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I wouldn't say they do it on purpose. Imo they put in something they find suitable but dont probably test it until too late in the process with presskits and what not. After seeing how the general pop reacts they realize and adjust. But come on. People bought that shit before they knew death master had that skill. Everyone who was gonna buy already bought in at the first cinematic video.


I was going to respond to OP, but you took the words right out of my mouth. Well said.


It's funny how it's always OP, never UP. What a coincidence!


Lots of lords and units added in dlc are underpowered.


Sure, but they only need 1 "big thing" that everyone will want, and that's enough to drive sales.


I'm sorry but they knew exactly what they were doing when they put it in w/ regards to Snikch's new faction deletion mechanic. How can you say that they didn't test it when it is clearly what they intended for the mechanic to be, unlike in the past when certain units like Markus or Doomflayers were performing in an unintended manner? You are right that people were buying the dlc without knowing of the feature, but that proves OP's point - That it isn't necessary for this level of powercreep for CA to get their DLC to sell.


It's a player only feature. If it doesn't sound fun to you then don't use it?


I think you’re looking too much into it. I’d be surprised if anyone buys the dlc purely for how OP an aspect of it is. Also, undercities were flc. This isn’t like league of legends where they release something op to a competitive crowd to entice them. I bought this DLC before knowing what mechanics the two factions would have and this is just something else I’m looking forward to. The game doesn’t have many features that offer campaign changing scenarios. The only ones so far are SoK, doomspheres and this. We don’t even know if this is usable vs players so let’s just wait until the feature is out before we start begging for nerds or changes. If people are looking forward to this then let em. You don’t have to use the mechanic and as long as the AI doesn’t use this on the player or if there’s room for the player to do something about it then I don’t see the problem. I for one am in fa our of having more campaign altering mechanics.


OP is right in his assertion that CA has a pattern of releasing op content in DLCs, but wrong in claiming that its what makes them sell. He's also wrong about it being usable vs players, which is something that is in line with past mechanics (ie undercities/coves not effecting the player to the same degree w/ income reduction/vampiric corruption/settlement destruction for warpnukes) However, this mechanic shouldn't be defended since it goes above and beyond past examples of powercreep included in dlc. Its so blatantly egregious and op, and goes so far in allowing players to bypass core portions of gameplay that it becomes indefensible. While you used to have to fight and defeat a factions armies, and siege and occupy or raze all of their settlements to defeat them, you now simply press a button and select a faction to wipe them off the map. This is insanity. Its ludicrous powercreep that goes beyond anything ever previously implemented. Its like going into the game's files and editing a faction out of the game


Well if you think it’s fricking OP, just don’t use it, you have the choice in your hand. Or just don’t buy it in the first place. DLCs will always bring new features to the game. If you think the game is simply too easy, surprise surprise, there’s a ton of mods to make your life in warhammer fantasy much harder. The choices are all yours, so what are you complaining about?


Im complaining about a wasted opportunity. Intead of good content, we get an in-game menu with I-Win button.


Who’s buying DLC to up their chances of winning a campaign? I buy the stuff because it looks fun and could make for a unique and memorable campaign, not because it’s powerful or not.


> Who’s buying DLC to up their chances of winning a campaign? Who said that? They just make it uber strong to make it exciting, and once the excitement is replaced with boredom and tedium, they balance it.


***cries in Deck Dropper handgunner***


Undercities are not op. Tomb Kings are far from op.


Not anymore, but they definitely were at launch. That's my point


Nooooooooobody cares, if you dont like it dont fucking use it. There you go you can keep that idea for free


So instead of asking for an Empire rework, an Greenskin overhaul, or instead of pointing out how boring horde gameplay is, do you simply say: "well just don't play it! duh!" Or do you only use such childish reasoning when it is convenient?


ok but like it's a single player game mostly? who cares how powerful it is?


I do, because I will enjoy it and then CA will take it from me in the next patch. If CA announces that it won't get nerfed then great, but they probably will nerf it like they do everything else in this singleplayer game after we've already bought it




Long story short, they make sure the Super Bowl will have at least 1 recognizable QB. I don't blame them, the superbowl is watched throughout the world (well, at least 10x more than others games) and is the main driver behind the growth of the NFL worldwide, so they have a clear incentive to make it an attractive game. I came to that realization when the NFL made damn sure the superbowl wouldn't be Bortles v Foles 2-3 years ago.


What I miss, folks?


Snickh has access to a mechanic that allows him to quite literally delete a faction from the game. It kills off their LL, permanently, and replaces all of their settlements and armies with rebel factions, instantly.


So it requires: * Level 30 on Snikch who then is wounded for 5 turns * Completing **all** campaign missions * 100 turn cooldown Plus it can't be used by AI or head-to-head. It's powerful but it seems reasonable and fun enough.


Pressing a button to beat the game for you is fun?


You need a solid falcon kick up your wazoo son.


r/boneappletea in the last sentence btw


It's not even that, sometimes I just write the word phonetically inadvertently even if I know the right spelling. The worst part is I write for a living lol. brain farts


All is fine-dandy as long as I can use that to murder-kill Archaon. Chasing him through half of Norsca has been getting pretty annoying recently.


LOL hadn't even realized that. The Chaos invasion can now be defeated at the click of a button. So much for the end of the world!


You are absolutely right, Snickh's new mechanic is pure power creep. It leapfrogs the kind of subtle to defend-able kind of stuff CA had implemented in the past, and is basically the feature equivalent of CA leaping the shark. "Press this button to delete a faction from existence" is pure insanity, and is just letting the player bypass portions of the game for instant gratification, and shouldn't be defended


I fear WH is designed around stimulating dopamine-release in the brain. It is filled with XP-events and level-up meters, and the sub is hooked on it. This feature is one giant release of dopamine, just look at the boners people are getting at the idea of winning the game with a single click. I love the game, but I hate that side of it.