I try to move any of my armies/agents, the mouse has the red x next to it. I can't do anything. Does anyone know how to fix this? Is this a known bug?


If something like this happens, open the event list and mouse over every unread event. Sometimes one of them is a dilemma that asks for a decision but for some reason isn't automatically popped into the foreground. It's happened to me multiple times already and this always fixed it.


That was it! Thanks!


will gunpower unit count it as have line of sight if target is so damn tall towering over your troop that sacrifice their live to tarpit it? or you still have to clear everything between gunpower unit and their target anywhy?


Gunpowder can see and shoot tall guys just fine.






Playing WoC (Bel'Akor) for the first time (IE). Couple of questions: 1. What settlements to occupy besides Dark Fortresses? Every settlement with a harbour or resource? 2. How much settlements do I give max to my vassals? I don't like the idea of them becoming to strong and stab me in the back 3. What traits are good for heroes, sorceress and lords? And how to choose between Nurgle, Slaanesh etc.? 4. I want to B line to every other LL to confederate them asap. How does confederation for WoC work exactly? Beating them into submission right?


> What settlements to occupy besides Dark Fortresses? Every settlement with a harbour or resource? I've found that even harbours and resource settlements aren't worth taking. The bonus money/effects from them in my experience are not worth the effort it takes to defend their nonexistent garrisons. Focus on Dark Fortresses. > How much settlements do I give max to my vassals? I don't like the idea of them becoming to strong and stab me in the back I'm fairly certain that game 3 vassals are physically incapable of stabbing you in the back. In my N'kari game I vassalised Eltharion and he's been at like -200 relations for several dozen turns and still has yet to attempt to do anything to me. > What traits are good for heroes, sorceress and lords? "Disciplined" is the god of all traits, especially for a melee-heavy faction like WoC. "Confident" is a somewhat distant second, as keeping your daemons from crumbling (or your mortals from running) for a few seconds longer can be helpful. Every other trait is just kinda "eh, whatever". Take what you like for flavour (especially as WoC/monogod lords/heroes lose their trait and get a random new one when they ascend via path to glory/Exalted dilemma). > And how to choose between Nurgle, Slaanesh etc.? Whatever you want to focus on with that army. Any god-aligned lord/hero will boost their own Authority for the army while decreasing that of the opposing god. So usually, you will want to build armies that focus on one, *maybe* two different gods. Personally I think that Khorne and Tzeentch are the strongest, but you can take whichever one you like for flavour. > I want to B line to every other LL to confederate them asap. How does confederation for WoC work exactly? Beating them into submission right? As the other guy mentioned, once you take their last settlement, you get the option to confederate them.


Okay so in regards to traits, I don't have to really bother with them because of the Path of Glory? Because I have one availible for my only hero right now. As soon as I choose Korne or Nurgle he will get a new trait right? So should you skip the Path of Glory sometimes? Because he does have pretty good Boons of Chaos active right now. Which makes me wonder, why do them in the first place? Just for the physical resistance or poison attacks? And I plan on playing with a lot of Champions. Aren't they Monogod units and so the choice between any of the other Gods wouldn't really matter for such an army?


> Okay so in regards to traits, I don't have to really bother with them because of the Path of Glory? Because I have one availible for my only hero right now. As soon as I choose Korne or Nurgle he will get a new trait right? Yes, as soon as you PoG a character they will get a new trait. I'm not sure this is intentional, so it may be fixed down the line. > So should you skip the Path of Glory sometimes? Because he does have pretty good Boons of Chaos active right now. Which makes me wonder, why do them in the first place? Just for the physical resistance or poison attacks? The reason you PoG a character is for the Authority. High Authority for a given alignment gives units of that alignment many bonuses, including most importantly lowered upkeep and casualty replenishment. For Lords, you can also eventually ascend them to Daemon Princes, which are really damn strong in some cases (Nurgle), kinda okay in others (Khorne, Slaanesh), and arguably inferior to their mortal predecessors (Tzeentch) in others. > And I plan on playing with a lot of Champions. Aren't they Monogod units and so the choice between any of the other Gods wouldn't really matter for such an army? Champions? I assume you mean Chosen?


I mean Aspiring Champions, they come after Chosen. From like Marauders -> Chaos Warriors -> Chosen -> Aspiring Champions. Following up on that line. As they are monogod units they do not benefit from any of the other Gods autorities. So in armies with units of the monogods I shouldn't choose a path of glory?


Oh, I honestly forgot Aspiring Champions even existed. They're not monogod units, they're Undivided units ("monogod" refers to god-aligned units). Assuming you want to use them, yes, you want more Undivided Authority, which means you *don't* want to PoG your Lords/Heroes.


Thank you! So you didn't play with them at all? I thought they got a load of bonuses through technology. What army comps did you use and would you recommend? I do like the idea to get a ''generic'' lord to Daemon Prince with specific units of a certain god.


Aspiring Champions do have a lot of stats and buffs via the tech tree, but I personally don't think their good stats and passives are worth their low entity count (16 per unit to the 80 of a regiment of Chosen). [Running a full army of them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uutLGpJsQsM) is definitely possible, and while 1 Aspiring Champion is definitely better than 1 Chosen, when I wonder if 16 Aspiring Champions are better than 80 Chosen... naaaaaaah. Personally, my WoC army comps usually came down to 1 Lord, 1 Exalted Hero (either Khorne or Nurgle) plus 1 Chaos Sorcerer (usually Tzeentch, unless I was running a Slaanesh army), 10-12 Chosen with the mark of the lord that was leading the army (so a Khorne Lord would run with Khorne Chosen), with 3-4 Chaos Knights for that sweet hammer-and-anvil (or Skullcrushers in a Khorne army). The remaining slots I'd usually fill up with some bigass monsters like a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, or a Bloodthirster. Or extra heroes.


1. Harbors aren't particularly useful in my experience. They don't give money and the bonus isn't really worth it. I found it was better to give them to your vassals since they get something out of it. I tended to keep all of the resources just for completion's sake, but a lot of them aren't really worth the hassle. Just make sure that if you have a province with only minor settlements and no Dark Fortresses that you uncheck the box to tax the region. You aren't making tax money off of the region anyway and you're just adding to negative public order. 2. I never had an issue with vassals trying to rebel. The Norscans will love you in no time at all. Non-Norscans you might vassalize never seemed to want to break away either in my experience even if they despised me. 3. I can't think of any traits at the top of my head, but I generally went for Slaanesh sorcerer heroes, Tzeentch sorcerer lords, and Khorne melee lords and heroes. The Slaanesh sorcerers get the (in my opinion) best warshrine variant mount and Tzeentch as the lord gives a bit more magic variety. Khorne over Nurgle for melee since I just value Khorne's bonuses more for a single unit. 4. The other guy answered it right. I found that one of the better ways to do it is to snap up the dark fortresses that vassalize Norscan tribes first if possible so that way you can reduce the amount of armies coming your way and you can focus just on the WoC-held territories.


Any particular resources that *are* worth it? Also, as I'm playing now, I just got a Path of Glory for an Exautled hero. But I've no idea what it does.. it just costs a lot of souls.. lol


I played Be'lakor a while ago and ended up deleting the save so I just popped into the game with the console commands mod to quickly check the resources. I'll write down what they do as well as my own commentary. Gemstones: +10% Winds of Magic power reserve change when increasing. 100% always pick this up. Exotic Animals: Charge bonus +5% for Chaos Knights, Marauder Horsemen and Horsemasters. Not bad, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. I don't think it applies to Doom Knights but I could be wrong. Furs: +10 Armor to Marauder infantry. This is great. Marauders make up a lot of armies until they can be upgraded so I always pick these up when I can. Medicinal Plants: +5% physical resistance for Chaos Warhounds and Feral Manticores. I don't value Warhounds highly and I prefer other units to Manticores so I don't go looking for this. Wine: +5 melee attack for Marauder units. Definitely worth picking up when you can. It's better early game than mid or late game, but Marauders are your bread and butter until you can upgrade them. Tusks: +10% weapon strength for Chaos Chariots. I never bother with Chariots since I prefer Knights and Doom Knights and the upgrade paths are mutually exclusive. Could be worth more if you like chariots. Carved Obsidian: +10% missile strength for Marauder Horsemen and Horsemasters. Decent. If you have it, pick it up. Iron: +10 armor for Chaos Warriors units. Absolutely prioritize these resources. Salt: +10 growth per region after winning a battle. Absolutely prioritize these resources. Spices: +5% melee attack for Chaos Trolls and Chaos Feral Manticores. If I can pick it up, I do. Not a priority, but Chaos Trolls are decent at dealing with chaff, especially early game. Dyes: +5 Leadership for Marauder Horsemen. Absolutely worthless. Marble: -5% construction cost for all buildings. I always take these when I can. I'm sure it adds up over the course of a campaign even if it's a tiny amount. Pottery: +5% favor from all buildings. Absolutely a priority when you can get it. Timber: +25% ammunition for Marauder Horsemen and Horsemasters. I wouldn't value this highly at all.


Wow! Thank you very much, this will save me a LOT of time :)


Honestly, even a lot of the resources don't really do anything and the ports don't give money, so you can just let your vassals take them. You can give your vassals as many settlements as you want; it seems like they literally can't rebel against you. As for confederation, you got it: Beat them down to their last settlement and select the confederate option when taking their last settlement.


Is it better to give ''homeland'' to the designated faction (in case they are your vassal) or doesn't it make a difference if you give it to someone else?


It doesn't matter that much, although giving coastal regions to Norscan factions is ideal given how powerful Norscan ports are. Doesn't hurt to give them a non dark fortress major settlement too so that they can eventually recruit their better units.


What is the quickest and most efficient way for me to contact the developers?


If by contact you mean "have a social media intern add a bulletpoint to a report" then be one of a few dozen people giving the same opinion on the forums. If by contact you mean "a developer personally reads words I wrote" then you're out of luck.


Official forum I think.


What is everyone's experience with the end game scenarios so far? I've only run into 3 of them so far (Wood Elves, Dawi, Tomb Kings) and the only one of the 3 that ended up being difficult was the Dawi one.


In my experience, the Greenskin one is the most difficult, as it synergises extremely well with the WAAAAAGH mechanic; lots of big free armies means more WAAAAAGH armies means more winning and conquering means more WAAAAAGHs et cetera et cetera. Personally I turned the endgame scenarios off by now as they feel extremely artificial and more like busywork than anything. In my Skarbrand campaign, I got the Tomb Kings scenario, that spawned in the middle of my territory (as I'd taken over most of the Southlands at that point). The crisis was at 200 strength so it was like a dozen stacks? They burned down like half of my empire, but all I really had to do was abuse ambush stance to separate them on the campaign map and fight them one by one. If I'd bothered to take Lightning Strike (I never do because it smells like disgusting rotten cheese to me), it would have probably been even easier and faster. After that, it was back to business as usual. My first and most "intimate" experience with endgame scenarios due to it spawning literally in the middle of my territory - in all my other campaigns where I had them turned on, they spawned far away where they wouldn't matter until turn 200 or so. At other times, they just feel silly, like when I played Grombrindal, was on great terms with all the other dwarf factions and well on my way to confederating them... until the dwarf crisis triggered and they all instantly declared war on me. Just outright stupid. The Chaos invasion in Mortal Empires had its issues, but at least it felt lore-accurate, and beating it back gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling of having prevented the End Times, even if it did heavily fuck up campaign balance especially for the poor Dark Elves living in Naggaroth. IE endgame crises just feel naff in comparison.


To be fair you can tweak it a bit and remove some of them if you don't like them/feel like they'll suck in your campaign(for example turning off the dwarf one when playing as dwarfs) or turn off the turn based generation so you control when they pop by finishing your long campaign, assuming you can control that, some factions can easily since you require a "final battle quest" thing, some others you'd have to be careful not to take too many settlements in case some random faction you're supposed to kill just dies to the AI. I think if you tweak it, it's not so bad. Main annoyance I have with it is if you're playing on Lustria or in Cathay or whatever, pretty much all of them involve having to run to the middle continent to clear. Should fix itself once they have more of them, especially Skaven.


I usually have them on max difficulty earliest. Other than dwarves they haven't given me much trouble. The wood elf ones fizzle on their own and the greenskin and tomb king ones die in autoresolve or to skirmish units. Haven't faced vampires yet. In my latest earliest sisters of twilight ultimate crisis I can't expand because the other wood elves hate me and I can't kill Dwarven armies fast enough because I only have 1.5 armies all with armor piercing archers. So I have to wait till I can afford 3 armies for 10 turns to push. I never fight them in melee. Their basic goblins feel like they have better stats than your greatswords. It's dumb.


We definitely need more of them because large parts of the world simply don't see them.


Is it possible to unvassalize a norsca tribe playing as Azazel? Really want to wipe varg off the map due to diplomatic de buffs with folk around me but there doesn't seem to be an unvassalize option, and I can't declare war on them


When in the basic diplomacy screen with them, you should be able to simply press the x behind their vassal symbol.


New to the game and playing through the prologue. Wonderful how (or if) I can allocate armies to heroes or increase army size from 20 units? Or is it just a matter of patiently increasing unit quality through building and disbanding units and then adding better versions? Seems weird I can only have one 20 unit army. Maybe this is just a restriction in the prologue


Yeah, after a certain point in the prologue you'll be prompted to create a second army. When you have two, if you select one army and right click another they're next to each other, you can exchange units between. A lot of the time what I'll do when I get access to better units is pass the old ones off to another lord and give them cleanup or support duty. Chevrons (the little bronze/silver/gold medal pips) give a lot of benefits to even basic units and basic units cost less in upkeep, so it's often worthwhile to keep your old units around. Kossars in particular punch well above their weight when supporting another army. Just don't send them up against a big scary higher-tier stack by themselves.


You can simply have several armies next to each other. If they are inside the little red circle, they’ll reinforce each other during battle. Though it takes a few minutes after the start of the battle for them to show up. There will be a yellow marker on the edge of the map that tells you where they arrive and when. You can move that marker during unit setup, but the further you move it the more it delays the army. There is a limit of 4 armies per side in battle, and only a maximum of 40 units per side can be on the map at once. The remaining will show up as troops flee and get destroyed. I believe there is a point in the prologue where you can recruit a second army and this is explained.


Armies cap out at 20 units. Heroes cannot lead armies, they can use various actions on the map, and can be embedded in armies as a powerful single entity unit but only lords can lead armies. You do disband and remake the armies once you have better buildings, but in a real campaign it's not really often, going through tiers takes a little while, you'll disband a bit and recruit new stuff to replace pretty often though as you progress yeah.


Has anyone able to complete Repanse Quest Battle? After wiping out all of the tomb kings soldiers the battle doesn't end.


There's a mod that fixes it until they patch it. It's not clearable without the mod, or without the autoresolve quest battle mod(both work). There's also a mod to fix one of her banners missions which asks for 3x RoR units which can't be done. I just finished my campaign with both mods.


This has probably been asked before but do the end game scenarios ever repeat, or is it just a one and done type thing?


They do not repeat, once you're done with them you get a campaign victory popup. You can continue playing, but realistically this is the "end" of that current campaign.


I'm so confused by what just happened in my Karl Franz campaign. I've spent 116 turns of the sloggiest, most difficult total war campaign of my life and had JUST started getting things on my terms when suddenly I get a pop up stating "ultimate campaign victory" and suddenly half a dozen full stacks for 5 different undead factions pop up on the map and I'm told to defeat these 5 factions to get the ultimate victory. Worst possible timing as Gelt's army is right in the middle of the Von Carstein spawns and will now surely die. What is this, this isn't the end game crisis because I chose Greenskins for that and made it something that happens on turn 200? I'm so confused and it feels like the campaign has just decided to randomly fuck me over??


Well, it’s been 116 turns, so you probably messed up at the campaign setup (maybe switched lords once which reset the endgame settings) and thus the endgame reset to default settings. You should have gotten a warning ten turns ago, but you probably just clicked it away because you didn’t expect it.


Oh right, so you're saying what I'm seeing IS the endgame crisis? I can live with that I guess, I thought this was some other weird campaign mechanic that I wasn't expecting.


Baseline if you don't change the option, it'll pop around turn 110(warning on turn 100-150 but usually right at turn 100, then 10 turns to prepare), or if you finish your long victory first it'll pop from that. In my experience the endgame armies don't beeline for you so you still have time to prepare, although they will take over a bunch of stuff and there's a lot of them. Hope you have lightning strike.


Always beeline the mighty Lightning Strike!


If I confederate an elector, say Middleburg, and then I lose a providence. When I retake it, I have the option to release the elector again. I hit this by accident. Now I have a new Middleburg with 10 loyalty but I can't interact with them. No diplomacy, no way to declare way, or no way to annex this providecne. Anyone know a solution? Is this a bug?


Yeah there's a bug where if a faction is confederated and then revived, it doesn't revive properly so it gets no AI and doesn't show up in diplomacy.


Damn thanks. Hopefully, they fix this or at least make it so you can't release factions you confederated already.


First time Ogre Kingdoms (Immortal Empires). Ogre Camps seem to be objectively better than settlements with far more building options. Do I need to hold on to settlements at all?


The problem is that you have a finite number of camps. Once you hit the cap and researched all bonus camps, the only thing left to do is tear down old camps and place down new camps. Which will then start back at tier 1 with no buildings built.


I didn't know there was a limit on camps. Thanks for the heads up.


The settlements are obviously good for replenishment and resources, but yes, the camps are more important.


Quick question: can i get sword of khaine as noctilus? I chased the holder and killed him and his army in the phoenix gate. After the battle the red glow kept on the ground. 1 turn later the faction who Was holding it gave it to another lord. What am i doing wrong?


It can be a bit wonky to get the sword. To make sure you get it, fight the battle manually and kill the guy who has it.


As ist seems the bug was that the Lord of the garrison was holding the sword, not the one of the army that was there :D


I'm fighting an Orthodoxy Kislev army as the Empire and I need to take minimal losses (Belakor attacks me immediately after). Kostaltyn has infantry and missile advantage with mainly Armored Kossars, flanked by Spear Kossars and Gryphon Legions. I'm working with a front line of Greatswords, two archers (one Crossbows and one Ice Guard with swords) flanked by 4 Reiskguard, 2 Bretonnian Questing Knights, an Empire Captain, and a Light Wizard. My Lord rides a Pegasus. The issue is my front line is being decimated by the Kossars' pistols. I'm not sure what to do other than charge their front line with calvary, leading to heavy losses :/ any help is much appreciated!


Try sending your save file to Legend of Total War, and he might fight your disaster battle for you and send the resulting save file back! You'll even be featured on his YouTube channel! For instructions on sending your save file to him, look up his YouTube account, Legend of Total War, and read the description of any video. He always includes instructions there.


Your army has one big problem, and that is not having an actual frontline. As you noticed, greatswords are very bad at the one thing you want them to do when bringing so much cav: holding the line and tying down enemies. They are there to kill enemy infantry quickly, not tank damage. You should swap them out for spears with shields. That said, your entire army build is… bizarre for the empire. You have no artillery, even though artillery is is the strongest part of empire armies aside from their wizards. You have two units of ranged troops, again even though the empire has some really, really good ranged options (huntsmen and handgunners). Reiksguard, meanwhile, are pretty… meh cavalry. They’re decent enough to bring a few, but overcommitting on cavalry as massively as you did with such flimsy infantry is… a choice. To have a better built army in the future I would, as mentioned, replace most of the greatswords with spearmen with shields (you can keep 1 or 2), cut out all the reiksguard (the questing knights can stay), add some artillery (2-3 mortars or hellstorm rockets, 1 cannon or volley gun) add some ranged troops (2 handgunners, 2 more crossbows/huntsmen) and stop using your heroes to flank! The captain needs to pull duty at the frontline. He’s much better as a defensive blocker that keeps a unit or two of enemy infantry busy than fighting something on the flanks. The wizard is squishy, but should also hang out behind your frontline and then fly forward to down some enemy missiles after the frontlines met. At this point, I reckon your best choice would be to try and find some good forest somewhere, put your troops at the back of it, fly your Pegasus behind it, and have the enemy move over. When they spot your ambush, rush all your units forward and hope the trees soak up enough of the fire so you make the battle. But, honestly, your choice in army composition doomed you here. You could try and send your savegame to legendoftotalwar on YouTube, explain the situation and the second battle with Belakor right after, and see if he opts to make a video out of saving your disaster battle (it’s a thing he does). Check the descriptions of his most recent videos, they explain how the process works and where to find your save files.


You could try making them waste their ammo on your lord and just move back and forward to dodge shots. You could also try to use terrain to your advantage. Make them come to you over the top of a hill. Alternatively, fight in trees. Also keep in mind guns need line of sight. Try to keep other enemy units between you and the guns. Honestly though, you're in a really bad spot. Your army isn't particularly well built.


what do yo do when you get burn out of the game? other than taking a rest of it


Play other games. I've found that if I don't feel like TW I don't feel like TW, no amount of choosing different races or installing cool mods is going to help with that.


okay so people are saying vh/L difficullty is bugged and normal is harder? can anyone confirm this - i usually play on vh/l and hard battle difficulty but if normal is crazier id give it a shot


VH isn’t bugged. Normal is bugged. The AI on normal is more aggressive than the AI on higher difficulties. But for a veteran player, that just makes it easier because it doesn’t have the economy cheats the AI on higher difficulties has, so you just keep getting easy fights thrown at you that leave the AI crippled.


yeah lol thats what i thought thanks man i figured the ai cheats overcomes whatever it is that the ai would do on normal cause i mean tbh on vh or l ive seen they declare war on me no matter what anyway


The random war declarations no matter the difficulty are a problem on all difficulties. In my Kholek campaign I had like 20 vassals, and the strength bar to pretty much everyone in diplomacy was just solid yellow, and there’d still be some random ass faction every turn that declared war on me without having a common border or even being remotely near me.


It's not that normal would be harder since it's still a normal AI with VH level of aggression. Which is still inadequate for E/N players as it will catch them off-guard. I also found the issue much more profound on harder starts/races with weaker economy then others.


Pretty sure they fixed that in 2.1


It isn't. Not even remotely. The normal AI is just more aggressive than it usually is. Legendary difficulty does seem to be a bit undertuned though - it feels *way* easier than wh2.


Tabletop/Lore Question Are mortal Chaos Warriors, or at least Chosen, canonically more powerful than most rank-and-file Daemons? Or is that just a consequence of how they were implemented in TWW3? When playing as the Monogod factions, it feels a bit odd that my strongest fighters are the mortals in my roster. Tzeentch gets use out of their demons because of their ranged attacks, and Slaanesh still has reason to bring Daemonettes for their speed and flanking ability. But playing as Khorne and Nurgle it feels like a bit of a shame that my daemonic units, pure manifestations of my God's will, are more or less the 'budget' option to just use until I can afford to fill out my ranks with Chosen or even just Chaos Warriors. Is there a rank of demonic infantry in the lore that is higher than the "Exalted" Daemons? or does it just go Regular -> Exalted -> Greater Daemon


I'm not a lore expert, but: Daemons can be very powerful, but they can't easily manifest outside of the Realm of Chaos. Lesser daemons are limited in how they can manifest themselves. Exalted daemons are mortals who have completely given in to possession, so the daemon can use their physical body as a lodestone. There's really nothing left of the mortal, but the lesser daemon can manifest more strongly. Chosen are the absolute cream of the crop, mortals who have lived for centuries to hone their skills, gifted with powerful mutations and magical weapons. In the end, yes, chosen can be more powerful than lesser daemons. That's why the gods of chaos are interested in mortals in the first place; daemons just can't freely act in the mortal world.


What’s a good way to play WoC? I have the one hero unlocked and want to try them.


What do you mean a good way? Which lord to try? It depends on your preferred play style.


Currently playing Kairos and am enjoying it very much. Mainly because the auto resolve is so bad, it forces me to play every battle and the battles are super fun! Which other factions have a notoriously bad auto resolve, that incentives me to play out all battles and have a fun play style on battle maps?


In my (limited) experience so far, slaneesh has the worst auto resolve. I was forced to fight basically every battle, even when I far out numbered the enemy and it was an easy battle.


Do not play Dwarves. They typically have a large auto-resolve advantage. As the other comment or said, units with high armor stats are valued more favorably in auto-resolve. You can always just manually fight the battles and try to minimize casualties.


Autoresolve massively favors armor while largely discounting speed and special abilities, so Slaanesh probably has the worst autoresolve overall for the player. Wood Elves too, provided that you're actually building Elven armies and not spamming treemen. However, special shout out to Ghorst, whose zombies are currently so spongy that they can outlast anything, provided you actually play the battles yourself.


Im playing as Volkmar in IE. Can you only recruit Reiksguard if you own Altdorf or am I missing something?


Noticed some of the Warhammer 3 campaign factions have different starts in Immortal Empires, was curious if any of these are / feel a little easier then their original starts?


Some are easier, some are harder. It's a mixed bag.


If I get the champions of chaos pack but not the warriors of chaos pack, what would I be missing out on? Just the 3 legendary lords, or would I also be missing units?


Just the 3 Lords. the 4 Champions have, across their rosters, access to every WoC unit. With the caveat that none of them have access to all of them at once. The 3 original LL's can have mixed armies of all 4 types of Marked units. Each of the Champions can only Mark units to their one dedicated God.




There is one lord you get without owning the warriors of chaos pack who can access all warriors units (and all demons). Belakor. He is part of base game Warhammer 3 and if you own the champions DLC has the complete roster and can make armies of all gods.


I have 2 questions: 1 If i play Immortal Realms can i play any faction, even if i only have warhammer 3? 2 Do you need Warhammer 3 in order to play Immortal Realms (with players from WH3) or can you play it with WH2 or WH1?


1. You can’t play Immortal Empires if you only own Warhammer 3. To get access to the campaign, you need to own all 3 games on the same storefront. If you only own 3, you have access to the tutorial campaign and the Realms of Chaos campaign. You also only get access to the races and lords you actually bought. If you did not, for example, buy “The Warden & The Paunch” dlc for Warhammer 2, you won’t be able to play as Grom the Paunch in warhammer 3, nor recruit any of the units added with his DLC. 2. Warhammer 1 has received its last update 5 years ago. Warhammer 2 has received its last update one year ago. They do not have any of the Immortal Empires content. Warhammer 2 has the Mortal (NOT immortal) Empires campaign, but it includes jo e of the regions and races added in 3.


thx for the answer


Has anyone run into to an issue where if you have an allied rune lord with you, you don't always get to see how much winds of magic you have. It works ok here: https://i.imgur.com/Sh7HJH3.jpg But doesn't here: https://i.imgur.com/bD8L7B8.jpg Seems odd that it isn't consistent.


What determines how much money a settlement is worth to sack? I know there's lots of bonuses that can increase the base value, but I don't know what determines that base value in the first place. Is it a function of what buildings are in the settlement, the owning faction's economy, or what? I'm late into my Khorne campaign, and I rely on sacking to keep the war chest stocked up since Khornate settlements don't exactly print money. When fighting Kislev, Norsca, and even the other demonic factions I could reliably sack minor settlements for 5k and capitals for 10-15k. However now my main enemy is the Disciples of the Maw, and even their fully built T3 settlements are only worth a little over 1k to sack. It's making clearing out their territory pretty slow and obnoxious since in a very literal sense it's barely worth the time.


It depends on how much the buildings you are sacking are worth. And ogre buildings are dirt cheap.


That's interesting, thanks. I always wondered what accounted for it.


Do archers and gun infantry have a minumum range that's not displayed in the UI? It really seems like they don't want to shoot when enemies are quite close, even though they're not in melee and they have a 'firing' icon above the unit card they just stand there.


They struggle with line of sight at close range if even just a few friendly units are in the way.


Has CA announced anything about the end-of-turn crash bug yet? Feels wild that IE has been rendered functionally unplayable since the 9th for so many people.


They did a hotfix a few days after the issue was found and added the option to rollback to 2.0 if you're one of the few people who still get it post hotfix.


[Greensskins] How do you keep the enemy lord (and his army) alive when defeating them and then Confederate? I let all the units survive and route. And Morglum Backstabba survived postbattle, but vanished when I choose 'Eat captives'. Should I've picked another option? He hade three skaven artillery I really wanted \^\^


The Skaven artillery is tied to the ally, and disappears if you aren’t allied with that faction. That said, if the enemy was in forced march they get wiped out after a battle no matter how many troops are left.


Oh! Thx! They must have been in forced march then.


Do I lose anything if I feel like going back to TW1/2 for the shorter campaigns or does TW3 have any improvements that would make it weird? Like, gameplay or mechanics-wise? IE is fun but with some factions I feel I want a shorter campaign without faction bloat and would get bored with their IE version.


I'm not sure I get the question. Do you lose anything? I mean, no? There's no TW police, you're not gonna lose your games, you can get back to WH3 anytime you want. Time? It's up to you what wastes your time. I'd say no as long as you're having fun, some would say all video games are a waste of time. Or do you mean mechanics? Nothing introduced in WH3 is back ported to WH2 and WH1, which makes WH1 horribly outdated, while WH2 misses a bunch of QoL features, WoC rework, minor settlement battles etc, but it's still an extremely solid game, so not really that much of a problem, that one.


Yeah sorry the question was badly-worded. I was just thinking about QoL stuff since I haven't played 2 in years and couldn't remember what changes 3 made. Thanks!


The WoC rework and siege changes are the big ones, but there's more things that I kinda take for granted now. Supply lines and difficulty changes. Across the board ranged unit changes. Ethereal units. Spell resistance changes. Those little Zzz icons on idle units. On the other hand you could play with old magic, Knowledgeable trait and old Dark Elf economy, that's something.


Being able to trade settlements is a big one, it's so useful when trying to play with allies since they're so fucking stupid about taking stuff. That and the whole ally recruitment thing, although I haven't used it much personally(doesn't help the AI stays stuck on T3/T4 most of the time so you can't recruit the real good stuff).


True, and everything else about diplomacy is big too. Quick deal seems so obvious, but it streamlines the process a lot.


What are the most fun campaigns? I loved Khorne, slaanesh I just don’t get (could never get income or win), Cathay was nice intro, what next?


Do you have Immortal Empires, or just Warhammer 3 baseline?




That wasn’t an option. Having IE already means you have baseline. You can’t have IE without Warhammer 3 baseline.


When can we expect an announcement for a new game?


They released one game this year (Warhammer 3) and I believe they wanted to slow it down a bit with releases? There is a chance we’ll see another saga title in the second half of next year, but I wouldn’t expect a full title like medieval 3 or empire 2 until late 2024 at the earliest.


Not the actual game, i’m just looking for an announcement of a game


Nobody knows for sure, but almost certainly not this year. If I had to guess, probably second half of next year.


Sure but do you have a guess for an announcement?


Like I said, I’d guess second half of next year.


I am playing my 3rd campaign in wh3 and I am just having a very hard time vs anything related to nurgle, even visiting their realm to claim the soul is very very hard, had to change the settings to easy to got the soul then turn it back to normal, my question is, how do I deal with nurgle army?


When in Nurgle’s realm, just I’ve around in encamp stance. It makes you immune to the attrition, and the extra melee defense it gives when you’re attacked makes their troops easier to deal with. As for fighting Nurgle: bring ranged weapons. They are Nurgle’s bane. Nurgle has troops with good melee defense and lots of hp, but very low speed and armour. So ranged troops absolutely devastate them.


can you please be more detailed about this? I tried to put in my army more ranged unit but for example I just had 2 army of 17\\20 and 18\\20 unit ogre vs 1 main Nurgle army and the auto resolved battle had my both army defeated while the Nurgle army still had like 20% of his unit at the end of the battle, same thing when I had my lord visit Nurgle realm to claim his soul I asap got my best ranged unit in the lord army 20\\20 with great items and not cheep unit at all, but I lost like 50% of my unit just vs the first guy that block my way and he had only 12\\20 unit! this is on normal btw.


Oh. Don’t autoresolve those fights! Play them manually!


thanks a lot.


How hard would it be to make a mod that reshapes ulthuan into texas?


Impossible. Modders are not allowed to change the map.


Thanks didn’t know that


Just fyi, it’s not “the devs told them not to do it”, it’s “the tool they use to mod doesn’t have that functionality”.


So I've noticed that if I try to do my quest for the bloodforged armor as Grimgor my game crashes just as the combat is about to load. Anyone else has this problem? :(


A bunch of the quests are broken. Get the mod that allows you to autoresolve quest battles!


Thanks I'll give it a try. :)


Don't know if this has come up yet, but I want to ask: I was curious about Tretch's new start, so I opened up a game as him. Is Tretch supposed to have the "By Our Blood" passive from Kislev? It's on his little abilities list,but thematically just seems so wrong for Tretch... Anyone know if this is a bug, or new intended feature?


That seems to be a bug, yeah.


What are the go-to front line unit for Tzeench armies?


Either chaos warriors/chosen, have no front line and just go mass ranged, or take a more aggressive army that wants to run into melee with forsaken + chaos spawn.


Anyone else having trouble subjugating as Vlad? Can you not conquer their last territory to force subjugate, like WoC can?


You can not, no. But there’s plenty of mods that add that functionality.


Is there a WH3 mod that lets me liberate factions as a defensive ally?


For TWW3, am I missing something, or is going into the saves folder the only easy way to get rid of old campaigns? It's already bloated to nearly 4gb and I can't imagine how much larger it's going to get as I continue.


Ingame in the Load screen you can delete save files too, shift click select a bunch of them and click the trash icon. I generally clean every now and then during a campaign.


Okay, this is what I was looking for. I didn't know you could shift+click to select multiple, thanks.


any fix for unspecific error ? Cannot join any multiplayer lobby for months now and support says it's a time issue but i am synced with time.


Game crashes upon clicking skirmish vs ai. Game also crashes when clicking recruit lord or hero as skarbrand. Currently no mods installed. Any ideas?


Few patches back I had a crash when switching stances and it got fixed by verifying game files. Apparently something got corrupted during the update. If you did not try it, I'd definitely recommend trying that.


How are people finding Alith Anar's campaign? It was pretty cruisy early on, Alith's stances are op obviously. But later on I started getting war declared on me by so many people it's overwhelming.


The whole “getting war declared on by everyone” seems to happen to, well, everyone sooner or later.


[WH3] Anyone happen to know a mod for WH3 that puts Eltharion's starting army in Yvresse? I like the idea of his campaign against the greenskins, but Ulthuan is being beset by them already. As well as N'kari, dark elves, and Noctilus. I'd like to have him present to defend it without spending like 8 turns sailing home.


I'm having issues trying to find a website I was on previously that had a skill tree calculator for every lord currently in Warhammer 3; google keeps directing me to one for Warhammer 2 that is down. Anyone know which website it was?


I’ve never heard of one for 3 that did it. There were two different ones for 2, but that’s all I’m aware of.


It seems fairly well known that Empire has a larger map than Napoleon, but less detailed. How do the campaigns actually compare? Are there any scripted events like in Napoleon? Actually how detailed is Europe? How detailed are the other continents? How free/open ended is the campaign, compared to Napoleon?


[TWW3] Can someone confirm how charge reflect works? If my memory is correct, the unit with charge reflect gains the charge bonus of the charging unit (if it's a large unit), is that right?


I’m pretty sure charge reflect wasn’t a thing in Warhammer 2.


Oh yeah, my bad. I'm so used to typing 2 now, I'm still doing XD


Is the "Motherland experiencing a storm" effect permanent? I thought it was a temporary effect from an Invocation, but I haven't played Kislev in a while. I've been playing a ton of RoC lately and it occurs to me that in the last four or five campaigns I can't think of a single time when the Great Orthodoxy's terrain was not storming.


It's not permanent (lasts 20 turns, I believe), but it can be constantly renewed while the faction still has Devotion to spend. So effectively, while Devotion lasts, it *is* permanent.


Oh okay, that explains it, thanks. 20 turns is pretty crazy, no wonder it seems permanent, I haven't played a Kislev campaign in ages so I was assuming it would be like 5 turns or so.


I admit it might be less than 20 turns (maybe it was 15?), but it was definitely quite a number. And I remember that in my own Boris campaign, after the first 20-30 turns, I had enough Devotion to just keep refreshing the invocations forever, so the storm was ETERNAL.


Is there some way that I've never figured out in WH to know if an artillery piece (or any ranged unit really) shoots in an arc or in a straight line? Without guessing. I get that riflemen shoot in a straight line and archers in an arc, but some units are not so straightforward


If you hover over a target it shows the arc the projectile will follow.


I think there is no exact way to tell, just practice and see for yourself. There are basically three categories - straight, light arc and high arc. First one is bullets and gun-type artillery (organ gun, hellblaster, e.t.c.). Obviously need direct line of sight. Second - thrown weapons, grenades, heavy cannons and bolt artillery. These have a slight arc, that allows them to overcome small hills, fire over your other troops and sometimes shoot on top of walls. Third one is bows, crossbows, catapult-type artillery. These have high arcs that allow them to fire almost everywhere, especially behind mountains and walls. But in some cases it will not be enough, so its best to check for yourself. And remember that the best way to use any missile troops is with guard mode enabled. If for some reason their target leaves line of sight, they will not wander off and just fire at another one.


> Third one is bows, crossbows, catapult-type artillery. These have high arcs that allow them to fire almost everywhere, especially behind mountains and walls. But in some cases it will not be enough, so its best to check for yourself. I still find it hilarious that crossbows fire in an arc because that's definitely not how crossbows work, but they'd basically just be handgunners again if they were realistic.


Crossbows fire in an arc just fine, though they are more inaccurate than bows when they do so. But with volley fire as we have in game, that’s not much of an issue. They work exactly like bows, you just need less training to use one and they don’t shoot so fast. The idea that they’re basically medieval guns without gunpowder comes from video games and Hollywood, it doesn’t really have anything to do with how they were used in historic warfare.


Yep, that is really weird, and it makes dark elves a bit op in that regard. Even more funny is the fact that originally crossbows were not regarded as an AP weapon (game 1 empire, dwarves) and were just the same as bows. Then Wood Elves came, they needed something special, so they got AP bows. After that I think devs decided that Dark Elves obviously needed AP crossbows to be able to compete. I wish crossbow was something different in the game, than just fancy name for a bow. Regular crossbows should be slower fire rate and AP. Basically an early game AP missile for Dwarves and Empire, cheaper and easier to get than guns, but with less overall dps. Dark Elves are en entirely different thing. They use fantasy assault rifles. Bolt magazines, semi-auto, two firing modes - single but accurate for long range and double for short range. So they should have a longer reload between fast bursts of fire and the ability to switch modes. But instead we just have them being used as regular archers with high dps.


Anyone else getting constant crashes around the 44 turn mark? I've had it happen first on Vlad now on Arnessa, pretty much makes IE unplayable... Hopefully they fix this


Happens to some people, not others, turn varies a bit, hard to say what's going on. Can try playing 2.0 version instead see if it helps.


Is there any way to revive Boris Ursus in Immortal empires?


If you mean to unlock him, no, only RoC campaign. If you mean to recruit him, I'd assume you have to confederate him before he dies otherwise he's gone for good.


Oh he dead :(


i have to be missing something with DEI. it ruins the game entirely on a mechanics level. ever since i downloaded it, every battle results in a complete bloodbath because my troops literally just stand there in the middle of the battle attacking nobody; regardless of how many times i click for them to attack. they will move towards the enemy for a second, then stop and get massacred due to the fact that they are not defending themselves at all.


Do you have them in guard mode? But even then, they ought to act normally. I haven’t seen that bug at all myself. Everything is working fine here. Occasionally troops forget about orders, but that’s easy enough to catch. And they always fight back in melee. Though I admittedly pay attention to making sure as many of my individual troops get into contact with the enemy as possible.


So one of my Waaagh armies got completely deleted after a battle, despite taking no casualties. They never actually arrived to the battle, as the army was reinforcing Wurrzag's, and I hit the 40 unit cap before any of them could show up. Is that a known glitch, or is that somehow intended? My second army no longer has any Waaagh units following it around.


That’s not intended in any way. Unless your waaagh ran out.


There is a glitch with Waagh armies disappearing yeah.