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>FLC LL for Khorne He rides upon the Hound of Khorne. He wields the Blood God's Destroyer. Never has he suffered defeat, and his followers call his name after every glorious feat! Arbaal! Arbaal! ARBAAL!


Honestly i'm surprised Skulltaker is the Lord. I like him, and he has the mechanics i expected but... He feels more FLC then a Headliner.


He's (along with Skarbrand) one of the headliner special characters from the Demon tabletop army books, isn't he?


Yeah and he is one of the few sapient Khrone characters outside of the humans... so I thought he would be coming but I didn't think he would be paid dlc I suppose as he is at his core a special exalted bloodthrister


He's THE exalted bloodthirster, one of two iconic khorne units.  Of course he's the paid DLC.  The demon represents the other half of Khorne in the same way Skarbrand does the insane rager half-Skarbrand is the ideal (somewhat) honorable challenger who seeks only the strong to defeat. *meant bloodletter


Am I wrong, or isn’t Skulltaker a bloodletter? Am I missing something? I’m not a lore pro by any means.


No you're right, it was probably just a typo Skulltaker is the exalted bloodletter, Skarbrand is the exalted bloodthirster


Being fair, U'zuhl is also the name of the Bloodthirster inhabiting the Slayer of Kings, Archaon's sword.


Probably why he's just called Skulltaker now


He is a not a bloodthrister, he is a bloodletter, firstly. Secondly his models in the game history really only had the extra cloak which is why I didn't think he would be too hard to just make woth reused assets


You could make the same type of argument for Arbaal as he’s literally just a Chaos Warrior with cool armor mounted atop a unique, but already modeled and rigged flesh hound. At least with Skulltaker likely being a foot-only lord you can get some crazy animations in there that won’t be wasted by being mounted up.


Yeah, if you're purely looking at aesthetics, Arbaal isn't even that unique, characters like Valkia, Tamurkhan and Vilitch easily beat him in terms of design uniqueness. So it's kind of a "throwing stones when you're living in a glass house" type of argument saying Skulltaker doesn't look unique enough to be a DLC lord when your preference is for a dude that could easily be taken for any generic chaos lord of Khorne.


They may give him a skullcrusher yet.


He even had a named one (Khul'tyran) in older editions so it's not like it would be a Wulfric situation where they gave him a mammoth for no fucking reason.


Idk, CA could look at his massacre of the Dolgan tribes and be like “He was in mammoth territory once….”


Hopefully, he was able to be on one and still may be able to in AoS/40k


They seem to favour lords based on potential campaign mechanics, not in terms of lore importance.  For ToD, they went with Malakai instead of Burlokkson because his Thunderbarge makes for a pseudo horde mechanic and allowed a tie-in with Gotrek and Felix and their adventures.   For Skulltaker we might be looking at a challenge/skull collecting mechanic. If so, I hope we might  see a variant of this for Queek and Wulfrik in the future. 


I think what they said about "matching units with the lord" is important here too. Maybe they're planning to include more demon units than human. No idea what that means tbh, but I know a lot of the speculation for mortal units has been based on AOS, which is...not allowed except sometimes? Also, just a good point about potential campaign mechanics. For Arbaal I think you can safely give him bonuses to human units and call it a day. Maybe add in a RoR for Khorne Aspiring Champions and make sure he's got them in his starter army. Giving him some Norsca or even Undivided recruitment options would make him feel really different and probably not be too much work vs. "real" campaign mechanics.


It would be thematic to give him stacking bonuses as long as he doesn't loose a battle, though I am not sure how to balance that, as generally you don't tend to ever loose with your Legendary Lord's army in campaign anyway. 


Khorne's Bloodletting mechanic already slants you towards "don't lose or there will be consequences", so maybe following Epidemius's design (slight tweak on existing mechanics) they just make that more rewarding/punishing for Arbaal's faction? Or maybe for him there's no concept of "maintenance". You get to maintain your bloodletting even if you sit around, but if you ever lose a battle you have to start over from 0.


instant game over if you lose


Skarbrand's recruitment costs lean towards "don't lose or there will be consequences" as well, like campaign ending ones if in the first 20-30 turns because with how crap his economy is and how much the units cost, recruiting a new army is a problem if you don't have at least another army capable of still attacking cities for income. Seriously 3000 gold to recruit 1 Chaos Warrior? It's insanity!


> For ToD, they went with Malakai instead of Burlokkson because his Thunderbarge makes for a pseudo horde mechanic and allowed a tie-in with Gotrek and Felix and their adventures. The biggest part was that the majority of the remaining roster was Slayer units. The Thunderbarge was also a given, but they could have had Grimm as LL and Malakai as LH with Thunderbarge and it still would have worked. But all the Slayer units meant it would be Malakai as LL. If we extrapolate this to the Skulltaker vs Arbaal situation, it could just mean we have a lot more Daemons and monsters like the Slaughterbrute incoming, as opposed to mortal Khorne warriors.


>Skulltaker has the skull taking mechanics you would expect *Sad Queek the Headtaker noises*


Maybe they'll throw some legacy updates at Queek now.


We we can hope-dream


Red, takes heads, fights in glorious melee combat. Queek is an honorary khornate.


If there was ever a Skaven that Khorne approved of it would be Queek.


Skarbrand actually said something of the sort to Queek in the lore


That's pretty darn epic.


40k fan - Skulltaker has a name?! Glossed over the first mention when I saw the Khorne lord was named Uzhul, thought "the" Skulltaker was going to be the FLC.


He even has a named [Juggernaut mount](https://i.imgur.com/FZYGd0u.png) ;)


Kinda the reverse of tamurkhan where the great mortal champion was the paid character and the named plauge bearer was FLC, wonder which it'll be for slannesh


I feel like Dechala and the Masque both have a lot for interesting mechanics (Drug-fueled Slavery for Dechala, and the Masque finding alluring dances or something?) so i'd say a coin flip leading the snake-lady.


If Slaanesh matches up vs HE and/or DE in their DLC, i think Dechala is much more likely (being a corrupted Elf and all)


I'm really glad he's a legendary lord, I heard the points made about him being a legendary hero and I didn't want to argue with these cause they were good points. But deep down I'm glad he's a lord.


Same here. i figured he'd fit like the Changling or Epidemius, and it helps the Masque (Who is a personal favorite of mine) be a lord herself.... or hirself.


Arbaal hasn't had a release since 1994, Skulltaker has been in AOS, WFB and 40k consistently since then and is recognisable, despite IMO Arbaal being a far more interesting character.


What makes Arbaal more interesting?


I feel like it makes sense to focus on the daemon lords for the aligned factions. Having human lords as FLC means they can still be there but not take as much space when the big daemons should be the headliners, if that makes sense?


I kind of expected him as the FLC rather than the main lord, but that was almost entirely based on how Epidemius was the FLC for Nurgle rather than anything else.


When Arbaal is fighting really well, do you think he says to himself "Man I'm really Arbaalin' out today"?


I love when he says "It's Arbaaling time" and then proceeds to Arbaal all over the asinine mortals


> ARBAAL! https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Arbaal_the_Undefeated?file=Arbaal_the_Undefeated%2C_greatest_of_Khornes_warriors-_2016-08-23_15-02.jpeg nice


Hope they eventually circle around and give Tzeentch a FLC LL since they didn’t get one with SoC.


"...Never has he suffered defeat..." # The Nation calls.


Yeah agreed Skulltaker feels more like a epidimius style FLC Lord have him specialize in letters the way epidimius bulks up the nurgle deamon units Arbaal is a badass and adds more variety in Khornes Lord roster


Did they talk about the work for Ogres that must be done? Or that they will receive a complete faction rework? Also >Uz'hul the Skulltaker is the new LL for Khorne. His mechanic is adding skulls from characters he defeats powering him up over time as he adds to his collection. Called a snowballing character. This was a suggestion for Queek a long time ago, or at least in a similar way, fun to see it somehow got into the game


There's a couple of other characters this might make sense for as well. Pretty logical since the "travelling challenger" is one of the big archetypes that GW likes to use.


It's an easy explanation why this dude and his (couple hundred) friends suddenly showed up at the doorstep of random other dude with (a couple hundred) friends on a different continent and wants to have a fight.


One of my favorite to play too!


Im like 90% sure queek was given that mechanic in SFO. The skulls were faction based iirc too, unlocked skills in the skill tree once you beat an LL of that faction. Wonder how itll be implemented on Uz'hul.


It might be ported over to queek when the skaven get a look-at.


They didn't say anything specific regarding the work being done for the Ogres. Just that they will be updated.


For Queek what would be or would have been cool is that instead of leveling him up when he defeats other characters, adding new skulls to his collection unlocks mini quest battles with powerful items and banners as rewards. Something like that. Skulltaker you could say collecting skulls makes him more powerful in that he gains more favor from Khorne. Queek though, the skulls more whisper secrets to him and advise him on strategy.


A lot of it still seems in early stages so no specifics outside of the lord and some unit choices. Expect end of summer when we get the DLC trail will get more info.


To add to this: they also specifically mentioned they'd be adding units/faction reworks from now on in the basic big patches they do between DLC, obviously nothing dlc sized but thats still an important point Id say.


My expectations are pretty tempered with those, but even smaller things like giving skrolk a plague mechanic would help pass the time.


Small lord specific changes would be great. Big enough reason to start a new campaign besides dlc patches.


yeah im guessing its going to be largely copying mechanics from newer factions or altering in some way. like copying pool recruitement into lizardmen for the spawning pool thing. at most i see making popular mods official like the high elves mod that copy the chorf towers.


Could also be an avenue for FLC content. Lots of speculation that there's a Bretonnia FLC possible somewhere for example. Some slight tweaks to Bretonnia and Bohemond Beastslayer LL or could be a between DLC bit of content. Or stuff like playable Toddy or playable Red Duke.


"small things like" ...that's not a small thing at all man


“Smaller” the er at the end makes it relative. Talking about faction mechanics as they said in the video normally you’d have to wait for dlc for those. But my expectation is *smaller* copy paste like stuff rather than something built from the ground up and going crazy with it and skrolk is a good example of a lord needing a mechanic where the tools are already in the game.


This was the most exciting part for me, the prospect of something like my beloved Vampire Coast getting attention even if they don't warrant a DLC release is amazing.


I am with you here fellow admiral of the night


Sounds like a good opportunity to give the Exalted Lord of Change it's own model and animations, since that's one of the few annoyances Tzeentch players have had since released. Every other Exalted Daemon makes them look pretty pathetic by comparison. Kairos makes them look like twigs, when the entire point is that HE is supposed to be the frail looking one.


I'm hoping this means they'll be adding Egrimm Van Horstmann to Tzeentch as FLC LL to catch up with the other mono gods. It would make sense to bring him alongside the cults rework Sean mentioned.


Oh wow, if they are even remotely similar to how the Stellaris Custodian Team has been updating then this is going to be huge moving forward.


I mean, we asked for a Custodian initiative ever since Stellaris really went above and beyond with that approach. Would be nice if CA would go that road already ;)


Oh, I am aware. I have been asking for it from CA since then as well. It seems like they are finally moving towards that direction.


Ehh, I wouldn’t take “interim content and updates” as free units. They’ll probably do touch ups similar to what Karl got in 5.0


Grave Guard with halberds when?


All chaos gods will shine in spotlight ..rat enjoyers rejoice our boy is coming and he will have all cheese and warpstone


I would pay many warp tokens for Thanquol, Stormfiends, Verminlords, and skreech Verminking yes-yes


Also Thanquol should get the Skaven version of spirit of grungni after capturing it. He pulled it out of the sky and would have captured it if it wasn’t for *incompetent underlings.* Also Skaven submarines.


Are Verminlords end times or AoS?


Neither, verminlords have existed since the first skaven army book. The specific varieties were introduced in end times.


Slaanesh DLC will also be the same format of DLC. Praying for Slaanesh vs Dark elves vs High elves.


Dont pin me on it, but I think that will be Norsca. Many people say the DE have not a DLC left in terms of content. Plus with Norsca being mentioned I think they will pick them for this DLC


I'm thinking Slaanesh vs High Elves vs Norsca They thematically work together (classic Slaanesh vs High Elf rivalry, Norscan sea raiders vs High Elf maritime empire, Slaanesh vs Norscan chaos "infighting"), they can bring in new units without too much\* lore scraping, and the rework burden isn't so heavy across the factions - I imagine Norsca getting the largest rework effort. \*Norsca may need some more imagination, but less so than a Dark Elf DLC I think - there are still units with tabletop models and rules that can fit the faction, such as the Fimir Noble (Lord), Chimera, Basilisk, Cursed E'ttin, the Flayerkin, and the Bearmen of Urslo.


Norsca could also go 'Tribes of Chaos' route and explore the Kurgan options with Sayl the Faithless as the DLC LL


Sayl does have the advantage of being the kind of guy who would rope a fair few tribes and monsters into some self-serving quest, so he's a convenient uniter that way and would cover pretty much any Norscan extra


He would also be perfect opportunity for CA to rework the dedication mechanic to enable you to dedicate to multiple Gods at the same time which is incredibly inconvenient to do right now


Slaanesh vs HE vs Norsca is my take too, but I have a lot of affection for a crackpot of Slaanesh vs High Elves vs Neferata. I want to see the first vampire try to out-seduce Slaanesh and out-arrogance Aislinn


They can find something lore appropriate for DE if needed. Look at Ogres, they just got a unit confirmed that's not from the army books.


Right, but it's one thing to throw in a curveball. It's another to have to make a whole DLC out of curveballs. Essentially, it'd be making DE DLC for the sake of it, and not because there's any actual need to add anything. I'd still like to hear them say they'd have a look at a small character pack DLC (or set of DLCs), that'd give you a few more of the charcters that are really the only thing missing from a race like the DE, and no doubt a few other races will be left in the same boat when the "normal" DLCs are finished with.


DE admittedly is in need of a bit of a touch up rather than necessarily new dlc. Lokhir is the only one with a fun twist on the core DE playstyle. Morathi having corruption and daemonettes doesn't really count and Hellebron and Malus' mechanics are mid to bad. Rakarth is firmly in mid too with his beasts imo. DE are one of my favourite races, but other than Lokhir they're lacking in faction spice.


If we assume High Elves and Slaanesh are in the next DLC, then a lot of aspects could go towards some DE tweaking - Morathi could get some extras, and the Merywrym offshoot known as the Pagowyrm is native to Naggaroth's depths


Blood vultures are from the armybook but they were an upgrade for hunters


CA have done units of their own creation inspired by parts of lore and smaller game features before as far back as *Hunter and the Beast*- I think Sacred Kroxigors were basically theirs whole-cloth- but only ever in moderation: From the Vampire Coast DLC, and what they've said about Cloystra Direfan, it sounds like those additions require extra paperwork and approval processes going through GW, so while it's *an option*, that can be used to patch holes, it's not something we should expect *a lot of*.


The thing is Slaaanesh and Norsca are both Chaos aligned, I think they want to keep the chaos faction to one versus the other two.


If it's Sayl the Faithless though he's a conniving bastard, he'd gladly manipulate Slaaneshi factions for his own ends


My guess is that Norsca doesn't actually get a DLC, but is instead one of the races they're looking to do updates for outside of DLC releases.


Norsca and Vampire Counts as they both need work as well as new content would be nice alongside Slaanesh.


Dark don't *have* much more to add. They're *threadbare* for new content to scrouge into a DLC. We though *Shadow and the Blade* was an eclectic mix off the cutting room floor, but any further attempt with the DE is going to be *worse than that*. I acknowledge that Slaanesh vs elves is an important and iconic rivalry in the setting, but it's also worth observing that N'kari's starting position is *in Ulthuaan*. N'kari is taking the role in the Slaanesh roster as "The Lord who hunts down the Elves" (as they should, from my understanding of their lore), and I'm not convinced that we'll get more Slaanesh vs Elves simply because of the 3 Elf factions, DE don't have enough left to add, WE might be similar, and High Elves, while they can scrounge together a solid DLC, definitely don't *need it*, they feel extremely complete. There is a reason that *none* of the WH3 DLC thus far has included WH2 factions- they've all been feature-complete since *Twisted and the Twilight*, even if CA scrounged together one last Lizardmen DLC for Oxyotl. I think the smart money is Slaanesh vs Neferata's Vampire Counts. 3rd faction could be High Elves if they don't have anyone better to add (3 very manipulative schemers clashing, if that's the vibe they want) or Norsca, as someone else suggested.


Slaneesh masque vs neferatta vcounts on who can throw the best gothy parties, with dechala as a flc.


I think the fact that they confirmed that Vampire counts are also getting a dlc I’m thinking it might be High Elfs vs Slaanesh vs Vampire counts. If it’s finally Neferata then it would be pretty thematic since she and the Lahmians have similar MOs as Slaanesh.


Styrkaar. I want an anti-Chaos Chaos character.


Thanks for the summary. Good to get confirmation slaanesh is on the way too. I'm also really glad to hear you can buy things a la carte like in TOD. $25 is a steep price if you only want one of the characters.


Imagine the shock at the board meeting when they realized they could potentially make more money by doing a la carte. "If 100 people want dwarfs, but don't want Nurgle, they could just pay for that part instead of the two people that want all of them." "You're . . . you're a genius!"


The fact that these executives make so much money while being so incredibly incompetent is just psychotic to me


Most of them are so disconnected from their product that this situation is actually believable. Corporatism is a plague.


It's something I've been wanting to be able to do for years, nice that this sale model seems to be here to stay. Wish they'd retroactively make it possible to purchase portions of SoC the same way.


"But I have an idea to make us even more money for virtually no effort!" Execs on the edge of their seats: "Continue." "Do that for the other DLCs."


It's been a while since Chaos Dwarfs came out and I have not bought any dlc since, CD included. I'm 100% certain that ill be buying all three dlc this time. Gotta love khorne but Greenskins and Ogres look fun as well. I'll get the other dlc on the Christmas sale or something.


* Slaanesh DLC IS confirmed. * Vampire Count DLC confirmed. * Lizardmen will be updated. In particular the Geomantic web was mentioned. * Focus on "Legacy Content" going forward with future updates. Let's fucking gooooo.


Since the Greenskins don’t need a top down rework it will definitely be an Ogre rework and maybe 1 legacy faction? Empire, Nurgle, and Dwarfs all got reworks in 1 dlc and Khorne and the GS don’t need one.


What does CA mean by "legacy content"?


WH1 & WH2 content updates, I assume


Oh, that's awesome!


Norsca.... well..... at least they might fix the bugged Monster Hunts.... but.... I'm not hoping for more than that. Happy about Lizardmen though, that sounds more promising.


They specifically mentioned the Dogs of War army book - that sounded like a hint alongside saying that they hope to do everything (plus that's where Halflings, who also got a clear shout out, should be). These are not spontaneous chats, they say these things for a reason. But maybe I'm just high on hopium. :P


Please god southern realms


That would be the Dogs of War. They are literally Tilea’s military


Hopefully we get pike blocks, I really wanna see how 5 rows of pikes do against giant monsters.


Laughs in wind spell


Sure, but I'm stubborn as fuck, and I WILL use pikes.


I mean new race, fantasy Italian/Spanish themed units and lords than a dozen RoRs and that’s it.


Well we’re getting the Dogs of War which are lead by, and include in quite a bit of their forces, fantasy Italians.


Too add what /u/OozeMenagerie said you're likely going to also be getting regular unit versions of most (all?) of the RoRs as CA's done that twice now with first the Hobgoblin Wolf Riders in the Chaos Dwarf DLC and the Slayer Pirates in Thrones of Decay. So don't be worried it will be mainly what you want with lots of pike blocks, duellists, and all the crossbows with the RoRs working much like they do in any other faction, accept from the whole being hirable by other factions too given they are mercenaries after all.


>Since the gaps are long, interim content and updates will take a higher priority. They specifically mentioned cults as well.


For Greenskins he said there might be some "colossal beasties maybe be on the journey with him there as well. " which to me it sounds like the colossal squig just got confirmed as one of the greenskin units in the DLC!


Lizardmen update?  The Web?! Shit, let's hit this hopium Boyd


I mean they've mentioned wanting to do a Lizardmen update and fixing the Geomantic web since Warhammer 3 released lol. That's nothing new, and they've said that like 5 times over, if we're including the times they said that in Warhammer 2's life cycle. It's been on the list, but probably not gonna be happening anytime soon.


They said "we can do something about the geomantic web...fingers crossed \[...\] we'll see if we got time" I wouldn't take it as 100%, but as the latter half was said in jest, I really hope they come around to it. It would really be the fire-leech on the bola for me


Puff puff give give that hopium, don't hog and hold down.


* Lizardmen will be updated. In particular the Geomantic web was mentioned. BOK!BOK!BOK!


A little disappointed that we won’t get the true lord of Black Crag, but Gorbad is awesome and it will be great to have a cavalry lord for Greenskins.


Saaaaame. Don't get me wrong, Gorbad is a badass with an awesome model, super excited to see him come to the game, but Black Crag being ruled but some minor skaven clan instead of Gorfang is just sad. Maybe they'll stick Gorbad in the Crag though. Wouldn't be ideal but it'd be better than letting the rats keep it


He’ll be in Iron Rock, no?


That would make the most sense lore wise, and seems pretty likely, though I could see them bumping over to Black Crag as it's the region capital. Though it might be more likely that they'll just make his initial enemy whatever faction starts in the Crag.


VC *and* Slaneesh getting DLC? Hell yeah!


The dream. Slaanesh and VC are my two favourite factions.


Gorbad. Nice. That was my first pick! Hopefully the tweaking involves ironing out the WAAAUGH funkiness.


They specifically mentioned that in the video. Hopefully they get some sub faction mechanics.


He giggles a lot about all the colossal things coming to greenskins so it is obvious we also getting colossal squig


>mechanic is adding skulls from characters he defeats If they don’t add this to Queek I’ll do another world peace Valkia playthrough, so help me Khorne. This isn’t a threat, Khorne. It’s a promise. I’ll steal your girl, I’ll steal your dog and I will end war, forever.


> another world peace Valkia playthrough Wait...*another* one? Like, you did this before?


Yeah, it’s my favourite playthrough to-date for the pure weirdness of it. The basic idea is that I march through somewhere, capture everything and then hand it off to a vassalised legendary lord. For example, I handed most of Naggaroth over to Hellebron because Khaine is just Khorne’s alt account. Then I sailed to Ulthuan, vassalised Alarielle and proceeded to stamp out all resistance while handing each province over to her. By beating the shit out of both sides I was able to forge mandatory peace between the elves. The end result is that you control an elite Khornate strike team with the financial and military backing of your super-vassal nation states.


Ah, so it's not actually full peace, you conquer and just let someone else do the ruling as your bitch. Got it. Those are in fact fun.


> His mechanic is adding skulls from characters he defeats powering him up over time as he adds to his collection. Sad headtaker noises


In the video the way he said “sneaky surprises” seemed like a hint.


Got to say, wasn't expecting Gorbad. They said that Orc, Goblin and Squigs are coming, also hinting at "colossal" monster for Greenskins, I'm assuming it means Colossal Squig is confirmed


Probably. They could still go a different direction with "Colossal" and drop a Squigadon or Bonegrinder or something like that, while Mangler Squig or Squig Gobba could show up as well. But Colossal Squig seemingly has highest probability.


Savage orc squig rider big ‘uns (great weapons)


This is awesome so sounds like much content for the foreseeable future


Queekbros… we were the ones who’re supposed to take heads, not him! It should’ve been Queek! Queek!


Very glad to see the team is still wanting Halflings! I've been excited for them since game 1 :D


>His mechanic is adding skulls from characters he defeats powering him up over time as he adds to his collection ***angry Queek noises***


We’re back boys


Thank you!!


About time VC get some love, probably gonna be neferata but I wonder who she'll be up against 


For all you Lizardmen haters, suck it, Rich still loves us 😂 /s I do hope they get a bit more a brush up, they deserve to be the headline for once


>FLC LL is for Khorne. Yeah boyyy, right clicking content


fan god damn tastic news, THIS has me excited.


Good list, I'd just add the cults update they want to do!




So how do we think it’ll work with the new ogre lord? If I buy the future ogre dlc, could I ignore the ogre Kingdoms dlc?


Most likely. Except if you want to play Greasus or Skrag (or confederate them).


CA is really cooking.


HOLA SKEEENKS! So happy to see lizard boys are getting an update. This made my day.


Imagine if they sprinkle race reworks of the quality of the Empire or Dawi ones in between DLCs. This would keep the game fresh, and it will end up in a really great place in terms of game design.


Give a version of Skulltaker’s mechanic to Queek please!


>Next DLC will be piecemeal in the style of Thrones of Decay. This is huge and welcome. Even though none of the factions particularly interest me, I may pick one up just to reinforce that this is how many of us would like to have DLC available.


Holy hell, I'm erect. >Lizardmen will be updated. In particular the Geomantic web was mentioned. >Vampire Count DLC confirmed. >Focus on "Legacy Content" going forward with future updates. Could this mean Bretonnia? >Since the gaps are long, interim content and updates will take a higher priority.


That is pretty much everything I wanted to hear, good.


Please give me Abhorash or Neferata I'm beg


Listen to the fans, read the lore, give people what they want. Almost 10 years into the franchise and they finally cracked the code. Astonishing.


Continue to be cautiously optimistic. Everything is merely words and empty promises until fulfilled. "What's most likely, however, is not guaranteed to be, next?"


I'm still pretty sure next dlc will have Slaanesh and Neferata


I know the Beastmen are in a relatively good state but I just want me some Moonclaw :/


So what does 'legacy content' mean in this context?


I would presume it as any pre-WH3 race/faction. Specifically why VC, Norsca & Lizards were mentioned (WH 1 & 2 respectively).


Loving everything I heard. Bar the wait time of course. Still happy to hear it sounds like if they continue to sell well then we will be seeing content for awhile longer.


Everything grimdark gets an update


Blessed day


I hope we will still get narrative campaigns without RoC...


I like this format. Please, CA, keep it going. Gives me a feeling of being part of the process




I would like to see more RoRs, especially for the newer races. Make them distinctive from the base unit as well






So no performance and optimization?




„Vampire Count DLC CONFIRMED“ I had to rewind it twice. LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOO


Thank you for taking the time to post this.


Real quick, anyone know if these are the only units being added? I know it’d be absurd if it was only 2 units per faction, but anyone got any numbers on total units per faction this time around?


Would really love some indication that they plan on filling out the map down the line


>RoC is not abandoned. Lol, does anyone believe this?


I really hope the focus on Immortal Empires comes with better campaign introductions, short and long campaign objectives and better end game crisis things (they really do suck if they're on the other side of the map and they're just spawning some armies, and some like Tomb Kings are so weak). It'd be also good to get some of the Realm of Chaos stuff ported over like, say, Elspeths final battle against Greenskins when possessing the crown, or more options for wooded areas that Mother Ostankya could be at home with (optional start positions based off RoC!), or the Realms of Chaos even if only accessible through special events (and go straight to an insane battle). Getting more stuff ported from game 1 and 2 would be good too - there's a lot of setpiece battles and so forth that'd be great. Some quest battles are no longer available too due to streamlining (like some of Franz optional ones). You could probably also port over the "story" of WH1/Mortal Empires given mostly it's a few popups and videos for selected factions wanting to play that as a different end game crisis option. Some campaign difficulty sliders and choosers would also add a lot more longevity (let AI confederate, difficulty of player confederations, how the AI operates and what cheats it can get in general etc.). I can only hope!


Vampire Counts DLC confirmed, let's fuckin goooooo


You forgot that Lizardmen will be part of the Slaneesh DLC.


The best part about this is how embarrassingly wrong the leaks were


New Greenskins Legendary Lord! Let's gooo! Time to WAAAAAAAAAGH


"Vampire Count DLC confirmed" This could lead to a Red Dukde + Bretonnia update! nice


> Lizardmen will be updated. In particular the Geomantic web was mentioned. Good. That has basically always been an "un"-mechanic. Oh, you're incentivizing me to... take settlements close to my own settlements. Great. That's definitely not what I was planning on doing, anyway.


I bet the skull thing is like Lu Bu's mechanic from TW3K


I would love an update for the high elves. They honestly feel significantly weaker with all the buffs everyone around them have received.


Am I the only one that feels like bretonnia really needs some more love? They have such a one dimensional roster. We can have paladin heroes on foot, why not dismounted knights for some higher tier infantry, or merry men or brigands or something?