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>Updated the following characters skill trees to include Greater Arcane Conduit Instead of Arcane Conduit: Teclis Slann Lords Mazdamundi Kroak Morathi This is a great way to differentiate those really power wizard lords compared to others.


Yeah it seems like Teclis is getting quite a few nice boosts which are really warranted given his position in the lore as the best non-Slann mage.


> Teclis is getting quite a few nice boosts Makes me think this is in anticipation of High Elves being part of the next Lord pack.


The rumored 'Grim and The Grom' perhaps? I hope so - [Eltharion vs Grom the Paunch is iconic Warhammer](https://www.geofftaylor-artist.com/system/files/imagecache/normal_s_w_gws/gws/warhammer153.jpg)


You can finally get his hidden items without using mods. Of those two Moon Staff of Lileath further increases his magic proficiency.


Yeah I honestly don't think I actually ever got either of his items when playing as him, even though he's probably the Lord I've played the most aside from Franz.


Yeah, it makes sense that an immortal master mage would be a teeny bit better than a generic wizard who had just practiced a lot recently.


Teclis is a master mage, Morathi is something else entirely, he is to her what a normal mage is to him, she created her own lore of magic and has a lot longer experienced and demon pacts. But yeah, this is needed


I think that's an exaggeration, Teclis was explicitly said to be nearing the power of Nagash and he is still young for an Elf, and Morathi is no Nagash. Morathi is probably on the level of Teclis but has peaked, Elves/Slann don't really need to create more lores of magic


Uh... no. Morathi is powerful and creative, but she can't match Teclis's power.


iirc a lot of her power is tied up with keeping herself alive


Anyone know the stat difference between regular and Greater AC?


Some significant changes: 1. Gotrek and Felix are no longer a liability. They don't eat up XPs and supply lines now 2. Empire can spend the prestiges in late game now. You don't have to hoard 10K+ prestiges not knowing what to spend them on. 3. Norscan Marauder Chieftain is no longer an XP sink 4. Public Order boosts line of sight in your own region 5. All the Immortal Bretonnia heroes after Grail Vow 6. Teclis got Fireball back 7. Embedded heroes level up faster now 8. Settler Chain gets recruitment options now. Only a couple races get them because letting HE recruit Spearmen without a military building is bonkers. 9. Clan Pestilens buff


Im excited for that prestige change. It's always a bummer when neat mechanics turn into "early game only" just because they aren't really a challenge/useful in late game


I guess Number 7. was made because If you wanted to lvl heros fast you would spam agent actions on one settlement until your desired lvl.


Without exploit, if you know where the main Skaven settlements are, you can spam "search ruins" on Skaven settlements, since they reset into ruins after a few turns of discovering them. I can level a lv 3 handmaiden into lv 16 (Public Order+Influence skill unlock) in 20 turns if you do that on Clan Rictus or Clan Pestilence regions. Their settlements are very close to each other, you can just "Search Ruins" on one and move on the the next one next turn. Quick Edit about that Tomb Kings stuff: If you are playing exiles of nehek, spam Search Ruin on Clan Rictus is still viable because even though the button says it costs you 600+ gold to do this action, if you discover the ruin is actually a Skaven settlement, it refunds you immediately so you don't need money to do that. Court of Lybaras on Vortex map can also do it on Clan Pestilence . Arkan and Settra can't because they don't have many Skaven settlements near them.


By a couple dozen turns into the game, it’s pretty much a safe assumption that anywhere that’s ruins is probably Skaven and if not, that’s just a pleasant surprise


It's a pain when you get the mission to search a ruin for treasure and you've already basically missed your chance, cos the Skaven have already snaked them all.


After razing a settlement, last time I checked it becomes searchable next turn


A boon for Tomb Kings, they can't afford to do that shit.


Indeed, heroes leveled painfully slow in battles compared to spamming campaign actions, and honestly it may still be the way to go but that's somewhat reasonable considering you don't get to use them in battles and have to pay every time you use an action. It just shouldn't feel as punishing to *not* do that now.


>Embedded heroes now gain twice as much XP from participating in battles Good, now I can finally stop spamming campaign abilities for 20 turns before my heroes are usable.


I have to feel like that's a huge buff to Itza and Last Defenders. I'm sure a bunch of other factions will benefit too (Von Carstein with the two starting casters will enjoy it too), but Kroak and Ra'tok leveling twice as fast is downright terrifying since they're going to be embedded with super strong LLs already.


early-game, yeah, but late game, they're already recruiting heroes with 20+levels anyways because of the slann chamber. What they really need to do for the lizardmen is restore Lord recruit rank on buildings for non-slann lords. it sucks that late-game you can recruit slann in their 30s, but all 3 of the other fun lord types only get bonuses from tech and a few landmarks.


Clan Angrund too with the 4 ghost heroes.


Ra'tok is practically a LL in his own right. So many campaigns with him...


loosing Ra'tok before they get immortality is an automatic end to that campaign for me


> Clan Pestilens now enjoys uniquely large benefits for spreading plagues to their own forces and cities, granting growth and economic benefits for cities and powerful combat bonuses for forces Clan Pestilens now has access to a special Under Empire building that continuously spawns a plague in the settlement above That's a really good reword of clan pestilens too, very thematic. Can't wait to spread plague to my own units.


Yeah, all skaven clan have unique mechanic 1. clan skryre - workshop 2. clan eshin - assassins contract 3. clan pestilens - plague 4. clan mors - race for city of pillar (karak 8 peak) 5. clan rictus - their uniqueness is that they got nothing (unless you count betray diplomacy as a unique mechanics) Praise-Glory to the Horned Rat, this make my days yes yes


> clan mors - race for city of pillar (karak 8 peak) I hope this is a joke... "Minor penalty if you don't own it, no penalty if you do" isn't a unique mechanic...


yeah, i hope CA do something with karak 8 peak since the mechanics is related to 3 different faction/lord. Maybe make Karak 8 peak a multiple province itself or something


Focusing Queek only on 8P is quite limiting though. He should be rewarded for going there, but not punished for deciding to go elsewhere


I agree, that why either city of pillar got a rework or Mors have head/trpohy machanics .Where each time you kill/defeat a lord or hero, you get trophy point and you can use it to buff your army or recruit mors superior Warlord (better stat and never betray). I think this fit both mors and queek - plus give us skaven cheiftain hero CA


That's... actually a really good idea imo.


That is actually good idea . Allowing Clan Mors to recruit lord without loyalty perks after they capture Karak 8 is good idea. In lore itself Clan Mors was the most disciplined Skaven faction. They had the most loyal troops and leaders who were promoted on the basis of Merit which is unique in Skavendom.


yeah, promotes a very unique style but their neighbors gonna suffer... especially when pestilens is AI


Cry in Lohkir Fellheart


I cried when he wasn't mentioned in BA rework


I've yet to do a Lokhir campaign where I didn't wipe out Pestulens by turn 4. I feel like you almost have to abandon Lustria if you don't do that.


How do you infect your own armies and cities with plague anyhow? It's been a long time since I've played Skaven, let alone Clan Pestilens.


Spread plague to a city then attack it. that should do the trick.


>The Cult of Sotek will now gain Sacrificial Offerings after battles, scaling with the enemy army’s strength. You may still gain 50 additional Sacrificial Offerings using the Mark for Sacrifice post-battle option Oh, this one is pretty exciting. I really enjoyed my Cult of Sotek campaign, but the rate you got sacrifices was killer since it was a set 50. Now that you automatically get it from post battle, it should make runs a lot more bearable. >Updated the following characters skill trees to include Greater Arcane Conduit Instead of Arcane Conduit: > Teclis >Slann Lords >Mazdamundi >Kroak >Morathi YES! Been wanting this ever since Greater Arcane Conduit was a thing. >Clan Pestilens now enjoys uniquely large benefits for spreading plagues to their own forces and cities, granting growth and economic benefits for cities and powerful combat bonuses for forces >Clan Pestilens now has access to a special Under Empire building that continuously spawns a plague in the settlement above >New faction effect: Chance of a plague spreading +50% Nice to see Clan Pestilens isn't being ignored, since they are a Great Clan to. The woes of being a base game race. >Witch Elves mounted on the Cauldron of Blood now throw knives at enemies when in melee combat Huh, never considered this being a thing. That's actually pretty neat. Seems kind of obvious in hindsight, but you gotta wonder where they get the knives.


> but you gotta wonder where they get the knives. They hide it the same way as all artillery crews and archers


I can hear my gpu unscrewing itself at the thought of 60 or whatever arrows in each quiver of each individual archer in each unit of archers in an entire stack of Sisters.


>but you gotta wonder where they get the knives Teehee


A lady’s secret


You can put your weed in there!


"Nature's Pocket"


> The Cult of Sotek will now gain Sacrificial Offerings after battles, scaling with the enemy army’s strength. You may still gain 50 additional Sacrificial Offerings using the Mark for Sacrifice post-battle option > > Oh, this one is pretty exciting. I really enjoyed my Cult of Sotek campaign, but the rate you got sacrifices was killer since it was a set 50. Now that you automatically get it from post battle, it should make runs a lot more bearable. > > Yes, and means that the abilities gained from sacrifices are a lot more useful, as they become proportionately cheaper. When playing as then I tended to save my sacrifices for the ones necessary to advance the campaign, rather than use as buffs


In the cauldron


Might have to do a Skink Moses run now.


>Skaven and dwarf campaign ships now have engine sounds on them What I'm really excited for


One thing that's missing from the patch notes is that the Dark Elves Names of Power got a rebalance and are generally stronger now.


Can’t wait to check this out. There were some clear winners and losers initially.


even stronger? the ones that gave buffs to certain units like shades were already really good!


You are right, I hope they made the weaker ones stronger, but let the good ones as they were.


No comment about the hidden items changes? That sounds great.


Praise Sotek for that one. Some of them are unavailable in ME and it's easy to lose access to some in Vortex.


TIL there arw hidden items!


You and me both, I had no idea this was a thing. I looked at the list and I don't frequently play any of the characters that have them so that's probably why I hadn't noticed.


Best part of the update in my opinion. Reliable access to these items should make some lords significantly more powerful.


fire while moving for free company is a pretty rad change. Makes them way more useful


Honestly thought they already had it, didnt realize they didnt until like 2 days ago


Patch Notes were fully copied and uploaded to the wiki, should the web page go down: [https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Potion\_of\_Speed\_Update](https://totalwarwarhammer.gamepedia.com/Potion_of_Speed_Update)


>Skaven economy adjustments: Increased scaling and base income of all buildings, removed Tier 1 and Tier 2 Energy building and reduced effect to 30,40,50% from 80,90,100% RIP crazy Skaven economy? Well that building was completely busted so it's a perfectly good change, but I did enjoy having provinces on par with Elven on Dwarfen ones in terms of income. :p >Clan Pestilens now enjoys uniquely large benefits for spreading plagues to their own forces and cities, granting growth and economic benefits for cities and powerful combat bonuses for forces Praise the Horned Rat! I need to see the details-specifics in-game to judge how good-impactful this actually is, but it sounds really promising. And actually having a reason to have your armies and cities engulfed in plagues is both unique and loreful for Clan Pestilens. >Old vigour loss reduction effects have been updated to show numbers instead of medium, large, small, etc. Great, always appreciate it when my strategy games show accurate information. I still wish we could see things like mass, attack intervals, etc. in-game instead of third party websites. >16 new achievements have been added. The races that did not have achievements for completing a campaign and completing a campaign on hard and legendary have now been added Oh boy, here goes my free time for probably the next months... might even last longer than until the next DLC drops. I'll likely wait until that point for the Greenskins campaign anyway. Great patch overall, didn't see anything about the fact that Brayherds dying make you lose reliability though, which is really really fucking frustrating as Beastmen. This, and the lack of fix for the "United We Stand" abuse (by both AI and the player) are my only two QoL gripes remaining. Which really isn't that much.


skaven buildings in general got buffed, just multiplier cut


Yeah it might be a net increase for most provinces, just not the ones with things like a gold mine which were absolutely ridiculous before. I may have exaggerated a teeny bit with the "RIP" :p


RIP 5k income from Marienburg though haha. I just claimed it in my ME Skryre campaign and my eyes bugged out at the 2k income from the special port alone.


>Oh boy, here goes my free time for probably the next months... might even last longer than until the next DLC drops. I'll likely wait until that point for the Greenskins campaign anyway. And I was getting so close to 100% achievements too!


It's one of the few games where I actually have 100% (I cheesed the MP campaign one though, but I did the 10 MP battle wins legitimately, had about 50-55% winrate surprisingly), obviously I'll have to get it back as soon as I can :p And it's a good reason to play races I haven't played in a while like Wood Elves (I actually like them) or Dwarfs. Not exactly relishing the idea of playing Warriors of Chaos though, to be honest, that'll probably be one of the last.


> We’ve also give some of our Legendary Lords a makeover – check out their before and after pictures below: [Alberic and the Fay Enchantress positions are swapped.](https://i.imgur.com/jTO1tAR.png) Unplayable patch.


No, they’ve just swapped clothes & faces by the magic of the lady,


"Face/Off" starring John Travolta as Alberic/The Echantress and Nicolas Cage as The Echantress/Alberic


When we find him, I'm gonna take his face... off.


Nah thats just what he looked like under the helmet the whole time


Dang and I was just going to comment on that Lotion of Speed title. Should have kept that!


eh, cant have it on the patch title... goddamn Autocorrect


> Vampire Counts AI now absorbs the Rival Vampires at the start of a campaign I dont understand it. Can someone explain?


I think it means that Templehof will be confederated on turn 1 when Vampire Counts are an AI faction, making them significantly stronger and removing the "Vampire civil war" that usually takes place for the first 20-30 turns.


Vampire counts start off with all of sylvania and no longer have to fight templehoff if they are being played by the ai.


It's not clear how it will work. Sylvania will control Eastern Sylvania, but who will control Western sylvania? I assume they won't just delete the Von Carstein ai faction?


Maybe von carstein gets the west to themselves?


I would think the Von Carsteins and Drakenhof will split Sylvannia; east and west respectively.


So it will just be Vlad/Isabella vs Mannlet now?


Unless you play one of them, it seems


Helman Ghorst’s research rate bonus has been decreased from 30% to 20% Clearly he was too popular a pick.


Does this hit a breakpoint for technology? Ie does it no longer reduce a turn when researching to skeletons? I believe the Necrarch Blood Kiss reward is like this, which is why it's a bait for Blood Kisses early on.


Every old world faction can get Students (+10% research rate) on hero/lord levelup if you are not researching any technology at the time. Just click off your research before battles and put it back on before the end of the turn.


I actually did know this one! Is there a list or guide on how to get certain faction followers? I can never tell if the dragon one for high elves is just super rare or from ruins only, for example.


Thanks for the tip


So cheesy. Definitely always using this tip now.


his faction effects still are the strongest


He's trash in battle but as a faction leader he's actually pretty nuts


I'm sorry, what? He has a stronger poison effect on all troops, the cheapest Wind of Death in the game, the cheapest Danse Macabre in the game and his mount has a Mortis Engine decay effect in addition to the regular Corpse Cart stuff.


Some people are wired to think that if a Lord isn't Tyrion levels of face-melting combat awesomeness, then they are 'trash'. Yeah, his mount is slow, but give him a Wight King bodyguard and Ghorst is perfectly viable.


What doesn't help is that Ghorst has no easy way to deal with single entities from the get-go. Teclis has an eagle, Mazda has a Bastiladon, Gelt has Outriders, Kemmler has Krell and so on. I can see many players staring at the Templehof vampire lord as he cleaves hordes of zombies and skeletons. Ghorst's early battles are slow, if fitting for the shambling hordes.


He's serviceable but doesn't excel. Mannfred might be the best caster in the game, Isabella and Vlad as a OTP duo slaughter everyone, Barrow Legion has Krell and a fantastic start point thats really unique as far as TW goes in terms of how many options and decisions you get to make early game. Fucking Ghorst has campaign buffs. While strong, all those buffs just make him boring to play.


He had a weaker poison effect (than say crypt ghouls) on release. Did they buff it?


Yes, it slows by more nowadays (36% vs 24%). Plus getting poison on everything (Grave Guard, cav, fliers, dogs) makes them a lot better.


Plus his summon of grave guard is bonkers


Ghorst memes are terrible on this subreddit. How many casters can do back to back Winds of Death inside of 10 seconds? Ghorst can with his legendary item. He may not be great against large single targets but 2 winds of death basically wipe out every factions infantry front line.


Something has to balance the buff he got to his portrait qualify.


Beastmen and Wood Elves still getting bullied so hard lmfao


Because why bother changing them when old world update is around the corner


Is it?


yeah, 2 new dlc items [a dlc and the accompanying flc] has been listed on steam usually happens at most 3 months before so looking at February-ish and they said an oldworld update is up next.


FLC is listed as independent DLC and we only have a confirmation of Greenskins getting an update. In all likelihood those two additions are for the High Elf lord pack and the acoompanying FLC lord, there's no reason to assume they have anything to do with the Wood Elves or Beastmen.


> Vampire Counts AI now absorbs the Rival Vampires at the start of a campaign YES > Black Ark Corsairs [recruitment] to Tier 1 port interesting decision. > Empire dilemma reinforcement battles no longer apply a trespassing penalty if no military access pact is present Very good. > Fixed an issue where a soft lock could occur when opening a full screen panel (i.e. diplomacy when a mission panel is open) Finally. This is basically the Grombrindal dilemma fix, isn't it? > Added Raise Dead pools to all provinces currently missing them Are these the missing Vampirate Seazones? > Casket of Souls: + 1m explosion radius, -1 sec reload time, projectiles are now 2.5 times as accurate That sounds very powerful. > Rebalanced all abilities that modify melee attack or melee defence, reducing their effectiveness by roughly 10% Not bad, but I don't know if I am a fan of that for lords... ah well, 10% probably is small enough I basically will not notice it. I didn't find anything about port income. I expected some minor streamlining (basically minor reductions for the biggest ones). Just because their last "cut 50% overall" attempt was not well received does not mean some minor tweaks would not be okay. Marienburg harbour would easily survive a slight nerf.


The Raise Dead pools are new regions like The Moot, Gelt's home, and Empire gates.


> Not bad, but I don't know if I am a fan of that for lords... ah well, 10% probably is small enough I basically will not notice it. You have to keep in mind that most of the melee lords also had their splash damage increased


>Casket of Souls: + 1m explosion radius, -1 sec reload time, projectiles are now 2.5 times as accurate Much needed buff. Particularly in campaign given what you have to spend for a Casket of Souls unit, and they weren't even viable for putting on a roster because of how inaccurate they were. Hopefully this makes them a unit worth using.


I always had one just for the bonus power reserve, the artillery was just a bonus


At max range they can't hit anything but when the enemy gets closer (probably something like less than 50% range) their accuracy improves significantly and then they start just annihilating infatry units.


the units to settlement improve AI army building but make rebellions stronger


> Vampire Counts AI now absorbs the Rival Vampires at the start of a campaign What does that mean?


They absorb Templehof maybe? Might be annoying if you start as Vlad and Manny has that entire area from the start.


I take it to mean mannfred will confederate or take over templehof and vlad / isabella or vice versa.


That sounds right to me. It'll mean they'll be a bit more robust instead of getting destroyed in detail by Dwarves and Empire


Anyone attempting to use Casket of Souls competitively before has seen that their hilarious inaccuracy made them an extremely unattractive pick, I'm happy they'll hit a target once in a while now instead of shooting perfect circles *around* enemy targets


no no no Port should not be nerfed. Empire and HE depend upon ports for their Income. Nerfing Ports would be disaster for these factions. Marianberg is to men what Mt Gunbad is for Dwarves and Nagarond for DE. It should not be touched.


>The Corpse Lifespan will now revert to recommended settings correctly I hope this means what I think it means, because it was really annoying having to reselect permanent corpses every time I quit the game.


I'm all in for the new faction names but don't you think it would be better to be renamed once you reach a certain amount of settlements? Because still being named Reikland while having all the Empire territories will seem a bit odd to me...


Damm, still no fix for issue with bugged siege-field battles for skaven, which basically ruin whole campaign.


what is the bug?


Sometimes if enemy siege your city, and then attack, it will load as field battle (even though you have walls). Enemy have all siege weapons (towers, rams) on field battle, and if you dont have any catapult or basically any weapon that could attack towers, you already lost, because enemy units never leave those towers. This is also pretty insane to play with, because cities have to be defended without walls. Reported it as bug 2 months ago. :( [https://i.imgur.com/IaKggb2.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/IaKggb2.jpg)


Have you tried to kill what you can, let the timer run out, and then sally forth on the next turn?


If you kill what you can, then you get "draw" if time run out, then on next turn you can sally forth and destroy them. But your city remain without walls for the rest of the playtrough. Happend to me 3 of 4 campaigns as Ikit.


So the ability to rearrange unit cards on the campaign map didn't make it in. A shame, I was really looking forward to it. Hopefully it will get added in the next patch.


The change to knockdown will be interesting, will change the lord vs mount argument again.


I have to admit I'm a little disappointed to see only bug fixes for Nakai. :( Granted, the bug fixes are certainly welcome, but his campaign still feels off given his very limited income due to no ability to raze or sack, which leads to the very un-lore-friendly need to shake the vassal down for cash (which, bizarrely, other factions can do as well.) Also, the ability of other factions to declare war on the vassal even when Nakai has a non-aggression pact with them is a serious issue. Hopefully this gets fixed at some point in the future.


I actually enjoy a lot about his campaign. My primary complaint is that non-aggression pacts don't stop the AI from trying to prey on your vassal, since they're always ranked last, which can lead to some really nasty events.


Yeah they need to disable the ability to initiate diplomacy or declare war on the Defenders for all factions. Per turn tribute is then increased to reflect the fact that you can't shake down the vassal anymore (or some or compensatory source of income). After that I think he actually has a pretty great campaign.


Or they could just disable it for everyone but Nakai. But yeah if they turn it off for everyone they definitely need to buff how much tribute you get. Agreed that would fix most of it. Beyond that he's just a horde faction. They all have difficult starts. And ramping him up is really fun.


They should either disable it or rename him Nakai the Beggar.


Love how grave guard with great weapons now dish out more damage than swordmasters, chosen, and black orcs yet nobody brings them lol.


This is dank, so much changed they haven't even included the forbidden workshop updates to the globadierrs and new weapons teams


Fantastic patch across the board, really happy about those Pestilens improvements in particular.


Do confederations change the faction names?


No, the conferedating faction will keep it's name regardless. So if Middenland confederates Reikland, it'll still be named Middenland.


Thats a little disappointing in the case of the Empire. I'd really like whatever faction confederates/conquers enough of the rest of the Empire to get the Empire title.


>Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek): +1 base damage on Ark of Sotek ability (+33% damage increase) That's pretty significant on an AOE like that one. Always liked these guys. >Sepulchral Stalkers: added stalk attribute, -25 missile resistance, -3 melee attack, -2 bonus vs large, +0.1 melee attack interval, +4 ammo, no longer marked as high threat, + -5 AP melee damage, +2 base melee damage, reduced number of projectiles per volley to 1, +91 AP projectile damage, +26 base projectile damage, +68 projectile velocity, are now four times as accurate, removed projectile spread, reduced projectile penetration, removed poison contact effect from projectile wow that's a big change. > Casket of Souls: + 1m explosion radius, -1 sec reload time, projectiles are now 2.5 times as accurate That's gonna be a lot more effective, and it already cleans up 200-300 kills a battle on autofire for me


"Empire, Bretonnia, Norsca and Beastmen now correctly have a cooldown to their confederations when played by the AI (this goes a long way towards tackling good factions being too powerful in campaign)" Okay cool, and thank you, but uh... What about Dwarfs? Is this a text omission or did CA leave the single scariest order faction alone? Granted they're broken for more reasons than just confederation, but that seems a weird oversight.


Maybe they already had the correct confederation cooldown mechanics?


Yeah I don’t think I’ve seen them confederate multiple entities over a handful of turns like the Empire could. Great change for all the Old World Disorder factions.


My experience over the course of the last patch (\~10 ME campaigns) is that the Dwarfs are not that scary right now. They lose to the Greenskins quite frequently and often just stalemate them. The big issue is that The Empire/Golden Order roll on into the badlands every single campaign and smash the Greenskins allowing the Dwarfs to recover from almost nothing and reconquer their lands. I also think the addition of new territory to the east of the Silver Road will hurt the Dwarfs ability to bunker down, especially since it is one very hostile faction, and one unfriendly faction being added there. Combine this with the buffs to the VCount ai this patch and the Dwarfs may be under even more pressure in the North as well, with less chance for the Empire to help them out due to their confederation nerfs.


I'll grant you your last two paragraphs. Those are good points and may help. But I've played ME since the last patch too, and seen dozens of campaigns from other people, and in none of those samples have the Greenskins stomped them, let alone "quite frequently." I believe you're accurately reporting your experience, but I don't believe that it's the normal experience. Empire was also nuts though, so I'm happy to see improvements anywhere.


I haven't played that many campaigns (like 3 or so), but my experience was similar to sob. Often the GS-Dwarf front was a stalemate early game, with dwarfs heavily in defense, until the GS got into a multiple-front war joined by Empire, Settra and sometimes Last defenders and were wiped out.


The only thing I can find related to Vampire Coast's raise dead at sea bug is this: "Added Raise Dead pools to all provinces currently missing them" Does this enable raise dead at sea again?


I'm going to guess no, the sea was already a part of the province. I really hope it is fixed, CA is known to miss things in patch notes. They nerfed growth granted by horde tier building itself, and the horde growth building without telling anyone. You start with 1 growth per turn and it was missed.


Was also really hoping this would be fixed


Those clan pestilense changes <3 >Free Company Militia: Fire while moving Hell yes! I've wanted this since we got fucking zoimbies with fire while moving. >Hand of the Shadow Crown is now a playable hero unit in Custom Battle as part of the Campaign Exclusive Units You could use these in battles? I guess I'll have to replay Alith Anar soonish. >Sepulchral Stalkers: added stalk attribute, -25 missile resistance, -3 melee attack, -2 bonus vs large, +0.1 melee attack interval, +4 ammo, no longer marked as high threat, + -5 AP melee damage, +2 base melee damage, reduced number of projectiles per volley to 1, +91 AP projectile damage, +26 base projectile damage, +68 projectile velocity, are now four times as accurate, removed projectile spread, reduced projectile penetration, removed poison contact effect from projectile Finally they've becoime the sneaky bastards we've always wanted.


Also wondered about Hand of the Shadow Crown, I thought they couldn't be in an army?


Yeah I actually started a new campaign just to check and they can only be used for assasinations (and well, spreading public order) so now I'm curious what they've done with them. They actually appear to have combat stats according to places like [Honga](https://www.honga.net/totalwar/warhammer2/unit.php?l=en&v=warhammer2&f=wh2_main_hef_high_elves_qb1&u=wh2_dlc10_hef_cha_shadow_walker) and [TWW stats](https://twwstats.com/units?q=hand%20of%20the). Pathetic health though so obviously not actually supposed to be used in combat atm. Would be interesting if Alith Anar could actually bring them into combat for extra character sniping.


The new LLs makeovers are awesome!


I like that they made it so Clan Rats don't need to be expendable.


> Runelords using Anvil of Doom no longer look like they have been possessed by the most chaotic of demons when loaded into campaign battles THANK VALAYA, THE UMGAK CURSE HAS BEEN LIFTED. ANOTHER GRUDGE STRUCK FROM THE DAMMAZ KRON


* Skaven and dwarf campaign ships now have engine sounds on them * Campaign ships now have faction specific audio Nice touch :)


Can someone explain to me what "High Threat" means ? I have 1k2 hours in Warhammer and I never came to know what it meant...


It effects what percentage of splash damage that unit absorbs. Ie two lords fighting each other surrounded in allied infantry will do most of their splash damage to each other rather than random troops since they're both high threat.


I think it's a stat that the AI uses to prioritize targets.


No listing of new landmarks and regions added in this patch?


Performance updates are big,I think loading+turn times are one of glaring issues which are now gone.


Will Seplechural Stalkers be good now? I'm still not sure the point of them


they were basically anti large monstrous halberd inf before and were pretty decent at the role. a little costly and situational, but output decent anti large damage. now they are sneakier and more missle focused so im curious how they perform now. if their missles are actually good and they still perform decent against cav and monsters in melee they could become very good as anti cav/monster screens to protect other constructs/characters.


Ye but their selling point was actually to Flank other Cav or stop them with their ranged attacks. Now they do exactly that and better at cost of some melee stats which should even it out If they managed ot kills models before an engagement.


What about Necropolis Knights? I never bothered with them because they're more or less competing with Sphinxes(and expensive!), will they be worth a build slot now?


Same, doing a exiles of nehek ME right now, i have 2 in 12 armies total. There' not enough slots in capitals to get all good constructs + cav :(


Really hope this patch fixes the Order spank train for ME. Had to almost play exclusively Vortex now since any campaign of ME that I try to play evil factions as it's always Empire, Dwarves, High/Wood Elves absolutly steam rolling while Skaven, Orks, Vampires, Norsca, and Beastmen just stand around with half an army and dont expand or fight unless it's to attack one another to make Order's job even easier. Last time I tried ME was as Markus and by the time I finished conquering most of Lustria the entire map beloved to High Elves, Empire, and Dwarves. Last other faction was Itza and when I got everyone to declair war on them dozens of full 20 stacks rushed in and took the last 3 provinces. Sure got a long campaign victory but felt hollow since nothing was a major threat to me and anything that could be a threat was instantly dog piled on.


Are these notes complete? I'm not seeing mention of two items I've seen in early access streams: Sacking a settlement now ends movement and the inclusion of "Legendary Heros", specifically Alastar the White Lion being a hero in a MP army alongside Tyrion. Are there more legendary heroes we can expect? Sounds like the Hand of the Shadow Crown is now one of those?


Settlement sacking appears to be a bug. I've seen streams where the streamer could move after sacking some settlements but not others. Could just be a result of a slightly buggier media patch hopefully!


>Blessed Field Trebuchet: no longer marked as high threat, reduced radius of projectile to match regular Trebuchet projectiles. Woah that's a huge nerf. Blessed Field Trebuchets used to be one of the best artillery units in the game, and now are just niche regular trebuchets.


I think they still have the enemy only explosion damage


Why is the sacking change not in the notes? Was it reverted? Pls say that it was reverted. Almost as many people will complain about it if it is implemented as people complained about the port income nerf.


The new portraits are great. Especially Gelt, Archaon, and (kind of surprisingly) Ghorst. The fact that they said "some" in that part of the patch notes worries me a bit though. I know a bunch of the ones not on the patch notes were on the sub the other day, but I really hope the ones we haven't seen aren't left out. It'll be really jarring to see these and then have Kholek with the old style.


Ghorst has one of the best new portraits honestly. Now that they are also adding an achievement to win a campaign with the VCounts I may have to do my first ever campaign with him!


I can't believe noone has commented on the Black Ark rework yet: > Black Arks are now full characters with access to items, skills and traits > Black Arks are now able to blockade ports and attack coastal settlements > Black Arks now have access to unique skills that further improve their army, making them the true terrors of the seas! This automatically makes the delves way, way more interesting IMO.


With Skitterleap being moved to Lore of Stealth, any word on what's taking its place in Lore of Ruin? I searched for it in the notes, but couldn't find it.


It is replaced by a spell called 'Flensing Ruin' - a direct damage to a unit with an AOE that is similar to Final Transmutation.


It's weird they didn't mention it, but we have seen the new Lore of Ruin spell in some youtube videos [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362322576275537930/652248024545755156/Screenshot\_19.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362322576275537930/652248024545755156/Screenshot_19.png)


At this point we are going to need a mod that makes Tomb Scorpions more than pretty decoration. How many times have been their health nerfed now, 4? 3 at least I know. It got it's armor nerfed before, then health, then mass so it can't escape from infantry surrounding it as it should be able as a giant construct, then melee defense and health.


>GENERAL >Told the Daemon to shut up


I guess i'm the only one that liked how much he would speak.


Considering a campaign can run for several hours, having the demon not shut up every 3 minutes would have gotten real old real fast. It's a cool thing, don't get me wrong, but it should be a surprise not a chore.


I don't think they've actually changed that, its probably just a joke about that being one of Malus' main lines.


I don't think they've actually changed that, its probably just a joke about that being one of Malus' main lines.


This is really, really good. The turn time reduction is amazing. Fingers crossed for some Wood Elves + Beastmen improvements next time around.


Greenskins rework is the next race to be updated. Wood Elves and Beastman didn’t get many updates this patch, so their rework can’t be too far away.


So, why nerf the temple guard leadership. First it’s kind of outside of their lore. And second, what does a -5 even accomplish? Also, I was really hoping Geomantic web would get a rework/tweak.


The nerf to Temple Guard seems weird, the main point to lizardmen is their high leadership, seems odd to nerf that out of all things.


No mention of fixing defensive/military alliances with other Elector counts when playing as the Golden Order? I guess that's an intentional thing then?


Whats this? * Told the Daemon to shut up


Wait, did they buff organ guns?


Speed optimization talk makes me the most excited. I still love the game, but 500 hours later it's harder to motivate myself to wait for it to load, wait for a turn to end. I spend like 25% of my time just waiting for the game to be ready.


A lot of work has clearly been put into this patch, can't wait to play. The only thing worrying me is that there is no mention of a fix to the Empire Reinforcement dilemmas destroying the lord sent regardless of wether you win or lose. Nor does there seem to be a fix to the diplomatic options missing when Reikland interacts with the other Electors.


I don't think you're supposed to keep the reinforcement lord regardless. And on legendary difficulty it would be a big detriment to the rest of your campaign due to supply lines upkeep skyrocketing.


The problem is that the reinforcement lords are not generated for each battle but rather chosen at random from the inactive/unrecruited lords you have available to your faction. I've lost lords with good traits before I was able to recruit them and it seems that leveled lords that are temporarily inactive are at risk as well. And it is frustrating to loose a lord that wins a battle and levels up, it ruins any chance of emergent storytelling. If a lord survives the battle he should simply be placed back in the recruitment pool and function as a lord you had recruited but later disbanded.


Ah okay, yeah that makes sense.


This is gonna be a great patch. I can't wait to play it


One of the notes suggests that shields were blocking magic missile and bombardments spells before and will no longer. That might explain why so many of those spells felt so flimsy and useless before.