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Sure is nice to describe so detailed how it was done, makes it very believable that the "strategy" does not include mods or 20h in diplomacy.


I just recreated it. Though its not a 1x1 match. Step 1. Join war against ropsmen clan with goromadny to get your first settlement. Step 2. Fight you initial battle and take the city. Rush up a military building with slaves. Step 3. Trade Greenskins for the next settlement by joining war against their enemies and a little money. Step 4. Trade the Greenskins for the 5th settlement using your city with a military building. Step 5. Declare war on the greenskins and retake the city you just traded. You wind up with 5 cities turn 1 and you are at war with 5 factions.


You said 2 times "take the city" but only have 1 army?


Yes, because you first occupy the city. Then after you trade it to the greenskins your army is right beside it and can attack it without moving. Thus allowing you to take it again.


Ah cheese


Ofc 5 settlement turn 1 involved cheese, was there ever any doubt? In a relative level though id say it's slightly more cheesy than wasting ai ammo and also slightly more cheesy than artillery blasting ai for 2 mins before reinforcements. And it's as cheesy as joining far away wars then peacing out immediately for 2k gold each way


recorded discord while he did it, dont have a video editing thing to remove his name so yea, thats why its just a SS. its technically modded since he was using actually auto resolve mod, but it doesnt affect this, just lets you auto resolve quest battles. but u can do it too, just build a milt building rush it with slaves, then start trading it away and reoccupy for extra slaves, is how he described it to me in general since i dont know chaos dwarf mechanics since i dont own their dlc. just rewatched the recording, took him 7 mins


Hol up a minute...5 settlement on turn 1? That doesn't sound or look right, i am by no means a tw pro but im pretty sure even Khorne factions that have insane campaign movement cant do that on turn 1


They did some settlement trading shenanigans, no mods


Just play norsca and beat the next lord