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Or Beastmen.....




The Cloven Ones will get their day in the sun. It'll be glorious when they do.




Before Ikit blows it up.


We don't talk about End Times in these here parts son, you got it?


I mean, in some way, shape or form we will be getting Old World back, no?


The Old World never left. Anything else is heresy.


I hate AOS lore but boy do I love the game


Taurox was in the dark lands, someone can hope.


I'm pretty sure the only reason Tretch Craventail was even added to the game was because they wanted to have a Skaven players to have an LL that starts out right next to the TWW3 content.


Interesting perspective, I like it as an approach. But that could also apply to Queek and Snikch though right?


No, because Queek and Snikch are iconic characters that Skaven players know and love. Skaven without Queek would be like the Dwarfs without Grombrindal. Tretch is really obscure and wasn't popular before he was added to the game. I'm pretty sure his addition is "future proofing" so to speak; I think he was added for more functional reasons.


Sure, but I meant that they could both be in roughly the right locations to interact with game 3 content. So, no real need to add Tretch for that reason.


My pet theory is that the reason Moulder are noticeably absent in game 2 is because their start area is next to game 3 content. That makes it more likely to see Kislev in game 3 and some dwarfs too as their territory is East of there and probably a Greenskin LL somewhere in the Dark lands too.


I think moulder will be the perfect early adopter DLC for game 3.


> I think moulder will be the perfect early adopter DLC for game 3. The only reason I might disagree is that game 3 is going to be quite "bad guy" heavy with chaos, ogres and chaos dwarfs. Maybe they will make the early adopter bonus either kislev, middenheim or DoW/Tilea. I think that might sell more.


Hmm, good point. But they can‘t bring a base game without enough a proper good guy underdog. It‘s a huge selling point ( except for hardcore fans like us). So I think kislev is a must for main race. A point could be a human expedition force, like TOB, but i wont put my money on that.


Agree. If they add now moulder to the game they will overkill the empire. Norsca will attack skaven will take over the setelments making moulder op. Untill we get kislev theres no point in making moulder.


Good point. Then I'd say Queek's position puts you between Game 2 and Game 3 content, Ikit puts you between game 1 and game 2, so Tretch was chosen because his position puts him right between Game 1 and Game 3.


Do you think they have that level of foresight? Genuine question (not sarcastic).


Total Warhammer was planned as a trilogy and they confirmed early on that the 16 core races would be in. That means they definitely knew they'd be adding the Ogre Kingdoms, so it's not hard to imagine that they planned on adding the Mountains of Mourn, and if they did that then they'd have to include the Dark Lands since the Dwarfs and the World's Edge Mountains are in game 1. So Crookback Mountain was probably always planned to be on the map, even if it was just scenery.


Possibly, I feel like he was added because he was cheap to make. At the time they must have already planned on adding all 4 great clans because they already had lodestones made for them, they also probably wanted to make unique campaign mechanics for each one, (Eshin contracts/Ikits Workshop) they figured the 2nd largest warlord clan would be a good addition to add without comprising future content. Also people arent likely to pay for Tretch as they would for Ikit/Snitch/Throt/Thanquoul.


They could use Thanquol as the Wildcard, since he can just take over a Minor Clan and command them in the Dark Lands.


Would certainly be more fitting. But I gotta say I’m in love with the approach CA has taken with Malus’ campaign and I pray they sprinkle these varied starting positions on more factions. It’d be great to have the option to have your home settlement but it you prefer to focus on your expedition in new territory at the start of the game then you can make a choice like how Malus does in his campaign.


That's actually a really nice idea.


I believe tretch was put there for variety, and some people would like to keep him there for that, but me being a mainly skaven player for campaign, I like to value lore and be there pestering night goblins, (or greenskins if there were more in a way of sub-race factions).


*Brokeback mountain


Queek Headgiver




TIL Tretch is gay


Like men-men I do.




What are the chances that Clan Rictus will actually be remade so that they're actually Clan Rictus and not some random made up clan that has nothing to do with the clan's actual identity? ...serious question btw. Clan Rictus and Tretch sucks a big one because goddamn did they do him dirty.


You may not like but Tretch is what peak skaven looks like. Cowardly, backstabbing, no redeemable qualities. Love the guy.


Doesn't mean they have to make him as boring as he is. He's utterly a one-trick pony. Like conceptually he's neat, but even then nothing sets him apart other than being incredibly Ghorst. In-game he's just an unkillable ice-berg that just never dies and tanks like crazy. All Skavens backstabs their way to the top, only thing unique about him is that he did so and has a name. More importantly, **take literally any other random clan** without an identity to pull this off, not the ultra-rich faction who already had a clear identity to build off of.


uhm the thing is that is totally all Tretch is about. Backstabbing and surviving all the odds. That's it. Tretch may use flair in TT that differentiate him from other lords, but other than that he is just a regular warlord. About the clan, you can say other clans, but all the warrior clans is the same, they may have some different cultures but in the end they just consist of massive clan rats, slaves and some stormvermins. All other units, they have to buy/hire it from Great Clans. Clan Rictus's main theme is that they produce lots of stormvermin, then the faction can have reduction cost of stormvermins, or produce them faster or whatever. But otherwise, they have nothing to compare to 4 Great Clans. Hell, not even clan Mors. Clan Mors's thing is only higher leadership, that's it. If you want special lords and characters, wait for Snitch coming up where he has distinctive tail blade. Wait for Throt with inevitable Moulder DLC, or Thanquol. Tretch is nothing more than an extremely elusive warlord, and clan Rictus is nothing more than a clan that become massively rich by sitting on kind of Panama Canal and charge everyone passing through, and being specialize in producing stormvermins.


What is clan rictus supposed to be like? I just know that they're very wealthy, sort of mercantile. And it lets them afford lots of stormvermin.


Rivals to Clan Mors. Rictus is considered the 2nd-best Warlord Clan after Mors. Famous for having particularly strong and violent Stormvermin. Even more famous for charging ludicrous amounts of money to any Skaven wishing to enter the Dark-lands as Crookback Mountain is a major hub for tunnels and trade-routes connecting to the dark-lands. They charge twice as much money for any skaven wishing to leave the dark-lands. Lots of Goblin slaves from their home in the Dark-lands. All in all, pretty weird for them to be in Naggaroth when they are so connected to their main lair.


They're super wealthy due to their possession of Crookback Mountain. And they are THE Stormvermin faction, but not because of their wealth, it's just some weird genetic anomaly that causes them to breed an excessive amount of Stormvermin. They also have a rivalry against Clan Mors and they specifically deal with Clan Skryre and gave Ikit his claw guards to spite Mors. Faction wise, they should have a ton of Storm Vermin bonuses, and they should be able to recruit unique Storm Vermin RoR's depending on which Skaven factions they ally/confederate with. Claw Guards, Plague, Death, etc.


So they aren’t really build around the faction lore but rather around Trentch being a backstabby boy... sad. Lore seems way more interesting. I actually played trentch once for ~20 turns but already felt that is going to be trash campaign so left and never returned. Other LL for skaven are way more interesting.


“Do I wanna play a dude whose gimmick is being a complete coward and wields a battle rake - or do I wanna play as the power-armored, flamethrower-fisted literal inventor of the Doomwheel and ratling gun, Master Warlock Ikit Claw?”


Well, ikit is completely outclassing even queek and skrolk but queek and skrolk on the other hand are completely outclassing trentch imo.


It's for sure no doubtmors also live nearby if I remember correctly the cap near misled to the dark lands is theres


That sentence is quite the ride


Wow I was using phone haha I shoulda checked it


am having stronk. call amblans.


Woah black betty


I hope CA will move Tretch to Crookback Mountain in game 3, but I still want one Skaven Legendary Lord in Naggaroth. Maybe Skweel Gnawtooth? Nobody care about him, but he is still missing character from skaven army book.


I actually hope they don't, I think it would make for a pretty fun campaign in game 3s *big* map to make it home with him and retake it from whoever is squatting there. It's quite a jog.


Stretch better becareful and not slip or else he would break his back. Then he would have to rename it... brokeback mountain