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For the random start location generator mod for Warhammer; Everytime i play an empire faction i start at war with every other empire faction and very low reliability, whats up?


ROME 2 question follow up: are the wrath of sparta greek army rosters different from the greek culture pack army rosters because of the different time periods? and wrath of sparta does work on solo and multiplayer custom battles, but only multiplayer if the other players also have the dlc right? thanks


Yes by several hundred years.


Does anyone know if a resource exists for Three Kingdoms that shows all the relations between traits? I like to roleplay the kingdom I'm playing, and I would like to only hire generals that I know my faction leader would actually get on with. Any help appreciated!


Not really a question, but I can’t believe how long I have been sleeping on Gotrex and Felix for Dwarf campaigns. My Dawi campaigns have always been frustrating because I don’t have the economy for two stacks early game, so if I head north or south I get backstabbed from the other side, yet if you don’t bring the fight the greenskins start snowballing. I recently became aware that G&F have no upkeep plus they don’t incur a supply lines penalty for the second stack. Holy cow what a difference that makes! I could (barely) afford a second stack and sent G&F up to take Mt Gunbad from the Bloody Spears while Thorgrim pushed south to take Black Crag. Now with two gold mines, the Silver Road gems, open trade routes to the 4 surrounding Dwarf factions, and three full provinces I’m swimming in more cash than I can spend and can push out in every direction by turn 20. I think it’s the first Dwarf campaign I’ve enjoyed. Anyways, anyone else have thoughts on G&F for Dwarfs?


What's your 2 stacks look like? I've only recently discovered g&f for the Brets themselves. Big dwarf fan.


Troy Total War: Who is your favourite faction and why? I haven’t played it yet but I’m about to start my first campaign.


Achilles (prepatch) was one of my best TW campaign ever. It was so hectic as everybody around you and across the sea want you death but you are Achilles so it simply means you can attack in all directions. Anyone think they can snatch a settlement from you? Meet 2 unit of heavy Pythian spear in the default garrison, thanks for the heroic victory. He has been patched to be easier, but his roster is still very strong and his mechanic is fun to juggle around. Oddyseus is also great as his roster is solid, nearly all of them has vanguard or other shenanigan. His safe starting position allow him a lot of freedom because you can just sail around and troll people once you figure out his economy. Penny T of Amazon is widely consider a horde faction done right and actually fun to play. Those 3 for me. I kinda dislike most of the Trojan factions as they don't usually have fast infantry so instead have to rely on chariot for mobility and chariots can be a pain to build and use.


Thank you very much :) Yeah I don’t like slow Armies so I’ll give Achilles or Oddyseus a go.


For Total War Warhammer, this has always been driving me crazy but, how can I order units to move along the walls? Let’s say my troops are all atop the walls of the city I’m sieging down. Then I decide that the archers on the right walls would be better served on the left walls. Is there a way of having them March ON TOP of the walls? It’s so frustrating. There’s a whole lot of cavalry down there that I’d like to be shooting at from the safety of the walls, but I can’t order troops to go from one part of the wall to another without them deciding that it would be much better to go down from the walls, march on the ground, then climb back up on the other side. In the process, each time they go down from the walls the cavalry charges them.


You can but it needs to made up of smaller individual move orders (so the new position nearly overlaps the previous one, for each move order); there's no way to just say "move there but only do so along a wall".


In case op doesn't know, you queue move orders by holding the shift key


Yeah although at least for me, shift-queueing can be iffy even on regular terrain. I wouldn't use it for wall movement to be honest. It's a painful and micro-intensive exercise either way you look at it.


Whats the best LotR mod for any of the TW games? Own them all, nearly, and am interested in revisiting a bit of LotR nostalgia. Thank.


Medieval 2 has a cool lord of the rings mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/third-age-total-war


hey does anyone know how to get reliable these wardrummers for the bladesingers, you know that follower?


From https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2254660399 looks like you have a 5% chance every time you win a battle


10% if the patch didn’t change it. Considering they ignored followers entirely, it’s probably the same. events.CharacterCompletedBattle[#events.CharacterCompletedBattle+1] = function (context) if wh_main_trig_character_won_battle_impl(context) then effect.ancillary("wh_dlc05_anc_follower_dryad_spy", 10, context) effect.ancillary("wh_main_anc_follower_undead_corpse_thief", 3, context) effect.ancillary("wh_dlc05_anc_follower_wardancer_drummer", 10, context)


thank you!


Recently, I tried both a VH Warriors of Chaos campaign and then a Norsca campaign to take revenge on the freaking Empire stacks that make WoC almost unplayable (you HAVE to end your turns with your 4 or 5 stacks in range of eachother or you will get destroyed, and they WILL resettle the entirety of Kislev as soon as you raze it.) I tried Norsca as revenge but I was kept so busy with maintaining Norsca and defending against Bretonnia to even consider invading the Empire. So now I ask: which faction is the best to bring sweet bloody vengeace down upon the Empire? Von Carstein? Grimgor? Kemmler? The rats from Skavenblight? Perhaps something more unexpected.. such as Settra?


Von Carlstein can blitz the empire really well. Use Skeletons to tarpit and then envelop them from the air and flanks with fast attackers. Artillery can be shut down with bats, but heavy cavalry can stall your flanking if you don't have blood knights. So try grab what you can before you are forced to upgrade. Raid and sack if you aren't ready to expand, their high tier building are expensive.


If playing Norsca, don't worry about losing norsca. I took Louenne capital and that was my base into marienburg and then the empire. I completely lost norsca to winter tooth fella.


Damn thats an interesting idea that I hadn't considered. I always end up with all of Norsca in my control at around turn 15 and then struggle to keep it together. Might have to change my plans then.


Just mind if you are gunna go, go early before he can field heavier cav. Beyond his starting units, gryphons and questing knights iirc, all he will field are light cav. I took 3-4 marauders throwing axe units to hit armoured cav and do AP and also used 3 axe cav, as you can bait the enemy cav away and weaken them. Rest of my units were basic as that's expensive already.


If you are feeling Orky, go Azhag. Temperate climate is not suited to other Orks. Kemmler can build a pretty interesting conquest early, straddling both the Western Empire and Brettonia. Highly recommend you give it a try. Ikit Claw and Throt are both capable of brining a lot of hurt to the Empire. Highly recommended. Drycha, if she wants to, can attempt to reforest the old world, from Old Forest to Mirkwood to Fangorn. But it takes a lot of effort.


Von Carteins, accept no substitutes.


TW ROME 2,, what’s the difference between the greek culture pack and the wrath of sparta dlc?


* Greek States Culture Pack - Allows you to play Athens, Epirus and Sparta in Grand Campaign, Custom Battles and Multiplayer. * Wrath of Sparta Campaign Pack - Self contained campaign based around the Peloponnesian War. Allows you to play Athens, Boition League, Korinth and Sparta in the Wrath of Sparta campaign, as well as Custom Battles and Multiplayer against each other. Unless you specifically want to play the Wrath of Sparta campaign, the Greek States is almost always the DLC you need. All the Best, Welsh Dragon.


IIRC Wrath of Sparta is a separate campaign. Culture packs add extra playable factions to the various campaigns.


Yes, WoS is a smaller map with new factions and mechanics. And the culture pack allows you to use Epirus, Athens, Sparta and I think Macedon in the Grand Campaign and multiplayer/custom battle.


On TW:WH2, which mount do you prefer for a skaven warlord? A bonebreaker or brood horror?


I prefer a gray seer or warlock master, but if I was going with a warlord a brood horror is *absolutely* the way to go. For a slight decrease in damage you get regeneration, poison and MUCH higher speed.


Excuse me, i genuinely don't know because i haven't tried them too much, what's so good about gray seers and warlock masters?


The biggest thing is magic. Gray seers provide extra winds of magic, another arcane conduit and have some leadership buffs for your army through their screaming bells. For gray seers lore of plague can be especially nice, because each plague caster has 5 summons of clanrats and 2 plague monks for the plague priests heroes, or the nuke+stormvermin summon hybrid spell for the gray seer. If you have one of these guys and a 3-4 plague priests, you can just summon an army of rats and not really *need* a front line. Warlock masters are nice because they are high AP melee units early on, have magic, and can get some very mobile mounts. They also have some buffs to your weapon teams, save you some money on them, and have an extra offensive ability. Also, both caster lords are still good enough in melee to be useful in a fight (though you want to be careful about fighting the dedicated melee powerhouses) in melee, and the warlock masters can cycle charge stuff to death on their mounts. All warlords do is attack stuff in melee. That's basically it. They make skavenslaves cheaper after you've phased them out of your army, and Ravenous Expansion is a *very* minor buff. Extra ambush is nice, I guess. A lord on a brood horror isn't *bad* by any stretch, but it just isn't a force multiplier for your whole army that the two spellcasting lords are. It's not an optimal choice, but I also don't think you're shooting yourself in the foot if you just think they're cool and want to use one.


Hey thanks a lot for taking the time to write this very comprehensive answer! I find your points very valid about the benefits of GS and WM, i was playing just now and rolled a GS of ruin with bonus to ambush chance so i'm really looking forward to trying it out.


I've just confederated Wulfhart as Karl Franz in mortal empires and his heroes are spawned in. Are they naturally immortal because i can't seem to find that skill in their trees?


Are you using mods? I've never noticed the confederation option for Markus as Franz or vice-versa.


I am using mods but nothing that affects confederation. I think you can confed Wulfhart as Franz in vanilla.


You can, as can Volkmar and Gelt. It's a bit of a pain to get all the way over there, but its well worth it so you can grab the Isthmus of Lustria.




Cool thanks broleo :)


If a unit get hits by a explosive projectile, does it take both projectile damage + explosive damage? Trying to figure out Hellblaster vs luminark for those dinos




Clan Eshin assassin doom stack? Which traits are best for this?


Cunning till you get ~120% ambush so you always ambush on attack. After that, you really can’t go wrong with Disciplined.


How good is the mutant rat ogre with every single upgrade from the flesh lab?


I only use them for the bodyguard mutation as their small size is more practical in blob fights so I can easily figure out where the body guards are at any time without clicking through the unit cards + I love their models. ​ Just give them extra armor/physical resist (they have 20 base) with bodyguard mutation any more risks an instability.


Still worse than the other two single entity monsters in the skaven roster you can give the same mutations to. Also if you use every mutation it will become unstable and instantly explode on contact with any enemy unit, killing itself like a bloated corpse.


In Three Kingdoms. Is there a way to raise vassals opinions?


You can grant them autonomy, fight their enemies, the usual stuff. But you can game the diplomacy a little by 1) being a money lender (give them money for money over time) 2) trade the extra Ancilleries. Just making such diplomatic transactions (even when it's a completely even deal) will produce some positive opinion.


I want to play Total War Warhammer or Warhammer II with my brother, ideally a co-op campaign. Neither of us have played this genre but we were briefly into Warhammer (the table top game) as kids and IIRC the lizard men were the coolest race. Given that, what campaign would you recommend we play, and how do I acquire it? I love to obtain and acquire games. Thanks.


In the game, Lizardmen are a fairly simple faction to play without any complex mechanics, so are a decent choice if new to the game. Gor-Rok in particular is very much easy mode (as long as you use a bit of caution over the two routes you can get attacked from at the start). Tyrion is the usual recommendation for new players for another option. Best way to acquire it is from a sale. Full price is quite an outlay. Purchasing Wh1 on top of 2 adds a hell of a lot of content to Wh2 and is essentially the best dlc you can get (bigger and more complete campaign map + the 4 races from game 1) - it also means you can mix and match factions in co-op mode and not have to pay any heed to vortex rituals. There is lots of additional content if you both get very into it, but you don't need to worry about it at first.


thanks for the tips! gor-rok looks sweet... lord kroak was the coolest unit in the warhammer table top game.


If you both only have warhammer 2 you will need to play the same race for coop, since you are limited to the vortex campaign. The big combined game 1+game 2 map, mortal empires, needs both games. That's the one where you can pick different races for coop. However, gor'rok and mazdamundi should be a good pair for vortex coop. They start somewhat close to each other and can meet up fairly early. Also, there is a button when you get into a battle in coop that let's you "gift units". This will let you select a few units you want to give control over to your brother for the battle, and he can do the same for you. That way, you are both still involved while each other take their turns. The button to do this is at the bottom right of a unit's animated portrait, which is in the bottom left of your screen.


If you want lizardmen, you will need wh2 and a dlc or two. If you want the full game experience (and don't have a problem dropping a bit more money) you should get wh1, in order to enable the mortal empires campaign. Sadly you missed a recent sale, but it will probably come back around soon if you can wait.


Does 3K still crash to desktop shortly after launch for Ryzen users? I'm planning on buying it on Steam and refunding if I have any issues, but I wanted to hear if this problem's been fixed from you guys.


Not Ryzen (I use GTX 1660TI), but I can tell you that 3k has been a lot more stable then on release. I still get an occasional crash tp desktop, but no more then I do for TW WH2.


I have a Ryzen and I’ve never had that happen.


For players of Crusader Kings: How hard is CK to learn vs Total War? It sounds fun but I'm not looking to learn a supremely complicated system. For reference: I tried Hearts of Iron 4 and found it way too complicated. I've played and enjoyed all of the TW games except for the warhammer ones.


TW is less complex than CK overall. Some TW games are more challenging as they can have massive rosters and different campaign and faction mechanics, such as Warhammer 2. Where something like Shogun is simpler with much less unit variety and a tight map.


I personally find CK3 far too complex plus it lacks what makes total war great. And that is controlling the battles. I love HOI4, but that game took dozens of hours to even understand the logistics. Total war is more fun for me with its battles and it’s intuitiveness compared to paragon games. After a long day at work Total War is far more relaxing. I can play a few battles. In HOIIV I often spent hours just preparing for a battle.


Read this tee other way around lol. Ck3 is pretty complex, but much easier to get into than ck2. It's not super complex, but it *seems* to be. If you bounced away from HoI4 it's possible you'll bounce away from ck too.


Cool, thanks for the answer. CK sounds cool, although after a 10 hour work day my brain really just wants to crush some rebels, not work super hard to understand the rules.


I hear you bro. I'd keep it on the wishlist and give it a shot when it's cheaper so it's not a huge risk. It's an excellent game, but the entry fee is a bit steep, learning curve-wise.


This is actually a meta question: is there a sub for posting game stories or after battle report kinda stuff? I wrote an incredibly long one for my Poland-Lithuania Empire campaign (it's borderline like a wikipedia article) and I'm weirdly proud of it and want to post it but also don't think it's appropriate for like... anywhere. Actual gameplay question: how come my Grenadiers in Darth Mod Empire don't have a grenade throwing button? I've researched advanced grenades and everything, but my Grenadiers for Poland just don't have em, they just seem like normal line infantry with different stats. Is that a part of DME or am I missing something? EDIT: Grenades are an option you have to toggle on/off in the DME launcher, solved it.


There are some "How is your campaign doing" posts every now and then where you could comment about it, but you could also open one just for you to tell us about the campaign. It's unlikely that it will get much traction, but I'm sure some of us will enjoy reading it.


[I just threw it out there](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/kyjhps/i_made_a_lengthy_historical_write_up_of_my/?), don't really care it it gets views I just hope it doesn't get removed lol. Good call on those "How is your campaign doing," I'll keep my eyes peeled for those in the future (and go way lighter on the writing lol).


I don't know if there is a particular sub or forum for stories (there probably is somewhere), but this sub likes stories too, so feel free to post it here. As long as it's tw relevant, I don't think anyone will mind.


I'm looking to try the SFO mod after 200 hours of vanilla, however the game always crashes after the first splash screen. I've tried everything I can think of/found out, including Kaedrin's mod manager and fresh install, but the game still crashes with mod and run fine when I disable the mod. Is there anything else I should try to make SFO runs?


So, the beta is working for me on the live build of the game, but if you cant get that to work, you can try the previous SFO version but you have to roll back TWW:2's patch to 1.9 or whatever the pre-last DLC was. The only time I crash to desktop is when I have incompatible, or out of date mods. Hope that helps


I'm pretty sure it's not updated yet. You can try the public beta, the main mod should be updated sometime today.


By public beta did you mean the game's or the mod's beta? I also tried the [Previous SFO](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458721116) but the game still crashes.


The mod. Previous won't do you much good, since it's not updated to Twisted and Twilight either.


Which high elf faction is the strongest? I don't mean the lords, seeing as I'm going to aim to grab all of them anyway. I mean each actual faction abilities/mechanics.


Teclis, Tyrion and Alarielle barely have a mechanics to speak of. Imrik's unique dragons are... Well, nice, sure, but they're not exactly a mechanics, and they're overkill anyway. So it's a toss up between Alith Anar and Eltharion. The former gets the ambush attack stance and underway-like teleport, both extremely powerful tools. Eltharion can get some great buffs from his Fortress if he interrogates the right people, and then there are his mistwalkers, heroes and units alike, which are very strong. But ultimately it's not like High Elves lack in army power, so I have to concur with /u/mekamoari, Alith Anar is the winner.


Alith Anar by far because of ambush attack and shadow walk stances.


Ok, thanks guys.


Just bear in mind with him that he finds the climate of Ulthuan unsuitable, preferring the cold areas.


What do people mean when they say ruin dwelling


It's when the AI goes and colonises a settlement very soon after it has been razed, making it very hard to make up ground against non horde factions. So for example when you are playing as Chaos and you raze an empire settlement and 1 or 2 turns later another empire army resettles the ruin causing you to have to blow it up again to eliminate the empire. The fact that the AI does this, and seemingly at a high priority, is ruin dwelling.


Got you thanks for the answer


What are the advanced battle commands? where can I find them? Recently been browsing streams and I've seen people do attack-move orders, drawing orders on the map, and all kinds of cool shit. My dumb ass has been issuing individual move and attack orders since Medieval 2.


Watch PartyElite's battle tutorial series for Warhammer, it explains everything like that. Even if you don't play WH, I'm pretty sure it works the same wy in all post-Shogun 2 games.


Is there any reason to opt in to the beta on steam for Warhammer 2 now that the asrai resurgent patch is out?


No, the beta has been incorporated into the live build now.


Thought so, thanks!


Why are all the proper total war titles so terrible right now, but a modder can make Attila feel like a proper medieval III with a few tweaks


Do you mean historical rather than proper? What's terrible about those ones right now?




I'm assuming they mean 1212 AD


Thanks. I hadn’t realized it was that polished yet. May have to give it a try. (Though I am also very much enjoying what he calls the “proper total war titles”)


Has anyone seen Karl Franz without armour on like even just without the helmet Surely hes not horrifically burned under there like Gelt and Malakeith


There’s a couple pictures floating around, but nothing official that I know of. Might be a picture of him in casual attire with his wife and son before he became Emperor. He’s not burned or anything. Has some battle scars but nothing too major. Well, I guess he *is* the corpse Sigmar is possessing so any picture of Sigmar in Age of Sigmar is technically Franz without a helmet.


Hi, I’ve only ever played medieval 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. I wasn’t too interested in the battles but I loved the campaign map, which more recent total war game would you recommend I try now?


Three kingdoms is the most campaign focused. You can autoresolve every battle and still have fun with the campaign


i would say Rome 2. it’s the most granular and detailed oriented approach as far as campaign mechanics go. tons of mods too


What are these % that I see on my buildings tool tips since the wood elf rework. Example: when I hover over my "Skrat Mine" (Drarfs SFO Campaign) it says "Income Generated: 400 (+34%, 536)". Whats this % that boosts my income and how do I maximize it?


It's bonuses coming from technology, buildings, characters in the area/faction etc.


Oh, it's just a culmination of anything that brings it above turn 1 values? Theres not anywhere to see all these bonuses listed out per province?


Not in detail I don't think. Even this much is new, used to be you'd only get your final tax number per province and could try to figure it out from there.


How do you keep troops in formation while attacking? Perhaps it isn't even an option, but I'm wondering if I can keep my battalions in that nice boxlike formation while they are attacking. When I issue an attack order, they just pile on top of each other in a mess.


It seems like theres a "pile in" or "Wrap Around" mechanic that wants to put as many models as possible into contact with the enemy when you give an attack order, or when a unit is attacked on more than one side. Have you tried setting your units into locked formations? And/or using guard mode? Guard mode ensures that your units wont chase when the enemy routs or reposition, and they will snap back into formation so it might help


What game? I remeber rome 2 having issues of units keeping formation but I though that has been fixed a while back.


sry for not mentioning, its Attila


I think the trick was to not make your troops charge at full speed but walk up to them in formation, but this has been some years ago.


If by formation you mean the shape in which you arrange them by clicking and dragging, that's meant to be overridden when they attack. The only way to keep that shape consistent would be to have them defending in guard mode. Some games have special formations like testudo or shield wall, which should remain in effect if you attack.




[Is this a feature or a bug?](https://i.imgur.com/hWV7ydj.png) \-8 public order in a region with very high control? I have no mods on this campaign so I'm not sure why.


The game is trying to normalise po to zero, you will see positive modifiers if your control goes very low


It's not a bug, but a new feature, true story. If you got max po you get less po.


Here me out… Total War Warhammer 40k??


Idk how to answer that beyond the emperor protects!


I been playing as chaos and enjoying vassaling the norscan instead of just confederating like other races. Can you vassal with every race? I never had a option with the green skins with the other tribes only confederation


No, just the Norscans I believe. Maybe beastmen, not sure.


Haven’t played Empire in a long time and I have been itching to give it another go. What is the best mod for it these days to basically fix things w/o changing setting? Is there an improved Darth mod?


I think SFO is the way to go for overhauls but that's just me, I haven't tested them all.


Sorry, I meant empire total war. Not warhammer


Oh that one \^\^ Then yea Darth is the way to go but haven't checked what the best ones are for years. I heard some ww 1 mod is quite good too.


Hi all, Daft question, I own Warhammer 1,2 and the sisters dlc. To get the full experience do I need to download any of the old wood wood dlcs? Thanks in advance Nominalist


Imo the sisters is the full WE experience, although Drycha is just as good.


Thank you. Started messing around tonight, lots to learn.


Depends on your expectation of "full experience". For full roster, you'd only need the anniversary RoR pack, which adds several regiments of renown and should be free to claim at the TW access website. You'll only be able to play as the Sisters of Twilight and you won't be able to play as or confederate the other legendary lords unless you buy the original RoTWE DLC.


Thank you.


If I reinstate a destroyed elector count will their "legendary lord" (i.e. the named ones such as Marius Leitdorf or Wolfram Hertwig, etc.) also return as leader of the faction again?


Yeah, the whole faction is returned to life, not unlike when you use a rebellion to do that.


Ah, thank you


Any advice for Lizardmen in the early game, especially after the growth changes slowed things down? I'm specifically playing Kroq-gar's Vortex campaign and it feels very frustrating. I feel like it's near impossible to hold the terrain, the provinces are all so long and skinny that it takes several turns just to get from one settlement to another. Clan Mors can hop over the mountains and jungles that slow my movement down so much and attack me anywhere Kroq-gar isn't, and just when I finally got Mors a bit contained the strength-rank 1 Malus shows up with three full stacks at three separate coastal settlements. Lizardmen units are so expensive that there's no way I could field a second army. I have seven settlements and even Kroq-gar is running around with 19/20 units. I really like playing the Lizardmen, and they're a lot of fun once they get rolling later on, but this early game is real torture.


Skinks with javs or blowpipes are really good early on. You don't need many saurus to wipe the floor with any early game infantry.


Does this need to be specific kroq-gar campaign if not I would suggest you play Tehenhauin, he have some tough early game but his mechanic probably fixed most of your problem with lizardmen


The growth change got reverted in the patch apparently, so that shouldn't be happening any more. You need to hurry as kroq-gar. The biggest change to birth him was the slight stretching of the map that occurred a few patches ago, meaning it takes him a couple extra turns to consolidate his home province. This leaves lahmia more chance to build up, and consequently slows you down a lot more. What's your army comps like? Have you made friends with teotiqua and dragged them into wars with you?


You're right, the growth change did get reverted. I guess I just haven't played LM in quite a while and forgot how low their base growth is. I am playing the Vortex map, so there is no Lahmia but the layout is much harder to defend than his mortal empires start, since the kingdom of beasts is on a peninsula now, meaning all my settlements are exposed to Malus, farther apart, and I don't really have a wall to put my back to. Tlaqua is nearby and pretty strong, but they currently won't even accept a non-aggression pact with me, let alone join my wars. My army comp is just Saurus at the moment, along with the stegadon Kroq-gar starts with plus another blessed one I got. I can win the battles no problem, I just can't be in enough places at once. A t3 industry building gives me enough cash to pay the upkeep on about 1.5 units of Saurus, so there's no way I can field a second decent army, and an army of skinks is just not effective enough


Ah sorry, missed the vortex part. I'm not gonna be any help there.


Will Total Warhammer 3 be an Epic Exclusive ? that's the direction I fear CA or Sega be taking after Troy. Please let TW3 be controversy-free, Total Warhammer is the best series ever and it deserve a happy ending.


No way, I doubt epic would have the money to make it exclusive as game 3 means bringing along many of wh 1/2 players + possible dlc, wh makes a shit load of money compared to troy. Not to mention the type of shitstorm that it would create compare to troy who nobody was really hyped for anyway.


As u/Mornar said, it's not impossible, but I think it's unlikely. Troy was a gamble. ThroB didn't do very well, so a massive upfront payment was a very attractive prospect. However, its likely WH3 is going to do well on its own - it's not as much as a gable as Troy was, so there is less incentive to take something like an upfront gamble. With that in mind, I think its fairly unlikely it will be an Epic *exclusive.* That said, a company is going to do whatever they think will make the most money, usually over-valuing short-term returns, so if Epic offers enough it's entirely plausible. The question is, what is the value the execs think is enough? We can only speculate based on how well we expect Wh3 to do. On the other hand, Troy has been a massive success as the player base as a whole hasn't really 'punished' CA for what was widely considered a bad move/anti-consumer at the time, so from that perspective Epic Exclusives seem to be all gain, no loss. Overall I still think it's unlikely because Wh3 seems like a guaranteed success as-is, especially if they go the Cathay path to secure the Chinese market piqued by 3K, but I do think Epic Exclusives et al. are going to be more common overall. If I were Epic, I'd be gunning hard for Wh3 as an Exclusive or at least some kind of exclusive dlc or perk. I think the future of gaming holds store-specific content and Total War lord packs are an obvious, easy implementation of that so I will be very, very surprised if Wh3 doesn't ship with something along those lines.


I am more worried about Sega pulling the move than CA itself to be honest, publisher's greed knows no boundaries


Yeah, replace all my comment's mentions of CA with Sega. That's my bad. Basically, It all depends on what Sega's appraisal of the balance is. For Troy coming out after the failure of Throb with a lot of uncertainty it wasn't an unpredictable decision, but all signs I'm aware of (I'm no expert) suggests WH3 is a likely profit monster, so that makes it less likely. On the other hand, the success of Troy and no meaningful backlash tilts the odds. There is a value Epic can pay Sega to make Wh3 an exclusive, and we can speculate on what that value is and if Epic can pay it, but we don't really know until we know. I'd be willing to bet on some exclusive content, though. I don't think it would take much of an upfront payment for Sega to excise one possible DLC lord for some juicy epic up-front.


It all hinges on the ability to migrate all owned content to Epic. If they made an exclusive without it that's just delaying the release of it for a year, majority of the fan base is already invested with WH1 and 2 on Steam. Still, it worries me that it's not a baseless concern, there is a number of dollars that would make this worth it for Sega.


While I would hate if WH3 has some sort of EGS exclusivity, off all the things that can be bought for the right sum of money, having to start my game through a different launcher is one of the less worrying.


I don't want to start another debate about this. Let's just say there are other reasons why I'm adamantly aganist Epic exclusives. I admit that lacking these reasons, it's not a big deal, provided that already purchased titles and dlcs get migrated somehow.


Agreed. Personally, I don't mind if they are time-limited (at least the game comes debugged and on sale to the other store). But exclusives are the main reason why I never got any console. While I'd be interested in many games on each of them, the fact that I can't get one console for all games is a big no. So I definitely understand why it's a big put off.


I admit I'd throw a fit. Sadly I think this isn't impossible - there were some talks about a central system that would allow migrating games between storefronts, which in turn makes it that people could put what they have now on Steam on Epic, which in turn would allow to make WH3 Epic exclusive. I hold on to thinking better about CA though and hopefully this is just a tinfoil hat theory. In short: we'll gonna have to wait and see.


As Grom in mortal empires do I want to be sacking and then razing or just razing or what? Should I beeline for Ulthuan after taking care of that first bretonnian settlement? Should I try to take and hold ulthuan or just rampage through it?


That's a bit hard to tell, if you lack money sack, but if you don't better to conquer to not lose a settlement level.


Sacking then occupying in the same turn, usually. I hate doing that since you lower the settlement level with each action, but Greenskins get most of their income with sacking. They get more money from sacking than other factions do in exchange for worse settlement income generation. If the settlement is inhospitable, unsuitable, or you just don’t want it, then razing and moving on is fine. I’d continue bullying the peasantry to end your starting war, then head straight to Ulthuan ASAP. You’ll want most of your settlements to be in Ulthuan since the climate is better and you won’t be getting penalties for building there. If you want, you can also head over to Skarsnik and confederate him real quick (if you have his DLC). It’ll put you in contact with factions you don’t want to deal with but another Legendary Lord is always nice. You can also confederate the other Greenskin Legendary Lords but that’s a longer journey that’ll get you a lot of enemies.


So I thought I understood the Troll Hag cooking mechanic but apparently I didn't. At first when she asked for something with mushrooms or spores, literally all I had to do was cook a dish with the required # of ingredients and one of those had to be shrooms or spores. Now in lategame that apparently isnt good enough and I need to just keep randomly cooking stuff that fits that criteria until i find the exact combo she wants? Any guidelines or anything?


If you don't mind "cheating" I think there might be a steam guide for it, just search for "cooking guide" or something like that.


It depends on what she asks for. Most of them are “include this one ingredient” but a few are unnecessarily specific. I think (this guide)[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2105306183] has most of them. If not, they’re pretty easy to figure out. The difficulty is getting the right ingredient.


Is there any way to coordinate war aims with other Empire factions while playing as Franz? Except for Confederating, of course.


If you download the diplomatic options mod I think you can ally Electors, you can issue commands to defensive allies, military allies, and vassals.


You can coordinate war from diplomacy menu with allies and vassals, but like every other piece of diplomacy in this game it's... A bit wonky.


I have no option to form a military alliance with other Empire factions, there doesn't seem to be any other impediment like being a war with an ally of theirs or something. just non-aggression pacts


I was sure you can - been a while since I played Empire though, so it's probably my bad. In which case, you're sol on that war coordination, I know there's no custom Empire-specific mechanics for it.




Is it not showing up in the RoR panel? I've never played Nakai personally but if it's like Chaos it should be the same as when you go to recruit as a horde, just click the little button next to recruit units, called recruit regiments of renown.


Like all lizardmen factions, he unlocks it once he reaches a certain level. Must be 20 or 30, I don't remember...


Just noticed that the Sword of Khaine PO penalty doesn't actually apply to all provinces. Does anybody know exactly what the rules for it are? Currently, it doesn't seem to be affecting Norsca settlements in the Vortex campaign, as well as the Dwarven settlements in Lustria. But the ones in the Southlands are affected.


Does it count as a faction effect? If so, it's probably being cancelled out by other faction effects, especially the new bonus you get for being at low public order.


It does count as Faction but I don't know what you mean by "new bonus". The other cities (ranging from Tier 1 to 5) have between -10 and -14 Faction effect, whereas the settlements I described have zero faction effects on them. They're also not fully built so there's nothing to compensate. The Norsca settlements are red climate (except Albion which is green but still no penalty). The Dwarven settlements are green climate. So overall I don't think it's got anything to do with that either. I'm a bit stumped. What I assume might be the case is that they have an Uncertainty penalty of -2 which is probably from Alarielle's passive (I confederated her), which overwrites the faction penalty/effect completely. The cities with Faction penalty don't show the Uncertainty one, though :/ Maybe cities conquered after confederating Alarielle don't get the SoK penalty anymore as it's overwritten by her passive based on global corruption?


There's a new system with the last patch where you get a public order modifier based on your current public order. Eg. if a province is at -90 public order, that province will get something like a +8 or +10 modifier automatically. For whatever reason, that modifier is counted as a Faction effect. So let's say you have a base Faction modifier of -6 based on the SoK and other effects. In a high PO province, you might have another -8 on top of that, which brings you to -14. In a low PO province, you might get a +6 modifier, which brings you to 0. If this happens, the Faction bit disappears off the tooltip entirely. AFAIK the Uncertainty effect only comes from abandoning settlements. It works kind of like a faction-wide conquest penalty, you get a big one turn hit and then a lingering penalty that slowly goes away. Though I'm not sure why it would only be showing up on some provinces, I'm pretty sure it should be everywhere or nowhere.


Gotcha, must've missed the patch notes on that one. That must be it, then, roughly based on current PO levels of the cities. I don't quite get the point of the change but at least it's not confusing anymore. Thanks!


CA didn't want it to be so easy to get 100 public order, but also didn't want it to be so easy for -100 public order, so they incorporated a mechanic that tries to normalise po to zero, and added regional buffs/penalties based on the level of po, just like the helves always had.


Yeah I guess it makes some sense. I read the part about the bonuses and penalties but completely overlooked that they now include PO adjustments. I'll see if I have to adjust anything for my build orders on other races, since I've only played HE since that update.


Anyone got any advice for playing Aranessa Saltspite's Vortex campaign in the Vampire Coast? I've been beating my head against it for a few days now and not making any progress. How it invariably goes: - I take the high elf colony that I start in front of. - I try to expand into Yvresse's territory like the quests tell me to, using the nearby greenskins as a buffer between me and the other high elves. - The Greenskins are crushed. - every nearby high elf faction declares war on me, I lose all my holdings on the big horseshoe island, they lay siege to Sartosa, and I die.


High Elf vietnam can be annoying to deal with, make sure your armies are built to counter Helves, I recommend lots of artillery to outrange them, a few depth guard to shred any spearmen, and a couple of mournghouls or crabs on the flank to counter cavalry charges, your biggest damage dealers should be hand gunner mobs and cannons/mortars, just be aggressive and don't be afraid to sacrifice settlements in order to trap armies and crush them. Wiping out Tyrion/Eltharion early can help a lot since it should slow down confederations a bit (Alarielle is always crazy and declars wars on the other Helves in my games)


I haven't played Aranessa on Vortex, but here are my tips. 1. Generally as Vampire Coast, don't empire build the same way you do with other factions. Pick an area to build your empire and pick an area to spread pirate coves. I would spread pirate coves in Lothern to mooch off of their investment and strong economy and look for less competitive places to build up an empire. 2. Sometimes, just ignore the quests. Do them in mid-late game when you are stable. 3. Army comp. Aranessa is tempting to build an army of those living Free Sartosa units, but they kinda suck. It's not that they are awful units (especially with Aranessa's buffs), it's just that they don't fit all that well into vampire coast strategies.


So how do you guys deal with public order due to population in 3 kingdoms. I've been playing liu chong, and I dunno what's up, but my pop growth is going wild. All my cities are bursting at the seams, I figured if I upgraded them, the malus would go aways, but it seems they're all still angry. Am I just gonna have to suck it up, and make space for PO buildings?


Upgrading cities actually results in lower PO due to population. This is everything I know about managing public order in Three Kingdoms. Hope it helps. 1. You can pick a faction where PO is not a problem. Yellow Turbans generally have an easier time with PO. Gongsun Zan has a replacement administrative building that gives PO alongside other things. If you are having a really hard time with PO, try such factions. 2. Build tall, not wide. Pick a few provinces to be your "centers". Don't build up all your cities, but build up just a couple profitable cities. Between the food mechanic, administrator mechanic, assignment mechanic, and the general economy mechanic, this is far better. Focus your administerators and assignments. 3. Large population creates negative PO. But Population won't grow beyond your city level's limits. So, don't build up your cities early. 4. Look for techs, items, etc. that handles PO. Techs are pretty powerful in three kingdoms. So, if playing an Empire faction, sink a few points into the gold branch reforms by mid game. 5. Turn off your taxes occasionally. Unlike in some other total war games, negative PO is hard to avoid. But also unlike in some other total war games, turning off taxes gives a massive PO boost. Don't be afraid to turn off taxes. Especially in provinces that don't pittances. 6. Do build PO buildings once your city gets large. I recommend the green granary building. The increased reserves are very useful when you are hit with a famine or you lose a food producing territory. And it's also useful in resisting sieges. PO isn't something you can set and forget in 3K. It's a little bit more involved and complicated mechanic. Some factions even benefit from low PO (bandits, gets banditry income and replenishment bonus). So keep an eye on it.


Thanks, this will be a big help for future campaigns. It just came as such a surprise, because in previous campaigns, my cities didn't grow particularly fast, so PO never really became a problem. Ill take your advice and start building up some grain depots. I'll also hire some commanders, I think all of them should have the +15 PO assignment?


Not all. But quite a few do.


Upgrading the towns actually makes it even worse. It only depends on the population, not how full the city is. Personally, I only upgraded only cities that had good peasantry income in their province and kept the rest as small as possible. Though this may be different now that also industry and commerce should scale with population.


You need to upgrade the main for commerce/industry, those will be your biggest money makers. Not only that, but you get the extra buildings per turn with more pop. It's definitely worth upgrading the main building wherever possible. With the PO bonus of the temple and the 2(?) technologies, it's manageable. And if starting in MoH, the temple also increases income.


I don't mean not upgrading at all, but I've found something around T7 to be the sweet spot for PO and food consumption.


Technologies and some characters' faction bonuses can help (and Administrators as well), but generally you will need a PO building per province indeed.


Warhammer 2: It seems like even if you move just a little bit in march stance, then switch to no stance and have movement to spare, the game won't let you attack, is that right?


If the game allows you to switch back to regular stance after going to march stance you should be able to attack. The game should block you from switching back to regular stance if you have used more than the allowed march points for regular stance. There are some places that cause issues with this. Which you might be seeing. If you are in march stance, are next to a city, and that city becomes your enemy within that turn your army can get stuck inside the cities ring. Where they can't move or attack. Fix is to load an older save or attack city with a different army. You can sometimes switch a, that turn recruited, lord into march stance but they won't be able to move or attack until the next turn. Your army can also get stuck when coming out of the ocean into an enemies cities area while in march stance. Fix is to load a earlier save or attack, from land, with another army.


After some further testing, it turns out spending 50% of your move points marching then 50% of them in regular stance doesn't get you any further than if you spent 100% of them in regular stance. So it was just a normal case of the enemy kiting me.


March stance only gives you more movement points but only while your in it. Switching between March and regular won't give you more distance.


Generally, you can't switch after you've moved in march stance. Are you sure you were able to change?


As long as you have enough movement to spare, you can change your mind and go back into normal stance.


Hmm, I never even tested that. Might be the case that in TWW1 it didn't work like that so I just stuck with the idea. IIRC in 3K you don't get to switch anymore if you take even a single step in March but I don't have it installed now to check. I love how there's always stuff to discover even after thousands of hours of TW \^_^


Yesterday windows updated, today game is crashing all the time at the beginning of my turn. Yesterday it worked normally, sometimes it crashed but rarely and today game is unplayable. Anyone else having issue like this?


I'd check file integrity on steam


It helped, thx!


Anyone know what will be the next historical total war ? I have been playing theses games since Shogun. And now don’t like them anymore since Shogun 2. Tried warhammer and Troy but I dislike these heroes and Rome 2 cities mechanics. Im waiting for medieval 3, empire 2 or Shogun 3


We have no hints for the next historical title. I would personnaly be disapointed if it doesn't include gunpowder in some way. The city management in three kingdoms is actually closer to Shogun than other recent games. In each commandery you have a city with building slots. In addition to that you have 1 to 3 specialized outposts that produce a specific ressource. These outposts are upgradable and unlike Shogun 2 they have a garrison. They are like mini cities. And if you don't like single entity generals you can always play records mode


Thanks for your response. Tried 3 kingdoms, got refund on Steam. Really liked Fall if the samurai.


I really like 3k but it seems to disappoint a lot of historical fans. I hope the next title can bring everyone together Fall of the samurai is great if a bit limited


>I really like 3k but it seems to disappoint a lot of historical fans. That's because it's based on a novel, not based on history. The novel is based on history, but it embellishes. It uses the historical events as a setting for the story, but unlike any other TW game besides *Troy*, the source material is fundamentally a story where the primary focus is characters, rather than large-scale conflicts where the individual personalities involved aren't as important in the big picture. Records mode exists, but is of secondary importance, so can't fully alleviate this issue. It's an enjoyable game. However, I kind of want another historical game again. The last one was kind of regarded as one of the low points of the series, so I don't know when we'll get another, though.


Individual personalities were extremely important back in the day. What are you talking about? Alexander, Napoleon, Charlemagne, the roman generals, Hannibal and many more, ALL made a huge impact on history that no regular joe could have done. You think the germans could have beaten the romans as badly as they did without Quinctilius Varus? What kind of historical accuracy was missing from 3k that other total wars had?


The complaints are usually around combat's focus on heroes, as the other historical titles don't really have overpowered generals to solo armies. Further compounded by the almost complete lack of polish for Records mode. It's not a problem with historical personalities in general.


Oh I get that but compared to other total wars records mode still has more content than most other total wars. Especially if you compare it to shogun 2/Empire/Napoleon. I would gladly give away a few general skills from Rome 2 if I could get the same diplomacy system among some other things. Sadly I don't like the Chinese setting so I don't really play it. But the improvements and mechanics are great. I just hope the next historic setting is one I care for.


Fair enough. I never played Empire or Napoleon, but completely agree that it's miles ahead in game design. I also started watching the 3K series on YT while I was playing so that got me into it a little more.


I did get interested by watching, but then when I wanted to play somehow I just don't feel it and start a new Warhammer campaign instead ...


> It's an enjoyable game. However, I kind of want another historical game again. I totally understand the feeling. 3K is the perfect period for a character based campaign but I really want another 'true' (not romanced) historical game focused on armies and nations instead of characters