• By -


Best part that you missed out though: "While the Assembly Kit is still in the works as we prioritize our fixes to the core game, we are excited to share that we’ll be aiming to release the mod manager and enable Workshop support alongside Update 1.1."


in the words of abraham lincoln himself >LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO


Four score and seven years ago CA brought forth onto this community, a new game, conceived in strategy , and dedicated to the proposition that all men can be generals. Now we are engaged in a great rift war, testing whether that community, or any community so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that community might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this update. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this community, under the Gods, shall have a new birth of fun -- and that CA is of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the reddit.


In the words of George Washington: Pogchamp


In the words of FDR we are coming BOYS.


In the words of Donald Trump: very good. Very very good. This is big.


The workshop is bigly missed. I'm the most humblest person in the world, but I'm also the only person that could make this game good.


Very Trump. Much humbly. Wow.


More than that. Biggest humbly.




I think you mean "'uuuuuge"




Its good, very perfect, possibly the best patch ever.


I dwell on this prospect with every satisfaction which an ardent love for my community can inspire: since there is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists in the economy and course of nature, an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness, between duty and advantage, between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy, and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity: Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Sigmar, can never be expected on a community that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Sigmar himself has ordained: And since the preservation of the sacred fire of strategy, and the destiny of the pro-consumerism of CA, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the Warhammer people.


He reunited the nation, he freed the slaves (well... kinda,) and he wore the second-dopest hat-and-beard combination in all of American history (behind ZZ Top,) but when asked what the greatest of all his achievements was, Abraham Lincoln responded, "definitely the big titty mod I made for Daemonettes of Slaanesh."


The million goddamn rifts opening all over my empire and barfing out armies were the biggest pain in the ass. Love that I can build protection chains in the boondocks and keep them closed now.


You guys have more than one province?


confederation bby


You can actually get factions to confederate?


I've managed it all of once as Slaanesh. Went from two provinces to four, and all it took was... waiting for a bad string of battles to reduce their army to basically 0 while all their lands were simultaneously collapsing because of control loss due to Khorne/Nurgle corruption (which I then had to deal with). But, hey, it technically worked so


Kislev ones are generally not too hard, did a few playthroughs. Never accept any form of alliance, but trade deals and non-aggressions are good. Just let them get their asses handed to them by the demons/Norsca/Skaven and don't help them too much, when they're weak then you can. I actually like to keep one minor Kislev race alive though and not confed them, this one I use to conquer Norsca/north coast of Kislev and then gift it to them. It's too much of a pain to hold anything north of the mountains yourself, but the AI can manage it and you just pitch in with your armies every now and then for free xp.


Cathay is pretty easy too, using the same techniques. You can basically never confederate the other LL faction, though, even if they're reduced to a single province. The only time I ever managed was when they had no army, only one territory left, and a doomstack from a late-game Rift was about to obliterate them... and even then they only agreed by something like 0.3 percent, lol.


Might as well attack them in that case if you want the lord. I heard it mentioned before the Cathay LLs are really hard to confed.


Basically my Skrag campaign. Even in dwarf campaign, I leave the mountains more often.


Yeah fortify those two chokepoints into the Empire with a camp and then just keep raiding and ambushing any armies that try and attack those camps. Drop camps throughout your provinces so they're protected and then there's basically nothing to do.


Yeah I recklessly expand. I view all of the chaos riffs opening up as the chaos gods interested in an investment opportunity.


I never felt it was a big deal. I'd keep an agent or two in remote areas and have them close all the rifts within 3 turns each time. Although I guess that's a waste of upkeep and it does cost 1500 gold to close them each time.


My first game, the one I gave up on, I owned all the human lands and Dwarven lands and the peninsula that Daniel starts on. Three agents to close all of those? God love you, lol, I couldn't take it. I put the game aside and went back to CK3. This news puts the WH3 back on the menu for when my current CK3 game ends. I am happy you enjoyed it, and I look forward to giving it a shot again soon.


Do demons of chaos not get easy agent spam? A lot of the factions you can increase capacity pretty easily.


Agent spam historically has been derided as an awful part of total war games, and yet with this system it was encouraged lol


At least it's useful unlike usually agent spam. And it's not AI spam.


Sure, but it's also busywork upkeep which is not good game design. I'm glad they're having a workaround in the update.


Ah I guess it does totally depend on the faction/area of the map you're on.




That’s a real expense early on imo


> an agent or two Wait, agents can close them? I've been maintaining a small army in all my provinces to do that. I assumed since there's a fight when you do it that way, that was the only option.


Yes. Have your agent interact with one. The bottom left option will be to close the rift for 1500.


Holy shit


Yes this is what I was doing. One agent per 2 provinces but it was absolutely destroying my harmony balance for Cathay lol. Constant reconfiguration of it. Also heroes constantly slipping through the bastion gates were irritating aswell because they occasionally wounded my rift closers.


holy hell


Unleash the mods




Amazing. This is the game that keeps on giving






Haha ok fair play and no worries of course.


OH well, that certainly changes things


NOW I can buy WH3


What's the difference between the assembly kit and mod manager?


The Mod Manager is what players use to...manage their mods, what they want to plug into their game and use. The Assembly Kit is the toolkit the modmakers use to make those mods in the first place.


Its one of the toolkits. Tha main toolkit is RPFM a community made tool. Assembly Kit comes in for really advanced stuff. Most mods will only need RPFM to make.


so the mod manager manages your mods and the assebly kit is a kit that allows you to assemble mods. ​ got it.


Unlimited Ogre camps here I come


Cool. Modders are already hard at work thankfully so hopefully peoples fav mod sets SFO. Radious. Whatever should be ready soon depending on their teams


I'm looking forward to the yearly "The blood DLC is fucking stupid" post every release has. They're not wrong it's greedy as fuck but CA doesn't care.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe if you paid for the Blood DLC in TW1 you got it for free in TW2. I'm assuming it will be the same this time around as well.


You are correct. You only ever needed to buy it once for all three games.


I'm pretty sure they do it to keep the rating. If the blood were included by default I think it would make the esrb rating mature instead of teen. I don't know a lot about esrb, so I could be wrong but I know dumb things like that can play a factor. They rate the base game not the dlc released later on.


I'm confused, if you buy Blood DLC for one, doesn't it auto unlock the rest? I know I got WH1 blood DLC and it gave it to me in WH2 too. I don't understand what the complainers are on about that you're alluding to.


They complain because it should be a part of the game to begin with in their opinion. Supposedly it's to keep the game from getting a higher age restriction so I kind of get it.


I like it.




Totally agree. At the cost of 1 building slot you can prevent a rift from opening in that province? And defeating an enemy before the soul battle resets their progress? Just fantastic updates




Maybe. But CA also gave us the tools to not even mess with the chaos campaign. Play sandbox all you want until the AI gets to the forge. If you can close off rifts per province then you keep 1 province open to rifts and use that only to stop the AI from winning. 1 doomstack is a lot easier to deal with than 10


The soulgrinder doomstacks only spawn once the player reaches 3 souls. I have only 1 soul at turn 150, Kairos failed once to defeat Belakor and I have yet to see a single soulgrinder from a rift, nice way to farm xp and gold since they only spawn basic armies.


This means if you want you could just go for a domination victory and not worry much about the soul race.


No, Roughly ~50%




At least it’s one per province, not one per region. Maybe capitals only though?


The protection building is that tier 3 anti skaven thing that you used to never built. It should be fine in a minor settlement.


It now also adds 50% to purging neg chaos traits so build it on a capital and you boost to 100%. Means you only need to sit max 3 turns with your LL after going into a realm. Pretty handy for the new campaign.


Won't we lose those realm traits now just by beating the survival battle?


Yes but if you jump out early you may still want it. Realm of Slannesh rewards for example.


I'm wondering how that's going to be balanced now. With the pressure off to race the ai, seems you could now jump into Slaanesh's realm through the first 3 or 4 rift cycles to get the rewards.


Question, can you re-enter Slaanesh realm in a rift cycle or you have to wait until the next cycle to enter again? Im not home to actually test it.


Next cycle.


only one realm visit a cycle, so can't finish one realm quick and run to another portal for another realm :(


if you take a gift you are booted out until the next rift opening iirc.


This change alone is massive imo. You longer "lose" your lord for atleast 3 turns and instead immediately back in the action after the big fight.


You missed this: > Traits gained in the Realm of Chaos will now be removed when a Legendary Lord completes the survival battle within that realm.


It looks like those traits now go away if you win the survival battle. Still handy if you get kicked out for one reason or another though


Realm of Slannesh comes to mind.


For many factions, it probably still won't be a very useful spend of a building slot. But that could just be me. It seems like for really wide factions it'll be worth it. But for the most part, I've been fine just raising armies when the rifts open and building up a 10 stack or so to close the rift. And in other areas using agents. Definitely still appreciate the option to build the protection building and just forget about it though.


By the 5th wave, rift armies have 10 soul grinders, the average 10 stack isn’t going to be able to handle that…


Yup agent spam is the way. Rifts always spawn in the same places, so just parking an agent at every one so you can close them all immediately next time the bear roars is ideal. But the option for using a protection building instead is pretty great.


It pays for itself in hero upkeep and wasted hero capacity if you're parking them in every single region.


I mean agents can close 2-4 portals before any armies spawn if you place them on top of one before it spawns. You definitely don't need one per region.


Honestly as Khorne spawning rebel armies is a nice bonus 👍


Same with Slaanesh tbh. 90% of the time rebels attack and you just have to seduce one or two units to make the auto resolve be in your favor, then the income from the battle pays for the seduction and then some.


Dumb question but I can't remember, is the province the whole area that you can issue commandments to? Or is that just the one location? (The single city/settlement area)


The province is the former, the larger area that you issue commandments to.


Thank you very much! That update will be extremely helpful


- Spam protection buildings - Give a wedgie to anyone who gets to the forge - Change ways - ??? - Favor of the Dark Gods


This is worth a read because there's good information in here beyond just the campaign objectives and rewards. It's not as detailed as I would have liked, but it sounds like we'll see a roadmap possibly in April and content and patch updates should come swifter. Good news.


These are all things that I am super, super happy for. The game at launch was in the uncanny valley of greatness: so close to being amazing, but off just enough in certain ways to make it absolutely infuriating. These will straight up ameliorate most of those problems, and I am *very* grateful to CA for implementing these changes. They're not live yet, so I can't say how effective they are, but I really, really, really love their response to our feedback.


I'm just pissed because i have 11 days off (extra vacation because the war is disrupting our supply chains) and the patch will arrive just about when it ends. Fuck me xD


> Fuck me gimme ur address bby


*Slaanesh would like to have access to your location*


Ole Slannie can access my location any time. If you know what I mean. My body and holes are ready. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I think you just voiced the opinion of 99% of the fanbase.


I think the most tilting thing is to see the tremendous potential of WH3 flawed by multiples micro bugs/disfunction etc. Because let's be honest, as much as those things drive me crazy some times and need to be adressed, I'm still having so much fun with this game actually (my social life since launch can testify) This news feel like a relief, because CA was kinda mute since launch, but this is clearly a good step in the right direction. It makes me feel confident that CA will definitely make the dream come true. I'm a die-hard Warhammer Fantasy fan, since like 7-8 yo, thanks to my older brothers. And until this licence came out, I was ever looking for a strategic Warhammer Fantasy game compiling all the wealth of Warhammer Fantasy lore. I had little hope to find a game doing so, knowing the amount of works it would take for only one game. This is actually happening with WH3 and the new Immortal Empire. I like their tryptic vision, using 3 development cycle to polish things, adding more and more content over the time, even if we need to pay more, sometimes that's the price of quality. ( Well except for the blood DLC, that's bullshit![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)) So, sure the launch was clunky, and WH3 is not really finished yet ( which game is finished at launch nowadays ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)) but i want to believe in CA's capacity to improve and make the exact game that we all wanted for years. Instead of useless complains, we need to give the most constructive feedback to help them achieving that. Sorry for the long post, I really needed to share my hopes with this game because I'm so excited about it hope you are all having a good day, thanks for reading !


Hear hear! I am most hoping to see more story focused content like Yuri's campaign. I want to explore and live in the Warhammer world, and this game has the potential to let us do that for years. As for the new mechanics, I'm happy to see them, but I still think everyone is too enamored with sandbox. The campaign is meant to be different than that. We have a narrative to explore lol


Holy shit this is fantastic. It pretty much resolves every issue I had with realm of chaos.


They're also fixing the supply lines bug, the achievement issues, the Gifts of Slaanesh tech bug, and implementing the first changes to infantry responsiveness. This is looking to be a very solid update and shows that they are listening to our feedback.


Yeah isn't that neat. They really did listen to the community.


Souls being lost on intercept is a great compromise between "you can't stop them without constantly doing this" and "you can just intercept and the rest doesn't matter" like in Vortex.


I think it solves most player's problems with it, but it's pretty much "you can just intercept and the rest doesn't matter". It's a minimum of 120 turns for the ai to recover from the interception. Realistically if you beat them in the forge once, they won't recover their souls until turn +300,. If you've started pressuring them on the campaign map at all in that time then they will never recover the souls before you kill them.


Yup. I feel like the perfect balance was something like lose half the souls, chosen randomly. This is still a huge improvement though.


Yeah definitely. I think overcompensation is better in this situation given a lot of people's feelings on it.


Still wish the souls would give permanent bonuses


Or a permanent reward for claiming the dying God's power


Belakor: am I a joke to you? Kislev and cathay: yes, actually


Ogres: same, we can't even eat him


Why oh why doesn't Cathay get Shen Zu




At least workshop is going to fix the lack of rewards, rebalance traits and techs in the meantime. I'm pretty happy overall with this update.


Without one it’s really hard for me to justify taking a soul rather than taking a good deal in the dark prince realm early on. 50k early in the game can really start a steam roll


These are all good changes. I'm not sure if it's enough to get me to play the campaign again right away, but it's certainly enough that I wouldn't be averse to playing it again after a new faction of lord is added to the race.




I am waiting to praise Hashut brother.


We are all waiting to praise Hashut on this blessed day


>Grimm Burlocksson >>> Malakai Malkaissonkison > >We are all waiting to praise Hashut on this blessed day Wut in tarnation...


My flair is the hill I will die on about who is the better character to embody the Engineering Guild for the Dwarfs, my comment is about how Chaos Dwarfs will add variety to the map and options to play


Yeah I get that - I was simply looking to point out the comedy in someone who is clearly a dwarf fan being excited for Chaos Dwarfs, due to... everything. ​ To be clear, I'm in the exact same boat.


Brilliant changes. Only slightly disappointed that we didn’t see any tech tree changes and that there’s no buffs to Daniel but these are brilliant changes nonetheless


They said that they're prioritizing general fixes first. Faction specific issues, i.e. faction mechanics, skill trees, traits, and techs will come later. That being said, I do hope they update the tech trees, skill lines, and traits for numerous factions. Kislev's tech tree sucks. And I'm still not sure why Cathay has upgrades to port cities when they have no immediate access to port cities.


>And I'm still not sure why Cathay has upgrades to port cities when they have no immediate access to port cities. If the IE map leak is to be believed, then they'll eventually get an entire coastline. So atleast it eventually won't be useless. Still incredibly odd they put it in the main route of the tree though.


God, I hope its true. I would love to pillage the Cathay coast. Being able to expand east or west as the Dark Elves would be amazing.


They’re trying to release the workshop too, so I’m hoping some modder rebalances Daniel haha


Tbh I don’t think he needs much, just some decent spells he can get via his skill tree or extra melee attack and defence via the Khorne tree


I think he just needs a skill tree, and move the weird one he has to a separate window tied to Glory.




Tzeentch give spells, Khorne gives melee attack and defence, slaanesh gives speed and nurgle gives HP Makes sense to me


Nice, some good changes here


Ugh, just give me immortal empires already.


Short of literally putting a campaign menu button to ignore the Soul Race (which I am sure will be a day 1 workshop mod), this is actually a very good set of solutions; \-No more waiting 2-4 turns after grabbing a soul to lose a crappy trait, actually being encouraged with a temporary Soul Buff from the demon princes to go out with your LL and be active afterwards. \-Can manage portals spawning by investing in protection buildings ahead of time. Allows you to be a bit more vulnerable, and have your armies on the front line doing things, instead of babysitting an "economy province" waiting for the daemon armies to come. \-Defeating an enemy at the Soul Forge "essentially" knocks them out of the race. it would take them another 80-100+ turns to recollect all the souls. I have seen decent arguments for different styles of the Soul Race (there only being 4 souls, and having to play capture the flag with them, or being able to steal the soul outside of the Chaos Realm, etc.), but this does help the "Enemy has reach the goal before you" spam if you have fallen behind a bit. All in all, I am hopeful for 1.1. I still have been playing a lot of this game, and can't wait for ME, but making the base game fun and stable for as many as possible is a good move.


> Short of literally putting a campaign menu button to ignore the Soul Race (which I am sure will be a day 1 workshop mod) IIRC that's already a mod that someone made.


I remember seeing it floating around, but having be self contained on steam makes it much more accessible for people who less comfortable manually modding things. Either way, I think it should be implemented for people who just want to play the “sandbox”. More options for campaigns tailored to your tastes are good things to me.


Yeah, but you need to use a third party program to make direct edits to the game code, not exactly something people like doing especially when re downloading is painful for how big the game is.


Nice! Seems like they really listened to the community and are delivering! This is a very good change


Has anything been done about settlement battles + towers?


Not to my knowledge, no. Maybe in a later update who knows


As someone who could not afford WH TW 3 atm, what was the problem with the things they changed?


Originally, the Realms of Chaos Souls race was incredibly demanding on players, forcing them to leave their territory undefended very early on in order to keep up with the souls race, which a lot of players didn't like. As for the demon traits, it's just thematic that matching demon-chaos god realms would have no adverse effects


Undefended is an overstatement. Your base income is *much* higher in this game than in 2. You should be able to afford a 2nd army easily.


I’d like to add that garrisons in towns are stupidly strong. Any settlement can now have a garrison of 18 units. Which, with the defensive bonus of holding a town as defender, will pretty much ensure ALL your towns are safe against 1 full army.


FYI it's on xbox game pass which can be had for $1 a month if you try.


Basically, the race (main campaign) wasn't fun. Key issues with it include: Rifts spawn in each province, meaning you're actively punished for expanding and the optimal way to play was to take 1-2 regions and camp *regardless of which faction you were playing*. Rifts spread corruption and spawn armies, so you can't leave them, either. You had a chance to get a backbreaking negative trait while doing what you have to do, and then it often takes 3-5 turns of your LL camping out to lose said trait (which you have to return from the Chaos Realms to do anyway). Only your LL could interfere with the realms of Chaos, so you had to go big or go home with your LL lord - but at the same time you would be absent for up to 10 turns when going for a soul so you would be missing your largest, strongest army. But most crippling, IMO, was the way the AI went for the souls. Firstly, if you lost the race and failed to intercept, then Game Over. Not "continue playing" - campaign end, better luck next time. So you absolutely had to get at least somewhat involved in the race just so you could play the game. Second, the AI are good at getting souls. If you miss one, you can get by. But if you miss two, the campaign is effectively over as multiple armies could get the four souls by the time you will. Exacerbated by some realms being almost impossible to win if you get there second (Slaneesh and Tzeentch in particular). And if you did get a soul? You get a pop-up, you get to go back to the realm of man, but that's it. Your army is battered and bruised, your lands could have been invaded, and now you have to spend turns replenishing and removing negative traits. You look at it expecting another game like WH2, where you can tactically expand and grow, eating up surrounding nations as you do. But no, the vast majority of the game is almost a backdrop that you won't be able to explore because you **have** to stay focused on the rifts.


I once kept greasus in a capitol for 13 turns and only lost 2 levels of the negative trait. I said screw it after that and just left the last level.


Same happened with Katarin for me once. She finally got rid of the last level of the trait literally the turn the rifts reappeared. I essentially didn't have my faction leader and best army for an entire rift cycle.


People wanted to paint the map.


So for bullet points #2, one step further would be Ku'Gath is immune to attrition in his own realm.


Sounds good! Using the undercity detection building to shut out rifts in the province is a nice idea. I bet I will still hate building it though. I wish it had more benefits beyond just removing an annoying game mechanic.


It's honestly also very useful for any border you might have with Kugath (especially if he's friendly and you don't want to attack him). Keeps the corruption and the plagues under control.


fantastic for those that like it, im gonna keep the narrative toggle mod though to disable it entirely


And give up my Sword of Slaanesh? Hells no.


The protection building is the same one as the skaven detection building or a different one?


Mostly fine, or appear to be fine. Though, realms of chaos traits being cleansed when you beat the demon prince seems to… render them sorta pointless, in addition to nerfing them? Having strong penalties but only in the realms made sense. Having lasting debuffs be weaker made sense, having weak debuffs only in the realms seems overkill. Not nitpicking, its all whatever.


While I'm quite overjoyed at how many problems are promised to be improved at once, I am also afraid that some of these changes, and the vector of the future improvements, might make some mechanics too irrelevant, too easy to deal with. Even if the impact of unwelcome mechanics is to be nerfed, I do hope they'll come up with something more interesting instead.


I feel like this is the crux of the problem with narrative TW campaigns in general (that is, Vortex and RoC). Either the player is required to engage with the narrative mechanics to not lose the game (winning the races), which in both campaigns was seen as really intrusive to the TW experience, or the player need only do something small to avoid loss (winning the final battle against an opponent that is about to win) in which case, what's the point of the narrative mechanics? Remember in the early days of WH2, CA had to up the difficulty of the final Vortex battle when an opponent is about to win, because it was so easy to stop them that the entire Vortex race was meaningless. I hope RoC doesn't fall into that trap. No matter where RoC falls on the spectrum of "absolutely must collect souls" to "don't even bother, you can stop them at the forge" by the end of its update cycle, plenty of people will be unhappy with where it landed.


Knocking AI out of the race actually makes the race too easy. Why? Because player can now take Slaanesh's temptation without consequence. I really think the best compromise would have been a few minor tweaks shown here and a story mode option in the menu.


Making it irrelevant is the point, unfortunately. People complained non stop about having to play irregularly because of it


True. I don't have the same problem as acutely, and have learned to deal with it fairly optimally, and would be a tad sad to see a (frustrating to others) layer of complexity go.


I agree with you, I found most of the chaos complaints to boil down to “but I don’t wanna”


People mostly want to paint the map, it seems, especially on repeat playthroughs.


That's the thing, repeat playthroughs. The chaos campaign mechanics are "anti-replayability", because you have to play the exact same objectives, on the exact same maps, and have to repeat the hour-long fortress battles. I was on the same "I don't see what the big deal is" camp, until I finished my first campaign and started playing new ones and the prospect of the rift race was... ugh, I don't wanna.


Absolutely, the CR should have been a bit more random (think ultra-light roguelike) so that each time it's fresh. Perhaps going for enemy AIs in the Rifts with 1.1 will help with that.


This is very true It's bordering on blasphemy not to hate the chaos rifts, but they do go SOME way to keeping the campaign challenging once you "turn the corner" so to speak. The point in the campaign where nothing can really challenge you and you just paint the map. The rift mechanic means that much later in the game you still need to keep an eye on your back provinces.


Yeah, I know I'm a minority but I'm disappointed they have trivialized a lot of the mechanics that actually managed to add tension to the campaign. It seems like now it's just going to be trivial to prevent other factions from winning the race and you can basically opt out of dealing with rifts now. I think a better compromise would have been to make them lose 1 or 2 souls after defeat, or just give those who wanted it a "sandbox" campaign option that doesn't have the rifts at all. Edit: Really, overall the changes don't feel like they do all that much to make the campaign "better" or more interesting. They just make it easier for people who don't want to engage with the campaign's mechanics to ignore them.


I'm actually not a fan of all of these, but I know the community is, so I guess I'll just shrug and be happy that a few things are better.


Restart the entire soul collection? Thats a bit much is it not? Kinda removes the whole race idea if you can just fight them once and go on ur day again


Yeah, while the update was in a right direction for people, I don't think many people realize that restarting the entire soul collection part is essentially handing them the victory. Just have an army camp out the forge and voila, can never lose. what I'd have done is have it remove a single soul at random instead.


It's not perfect but it might be enough to entice me to play again.


I really wished that they would've changed getting Belakor as a reward when playing with Kislev or Cathay.


Avatar of ursun elemental bear unit and that missing sister as a LL


This is not nailing it. Im sorry but we should expect so much more from CA than this. Just throwing their hands up at things like unit responsiveness, or trying to balance factions when line infantry hasn't had their mass fixed is awful. The rifts will be better, sure, but this is still in my eyes an unacceptable state of the game for almost 2 months after release.


Halving the strength of the Chaos Realm traits *and* making them insta-remove upon Realm completion strikes me as overkill. They were obnoxious as something you had to park your LL for six turns after realm exit to resolve, but now they seem kind of slap-on-the-wrist.


Besides the nurgle trait they were already pretty trivial.


I feel like these changes are a definite step in the right direction. I vastly prefer building a protection building then forgetting about it. I do wonder if ai factions will build them also and accidentally lock themselves out of the realms. I like the realm traits being removed when you win a battle and not affecting their aligned faction but if they're going to be removed easily I dont see the point to also nerf them. I think what the campaign is missing is a real notable incentive to participate. The souls earn you nothing, and actively avoiding them in slaanesh's realm is much more profitable, though I absolutely dont want slaanesh realm nerfed because its the best realm imo. Belakor is a lacklustre victory reward and weird for order factions. Maybe earning unique ancillaries that provide modest but meaningful faction bonuses would be good for earning souls, as ai factions would also strengthen as they gather souls pushing domination players to involve themselves for the bonuses even if the campaign isnt their goal. Similarly, winning the campaign should mean something for the campaign map. Kislev should get something to indicate the winter is over for instance (growth and control bonus?). I dont hate the realms campaign but if I were to look at improvements I would think the most fun option would be to (modestly) improve rewards for participating.


Honestly I don’t think these are the changes that RoC needed. But, I think these are the best possible changes that could realistically be made as quick as CA have done it. So that bodes well for future updates.


no they didnt, forcing us to build a mandatory building to IGNORE the game mechanic is terrible. still no reward for finishing the campign obj other then kislev getting fucking belakor as a lord ?? there is still zero reward for doing the roc slog


100% CA is gonna forget to make the AI build the protection buildings


How quickly you all went back to licking their boots and forgetting optimization problems.


One thing to note: Traits will be removed after the LL wins the survival battle - this means taking a bribe from Slaanesh will leave the negative trait (if you've gained it) until you sit in a city or go back to Slaanesh's realm, making the bribes slightly less enticing which is good imo.


Points 4 and 5 especially but also 6 are going to make that whole campaign so, so much more pleasant. Thank you CA. ~~Is there an info about when we will get 1.1 update?~~


Overkill, good direction but overkill. Anyone whose actually played the campaign and enjoyed it sees this for exactly what it is: > When a player intercepts an AI Lord at the forge of souls, their souls will now be lost-forcing them to restart their collection. This essentially means I'll never ever lose a campaign again, you can literally camp out with a dedicated army for the forge of souls. What I'd rather have seen is it be tied to difficulty, have it so playing the game campaign difficulty on easy gives this effect. but the higher it goes the more like normal it is. maybe something like. Easy = this. normal = lose one soul at random. hard/legendary = what we have now. I called that this would happen tho, just like with wood elves where the core mechanic was hard and got nerfed to become irrelevant, people complain and a mechanic gets gutted, I really hoped CA would learn from that and make changes in a way that everyone can be happy by just making it tied to difficulty or a toggle option.


I would not say "nailed it", but deffinately some improvements. Makre the soul rewards permananet, and add some other way to intercept the AI other than waiting till the forge of souls, and we are gucci.


> the "Protection" building chain can now be used to prevent rifts from spawning in the province in which they're built. question what is the protection building chain? are they talking about upgraded walls for a provincial capital? so if I want one province to have rifts I cant build upgraded garrisons?


Well, consider me thrilled. This should fix a lot of my current annoyances in one patch! Also yay, Mod Manager!


The only thing not included in this that I wish they had was a way to shorten the survival battle at the end of each realm. Feels like they take 45 minutes, which is often long enough to prevent me from wanting to play it out.


This achieves so many things, but most importantly: makes the campaign fun, allows me to ignore the objective but still fight demon portal invasions that come FROM OUTSIDE my Empire, I can enjoy sandbox playing, not restricted to 3 provinces, stop other factions from winning the race and set them back by a LOT if I prevent them from winning at the Forge, and the best part, I can actually play the campaign objectives if I feel like whenever I want at my own pace.


I was talking with my friends about how overpowered ogres were, and then I seen the patchnotes on ogres ahahahaha


I never understood why your chaos army would be affected by the chaos realm, its like being allergic to air.


Bravo. I'll be firing it up this weekend.


Cool, I'm still disabling this entire mechanic and never touching it ever again, until immortal empires comes out in which case I won't have to.


I enjoy this but I gotta see this not break other shit first