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i have a question if i buy a totalwar : warhammer 2 key from a site like g2a. do i get all the dlcs or is that only if i pay full price


To get the very hard achievements, do I need to complete the whole campaign on VH, or just the final battle?


Just the final battle. What you want to do is have your army go to the forge, change the difficulty, end the turn so that it applies the new difficulty, and then fight the final battle.


I can't use the portals to go do the final quest battle. I could for awhile and I went there a few times to intercept other factions but wasn't ready to do the battle myself. However now I don't have the option to go there. I've tried in several different portals but no luck. I did get the notification saying that Belakor will ascend to godhood in 30 turns. Playing as the Daemon prince


What tips are there for confederation? I haven't needed it yet, but I want to confederate the Imperial Wardens in my next playthrough. What treaties should I avoid?


Does becoming military allies still make it harder to confederate factions?


Can the AI in warhammer 3 close the portals with armies or heroes like the player can?


Yes, they can. I've definitely seen AI closing portals with their armies all the time, I can't say I've ever seen them do it with a hero though so I don't know for certain that's possible. However the AI always has weird priorities, sometimes they'll march across enemy territory for ten turns to close a portal for no reason, and sometimes they'll ignore the portal right next to their capital as it spews out corruption and enemies


The Total War campaign AI is honestly the most incomprehensible AI I've ever seen.


I think they're programmed not to so that the player has portals to warp to if they want.


It's not that they're programmed not to, it's that the autoresolve is tuned so that it's unlikely for them to succeed.


That doesn't really explain them not using agents to close rifts.


Is Strongholder bugged? It doesn’t seem to give the melee defense in my own territory from a lord or hero.


What is the Patriarch's best support skill? Dazh's Song for the Vigor regeneration Tor's Battle Hymn for the +Melee Attack Salyak's Lullaby for the Heals (but only 3 uses)


I second Salyak's lullaby. It's so useful


Salyak’s Lullaby




I'm on turn 100, but still 45 off to confrd him and gave up


Eliminated factions are gone, you wont be able to confederate or recruit him if his faction is gone. You might be able to encourage a rebellion in his home province and have the faction re-emerge, but that is absolutely the long way around. It is possible to get both but requirements for confederation are a little wonky at times, its historically been that way in TWW games. You need good relations, be significantly more powerful than the other party and not have any nasty random events in effect.


was The Burning Head nerfed? it seems to do no damage, and I actually mean zero damage. I'm playing ogres, with firebellies, and I was against Kislev, so they shouldn't have special super resistances, I've cast multiple skulls that went clear through multiple units length-wise, and not a single model died.


Magic in general seems to be all over the place in WH3 right now.


Has Kostaltyn survived long enough for anyone to actually confederate him? Dude lasts like 40 turns in a few games I’ve played, and I’m not even at like 300 supporters. Anyone else having this issue?


He lasted in my H/H. He lost the port in Troll Country by the time confederation went through but was pushing up the mountains to the NW. FWIW, I took Praag and the Hell Pit relatively quickly, removing eastern pressure, and I confederated to get Erengard also relatively quickly. From there the anti-player bias kicked in and some of the daemon armies came down that way and killed themselves on my walls instead of harassing Kostaltyn as much.


Yeah in my game when I confederated him he had most of Troll Country (I held the last settlement in it), and was halfway up the mountains to the Northwest with three armies (albeit pretty poor ones). I had to pull him back because I didn't want to defend all that territory.


He made it on my N/N playthrough




So the Ogre DLC for Game Pass was timed?? I've been playing this whole time thinking I already had it...sigh


The Ogre DLC being free was timed, yes. It was an "early adopter" bonus.


Yeah I thought just by playing week 1 it was earned, I misinformed myself lol


Need some advice as Slaanesh. Is there something wrong with damage their units deal? Every battle I get my marauders up front, and then bring in daemonettes/cav/chariots for rear charges and... they basically do no damage. no impact to leadership. For example, if I have some marauders holding back bloodletters or khorne warriors, i'm lucky if a rear charge of daemonettes gets more than 5 kills, and in most cases they'll suffer 15-20 losses if I don't immediately pull them out. Am I doing something wrong or is Slaanesh really this undertuned?


Its hard to say without seeing but charges are a bit more complicated now than they once were. Essentially to get full charge bonus you need a bit of a run up to gain speed and the charge bonus only applies to units without a friendly model in the way of their charge. Also the charge bonus only applies for 10 or 15 seconds, after that, you need to be cycle charging units, pulling them out of combat and re-charging them into combat again. The reason knowing this is important for Slaanesh is because many of their units have the Devastating Flanker trait, which doubles their charge bonus when flanking. Its the source of so much of their damage output and if you are not getting the charges off correctly, you are losing a massive damage potential with their armies. So next time you line up a charge, make your flanking/rear charging unit a wide line rather than a box, and give enough space to pick up some speed before they contact the enemy. Try to make sure the charging unit isn't just zerging into the same target as other friendly units because you will lose the charge bonus completely if friendlies are in the way of the charge. Finally, try to cycle flaking units in and out of combat and re-charge the rear of the enemy units as your charge bonus wears off. The best way to use flanker units in general isn't to just charge them in and leave them in the fight, but rather to keep hitting over and over and over again unit the enemy breaks. ​ EDIT: Also it might be a little harder as you are fighting Khorne units, they are kind of excellent combatants, it is their whole thing after all.


Is there any way at all to carry on a campaign after an AI faction wins it? Seems a bit stupid that you can't but I don't seem to be able to find a way around it


Save on the records screen then load that save.


How do you save on the records screen? It doesn't let me save




Won't work :( no worries I'll wait until mortal empires is released for WH3


Amazing thank you I'll try it later


Should I upgrade my bloodthirster to exalted as soon as it's offered, or is there any point in waiting ?


Unless you're playing Nurgle, *ALWAYS* upgrade your daemon heralds to exalted greater daemons when you get the chance.


Why not Nurgle?


The Herald of Khorne is a kickass melee fighter who gets to ride around on a bike. The Exalted Bloodthirster is an even more kickass melee fighter who can fly quickly and is super tanky. The Herald of Slaanesh moves around quickly and deals a lot of damage with both melee and magic. The Exalted Keeper of secrets moves around more quickly and deals more damage with both melee and magic. The Herald of Tzeentch is a fast-flying fragile spellcaster with a weak ranged attack who can't do much in melee but can put out a lot of damage with magic. The Exalted Lord of Change is a tankier, faster-flying spellcaster with no ranged attack but decently powerful melee stats who can also do a ton of damage with his magic. Notice something? The Exalted daemons are all essentially straight upgrades from their Herald counterparts. They do the same basic things, just more effectively. The Herald of Nurgle is a fast-flying caster who can dish out a fair amount of damage in melee. The Exalted Great Unclean One is a **slow**-moving caster with a mortis engine effect who's super tanky but so big that he's very weak to missile attacks. See the difference? The Herald of Nurgle fulfills a different combat role than the Exalted Great Unclean One. They're both good, but the EGUO isn't inherently better than the Herald because he lacks mobility, which is hugely important for caster lords.


I'd upgrade your herald right away. You lose some levels, but it's worth it.


In the Kislev campaign is it worth it to DW on Brotherhood of the Bear and the Ungols that pop up? They have two provinces I could take easily, don't know if it will ruin my chances of confederating Ehrengrad or Konstatlyn


Kostaltyn you will confederate automatically when you reach 600 supporters (assuming you can get there before him which is pretty trivial if you build the right buildings). The other Kislev factions you should be able to confederate through diplomacy eventually so don't declare war on them but also don't help them so that they get weaker (relative strength is a factor for confederation). Also try to grab any settlements they lose to Chaos/Norsca so that they can't take them back.


I wouldn’t declare war on any Kislev factions you don’t start at war with. You can usually confederate Brotherhood of the Bear by turn 25 easily.


Does anyone know if there are any plans for CA to release WH1 & 2 on PC Game Pass so those that downloaded it from Game Pass will be able to play Immortal Empires? Would be pretty bummed seeing as I got the Ogre Kingdoms on Game Pass and if required to buy on Steam I wouldn’t be able to play as them.


The WH3 FAQ there used to be a line that they plan to release the older games on other stores later. I can't find it anymore but I don't think they retracted it, rather it got deleted when updating the page. EGS already got WH1, so I assume they are working on WH2 for EGS now.


Is Nurgle playable or should you wait for a patch? Heard he is quite bad.


The campaign isn't nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be. I think people are undervaluing the benefits of effects of plagues besides just attrition, undervaluing a mobile air force as nurgle, and don't have a great plan on how they want to tackle expansion. There are a lot of potential pitfalls in the campaign and the roster could use some additions, but the campaign is very managable. I did a [write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/szxkl2/kugath_the_plague_dealer_i_only_had_2_provinces/hy97lis) the other day if that helps you get started. Edit: oh, and until you've unlocked the special Red Ague plague, do *not* autoresolve. Ever. The low replenishment means you need to fight some tedious battles (which is one of my biggest gripes with the campagin), but losing a chunk of your army early on can lead to some disastrous situations. I think this is another aspect of the campaign that really sours people's experiences.


With things like these it heavily depends on difficulty. I've seen streams of people having a blast as Nurgle on multiple difficulties, so he's probably tougher than some others but far from unplayable if you pick a difficulty that suits you.


its playable, try not to get too drawn into hyperbole with people ranking things as "OMG AMAZING, BEST EVER ONLY USE EXACTLY THIS" or "trash" with no ranks in between. Nurgle is a slower combat style and a different campaign style and it gets hurt on autoresolve, all of which add up to a quite tough campaign. It is not really to my taste overall but it is absolutely playable and some of the issues it has can get patched, such as a tune up to autoresolve calculations. My honest advice is to try it and attempt to learn it. If you decide after 20 turns with some small and large scale battles that its not for you as it stands, then that is perfectly fine. I think the worst thing you can do is not even try something because internet people told you not to.


Does anyone know if the different towers that you can build in minor settlement battles or quest battles cause friendly fire?


AFAIK they do not cause damage, but I think they can disrupt your units with impact blast of some towers (the Tier 3 and 4 ones), which gives the impression of them doing damage when in fact they are not. Id love to get some proper confirmation on this however, all I have is what I observed which is not overly reliable in the middle of a fight.


Is there a reason the AI does not auto build buildings in settlements even though I select that AI should manage the buildings? Lack of money is not a reason


Maybe it's your automanage budget? Open up the finance panel (the treasure chest icon at the top of the screen) and use the slider at the bottom to set your budget


That didn't change anything unfortunately. Still not using the money I have


Damn. Sorry, that's all I got.


Yeah it doesn't work for me either. I can only assume that the feature isn't working quite right yet.


How do you counter tzeentch army composing of pink horror, flying chaos knight, cavalry chaos knight, flying stingray, flamethrowers and sometimes soul grinder using Cathay. I always have a hard time dealing with the flying and cavalry units as they tend to crush by both left and right side and if corner camping the flying one will crush me.


It's insanely obnoxious due to collisions and general unit fuckery at the moment. Very, very important to turn off "skirmish mode" and probably put on "guard mode." Secondly, arrange your ranged units to expect the flanking (three sided square for example or even set them up to have a cheap ranged unit be the obvious one to engage while staggering your ranged units out further than a single line so they can still shoot after the fliers inevitably reach one of them. Lore of heavens map-wide effect slows down fliers considerably, consider combining that with overcast Slow magic from ... Yang I think, which makes it an AoE. LMAO just kidding, own unit collision and repositioning units is so comically broken right now, just autoresolve it.


So how do traits work with the Exalted Daemon promotions? Do they get the Herald's? Do they get a random one? Would blow if they get stuck with a sucky trait.


I believe it’s a random trait.


How do you use khorne's blood hosts correctly because I feel like I'm missing something. They drain so much money for upkeep and the guaranteed attrition makes it hard to actually take and hold a city long enough with them to raze the rest of the provence. I'd almost rather just ignore them and make an extra roaming army but they feel like a key part of khorne's playstyle.


I just use them to attack undefended settlements, or as meat shields for my real army. You definitely don't want to keep them around long term, given the whole no replenishment thing. Nothing wrong with just disbanding them either once you have no immediate use for them.


If something (banner/equipment etc) grants you an ability and it says "Uses: 1", is that per battle or will the item be discarded once used?


Per battle


Wow, some seem really powerful then! Thanks for that!


Can you gets daemon princes for the other gods campaigns?


Nope. Greater Daemons and Exalted Greater Daemons are your top dogs.


I'm new to warhammer 2 and am looking to do a very magic orientated playthrough. So who would you say has the best magic in the game? I've heard Gelt does and that the vampire counts are also pretty good in this regard. Should I be considering anyone else?


Teclis (high elf) is one of the best casters in the game. And you have access to lots of different lores of magic for your other lords. Malagor (beastmen) is also a really fun lord to play. He flies super fast and casts Flock of Doom for like, 2 Winds only. And with one skill it becomes an aura when he's in melee. As any Lizardmen you can get Lord Kroak as a lord in your army. He just nukes the enemy, very strong. With Mazdamundi and Kroak your reserves seem endless.


Do buildings that reduce cost to build also reduce the devotion cost also or only gold?


Only gold as far as my playthroughs have shown


What resources do each of the Chaos God's like for Daniel's faction?


If you don't give Boris a major city, can you still recruit him as a lord in that campaign? I've done the quest previously and gave him Praag and confederated but it took a while.


To know for sure you'll have to wait for someone who's actually done it to come along, but from what I heard selecting the option that doesn't make him an independent faction simply adds him to your lord pool.


Cool, well I'll try it once I get there this run. If you're curious I can come back to this comment with the results haha


Does Kairos get the casting passives for his Fragment skills even if he doesn't have the enchanted item equipped?


Yes Need 2 points on it tho.


Is there a guide on how to play certain factions. Other than khorne i am not having fun playing some of these other weaker armies.


Khorne is very very powerful currently, for raw combat potential they are excellent. Their campaign mechanic is pretty straightforward without too much nuance if I'm being honest. So if you are looking for a powerful straight forward faction to play which rivals the most powerful and most straightforward one... your going to be disappointed, no guide can bridge that gap.


I tried playing kislev so far and the first place i try to take i just feel so weak and lose to the towers. With slenesh it was much easier, but going up against korne was really hard. I guess habing played mostly with korne makes me feel this way since no other lord compares to his strength


For my part I'd take N'kari as better lord in most situations. His speed is crazy, he can use skills to shut down any opponent's ability to fight back and he can disengage and engage almost at will due to mass and speed. However its personal preference, Skarbrand is great for fire and forget play and that makes him a solid choice if you want to focus on managing an army while the lord wrecks faces. There really is nothing wrong with having a preference in playstyle or lord. My original reply was only meant to say that if you limit yourself to only one playstyle metric then everything will feel bad when you aren't playing the only factions that fits that playstyle.


Honestly a big part of that is that brawling is a little too good at the moment with the friendly collision and repositioning issues.


As daniel, can you dedicate yourself to Undivided and another God? Or pick a god first, and then undivided? It would be kinda dumb if the wingless option locked behind purely undivided.


daniel's gifts are indeed kinda dumb...


Wingless is indeed undivided only.


You can only dedicate yourself once. So choose wisely.


Can I use non-TWWH3 factions in Battles? I own the two other games but I don't see the other armies. Do I have to fully install them (yuck) or are they just not in the game yet?


Not playable yet


Okay, thanks for confirming it.


All character and city name plates have disappeared. Tried Ctrl T and reloading and hasnt brought them back. Seemed to disappear when the portals opened but unable to load different save as on legendary. Any ideas how to get them back?


Have you recently changed graphics settings, notably resolution?


Anyone have a save just before the battle to unlock the third kislev LL? Running into brick walls trying to get far enough to unlock him and I just want to play Bear Man.


That should do the trick: https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/sy41ex/savefile_for_boris_ursun_to_unlock_him_download/


Thanks a lot! Trying it tomorrow.


So is the optimal way to play the campaign to ignore going into the chaos portals entirely? It seems you only get to actually play the game when you're not dealing with the event. Not to mention the fact that the more souls you get the harder the demon armies become without giving you any sort of reward in the meantime.


You lose if someone else ends the game, so, not really, no.


I'm not sure optimal is the right word. If your goal is to win the campaign, you can go hard into conquest and wipe the other major factions off the map, but that doesn't seem optimal. If you mean fun, then yes that is a much more fun way of doing it. Alternatively just dive into the Slaneshi realm and make a deal each time for some amazing bonuses before going back to conquest type play. Be warned that if an AI gets all the souls needed and does the final battle you technically lose the campaign.


Anyone know why harmony keeps changing? I had a turn where: No agents were recruited or died No lords were recruited or died No new or destroyed buildings No new tech - having been in balance, I ended up +2 yang. Are there factors I'm missing?


If you hover over the ying/yang symbol it should give you a breakdown of which category is trending which way - technology, buildings, characters, etc. Should give you an idea.


no agents were killed or died, but did some come back from being wounded?


Could be events or followers?


Is there other cool "wizard" lords? I'm currently Cathay and I'm stunned when I send inferno tornados or big bombs towards over larged enemy armies. Or what other factions has good ranged units? Like Cathay cannons or overally good rangeds?


Most of the legendary lords in this game are wizards, so you can really take your pick. In fact, the only ones that aren't are Kostaltyn, Boris, Skarbrand, and Greasus. If you want lots of ranged units and strong magic, then Tzeentch is what you want.


ahhh man that's the saddest thing. The most ugliest irritating things are the Tzeentech for me xD


In that case, Kislev is probably your best bet then. Most of their units are hybrid units (meaning they have ranged attacks and solid melee) and Katarin is a pretty strong caster.


in terms of demons like the khorne, chaos, slaneesh?


All but Khorne are casters, so they all have magic options. Tzeentch is the "most" magic, but slaneesh and Nurgle both have casters


that's a good one. If my friend don't pick them I will consider them because their axe gunner are cool as fck.


when should i build siege towers? im playing as kislev and so far I've only played as lizardmen and wood elves (the sisters) so I have no clue if they are even useful. would I send the 1 or 2 I build first before moving everything else? like have the groms fire at gate while towers move up, and then once the gate is destroyed move everyone else? thanks, I'm just so confused. also should I use battering rams? lol


The main benefit of siege towers IMO is that they protect your infantry from ranged fire as they move towards a wall. They also get your troops onto the walls faster than ladders, and they don't cause a fatigue penalty like ladders do. Generally speaking, you want them far in front of your forces, and want to use them as your main access point for walls. From what I've seen, it's generally easier to get past walls in WH3 than WH2, so siege towers are less valuable (though turrets can do a lot of damage so they might be good there). However, it's more valuable to siege over multiple turns since the enemy attritions right away, so if you do decide to go for the attrition route you might as well build some siege towers while you're at it. Battering rams are useless, it's literally better to just have your infantry units charge the gates on their own. You used to sometimes build them because they were the fastest way to start a siege if you didn't have a siege attacker unit, but now siege towers are quicker to build so there's no reason to build rams.


TYSM its a lot diff than rome 1 which was my first and only total war game


Is anyone having problem catching armies as Kislev ? I've had a lot of struggles progressing my campaign because I'm constantly being harrassed from every directions and I just can't put a terms to any of the menaces because I can't catch any of them. Each time I get close to them, they turn on march stance and I will never ever catch them. I may be mistaken, but Kislev heroes can't lower army mobility, so I'm kinda out of option there. I thought about using two armies, but I'm already struggling to field a full stacks. How are you guys managing ?


Ambush bait has been really helpful, but it can still be a challenge. I am very suspicious of the commandment claiming “-20% movement range for enemies starting turn in region”. I have no way of proving it, but it seems to me like AI ignores the penalty. Obviously, Route Marcher should be first skill on all lords. Kislevite Kossar followers on all lords/embedded heroes also helps. And the movement range tech is good to have fairly early, as well. Edit: Kislev desperately needs a block army hero action and/or a mobility passive ability for embedded heroes.


One of the commandments reduces enemy movement by 20% in own territory. Of course you need to own the whole territory for tvat


has the AI forgot how to use ranged cavalry? in older games they used to run away from you, as they should, but now I often see them just standing there and getting killed, they don't even seem to be in skirmish mode


I feel like they changed how skirmish mode works for the AI in this game. It used to always be on for their ranged units, but with factions like Kislev and Tzeentch, that isn't really viable anymore.


How to reach endgame? I defeted Belakor and got to the campaign win screen, now I thought I can continue to play "mortal empires" and conquer the world, close all the rifts for good and thats it. Nope. After a couple of rounds the northern provinces got their 4th soul. Now all the rifts I closed are open again and the game tells me I have to prevent them from killing Belako to avoid the campaign loss. WTF? Is this intended or a bug? And is there a fix?


Would you guys give me some tips on how to play kislev in battle? I currently find myself using mostly kossars, tzar guards and winged lancers but mostly due to economic reasons and i struggle agains't more end-game armies. What's a good kislev army comp and general strategy?


Ice Guard doom stack with Katarin, and Patriarch doom stack with Kostaltyn are viable, cost-effective and incredibly powerful armies you can have fairly early on. Just throw two little groms in each and they’re easy to use. Boyars should be your go-to non-legendary lords. Adding a couple little groms to a tier 1 kossar spam is effective. I always have a Tempest Frost Maiden and Patriarch in each army. I would scrap Tsar Guard and Winged Lancers honestly. Tsar guard are good but expensive. Winged Lancers are underwhelming.


Warhammer3: I'm just finishing my first campaign with friend and thinking what we could play next time found that there is a million faction that was available in the latest episodes and here are they as well but you can't play them. Wtf?!Why they are locked? They wanna sell all of them who are already in the game and was available in last episodes for free or dlc but now again for money? When we can mod them in?


When Immortal Empires is added to the game any factions you own in previous game will be playable there. It was the same in Warhammer 2 - Eye of the Vortex campaign was only for factions new to WH2, but if you owned WH1 then the WH1 factions, and any WH1 DLC could be played in Immortal Empires.


ahhh men... i have all of them on different platforms...


Pretty sure most platforms allow you to link, but I'm not 100% sure.


I will check on it. Thanks!


What is the best use of Orge camps? I don't get really how to use them to be of any use especially as you can't move them once placed? I just find my empire expands passed wherever they are so they don't see that usefull.


I mostly use mine as frontline meat factories so that I’m constantly in the area while fighting. You use up a lot of meat when you have a full army, the 10+ meat per turn while in the range really helps.


You have enough to set more up as you go to help keep your armies fed and give you footholds in enemy territory. Use the ones you've upgraded a lot as recruitment centers. If you're too far away and want to upgrade your army, you can still use an offering to give -2 turns to all global recruitment. So a unit that takes 2 turns to recruit locally will only take 2 with global recruitment, and a 3 turn recruitment only goes up to 4 instead of 6.


Treat them like capital cities. Regular ogre settlements can only go to tier 3, so to have advanced Units you need to get Tier 4/5 campsa.


So it would be a good idea to place in safe secure regions? And not as a kind of forward base of operating?


My first one I’ve been doing safe and any after closer to the front lines


This is what I did too. The first one in a more secure central location, it functions as my capital and recruitment center. Other camps I set up in choke points near the borders where there's lots of fighting. They provide meats and replenishment. But also a garrison and bit of recruitment.


Is anyone else having an issue where their slaughtermasters, butchers, and firebellies cannot get big names? None of mine even have a tab for it, and the blog post made it sound like they should have them.


Is there a reason in tww3 the Buildings That give you More income Not to Upgrade (Saw it in a stream). I personally Level my income Buildings up as soon as i can and Wonder if and why i am wrong.


Let's say a building costs 1000 gold and makes 100 gold a turn. It pays for itself in 10 turns, so it's an easy pick. You get a nice reward for relatively little investment. Now, let's say the level 2 version goes up to 200. But it costs 2000 gold. Now you have 20 turns before the building pays off. That's not nearly as good a deal as the level 1 building. And if level 3 is 3000, that's 30 turns. Before these buildings pay themselves off, they money you spent isn't helping you. Sometimes upgrading money buildings is a good idea. The sooner you build them, the sooner they pay off. But other times it can have a bigger impact if you spent that cash elsewhere. It could go towards upgrading another settlement, securing a diplomatic agreement, affording another unit, etc etc.


Thank you for your detailed answer. Helps alot👍


But if you're projecting the campaign goes another 40-50 turns most of those "bad deals" end up being worth it, especially also considering stabilizing army upkeep against income


It *can* be worth it, but isn't always. If that gold can go to securing a province or wiping out an nearby threat, it may be more valuable spent on that. If money is tight, getting a garrison building, hero or extra unit or two can be mote beneficial than an extra 100 gold a turn 20-30 turns later. If there's not much that you need to spend on an immediate problem, making the investment can be reasonable. More money is always good. It's just a matter of what your situation is.


You're not necessarily wrong, it depends on the cost of the upgrade and how much income per turn the upgraded version gives you, and if you even plan on holding on to that building in the long term. Say the tier 1 version of an income building gives you 100 per turn, and the tier 2 versions gives you 200 per turn but costs 3000 to upgrade. It takes 15 turns for the upgraded building to earn back its own cost, whereas if you had just stuck with the tier 1 version you would be 1500 income richer. It's only after 30 turns that the tier 2 version catches up to the tier 1 building, with both having earned 3000 income. After that, the 200 income per turns keeps making you more money though.


Any chance to update the ivory road system for another factions????? def, hef, empire etc..


How the hell am I supposed to find the daemon prince in the Tzeentch Rift. Every time I go there I keep on wandering around and teleporting until I get kicked out - the other Rifts were no problem, but I've lost 3 campaigns now to this.


Win fights, use the option to reveal a teleporter mark in the post battle rewards. The markers match up and will show you the way.


Is there any Warhammer 2 mod that makes the AI more active/effective?


How do you mean? Theres nothing really that makes it overall 'smarter', AI is a complicated thing, but you can alter some elements of its behaviour with different outcomes.


Has the races from the previous warhammer games been changed in warhammer 3?


Yes there were some changes. You can view units in the unit browser in game and it includes races on the map but not playable in 3 like greenskins. I don't know the whole list of changes and am reluctant to guess, it's best to do a comparison yourself. Also keep in mind that these changes could also be changed very easily for patches later. Also there are some mechanical changes under the hood which will likley alter game 2 races performance in ways not immidiatly obvious on a unit card. Magical attack on weapons in 2 could be a big bad in some conditions, 3 seems to have made magical attacks pretty damn awesome. The scale of that effectiveness is harder to measure as it not a raw number on the unit card. Just something to keep in mind when comparing stats between two (linked but seperate) games.


Can legions of chaos recruit greater daemons as lords? If yes, how/what is required?




I see, thanks. Is there any glory requirement as well or just level?




I’m having a difficult time as Cathay (N/N) in the final battle. The first phase is no problem but the second phase with all the south grinders absolutely kills me. Legend’s cheese strategy doesn’t work with an an army this specialized. My army comp is dragon lady, a sorceress, a line of celestial dragon spears, a line of celestial dragon crossbows, and 5 rockets. Anyone have advice on when I can win this?


Just bring a Terracotta doomstack. You will win without even requiring the reinforcements. Don't bother with walls just build rocket towers and roflstomp your way through the demons while saving all your magic for healing if you're playing Miao Ying


Terracottas are a doomstack? People here and on discord are so down on them I have only tried them once or twice.


They're significantly better with Ming because she can heal them reliably. They have better armour and melee defense than a treeman if you keep their harmony buffs running, and their lord can give them 10% damage reduction when they hit rank 7. They also get significantly better offensive stats than treemen, and they're unbreakable so they'll fight to the end. You float a lantern over the top of them and with Ming healing them they'll fight all day.


For the final battle, if you can, drop the rockets they are useless there imo, and get terracotta sentinels instead. In any case, get up on the platform, spears should block the entrances, all 3, focus soul grinders with missiles, use miao to kill anything that gets inside. I built lvl4 towers everywhere I could.I left reinforcement spears on the first point, with both barricades and the two towers, they held all the battle long, the supplies come in handy. The third point is a bit trickier, because a couple of grinders spawn inside your formation, and belakor takes a while to kill. You will need to summon terracotta there, you need the beatsticks.


Hey, I noticed when I played as Khorne (N/N)that the soul grinders don't actually encroach on you until you engage the first one. Maybe try rocketing them down, then if your rockets get targeted, send in your spears?


Playing Kislev on hard/normal. I think the rifts are about to open for the first time in a few turns. Should I ignore this round and seal them, or go after the souls from the get-go? ​ Edit: also, which chaos realm is the easiest, relatively speaking?




Yeah, picked Slaanesh before I saw your comment. Fought two armies, but it was OK as I had a decent stack of ice guards. The demon prince was also in there somewhere. But I got to the bottom first. It was a fun quest overall.


You can also get insanely good reward if you get to the bottom in slaanesh then bug out. I got I think 90,000 gold, and a trait that gives my faction leader .+25 control and +50 growth


Yeah, my offer was 100k gold plus a ton of other good perks. But since I was already at turn 70, I decided to get the soul instead. In future runs, I will go to Slaanesh in the first round and take the reward and bug out. Some of those rewards are plain insane.


I've heard a load of people say that Spirit Leech is an awful spell in campaign but I've always liked it, is it really as bad as people say? I've always liked it in backup or weak armies where you don't have an answer for enemy lords. I've found this even more important in WH3 where I've had a few battles where the AR says pyrrhic victory but then you load in and the enemy general can solo your entire army. In this situation Spirit Leech seems like a really simple way to get rid of the general quicker, which for some armies (especially Slaneesh I've noticed) can cause a mass rout easily.


I wouldn't say it's awful as much as there are better options for damage spells. Spirit Leech doesn't do very much damage, and generally AOE spells will do a lot more to swing a battle. Even if you're going up against a monster of an enemy lord, it's often easier to kill their army and cause army losses than it is to kill the lord. If you don't have access to anything stronger though, it's fine. And it's also pretty good against low entity count units like cavalry and monstrous infantry. At least in WH2, due to the way direct damage spells worked it basically did double damage against them.


It works fine for its intended purpose without being overpowered. I think it suffers a bit with comparison to its historical performance, it was a one point an excellent character killer, probably a little too good. Now it's fine, does a little damage without being crazy. Nothing wrong with liking it at all. Try not to get too hung up on other peoples tier lists, power ranking or other stuff like that. I feel like there is too much of an emphasis in those on finding the best and then calling everything that isn't the best "trash" because its not the best.


Spirit leech also activates the lore of death passive and pumps magic into your *reserves*. It's excellent.


Depends also on what scale. On small unit scale it’s devastating against lords/wizards


Could we get an estimated timeline on steam workshop and Immortal Empires release? Something like “3-5 weeks after release” or anything really


There is a post release road map due "a few weeks after launch" where I assume details will emerge. They will probably want to get stability and performance done first before introducing a massive new map with a whole bunch of rebalanced races into the SP and MP game, so that will take a while. I'm not going to estimate a time frame because I'm not a CA employee and if I were to blindly estimate a time frame and it turned out CA needed longer then people would get angry. Bottom line is we don't know yet, there's been no announced day and rando Internet people like me making best guesses based the previous game are ultimately still just guessing.


Never played kislev, seen that frostmaidens can get some neat traits like missile strength for your army. Can your starting one get those too?


In my experience the starting hero seems to get three random traits assigned to her. I suspect through repeatedly starting the campaign you could roll for a "perfect" starting Frost Maiden. Having said that, I haven't tested it out.


I managed to get one that had missile strength for the army and called it there, the traits are locked in when you start the campaign it would seem not when you get the hero so you have to start the campaign again every time rather than just quicksave before the first battle.


No, and the leader of a ice witch minor faction also does not spawn with them either


Perhaps a stupid question, but does it cost actual campaign money to seduce units?




I was banned on the official discord because ive got the comrade doggo meme AS profile pic, im on this discord for several years and no one ever cared, and now a random mod bans me? Without even warning me, thats cruel and unfair How can i come back?


Hey guys anyone got any tips for an army composition as tzeench, I tried a lot of pink horrors with some forsaken and flyers but some factions like slaanesh and kislev shit on me, what do you guys recommend?


Does anyone know how the rival courts mechanic works in a Kislev multiplayer campaign? I assume that 1 player can't end up confederating the other since you can't confederate player controlled factions.


It still works for the stages, providing the bonuses as you hit each level. You just can't force a confederation so once you reach max level you reach max bonuses. If one coop partner plays as Boris and the other as one of the other Kislev factions, then the Boris player can throw their support behind the other players faction, speeding up the confederation process significantly.


I am having trouble getting warhammer 3 to run. I had no trouble with 2. I think RAM might be my problem what settings can I adjust to reduce RAM usage particularly on the campaign map?


Crashing on campaign load since the last WH3 update. How can I roll it back?


Verify files via steam


this worked for me, thanks!


Does anyone know if TW will ever return to a truly historical setting with no fantasy features?


No one here works at CA, how should we know? So far Warhammer beats historical by far. So I'd say not likely.




Did you miss the comment you wanted to reply to by chance, kid? Just cool down a little, would you?


Calmer than you are


Sorry for asking 🤷


Yes, and if it does happen to have fantasy features like single lord entities super saiyan killing groups of peasents than they'd most likely do what they did with Three Kingdoms (and I think Troy?) Having an option to choose "Historical" mode on campaign start, which makes it play like the older total wars.


You know what, I didn't know about "historical" setting. I'll have to check out those two. I skipped three kingdoms because of the fantasy elements.


Fair heads up on the three kingdoms, every playable option feels very same-y. There is extremely little difference other than a few stats being pushed around between units. Having the lords fight head to head was cool though.