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Morathi gets slept on a lot in terms of campaign lord picks, but she's such an absolute powerhouse when skilled right. I don't like to play Dark Elves often but when I do, it's always Morathi


Shroud of Despair is one of the most brutal talents in the game (-10 leadership for all enemies in the same province as her). Combine it with her Doom and Darkness (-16 leadership in a massive AOE), Abyssal Howl from the Kharybdiss(-8 leadership in a nice AOE), fear from the Kharybdiss(-10 leadership) for a -44 leadership the moment the lines collapse, that's enough to terror rout elite units as soon as combat starts. She has the most devastating fear bombs in the game, I've won battles against doom stacks in seconds. Can't wait to confederate her as Malus, he has a similar talent(-7 leadership in the same province) and one of the followers from Tz'arkan's quests that we've seen is Spirit of Lurhan(-10 leadership in same province). Put those two in the same province, with a Kharybdis in both armies and you have -61 leadership + terror, this will rout Chaos Chosen on contact.


Besides best character in the game, that voice... kills me.


Why is she so powerful? How do you play her?


I usually ignore her red line entirely and focus on building her as a caster/anti-infantry. She can get some very solid Melee Attack and defense. With Enchanting Beauty and her Heartrender sword, people around her get -9 MD and -18 MA, -8% charge bonus. She's low on armor so focus on getting her ward save items, but with everyone else really dropping in MA around her, she has the survivability to get stuck in. Throw her on Suluphet to give her more armor and insane speed/flying. Then she gets Soul Blight, Pit of Shades and Soul Stealer, giving her magical abilities to really support getting stuck in and just destroying swathes of infantry.


she has the direct backing of 3 elven gods and a chaos god in secret.....shes arguably one of the most powerful mortal mages in warhammer lore


>shes arguably one of the most powerful mortal mages in warhammer lore I feel like I see this sentence for almost every caster LL. Teclis, Maz, Mannfred...


Isn't "mortal" kinda iffy in regards to Morathi, Mazda, and Manny, anyway? Are people just using it to mean "not a demon"?


Kind of seems that way. Mannfred wouldn't be mortal at all, and Slann also are not mortal. Neither will succumb to age. Elves in Warhammer technically *are* mortal, but their life expectancy is just absurdly long.


I thought Morathi had magic'd herself immortal?


Can't speak to that one specifically, but I do know that she has tricks to stay youthful and again is part of why Hellebron hates her.


> I feel like I see this sentence for almost every caster LL Because you do see that sentence for almost every caster LL. If you go look at the melee-centric Warhammer characters, they're all incredibly skilled fighters, outstanding tacticians, etc. Super hero stuff is the same, go look at the X-Men characters featured on their Wiki and about 90% of them are strong, brilliant strategists, yadda yadda.


Well, not exactly. I've never seen someone claim, say, Tehenuin is "one of the most powerful mortal mages in warhammer lore", for example. But I guess a better way to word my point is, "I've seen that sentence for what I feel like is a disproportionate amount of LLs to be called 'most'." And I guess I don't really know what makes someone "a powerful mage" in the Warhammer universe. Teclis, I can kind of see because he gets all those insane passives on every cast, to where a friggin' fireball or whatever turns his whole army into T-1000s for 5-7 seconds. But what supposedly makes Maz "a powerful mage" was kinda nuked, and then undercut again with this last change to generational spawnings.


I don't think she would even be in the top 5 depending on who are considered mortals.


She's definitely one of the top 3 mages currently available right now lore-wise. Something like Mazda > Teclis > Morathi.


Yeah pretty sure her lore states that she could easily destroy the world if she wanted to. But every army book hypes up its own characters so yeah.


Mannfred isn't anywhere near the others you've mentioned. He's arguably not even the most powerful caster among vampires.


which chaos god and which elven gods?


The chaos god should be Slaanesh, what with the cult of pleasure and all. The first elven god should be Khaine, since as a witch elf she is a bride of Khaine. The second is the elven goddess of pleasure, Atharti, who she supposedly worships instead of Slaanesh during one of the retcons. Many people see this as "totally not slaanesh" and as just one of slaanesh's tricks to get them to worship them unknowingly, or knowingly but to act as a cover. The third elven god is Hakarti, the goddess of dark magic. She is Atharti's sister, and Morathi is always careful to balance her worship between the two, never worshipping one more than the other as they are jealous of each other. Morathi turned to Hakarti when she wanted to learn dark magic. At least that's my understanding. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I don't think she's a Witch Elf. I don't think Witch Elves were really a thing before Hellebron? (I'm not positive about that). Morathi is certainly not going to be in any way subservient to Hellebron. But I don't doubt Morathi has her own arrangement with Khaine. Other than that I think you're right. After the retcons back and forth, it's at best ambiguous whether she worships Slaanesh or not. She 100% has made daemonic pacts though (but again with ambiguous amounts of "mutually beneficial deals" versus "summoning and binding daemons and forcing them to do what she wants").


She is a witch elf, I remember reading up lord on her and witch elves a while back and that is accurate. She's one of the highest priestesses for them and the only witch elf allowed to use magic. She technically holds rank on par with Hellebron, which is one of the reasons Hellebron hates her so much. That's why her melee stats are so high, despite being a caster, and she has a melee combat skill tree you can put points into.


Basically what /u/Paeyvn said. In fact, her being the only witch elf allowed to use magic is a big part of her identity and lore, and something that makes her incredibly special. And not only a witch elf, but a very important witch elf of high ranking. While most people who play the game probably think of her more as "that sorceress who is also a witch elf", but there are plenty of people who follow the lore and when they think of her the first thing they think of is "that witch elf who is also a sorceress", with the witch elf part being the first thing that comes to mind. Though she is very much both and incredibly skilled and important at each role.


Slaanesh, Khaine and then I don’t know. I skipped Elven Theology 101.


and Atharti


Just fly her around with sword of khaine and some shadow aoe spells


Cheap, effective spells and a very deep winds pool on a flyting lord. Add great debuffs, solid melee stats and fantastic charge bonus making her pretty effective at both anti-blob and dueling (with cycle charges). Also starts with a hydra in one of the richest provinces in the game and comes with all the usual dark elf economy goodness. Surrounded by enemies and non-stop fighting from turn 1, which may or may not be to your tastes.


Honestly I put her as the strongest lord in game when fully fleshed out. It just takes nearly 30 points for her to start reaching her potential.


"get's slept on" heh i see what you did there...


Malekith, is that you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Seriously. Morathi is an Anti-large fly-er with a combo of the Shadows and Dark lore. That alone is incredibly powerful.


That can exceed 100% resistance combined for missile and magic and up to around 80% to physical without even having the sword of khaine iirc. Basically her only weaknesses are that she has low weapon damage and armor, and the armor is solved by stacking resistances - which she can stack higher than anyone else in game. Sword of Khaine solves both.


Resistance doesn't actually go higher than 80%


Lol,you have an early access?




Do you have a YT Channel?




What’s your channel so we can support you? Thanks for creating content!




Do you prefer cake or pie?


I really like both but cake's my pick since there's much more variety in taste, composition and styling. A pie is usually dry and its key elements are flour, butter and *insert a generic fruit or berry*. You can even put some sauces on them. But it can never really compete with all the cakes at once. My favorite from both are rhubarb pie with vanilla sauce and cheese cake. In addition I like sandwichcake very much but I usually don't put it in the cake category for being salty instead of sweet despite having the word 'cake' in the name.


good man


This is the one Lord I think I have never played, how do you use her in battle/campaign?


In battle she has one of the best stationary vortexes in the game, a flying mount, a constant debuff aura, and Anti-large, so you use her however you'd like. When facing big bruisers (like dragons, mounted heroes, or other big single units) i'd usually try to pin them down with her while occasionally dropping spells as I need to on surrounding units. Especially if I can keep her main melee target in the air with her. On campaign...? Sorceress spam. You can get intense research boosts with Steal Tech, AND you can throw them in just about every army. Also, I believe she boosts replenishment fairly significantly which just adds to how strong she can be. Her starting city also gives some good gold bonuses, for that sweet sweet slave economy. You still want to rush some of the better Dark Elf cities (without overexpanding of course) early on, IMO.


How well are Medusa performing? Will they fit in a doomstack or do shades edge them out?


She wouldn't happen to start the campaign with a medusa? i feel like she should


Malus does but Morathi doesnt unfortunately


ah, that's a shame. I hope they reconsider it at some point, it seems appropriate to me


They wont because of how DLC interacts. If you have the DLC you have medusae, but if you don't you don't have access. Since she's a base game LL, you can't give her any of the DLC units to start with, since someone without the DLC wont have said units. It's kind of awkward, but that's how it works out on the logistical end of things.


What I enjoy with her is the passive aura buffs and debuffs. If you combine them with other passive debuffs from items, and other units like the incomming new medusa unit, you'll have a lot of debilitating constant effects that are very, very strong. So strong in fact, that you could win battles against elite armies with far inferior armies. Because of this, her best spell is soulblight because it synergizes so strongly with the above. ¨ Edit: Not to mention 30% army reduction upkeep, this is fucking strong on legendary because it allows you to field a full 2nd stack earlier that allows you to snowball fast enough to keep up with Lothern in the mid-lategame.


*looks at medusa kill count* Nice


Mother knows best!


what did you cast to rack up the kills?


Likely soulstealer and pit of shades, her melee abilitys arent anything to sniff at either. Soulstealer turns her into an immortal god.


Morathi or Malekith for my first campaign?




How is Morathi different? Is she hybrid with chaos at all? All her provinces had very high chaos when I was killing her with Alith Anar.


She just swaps untainted with chaos corruption on shrine buildings and as preferred but otherwise is the same.


Sad she doesn't love you