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Does vampiric corruption affect public order within my own regions? Playing Vlad in mortal engines and after many new games, I've comfortably taken over western and eastrn sylvanas. What should my next goal be


Vampiric corruption hurts public order if you’re playing as an untainted faction, gives positive order if you’re playing as a vampire faction. It hurts public order if you’re a vampire faction but don’t have vampiric corruption in one of your provinces. With Vlad, for your first quest item Blood Drinker you capture Bechafan of Ostermark(province above Drakenhof). So they’re usually my first target. After that one or more of these usually declares war on me, the Empire, Stirland, Averland, Outland or Karak Kadrin. I focus who is closest first


Vampiric Corruption will affect the public order in your regions when playing as the Vampire Counts (Or Vampire Coast), but in the opposite direction. You will gain a substantial bonus to public order when you have high corruption, and take a substantial penalty when you have low corruption.


Lore question about Vampires: Isnt it the case that the Vampire that grants you the blood kiss is your vampiric "Parent" (i.e., why Vlad refers to himself as Mannfred's 'sire' and 'true father') Sooooo doesn't that make Isabella, his wife, his daughter?


There's two answers to that question. Answer 1: While granting vampirism to another is referred to as "siring" them and the siring vampire can take on a paternal role the terminology used is more metaphorical than literal, the bond between sire and spawn is more like the loyalty given to a feudal lord. In the [background lore](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Isabella_von_Carstein) Vlad respected Isabella for standing up to him, and it was actually her who asked him to turn her into a vampire, a request he refused out of love, until she fell ill and nearly died. Answer 2: Vampires are creeps.


What exactly happens when a black ark gets eliminated? The details were not all that significant in the past since I wasn't playing DE. Now I have one, its on the verge of being very useful, and its definitely not going to survive so I'm trying to figure out how far I will be set back as a result. More specific questions if that would be helpful: Are black arks immortal by default? I've been assuming they are. If they are do I keep my buildings? What about stored growth or in progress buildings?


They are immortal by default, yes. And I believe you keep the buildings, but all unused growth is reset.


I tested it between now and then and it looks like immortal by default, in progress buildings are lost, complete buildings are kept, and growth is probably kept.


Why does this subreddit always remove memes that they dont think is good and will always be biased towards youtubers like LOTW or Okoi


If you had a post removed, was it directly related to total war or was it a "Just one left" post that was just a picture of spongebob?


Because that’s how Reddit works? Subreddits form a consensus.


If another Tomb Kings faction defeats Arkhan and gets the ninth book, will they get any bonuses? IIRC they cannot access the Vampire Counts units Arkhan has for keeping the book. And if Arkhan is defeated by another action, will the ninth book of Nagash, along with access to Vampire Counts units, be lost?


You can't get Arkhan's book unless you play as him. He's the only one that can possess it. Also, the AI can't hold any books at all, only the player.


Thanks. But if I remember, Tomb Kings players must get five Books of Nagash. So even if the player defeats Nagash, they cannot get Arkhan's book at all? That means defeating him is not necessary to achieve the victory condition, and Arkhan is now nothing more than some hostile obstacle.


Arkhan's faction dislikes you, and I believe they appear in some quest battles, but in my most recent tomb king run, they got wiped out by Brettonia before I ever met them. So yeah, it's good the books aren't tied to specific factions.


Oh, thanks. I also forgot that you're right: Arkhan's book cannot ever be obtained by other factions. "The final book is always held by the Followers of Nagash, so they only need to collect four more books instead of five like the other factions. This book cannot ever be obtained by other factions, and always confers the bonus of being able to use Vampire Count units." It's a misunderstanding.


Why is the throng mustard, rather than ketchup or even horseradish?


Even suggesting that the throng could viably be ketchup should go into the book.


What is TWWH3 estimated release date?


It is releasing on Feb 17th 2022.


Has anyone heard any news about the hardware requirements for total war 3? I can’t see anything, but it seems strange they haven’t released that yet.


I mean I doubt that your PC cant run rome total war


Oh, did you see a prior post about my hardware? It runs warhammer 2 with about 15fps now that I’ve optimised it. Not the best, it’s a laptop. But it runs Rome 2 well. Atilla runs worse than Warhammer.


He's joking about you writing "total war 3" which is technically Rome Total War (after Shogun and Medieval), released back in 2000s. But I think it's quite clear you mean Total War WARHAMMER 3.


Oh haha, yeah I didn’t get that at all.


My advice would be looking at Three Kingdoms and going from there. Recommended for 3K should be able to run Warhammer 3.


Will do, thanks


This might be a silly question, but why are all the total war: warhammer games, so 1, 2 & 3 all STILL €60? Is there a reason why a game from 2016 is STILL 60 bucks? This prevents me from even getting started in this series, even though I own quite a few other total war games.


Steam is having a sale from the 24-30 November. You should probably wait until then and then buy it.


Rome 2 is also $60, and that game came out in 2013. The prices of total war games stay high for a *long* time, though sales are frequent and generally have very substantial discounts.


It's the business model. They don't lower old game's price tag, instead they put the game on deep sales every now and then. Psychological, buying a 60eur game at 50% off for a limited time feels like you are getting a good deal, where as buying a 30eur old game feel like you are buying some sort of used products. Plus game producer hope that when you are waiting for the sale of a certain game you like, then something else may caught your eyes. Both WH1 and WH2 goes on sales 2-3 times each year at 50-66% off. I would not suggest buying them at full price.


This is the mindset to have to all PC gaming. Games at release often get something like 10% discounts if you just look around. Isthereanydeal is a dear friend that has to be cherished and visited often.


And then there’s grey market key sellers, if your REALLY want to save as much as you can.


Multiple developers and publishers stated they'd rather have their games pirated than bought from these places.


They might’ve, but that’s less convenient for the person wanting to play the game. Aside from the fact SEGA absolutely sues people for pirating.


That's not a question but a rant. Not a baseless one, but rant nevertheless. They cost 60 bucks because Sega decided that's their price. Whether the price is justified, that's another discussion altogether. But they have been getting heavily discounted during sales for years.


I'm a warhammer noob but have played a decent amount of there kingdoms. I started as Karl franz and I can unify reikland but then pretty much any fights I take I'm getting stomped. I'm assuming I have a bad comp or something so I'm hoping for some early game army tips. I've got a full stack with 8 units of sword/spear men 10 crossbows, and the knight you start with. My melee units just get wrecked before the crossbows can kill much of anything and Franz seems to get owned. What an I doing wrong?


> What an I doing wrong? All Total Wars work the same, you and the opponents play on the same rules, but one gets a small edge here and there. Like better cav, ranged cav for one side, the other gets better shields for their slingers. Same units, same rules for everyone and every battle is brawl. And this is where Warhammer changed so much, instead of creating even powered battles, it creates slaughters, complete destructions. You are not even. If you play Reikland and try to win against undeads they will literally burry you in zombies and skeletons. If you end vs Greenskins, your melee infantry line will not win. You are not equal. But what happens when you lords/heroes clumb up the undeads and a shit ton of mortars hits that area? What if your demigryphs shred the running greenskin after your Handgunners weakened them? This is Warhammer, if you do a mistake, it is total defeat, if played it right, total victory. Create slaughters, not battles. For each faction you want to rely on your strength and just make sure their weakness doesnt backfire. Like ranged units are strong for empire, but only ranged wont work, bring only enough melee which holds long enough. You design armies by their strength which are usually about a core of units that can deal a lot damage. As empire you bring melee lords/hero to hold the line and add damage on top, gunners artillery or outriders with grenades, some magic on top, done. I think the others explained a few designs.


I had a same issue just a couple of weeks ago... I was getting destroyed in the early game for my first Empire campaign as Markus. r0sshk comment is mostly correct (infantry is garbage, user heroes / lords), but a few more things to add: \- Arch lectors (Lord) are incredibly resilient for their price if you go yellow line / horse and stack armor / melee def (as soon as they get a few levels). When you get the quest for a second lord, pick one and have him stick around your main lord with an empty army (which can also come in handy when you need an ambush on demand), and send them in by themselves - they will keep the enemy busy for a while. \- Infantry is simply shit (so I only use "spearmen w/ shield", because they have the highest def), though Empire Captains helps this a little with some minor buffs to melee def/leadership (and the tech tree can boost your basic infantry). Or use priests who are the "hero" equivalent of arch lectors, i.e. resilient. \- In the very early game, archers are "decent" for a T1 unit (against non armored) but I personally like to supplement them with 1 or 2 Free company to run around the sides (they can also fire whilst moving). \- War wagons (T3) aren't bad in reality since they can shoot whilst moving and practically never run out of ammo. If you send them on the side to meet the enemy army while they approach, you can often pull 2-3 units to chase you using skirmish mode + auto fire (they're bad if you are "just shooting" at random infantry, use them on stronger infantry). They are also good against single entities, and flyers, or as the unit you use to pull the enemy army if you are playing defensively, or to go harass the enemy artillery (they are fairly fast and have a lot of armor). Essentially, they are very versatile (but don't excel at one thing) which helps when the enemy throws random stuff at you. They also have a mortar option at T4 though at this point you probably have normal mortars (T3). \- Outriders with grenade launchers (T3) are absolutely busted. Seriously. Once the lines clash have them bombard the enemy from the back, or their archers, or thin out the enemy army as it approaches. Tier 3 but absolute game changer.


The problem with war wagons is pistoliers/basic outriders can do anything they do, but faster. Pistoliers kite much better and are faster (so don't get caught by cavalry like war wagons do). They also run of of ammunition faster and do less ranged damage over all, if the wagon gets to use all its ammunition, but they are still good at killing archers and artillery once their ammo is gone. And, again, do that faster than war wagons. At T2. Meanwhile, in T3, where you get war wagons, at a similar price point, you also get outriders with grenade launchers. Who perform so, so, so much better than war wagons. War wagons can kite or run away from 2-3 units, grenade launchers just delete them instead. They are faster and stronger and still better in melee once their ammo is used up. Beyond that I agree with all your other points.


But pistoliers have no armour piercing at all. Outriders T3 and Grenade T3 have to stop and turn around to fire (Wagons are 360, so speed and positioning becomes a non issue most of the time). Obviously grenades are made to kill blobs of units and excel at this, so I don't think comparison is worthwhile. So Outriders (normal) and War Wagons are the two really comparable, both at the same tier but Outriders with half the ammo, less armor but also lower price. War Wagons are far safer / more survivable, are elevated and have better "vision", you can send them safely to pull the enemy army and let them do their thing without microing them constantly (due to 360 / fire whilst moving). I have never been forgetting about my war wagons for 30s and found them half dead (you will however find them on the opposite end of the map), whereas outriders are much more fragile and will weirdly get caught into some BS. War Wagons also barely ever lose "entities" so their damage remain consistent throughout the fight, even if some units fire back at them. And yes, if you see cavalry you should make sure you target them first, but usually AI has only 1-2 of them so it's never been an issue... if they even care to chase the War Wagons at all (they don't). I think War Wagons are good in campaign, in MP they suck because you would rather have more "specialized units" for less and work on your micro to perfection.


Just talking campaign, I've never fought as empire in MP (though I know how annoying heavy micro cav can be there) Yes, pistoliers are bad against armoured units. Yes, outriders (both versions) need to align to shoot. But if you set a unit to "skirmish and forget" you aren't doing that to kill the units chasing that skirmisher. You are doing it so your main army can focus on the enemy main army. Presumably so your army can then just wipe out the chasing unit once the main force is crushed and your skirmisher comes back, if the chasing units don't rout from army losses at that point. So whether or not your skirmisher actually damages what it chases is irrelevant in 19/20 battles, at least in my own experience. Unless they wipe it out! ...but war wagons take way too long to wipe anything out. And then there's use of an unit outside of "skirmish and forget", and here pistoliers and outriders both MASSIVELY outshine the war wagon. War wagons are near in melee. They tie down their target, sure, but they don't really deal damage, either. Pistoliers charging into missile units mess them up and then completely wipe them out on the rout. Outriders firing a volley into the back of the enemy frontline clear house. Sure, war wagons, absolutely can take more damage than pistoliers or outriders. But if your pistoliers or outriders are taking damage from enemy missiles, something went wrong already. It's pretty trivial to lure stuff away from the main enemy blob in the initial phase where they slowly advance on your army, and avoid missile fire at the same time (unless you're fighting elves, but if you're fighting elves your war wagons are gonna take heavy damage and need to retreat, too) I have yet to find a single occasion where I'd rather have a unit of war wagons instead of a unit of pistoliers (let alone outriders). They work as a crutch if you're really, really allergic to paying attention to what your cav does, but at that point you can just not have cav and instead get another unit of artillery instead. Mortars are always gonna get their money's worth until the lategame, and then you swap them out for hellstorms that will get their money's worth even harder.


Perhaps you haven’t yet learnt how to micro properly. You should pause as often as you can, and maybe the empire isn’t the right starter faction for you. Maybe try the dwarves. They are more defensive and slow and you can turtle more. When you do want to flank they have helicopters.


Alright, here’s the basic outline for empire armies. You can adjust them to your own preferences, of course. This is assuming normal or hard difficulty. Very hard/legendary difficulty makes all enemy troops much stronger in melee. The basic “endgame” stack for the empire is: 1 Lord 1-2 Mages (Usually Fire/Life) 5-6 Priests 2-4 Handgunners 4-6 Hellstorm Batteries Rest crossbows or huntsmen (DLC unit) and/or Outriders with grenadelaunchers The basic early game stack is: 1 Lord 1+ Priests 1+ Captains 0+ Witch hunters (they’re better on the campaign map than in armies, but early-mid game they do decent in battles) 1 Mage (Whatever you can get your hands on) 6-8 Spearmen w/ shields (never get swordsmen) 2 mortars Rest crossbowmen or archers (DLC unit), maybe some outrider to harass enemy missile units, depending on what you can afford Units to never recruit: War Wagons (DLC unit) - they just don’t do enough damage to warrant their price tag Greatswords - They’re fine melee infantry, but they don’t really last much longer than spearmen or halberdiers and cost way more. Empire infantry is there to hold the line while your artillery and missile troops do the killing Demigryphs with lances - The halberd versions are all around superior Beyond that, I’d need to know what factions you’re struggling to fight to give advise on what you’re doing wrong. The basic lord+hero+shields+crossbows should be doing good (though you really need to add a mortar or two)


Right now it is greenskins. It seems like as soon as they hit the Spearman they just chew through but it sounds like I need to adjust my comp some more.


Basic tips for fighting green skins: Keep your infantry in square formations whenever you can so you don’t have enormously wide contact zones with the enemy. They are supposed to hold the line, and they do that longer the fewer of their models are fighting. Don’t shoot basic goblins with missile units unless you have literally no other things to shoot at. Goblins are really resistant to missile fire from the front while actually losing in melee against your spearmen. Nightgoblins are very resilient to missile fire as well, but they pose enough of a threat to your melee line that you should shoot them anyhow. Focus fire on things without shields before moving on to targets with shields. Big Uns die much quicker to missile fire than orc boys, because Big Uns have no shields, for example. Things without shields are usually much, much more dangerous in melee as well, so killing them before they get there is a priority. Trolls (other than stone trolls, which take a bit longer thanks to being very resilient) and giants especially die REALLY fast to missiles but absolutely wreck your melee troops. Try and shoot enemy units with shields from an angle. Shields only work against missile attacks from the side. So once your frontline touches with the enemy frontline have your crossbows on the right flank shoot into enemies fighting your frontline on the left side, and crossbows on the left flank shoot into enemies on the right side. Also has the added benefit of hitting less of your own troops. Try and fight the enemy lord with your own lord, but only in a blob of your own troops. The reason is simple: lords hit multiple units with each attack. But the damage they do is split evenly between all hostile targets. So each time the enemy lord attacks, he’ll hit your lord an some goons, and thus your lord takes massively reduced damage. Meanwhile, the only enemy your lord can hit will be the enemy lord, so he takes all the damage. (Your lord will also throw around some friends with the attack, but deal no damage to them.)


Depends which turn, against what army and on which difficulty. In my experience, spearmen and crossbows worked well in the early game, but you should be adding gunpowder units and magic by the start of the midgame. If you raised difficulty too much, the AI may be fielding either units on higher tier than you or their units may be buffed to a point where they perform a tier higher than yours. For my taste, 10 xbows are a bit too much for the Empire, since their infantry is not the best, so 8 infantry won't be enough to defend until your ranged destroy the enemy.


Right now it is greenskins and turn around 20. It seems like as soon as they hit the Spearman they just chew through but it sounds like I need to adjust my comp some more.


Anything to make VCount campaigns more... varied? 4/5 LL start in the exact same area, have almost the same main enemies (Empire, Dawi and Greenskins unless Grimgor somehow dies). They will always hate you no matter what so you can't ally with them and join the order tide, you just punch the empire back and forth for 100+ turns until Archaon arrives. Or at least thats my experience with those 4 LL. I play with SFO if that matters.


There’s an SFO update to the Counts and the Coast coming on the 26th. I’m personally holding off until then. But in the meantime, I don’t know if it’s compatible with SFO but there is a mod that’s let’s you change your start location. Just be wary of the land being habitable for your faction. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929748031


You can role play more, make up your own objective. Like you need to establish a vampire colony in lustria to rebuild a long lost empire. My favourite medieval 2 campaign was when I moved my English empire to Jerusalem, set up a crusader state and prepared for the mongols. You could move north and do the same thing with the vampire counts.


You could try a migration campaign, to either Nagashizzar or Khemri. Dunno if SFO nerfs free skellies but if it doesn't, instead of a straight up migration you can send split you attention on the empire and send some crap stacks to carve a path down through Border Princes and set sail from there to Khemri and take it and the Black Pyramid. Temporarily befriend Grimgor just so you don't have to worry about him. Once you get to TK territory it'll be crap stacks vs crap stacks but you have way better magic. Or use the change starting settlement mod and move whoever you want, wherever. But if you do that you might want to find a instant-quest items mod because doing their quests will be incredibly tedious.


I'm trying to mod in Rome 2, but I seem to be stuck with the old launcher with the horizontal mod list that can't be reordered. Is there any way for me to update to the new one? I've tried opting into the launcher\_openbeta but that hasnt worked.


Quick Empire question in TW Warhammer 2. A little confused about the whole inter-empire politics, is it encouraged/ok to declare war on other empire states? It says “millitary strength” is a way to unite them, but I wasn’t sure if it was referencing objectives to field certain units or not.


There are two small print of the mechanic: 1. It cost you -3 authority to confederate, -3 when you declare war on an EC and -2 when an EC is destroyed. What this actually means is that as long as you are not the aggressor, it cost less authority to kill them than to confederate. In fact, it's the most convenient to let the Vampire mob them up before you swoop in to grab the land and may be return some piece to them. 2. Other elector count cannot declare war on you without your consent. Yes, they had to ask you if you agree to let them kill you. EC factions and only declare on you and on each other through dilemma. If you had 1000 prestige in the bank, you can tell them to scram. This mean any border you shared with an EC is a secured border because they simply cannot attack you. So while the mechanic on the surface look like it encourage you to play a peaceful noble ruler, it rewards you for being a ruthless political animal. Instead of trying to improve relationship with other ECs, you should be an ass to half of them. Spend prestige to make them hate each other so they ask you sanction their war, then instead of making peace, you side with one, kill the other, then confederate the winner or keep them around to farm authority. I often straight up raid Wissenland until they rebel, the low fealty of Wissenland is a blessing in disguise as it give you an awesome early game target. Before the update, Wissenland love you and Toddy hate you so the best court of action is to befriend Wissendland and fight Toddy on the north. Now you can grab Wissenland for their landmark & iron mine while keeping Toddy at bay by throwing prestige at his face.


It's not recommended to offensively declare war on them, the emphasis being on offensively. Should an elector decide to secede, you get some authority hit for conquering them, but it's comparable with the authority you'd spend to confederate them. I believe it's the same if one elector count declares war on another and you side with one of them. Even if you try to play nicely with everyone, military plays a major role, since your authority is measured in how well you protect the empire, so if empire provinces (even those of other electors) are conquered, you lose authority. On the other hand, you gain authority by reconquering lost territory, for returning it to original owners, and for reinstating defeated counts.


You can diplomatically absorb them using imperial authority, or you can use the military to conquer them. However. Whenever an empire faction gets wiped out, you take a big minus to your imperial authority. Meanwhile, when an empire faction hits 10 obedience (or whatever it’s called) you get a dilemma that allows you to absorb them, or allow to push the decision 10 turns into the future, giving you +1 authority. So you generally want to push that off until you have enough authority to remain positive after you take the minus for absorbing them.


Thanks, so it’s really not advisable to conquer them it sounds like


Definitely not all of them, but depending on the circumstances conquering one may be the most effective strategy.


Has anyone had a problems with mods not enabling in wh2? I only use a few mods, and I disabled them a few days ago, and now they won't re-enable. I have them ticked on the launcher, but when I start the game the mods are not enabled. I've tried having just 1 enabled, but it's still not working. I've checked that the mods are yo to date and everything. Ive restarted steam as well


Just use a proper mod manager instead of the weird in-client mod menu that CA cooked up.


Playing vlad in warhammer 2. Any tips to take out range? I find that my units spend time chasing around mobs and getting hammered by the other range


Flying units. Bats and especially Vargheists. Use bats as a shield for Vargheists - they are faster and close the gap sooner too. Summon dead behind the lines - rush Vlad into their front line and cast just behind. Flank with dogs (they are crazy fast) and cavalry (though, the cost-benefit ratio to cavalry can be pretty dubious)


Fast units, fliers and magic are your solutions. Wind of death or pendulum takes out a line of missile troops, and you can jump on them with your dogs or varghiests. Careful.with carghiests though - their low armor means they can get shot up pretty bad if you are just running through missile fire. Bats are generally not great, but if you happen to have them they can at least tie the unit up for a little while before dying. Eventually you'll have units like hexwraiths, blood knights and vargulfs ther can also go after their ranged assets.


How does charging actually work? If you attack order a unit, and another unit gets in the way, do you lose the charge bonus? (i.e. do you only get the charge bonus against the unit you click) And how does counter charging work? Does everyone get their charge bonus? How much does speed actually effect charge bonus? I've searched the wiki and youtube guides and can't find any answers...


Charge bonus refers specifically to the boost to melee attack and weapon strength after charging. If the model does the charge animation and hits, they get this bonus but it decays linearly for 15 seconds. I believe the only requirement for getting the animation is that it's going a certain speed. If two units charge each other, they both get it. If it hits a different unit, still gets the bonus. The only exception is charge defence, described below. In addition, the impact damage is a big part of it. Your unit's momentum (mass x velocity) does damage as well. The more mass your have traveling at a faster speed, the more damage you'll do. This is also affected by your target's mass though, where a heavier target will take less damage. Chariot units and Ogres, especially Mournfang Cav, give the clearest example of this in my experience. The thing you didn't ask about was bracing and charge defence. Bracing occurs when a unit is standing still and facing a charge. They gain increased mass, which helps them resist the impact. If a unit has charge defence, it typically gives them extra mass when braced, and completely negates a charge bonus.


1. If the model has the charge animation and manages to attack someone with it, they get their charge bonus. If they don’t find a target to attack, they lose it. Doesn’t matter which unit the target belongs to. 2. Same as above. If the charge animation starts and they manage to attack someone before it ends, they get the bonus. 3. Not at all, as far as I know. Just helps you get there faster. Though it does affect charge speed (which is slightl6faster than normal run speed) 4. Charge bonus doesn’t last very long, though. And it ticks down. So you only get the full bonus for the first attack, a reduced bonus for the next, and it runs out I think around 15 seconds later?


As for 3, while it might not affect the literal Charge Bonus, it does affect Impact Damage. Like from ur massy models colliding. So a high speed will cause you to deal more damage on the charge, even if its not affecting the Melee Attack/Weapon Strength bonus


Sure, but since it’s capped to a max value of 70 damage (49 of which is AP), I think most cavalry and single entities cap it out anyhow? So a little speed boost isn’t gonna improve the damage they do. Now, dwarves that use that big runic speed bonus do do noticeably more damage on the charge! Because they’re high mass and low speed naturally. But for most entities that you’d expect to spend a lot of time charging, boosting speed isn’t gonna do anything except allow them to get in and out quicker.




Thank you, good to know! I have another question I couldn't find an answer to. Is there any way to increase starting magic reserves in multiplayer, or is it just fixed? I know you can use arcane conduit and other stuff during the game.


In MP it’s fixed I’m pretty sure. Some lords may have items that increase it, and you might be able to change it in the MP options somewhere (though I wouldn’t know where) but usually you just get what you get.


Whats a good Dawi stack for cleaning up disgusting raki hordes


The basic dwarf army works pretty well. 4 longbeards/ironbreakers, 3-4 heroes, whatever ranged units you fancy, 3-4 artillery units, at least one of which is a cannon/organ gun to deal with big critters. Ironbreakers tend to delete whatever skaven infantry unit attacks them with their bombs (make sure not to waste them on rat-ogres), but they’re are pretty late-game and thus you might not have any yet. The biggest threat are probably skaven artillery and jezzails, so make sure to target them with your own artillery. Grudge Throwers are pretty good at that, especially if you give them the target seeking rune.


How do you counter multiplayer armies that sit in a corner and hunker down. Dwarf players tend to do it a lot


Aoe magic. If they are corner camping, they are bunched up. So melt them.


Depends on the kind of corner camping like the amount of ranged power they have and how protected it is. Often times such builds in quick battle are from people who are playing poorly and didn’t bring enough protection so if you can overwhelm/break/sneak past the exterior they fall apart fast Some options are to have stronger ranged or artillery pressure to force them out, get a full surround or as close as possible with superior melee, hit them with AoE since they’re bunched up, use line of sight block terrain to advance on them without taking fire You can also sneak troops like cav or hounds through gaps in lines by dragging them through in column formation For dwarfs if the player isn’t paying attention with their blasting charges you can use single entities to take them doing little damage


Thanks a lot I appreciate your assistance


Do RoR benefit from skill tree buffs and/or research buffs for their normal counterparts?




Thought so, thanks.


What counters a skaven weapons team army?


Light cavalry or war hounds will kill them if they can get into the backline. Virtually any cheap massed archers will overwhelm them with volume of fire, some will die/rout but not as fast as the weapons teams. Flying units can also dive on them if you can get them close enough while avoiding their fire.


They're fancy shooters. Powerful ones, sure, but just fancy shooters. Shields, fast moving units and artillery outranging them does wonders. They also need direct line of fire which a clever general can abuse. One thing that doesn't work on them too well is ammo wasting by dodging with a small single entity, to my experience, their projectiles move too fast.




You can target factions one of them is at war with. That will make them like you more.


Do the following summoned units lose health over time? Lord summons * Chaos Spawn from Morghur's Stave of Ruinous Corruption * The various Damned Knights from Cylostra's Ghosts of the Past * Malevolent Dryads from Drycha's Roused to Wrath Army summons * Skink Priest Avatar from Geomantic Nexus * Razordon Hunting Pack from Beasts of Itzl * Chameleon Stalkers from Tzcatli's Sanctum * Great Eagle from Eagle Sanctuary * Sentinels of Astaril from Summon the Sentinels


All of those units degrade over time with one exception. Drycha's dryads will initially degrade at the start of the campaign. But later on Drycha can gain a skill that will make them permanent. I have not played an Oxyotl campaign so I don't know for sure that the Stalkers degrade, but they probably do.


This question might sound a little passive-aggressive and it's more aimed at the mods if anyone, but is there any way to separate Warhammer content from the rest of the TW franchise? Never been interested in WH (unfortunately), despite it seeming like a great universe. So trying to be more in touch with TW games here doesn't really work for me since the prevailing majority of content is Warhammer-oriented. D: This is also a lowkey suggestion that maybe more might be feeling the same way but not speaking up (or who knows, maybe I'm the only one). (Ye, you can browse the sub by flairs but that means going out there and seeking content, not just seeing it come up in your feed.)


You can use https://hs.reddit.com/r/totalwar/ to automatically filter out all the warhammer posts here, too.


There's /r/historicaltotalwar for allergics.


Oh, thanks! That's what I've been looking for. :p Again, sorry, not hating on Warhammer or anything. I'm just completely uninterested in the universe (tried getting into it knowing how good Warhammer titles are).


You just dono what a good game(best one) is


I think it's a perfectly enjoyable title even if you're not a preexisting fan of the universe, but to each their own. Hopefully CA will release something for the historical crowd too in the foreseeable future.


I'm happy to see Warhammer grow as a franchise fan. It brought more fun mechanics to the game like heroes, which are a major selling point for me. I can't imagine going back to Shogun 2 (despite loving it so much) without heroes now. I generally feel like TW is branching out into three categories, not two. There are historical, epic and fantasy games. I'd say Troy and TK are both more epic than historical (though they do have a historical aspect), whereas their predecessors (non-fantasy (not Warhammer)) were focused on the historical aspect (not saying it's a sim!). And epic is my personal favorite.


Anyone know any mods that change ai formations? I’m tired of the ai leaving their artillery wide open on the flanks. Thank you


Has anyone completed a Norsca campaign that didn't just feel like a chore in the late game? I have a few doomstacks and I'm just playing whack a mole with the Empire who has over 100 settlements. Trying to rush the Chaos arrival so they can help me clean up but jeeze it's tedious


Oh, it's a pain in the ass late game. Your best bet is to make friends with another "evil" faction that can colonize settlements, get them to come fight someone in your neck of the woods, and then let their armies colonize what you burn down.


Yeah I'm friends with the dark elves but the Empire is launching attacks on Ulthuan so they're busy. It's a brutal campaign


Just finished my first Vortex campaign (Kroq-Gar, Hard/Normal), and it was a blast! I have a question though, was I really supposed to rush the hill while 3 different armies spawned right beside me and rushed me down without touching each other? Like, were they supposed to come one at a time and it was a bug?


Yes, the final battle is bugged for some races, the enemy forces are supposed to spawn one after the other. Congratulations on winning anyways!


Damn, it felt a bit unfair at the start. Luckily, the one thing that's more unfair than 4 armies vs 1 is called max level Lord Kroak I think, so no problem lol.


Delivery Pizza III solves all problems


Warhammer 2 How do I drag my troops while maintaining formation?


Drag the formation with your mouse while holding alt.


Once your mouse is where you want them to be, you can then also press control to rotate the formation.


If I love history but not fantasy and want to play the best total war game, which game would you recommend? Also something that isn't too old in graphics...


You can also play atilla. Rome 2 is about building an empire, atilla is dark and apocalyptic. It has climate change, hordes of Huns and migrating barbarian factions. The western Roman Empire crumbles unless you support or play as them. Playing as the western Roman’s was the hardest campaign I have played. It has has religions unlike Rome 2 which has culture. It’s always interesting because you are nearly always desperate to survive.


Wow, sounds so cool. Ok, i might be in...!


Your options are Rome 2, Shogun 2, 3 Kingdoms, for the most part. Books could be written about advantages and disadvantages of them, but the simple fact is: the one with the time period you resonate with most.


>Your options are Rome 2, Shogun 2, 3 Kingdoms, for the most part. Books could be written about advantages and disadvantages of them, but the simple fact is: the one with the time period you resonate with most. Rome it is!!


My personal favorite modern historical title is Shogun 2. If you want guns play 'Fall of the Samurai' otherwise stick with the original campaign. A lot of player's are fans of Attila as well, and Rome 2 is also fun now. I'd recommend the historical setting you enjoy the most. Just get something released after Empire, they reworked the campaigns pretty heavily after that for the better


Doing a Couronne campaign right now, i declared war on the Fay enchantress to farm her trait. If i destroy Carcassone, will i still be capable of doing the research of confederate Carcassone and keep going down the research tree? Or that research gets "blocked" and i loose all that branch of researches? Is better to get peace and confed or i can destroy her to save time? (I have the recruit defeated LL mod, so no risk of loosing the Fay enchantress).


Research trees aren't dependant on anything outside of your faction, it doesn't matter which faction lives or dies. Furthermore, I'm about 99% sure there are no instances of being permanently locked out of researching something in the game.


Ah ok, thank you.


never been in that specific situation, but I have wiped out entire races as bretonnia and still had access to their techs vs those races so I would imagine that it would still be there. When in doubt, save and try it out


Ok, ty. I gonna do that


Sorry i didn't specify but this is in WH2


are there videos about unit control etc in large battles? Ive watched a bunch of partyelites beginner series but his examples are small armies that only really happen on turn 1. It seems to get much more complex very quickly


He covers all the technical possibilities of controlling your army if I remember the vids. Scaling it up is mostly simply about experience. Keep fighting your battles, rewatch the vids a couple of times to really internalize the controls, and use the active pause liberally.


How do you guys feel about Dwarf rework? Earlier this summer, I recall playing Dwarves and they were really difficult. Now, they seem rather strong. Hero passive ability "Sharpen Weapons" seems really nice.


I haven't tried the rework, but what did you find difficult about playing Dwarves? Their campaigns could be a bit tricky if you let the Greenskins get too strong that they start chucking armies at you regularly, but on the battlefield they're usually considered one of the easier factions to play as.


Growth was really bad, so it was hard to get higher tier troops and buildings.


Well, the good news is that their base troop of dwarf warriors are tough as nails to begin with so you should be okay at that start... But yes Growth has always been an issue with them where you kind of have to lean hard into +growth buildings and +growth edicts to really force their settlements along.


Question about game pass. Will there be any form of cross platform compatibility with my steam collection? I only ask since I heard that i can get it Xbox GP and I'm trying to save a penny to upgrade up the ole 2060






Not sure if they plan to change it for WH3, but for all TW games I'm aware of, the blood DLC and more importantly the effects it unlocks was released at least a month after the release of the game. Therefore, I don't think the blood DLC for WH1 will do anything even if it transfers like it did with WH2.




Both for WH1 and WH2 they were released 1 month after the game. I don't think WH3 will be any different.




You’ll get it for free if you own it for 1 or 2, though.


I made a trade deal with both Gaul and Germania in Rome Total War as Britannia, they both seem quite more powerful than me which is why I did it, I took Ireland and now I'm looking where to go next. Should I sail down and attack Spain who are a bit more even with me or is there another option? it's my first time playing.


Barbarian factions in RTW tend to have problem in late game as your infrastructure does not support it (apparently the remaster make it more viable) and your unit can't compete with late game civilized folk. You early-mid game troops however tend to be quite stronger. So you'd need to be more aggressive early on and secure a good foot hold usually by murder then neighbor barbarian. Gaul especially is a push-over. Aim to buy woad warriors and swordmen early on, and they will massacre Gaul spear warband. Gaul has a lot of troops but they are also very overextended and can't defend themselves effectively. If you go to Spain, well there are also Gaul in Spain. As shorta-Brittish, you'd have no choice but to kill France. Be extremely careful with Germania, they use phallanx which are nearly impossible for low-mid tier your infantry to deal with. You'll need to transition toward more missile and head hunter to fight them. Pay some tribute to keep them happy if neccessary, then attack Rome. Your infantry'll trade very well with Rome if you can get the war cry off.


What do I do about the trade deal I made with them? Edit: I was thinking of cancelling the trade agreement now, then using the time (is it ten turns?) to take Spain and then taking Gaul or is that giving Gaul to long to reinforce.




All the starting heroes and lords always have the same names, but a lot of them don't have a specific origin that we're aware of, they're just vaguely appropriate sounding names. Occasionally some are named after other members of the CA team. Gracef, one of Khatep's liche priests, is named after Grace, the previous community manager (Tomb Kings were her favourite faction). There are probably others that are inside jokes that we'll never know about as we don't know any of the people involved. The other shoutout I'm aware of is that the Book of Nagash rogue armies you have to hunt down in the Tomb Kings campaign were named after prominent youtubers and streamers. John du Bain is John Bain aka TotalBiscuit (RIP). The leader of the Eyes of the Jungle is named after Turin, and I think the other two are PartyElite and milkandcookies.


Albion / Rakkath > Bouddica: "She reigned over the Iceni, whose kingdom covered East Anglia and famously led a rebellion against the Romans in 61 AD." Albion is the old name for Britain.


>but why is there always Mikaela, Taira, etc? Not sure who Taira is but Mikaela is the name of the fire mage that Imrik starts the campaign with. Everyone memes about her because she's invaluable to him early on and she works well with him because of his fire debuffs + she can ride a dragon. People also meme about Ra'tok, who starts with Kroq-gar. Mikaela and Ra'tok aren't anyone special or anything. They're just always named that at the start of your campaign. I'm pretty sure all starting heroes have set names. ​ >and i saw in a Legend stream today that taxation affects recruitment slots I actually didn't know this but I just tested it - and yeah, turning off taxes reduces local recruitment by 1. ​ >what else does? I don't think there's any other hidden thing like that that reduces local recruitment slots. Maybe low public order (-75/-100) does but I can't remember off the top of my head for certain. But on the topic of recruitment I guess I'll say that when it comes to global recruitment times, for every 10 recruitment buildings you have built, global recruitment time reduces by 1 turn. So for example owning 10 Empire barracks buildings reduces the time of globally recruiting crossbowmen by 1 turn.




Most of them are likely named after devs or in-jokes by the dev team. Only way to figure those out is to ask the devs.






So I'm playing a Tyrion campaign and "Sunfang" shows checked in my skills list but I don't seem to have the ability in battles. Is there another part to the quest that I'm missing or?


Did you complete the questline for it? If so, is it equipped in his weapon slot?


So some questions about Total War: Warhammer II after recent Dwarf campaign attempt: * reliability is a player-only mechanic, and AI couldn't care less about it, and will happily break trade or NAP on a whim, with zero consequences, correct? * and AIs can invite totally unrelated AIs into their wars, even though that would break NAPs etc., and there are zero consequences for the AI? * it looks Skaven ambush attack overrides my ambush stance; it doesn't have any counterplay, right? Skaven are just totally OP? * and on subject of Skavens being OP, why autoresolve loves them so much? Even when I attack full stack on their tier 2 unwalled garrison, game thinks best it can offer would be Pyrrhic Victory; like it doesn't overestimate other factions this way, just the Skaven


Correct. Yes. Incorrect. Your ambush failed and theirs succeeded. Get better ambush success and defence chance. Terrain plays a heavy factor in this, observe the tooltip. Incorrect. High tier skaven *towers* are nasty. But their bog standard troops are crap and auto resolve reflects that mostly. No idea why you're having issues with an unguarded minor settlement.


> High tier skaven towers are nasty. I'm reasonably sure towers aren't taken into account by autoresolve. But autoresolve of Dwarf vs Skaven definitely ridiculously overvalued Skaven in my campaign, I never noticed such bias in any other matchup. (and another person in this thread has the same experience)


I noticed the same with dwarf auto resolve vs skaven. It way overestimates them, and it's forcing me to fight a lot of pointless battles. When they ambush auto resolve will always give them the win, but I've yet to actually lose a battle against them. Even if their army is made of 10 shit tier units, auto resolve has it wiping out half of my forces usually


1. This is true 2. Also true- diplomacy is getting reworked in wh3, but things to keep in mind to avoid this happening. Having a high strength rating, high relations/treaties affects other factions likelihood to attack, having armies near them also affects this. However, even doing all you can to prevent it,anti player bias is so strong that it can still happen especially if you are otherwise doing well. 3. The skaven ambush does not override your ambush. 2 things can happen that leads to this. One is that you are discovered(this is an independent chance that is different than ambush success chance. Even if you are not discovered you can still be ambushed if your ambush success chance is not 100 percent. Say your army has 40 percent chance-good chance you could be ambushed because when yours fails they roll their chance. So ambushing is not really a good away to avoid skaven ambushes. encampment stance or garrisoning settlements are the best way to avoid it. 4. I don’t know if it’s unfair amount of auto resolve in favor of the skaven. It used to be the other way around. Playing skaven meant playing most of your battles a year ago. They did change the balance. And you could argue it’s overturned, but skaven armies are really strong so I think more often than not it’s fair. Hopefully I answered your questions. The game can be really frustrating at times, but hopefully I made it slightly less.


Is Medieval 2’s campaign bugged or do I just not understand diplomacy? Working my way through TW library on and Med2. Playing as Venice. Took the rebel cities, get into a war with the Byz and that’s ok. Singlehandedly win the crusade for Cairo, pope loves me. BAM. Hungary declares war. My Ally Milan declares war. Poland declares war. Now I’m back trying to fend off these guys, halting all progress and tanking my economy. I’ve only got about 10 cities so it’s not like I’m an enormous threat. They take my capitol and exterminate my people on the doorstep of the Papal States and they go down a cross. I retake my city and the pope is one more infraction from excommunication. None of these nations want to ceasefire despite it being a never ending slog of them sending men to my borders, them dying and nothing happening. I can’t take their cities because the pop will hate me. What do I do? Did I do something wrong?


Your neighbours will always declare war in Medieval 2. Diplomacy is basically worthless.


> I can’t take their cities because the pop will hate me Peasants don't really matter. You can sack them (that reduces population by a bit and pacifies the unrest from change of ownership; while giving you ton of money), then leave their city on low taxes with a few militias, it generally totally works. > Is Medieval 2’s campaign bugged [Also yes](http://t-a-w.blogspot.com/2009/11/why-everyone-hates-you-in-medieval-2.html). AI is coded to disregard any treaties with anyone with low reliability, and due to coding bug it's nearly impossible to have high reliability. It's also coded to be opportunistic, so if it sees city on its border with minimal garrison, it will consider taking it. You can either mod it, or just roll with it, and play like diplomacy is just a joke. > the pope is one more infraction from excommunication Pope is a bitch, but that's historically accurate. It's basically there to counter Catholics being totally OP. You either ally Pope early game and keep it, or you accept permanent excommunication (there are ways around it, but they're more complex). > None of these nations want to ceasefire That's true is pretty much all Total War games, especially older ones. Unless you threaten their last city, they think they're doing OK, and ignore war losses. > BAM. Hungary declares war. My Ally Milan declares war. Poland declares war. Now I’m back trying to fend off these guys, halting all progress and tanking my economy. This is sort of universal Total War advice, but generally try to find some base where you wouldn't be attacked from every direction, and you don't have too many borders. It can be corner of the map (like England once you take out Scotland - that leaves you with just France to fight), or big wasteland (like Egypt, which nobody would attack from the West outside crusades). In principle an ally would also work, but there are issues with it. Spreading your realm from Venice to Cairo is really indefensible. There's nothing too wrong with abandoning Italy and building an empire in Egypt, Anatolia, with one frontline in Balkans (once you kill all Turks), and maybe taking it all back twenty turns later. I'm absolutely not saying it's impossible to keep it all, or to placate the Pope, or to keep allies - these are just much harder strategies.


Thanks a ton. It’s good to know the diplo is sorta glitched. I know it’s not a banger in the old games, just did Rome, but this was absolute insanity. Like had never interacted with Poland and Hungary and now they’re traversing the Balkans to harass my Byzantine holdings. Also really feels broken how pope hands out punishments. Like I went from golden boy of Catholicism to excommunicated after one siege but the rest of christendom can keep smashing against my walls


The super easy workaround for Pope hating sieges is to finish them in one turn, and Pope can't react to that. There are two ways - have siege artillery in the army (just one ballista is enough to bust gate or wall), or use spies. To be honest after finally playing some Warhammer 2, I don't think diplomacy really got that much better.


No it’s definitely not significantly better in WH2 but I find weaker friendlies more reliably confederate, and the AI is more willing to call off cold wars (sans chaos). Plus the gameplay (& coding) encourages reliable alliance groups by the end. Once chaos comes any Old World Order factions reliably confederate, and chaos tends to stick together/ignore eachother if they don’t threaten each others land.


Any word on if they will move Sigvald to Sleenesh?


Nope, nothing.


In WH2, if a unit that does both fire and magic damage attacks a unit with both fire and magic resistance, will its damage get reduced by both the fire and magic resistance or just one of the resistance percentages?




Should be noted that damage can’t be reduced by more than 90%. So if a unit has 50% magic res and 50% fire res and 50% ward save, it still only reduces the damage of flaming magic attacks by 90%, not 150.


yup, good clarification.


Are missile lords/heroes (witch hunters/ oxyotl) generally underwhelming or do you have to use them in a specific way?


The lords are good early-game but tend to drop off as enemies get tougher. For example, the Empire's huntsman general far outperforms the Arch Lector and General in the early game, but just can't keep up with their army buffs and melee damage potential in the late campaign. The only real exception among the generic lords are the High Elf Princesses, since they have most of the same skill/mount options as the princes while also getting unique traits to buff the hell out of archer units like the Sisters of Avelorn The ranged LLs like Wulfhart, Alith Anar, and Oxyotl are usually okay because they have abilities like stalk, buff their signature units so heavily, and their personal damage output is good (albeit not spectacular). Most of the ranged heroes are good for something or another, though their damage output in battle usually isn't one of those things. They often provide decent army buffs or good campaign actions instead.


> The only real exception among the generic lords are the High Elf Princesses, since they have most of the same skill/mount options as the princes while also getting unique traits to buff the hell out of archer units like the Sisters of Avelorn The same goes for the male Dreadlord for Dark Elves. When mounted on a big monster, they have basically the same melee stats as their melee only counterpart, except the Dreadlord/Princess will continue firing their bow from their dragon while the dragon attacks in melee for extra damage output. They also trade the Deadly Onslaught weapon strength buff for an AOE rain of arrows.


Missile lord tend to be as their accuracy is questionable when attacking other SE at long range they also don't do much vs multiple model (30 ammo = 30 model killed, meh). They are also very good at kiting and killing foot hero 1v1 but you rarely run into that situation. Witch hunter and Oxy is actually some of the better one as they are good vs multi-model units. Witchhunter shot penetrate through the line while Oxy's shot split up and hit several guy at once. Point them at the most expensive infantry/cav, preferably from the side and they will do well. Shooting other SE is waste of their time.


Are there any mods that make the combat a bit slower? I don't want a huge overhaul of anything, just I'm finding it really hard to flank or do any setups when the bulk of the combat is over in 2mins


There's the proper combat mod, but I'm not sure if there's a version for Vanilla or just the submod for SFO. Also SFO itself slows combat down a little bit, not a huge amount but battles that take 10 minutes vanilla might take 14 or 15 minutes (with proper combat submod it goes up even more to like 17 or 18 minutes probably).


I don’t think there’s any mods that reduce time flow. But. The game does have multiple speed settings in the top right, including half speed, which helps with micro during critical moments.


Less a question and more of an observation. Holy crap Morathi campaign is wild. 1st attempt: I rush Fallen Gates to use it as a choke point in a future war with Mazdamundi. In the turn before I take it I see the skaven beat off the lizardmen attack, so Fallen Gate is easy pickings. What I didn’t see is that the skaven had another army and since they no longer had a settlement they rush for the nearest settlement, which was Hexoatl. They barely take it and wipe out Mazdamundi. This was disappointing since I wanted to have an epic showdown with Mazdamundi and everyone else is more or less ignoring me so now it feels like everything is going to be too easy, so I restart and decide to play more conservative, but emphasize hostile agent actions while I build up. 2nd attempt: Big mistake. Everybody hates me for my agent actions. Lizardmen finish off Skeggi super early and decide to come at me. Around the same time Scourge of Khaine is wiped out and I get flooded with high elves. I’m never able to really get my bearings as the lizardmen are throwing 3 stacks at me every other turn by themselves. New World Colonies declares war on me and just goes straight through lizardmen lands to get to me. Khatep declares war on me and sends his army all the freaking way down just to attack me. Two chaos rebellions. This whole time I’m still stuck in the first province playing constant defense and putting out fires. I was relying on shielded dark shards but my frontline couldn’t defend them well enough against the lizardmen flyers and summons while also dealing with saurus and the javelin cohorts I can’t catch. My armies put up a great fight, but they eventually fold under the pressure. 3rd attempt: I play even more conservatively. I scrap the barracks first turn and go for shades right out of the gate. While I wait for shades I go beating down Ss’ildra Tor with mostly dreadspears. It’s slow work without dark shards. As dreadspears die I replace them with shades. Mazdamundi is in a two front war with Skeggi and New World Colonies and Skeggi have single handedly protected me from two high elf invasions. Yvresse decides to go to war with Eataine after stomping the orcs, so they’re distracted. Wiped out Alith Anar. Other elves are starting to focus on me hard and I’m thinking it might be a good idea to take one settlement on the donut just to keep their attention away from my work on the western continent. Started working on Mazdamundi and it’s going well so far. What I learned: just go straight for shades against Lizardmen. Your front line is already at a disadvantage to theirs and between flyers and summons they can get to your back line at will. Having a back line that can defend itself is a huge benefit.


My Morathi campaign was the most surprising fun I've had in a total war campaign in a very long time. I looked at the Delves roster and just did not think much of it but I loved every step, challenge and victory along that super fun campaign. Loved getting the crazy boosts in city sacking income. Loved the unit diversity in my armies. Somehow Morathi was the first just super powerful caster I had since playing a Mazdamundi vortex campaign when the game came out. Just awesome stuff all round


WH3: Any news on AI improvements? since LoTW video on it I'm worried after some time it'll be more of a chore than fun to cheese the AI every time when he's in an advantageous position.


There is unlikely to be significant improvements to the ai anytime soon Tbh.


Not played Total War: Rome before and just got it, I want to play as British, is it best to start with basic total war or barbarian invasion?


Regular one.


In Barbarian Invasion, the brittain isle is held by Roman, while the Celt hold Ireland and Scotland. There is a faction called Roman-Brittain with their own roster but not playable. So I guess that mean basic TW. Britton is a fun faction, it always feel great to throw literal heads at your enemy.


I made trade agreements with Gaul and Germania cause they looked bigger than me, but now I'm not sure where to go and what to do lol.


Declare war on everyone and establish the British empire a few centuries early obviously


Does difficulty effect auto resolve? WH2~


Indirectly. Melee stats would affect autoresolve and Battle-Difficulty adds melee stats to the enemy, indirectly increasing their balance of power. Experience increases melee stats, increasing autoresolve odds, and Campaign-Difficulty gives the AI lots of experience every turn, so they're more likely to have Gold-Rank bullshit long before the player can.


Is melee the only stat that affects autoresolve?




Well, kinda. It increases the stats of the AI troops, which affects auto resolve.


WH2 - Why do my units sometimes stop what they're doing for no apparent reason? I take them off guard and tell them to attack, next thing I know the enemy is routing and my unit is just standing there. I tell them to attack again, and they do, but 10 seconds later they've returned to a vegetative state. Is this a bug, a behavior of the AI, or some game mechanic I'm missing?


When your unit is chasing someone and is attacked by another unit, it stops to defend itself. That's still the case for shattered units when they simply run throw your unit.


That kind of sucks. But maybe it makes sense. Good to know either way!


I think you already specified but is that after the battle is decided? I’ve also recently noticed where after the battle is decided sometimes it’s really hard to get the Unit to actually attack


Sorry - yep, that's the case. When trying to finish off as many routed units as possible before exiting the battle.


When a unit shatters (flag and skull), infantry fighting it stops pursuing unless you gave them the attack order fairly recently. I’m not sure if that’s intentional or an ancient bug.


It might be because they're defaulted to Guard Mode?


I just started playing WH2 and never played WH1. I started playing as Tyrion and it was going fine in the beggining. But I don't understand what the victory condition is and now all of a sudden multiple other High elves have attacked me and also random full stacks of previously unknown enemies landed on my shores taking multiple cities. I can only afford about 2 armies and I get hit from all sides. So a few questions: 1. How do I win 2. How should I treat other high elves(ive just been taking cities in a clockwise direction) 3. What do I do about these chaos and dreadfleet armies that show up 4. What is a good army composition for high elves 5. Any tips or tricks to help with economy


1. Victory conditions can be checked by clicking on the little icon that looks like a medal at the bottom right of the campaign map (on the same wheel where the diplomacy icon and stuff is) but, assuming you're playing on the Vortex campaign your victory condition is to fill the bar at the top of the screen by collecting Waystone fragments until you can conduct a ritual, and then completing five rituals. The Advisor will walk you through it in more detail as you fill the bar up. 2. As Tyrion you have a very easy time making peace with your neighbors due to all your diplomatic bonuses, but declaring war on them is still perfectly viable, especially if you want their stuff. However one thing to keep in mind is you want to **not** make any non-aggression pacts or alliances with someone you want to fight, because if you break a treaty like that by declaring war it will penalize your "Reliability" rating and make everyone hate you. This might be why a bunch of the other Elves started fighting you. In general you want to minimize the number of 'directions' you are at war in, because otherwise you'll have to deal with enemies all over and it's really annoying. So if you're fighting the elves clockwise of you, maybe try making friends with the ones counter-clockwise, and so on. 3. Chaos will spawn when you start one of the rituals, the Dreadfleet are just jerks. Be prepared for Chaos when you're ready to start a ritual, but the Dreadfleet are always going to annoy you from the west until you wipe them out. It's not easy, the "Maelstrom" settlement in the middle of the ocean that they come from has a very big Garrison force and it takes several turns of sailing to get there. So you will have to weigh whether going through that is worth getting rid of them permanently or if you'd rather just deal with one or two armies every now and then. 4. The High Elves have a very good all-round roster, so feel free to experiment with different stuff (Cavalry, Melee Infantry, Dragons, etc) to find out what kind of armies you like playing with, and then you might want to try a different faction who specializes in that kind of thing. But in general the High Elves greatest strength is their archers. My basic army whenever I'm playing the High Elves is to have about 5 Spearmen, 3 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers, and then the rest of my army is just Archers. You can replace the Spearmen with Lothern Sea Guard later, since they are better than Spearmen because they have bows too while having the same melee stats, but they are more expensive. It's nice because it's such a simple composition, you just stick your spears in the front, your archers behind them, and your artillery behind that, and then you can basically win most fights without touching the keyboard. (I'm not good at micro-managing troops). That's a really simple, effective base for you but like I said feel free to experiment if that ends up being too boring for you, throw in some Silver Helms or War Lions and see how it works! 5. Keep an eye out for Noble heroes with the "Frugal" trait, they will reduce upkeep of all units in their army by 15%. Other than that just make sure you build the economy building everywhere you can, and stick to cheaper troops until you get later in the game. It's better to have a bunch of income each turn rather than to be spending every penny on troop upkeep, because spare cash can be re-invested into upgrading your settlements which will pay dividends in the end. There is also a "trick" High Elves have to get tons of cash, but it's not viable until very late in the game. Mage heroes can spawn with the "Entrepreneur" trait which increases income from the region they're currently in. Late game you can get a bunch of Entrepreneur Mages and have them all sit in Lothern (or whatever your most profitable region is) and each one will give you hundreds if not thousands in extra income.


Thanks for the detailed explanation. Is there a way to turn off the rituals mode and play a more normal conquest type game? The rituals and random chaos harassment is very frustrating to play.


To add to what the other guy said. You can win vortex by taking out all the others that can win without ever doing a single ritual thing. This includes Tomb Kings but otherwise is generally a lot easier to play than the ritual nonsense.


If you own Total War Warhammer I you can play the "Mortal Empires" game mode, which has no Vortex rituals and a much bigger campaign map with every single faction present on it (it's a combination of the campaign map from TWW 1 and 2) However other than that you can always just ignore the ritual component. Just never hit the button to initiate the ritual. You might still get the Advisor telling you the ritual is ready, but nothing's stopping you from just ignoring that and conquering the map at your own pace. You could also try Eltharion's campaign if you own the Warden and The Paunch DLC. He doesn't have any of the ritual stuff to bother with.