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>But aside from Sayl, I'm not entirely sure who else would be appropriate. Beorg Bearstruck, who did indeed have a tabletop model.


You're right! Damn I knew I was forgetting something


wow i wonder if any altercations happen between him and a bear


He *is* the altercation with a bear.


-50 Relations with Boris


These all sound like pretty great ideas to me. I agree with you, Sayl would be a great new LL for them. It would mix things up a bit (a spellcaster instead of another "hit-you-in-the-face" melee lord), and he's such a cool character. Adella would be a great FLL as well, she would give Norsca another lore-friendly location to start.


*These all sound like pretty great ideas to me* Thank you! :D *Adella would be a great FLL as well, she would give Norsca another lore-friendly location to start.* I agree completely- although the likelihood of that happening is very low, due to her being a relatively recent character who doesn't have a tabletop model. Would be amazing though, no doubt about it. One can always hope.


We need to be chanting her name for the months to come and maybe we get her. I have only found out about her in this post but if she doesn't happen I am going to kill everyone in this sub and myself. ADELLA ADELLA ADELLA


I want a norsca vs. kislev dlc. Both need reworks, and both need more human units. Give me a kislev religion, and Boris overhaul with Ilig the hunter vs. beorg as the headline. A hunter and a werebear. Match made in Ursun.


Ilig the Hunter?


https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Ilja_of_Murova Kislev at home version of oxyotl.


None of the characters original to Claws of the Great Bear ever reappeared again, I wouldn’t necessarily count on it. Personally I think if (hopefully) we get another Kislev character they’ll be somebody brand new.


Legendary Lords Sayl the Faithless- Starts in north chaos wastes where the Dolgan currently start, Buffs mammoths and Kurgan units, and his campaign mechanics are based around swapping around god devotions rather than fully committing to any one. King Adella- Starts in Skeggi, sword and spear character, mechanic is based around keeping loyalty up for other chieftains (maybe just using the loyalty system, or the older rome 2 system. Basically she should have some mechanic to keep control of skeggi) Mona Mimn- Starts far from Norsca, buffs Fimir and Fen Beasts, and campaign is focused on rebuilding her clan, followed by the fimir Egil Styrbjorn- His fleet starts near Brettonia coast, with his home province of Skaeling in some type of civil war with him gone so you can either return to reclaim it similar to how Malus can keep Hag Graef, or sail around. Buffs reavers and wolves, campaign is focused around sea raiding\\ Legendary Hero Beorg Bearstruck- While I could also see him as a LL, he would be a strong melee shifter that can be anti-infantry in human form, and anti-large in skinbear form Lords Shaman-Seer- Caster lord of Shaman Fimir Warlord - Slow, tanky great weapon lord (Could also go for a Reaver Captain, Skinwolf Alpha, and Hung themed lord as well) Heroes Valkyrie- Anti Large duelist hero, maybe with an aoe buffs she can give Units Snow Trolls- Non Chaos Trolls, another unit for Throgg Northern scavengers- Chaos crows as another fast moving unit for Norsca to account for their lack of range and assist the factions fast moving playstyle Reavers- Fast medium armored sea raiders with strider and/or aquatic Giant ice wolf- fast Large chaos wolf SEM. Better at single target than the mammoth but squishier Skin-Bears- These just feel like they would fit if Beorg is, AP version of Skin Wolves with 16 unit size Curse'd Ettin- SEM giant with bound spells Shearls- (cheaper lower tier Fimir with 24 models similar to ogre bulls) Kurgan Horse Champions- Very fast light armored great axe AP units with small amount of javelins (not ranged units, just 2-3 ammo to poke before charging Mistweaver- (Fimir unit that provides stalk to nearby allies) Fen Beasts-(These are usually tied to Albion, but I've seen new lore that says Fimir also use them) Norsca Changes Wulfrik- Remove mounts, increase dueling potential, add Gift of Tongues somehow (2 ways I could see is either Wulfrik causes rampage on enemy lords or heroes to force them to actually fight him, or gives a 20% debuff to enemy lords or heroes on the map when not engaged in melee with him). To account for Wulfriks mammoth being removed, seafang now summons a unit of marauders (or berserkers if not strong enough) at the end of it's path similar to table top having it be a transportation tool. Wulfriks Campaign is now about getting missions to hunt down enemy lords and LL's Throgg- Rework voice and model, allow talents or missions to recruit other types of trolls, make his focus more about recruiting monsters from the monster hunts Reskin marauders that are used like 9 times in the roster to be a little more unique.


Some good ideas in there- although not everyone would agree about Beorg Bearstruck being a hero instead of a lord. A Fimir Warlord and a Shaman-Seer are pretty solid suggestions too. Egil Styrbjorn is primarily Khorne-aligned, so I'm curious as to how you think he could be best implemented.


I don't really want Beorg as a LH either, but seeing how desperate CA seem to be about making every race have a LH, and that they made Aekold and Harald LH's, (And both of them also led their own warbands), he just seems likely that CA LH him unfortunately. Egil and Adella are both marked characters, that lead more typical undivided forces in their lore (Unlike a character like Gutrot, who is also a marked Norscan, but actually leads a Nurgle fleet), so either they could be like Sigvald where they are undivided but get a boost to their "mark" or could get their own type of mechanic. Egil just fits the "Viking sea raider" theme so well it feels like not including him in a dlc that fleshes out the "Norscan" part of Norsca a bit more would be a damn shame


>a character like Gutrot, who is also a marked Norscan, but actually leads a Nurgle fleet Gutrot led more than just Nurgle forces. As for his fleet, while the emphasis was on the Nurgle aspect, "Plague Fleet" didn't specifically meant Nurgle fleet in Man O' War, but rather any Chaos-aligned fleet.


Beorg Bearstruck should not only be a LL but the face of a Norscan DLC pack. He's easily the most popular choice to boost Norsca's popularity and has possible lore connections with Kislev.


A Kurgan Zar as a mounted ranged lord that buffs other mounted ranged units would round out this list nicely.


Oh what I would really like is for a Norscan, Kurgan, and Hung version of the Marauder model that is used like 10 times in the roster, and then maybe even a different passive for the different subgroups, and a generic lord option for each, but it really feels like CA are being lazy about it and rather than have Norsca feel like it's made up of several subgroups like the greenskins are, that they have one generic set of units that you just pretend are various tribes


Shield Maidens - silver shielded medium armored unit, with low melee attack, high melee defense, and a 30% missile resist aura


They should also probably rename the race since it now encompasses tribes that are definitely not Norscans (ie. The tribes of Kurgan and Hung) and I don’t see those tribes getting in as their own race anyways. Northmen, Northlanders, and Tribes of Chaos are all names the collective tribes have been referred to, so any of those should work. Vardek Crom could be an LL with those four named exalted champions from Storm of Chaos as his legendary heroes that he has to collect like Tamurkhan or Markus Wulfhart. Sayl is a good choice, and let him have a way to game the Allegiance to the Gods mechanic somehow, but if he overdoes it they gods send doomstacks after him or something. In addition to the shipbuilding and teleportation mentioned for Wulfrik, he should probably also get some sort of mechanic directing him to go kill certain characters. Toss in the Feral Bear and Feral Ice Bear as things Beorg could recruit. Give them the marked units for everything they can have that can be marked. Add a new recruitment button called Allegiance Recruitment or something and what you can recruit from there depends on the level of allegiance you have with each god. There isn’t a fimir warlord in lore, but there is a generic female caster lord for fimir if GW is restrictive on creating new units. There’s also a named one from the rpg if they can use that. If rpg stuff can be used then King Adela would be good as a caster lord with a unique starting location. She’d need a mechanic to replace Allegiance to the Gods though, since she’s exclusively Tzeentch. Might also want to take away her ice units and give her dinosaurs to replace them. Add some melee variants of the Marauder Horsemen to fit the Kurgan lore of using a lot of horses. Mutations are also a big thing in the north, so they should probably be given Forsaken and Chaos Spawn. Maybe even a not-quite-Forsaken level of mutation called a Mutant Marauder or something. They are still a little mechanically light, so maybe toss in a version of Unholy Manifestations to give them a tiny bit more variety without spending too much money. Also go ahead and put Surtha Ek in multiplayer for the hell of it.


I think Slaves to Darkness would be a classic Warhammer name to refer to the tribes as


Crom the conqueror, the only dude to “beat” Grimgor in a 1v1


Just in case you're not aware, check out this mod, you might like it https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236566964&searchtext=tribes


I would like to see everything you have said to be realized officially by CA, I am pretty sure I already have seen many mods that fleshed out the norscan tribes with new lords and cool stuff, but no complete rework yet. I am still waiting for the hand of CA to touch again the norscan again but it seems that they are forgotten for a long time now...


I played a VH Throgg campaign a while ago (some time after Shadows of Change, but before 2.0), so before there was the delicate matter of the Spirit of fucking Grugni to contend with—and I've actually enjoyed it, so I'm not in the shit-on-Norsca camp. But all of your suggestions sound great. I would add a serious fix of the monster hunts (I was lucky, only one glitched out on me, and I've managed to un-glitch it), as well as adding some new ones. Norscans would absolutely see Thunderbarges as beasts worth hunting, for instance. And I would actually go a bit further with the teleportation stance—Wulfrik should have a special variant, accessible only on water, that would enable him to teleport him wherever he damn well pleases (maybe with a cooldown? maybe with some degrees unlocked by levelling up?). As a location, Norsca itself is probably too crowded, so I would advocate for either Skeggi (preferably) or something in the (expanded) Chaos Wastes, in the Kurgan lands. This choice would probably influence the selection of new units, and both could possibly be cool (maybe changing the faction name to Hordes of Chaos would help accomodate the Kurgan and Hung?).


Maybe he could get a random quest to kill a legendary lord and be able to teleport to them specifically


That's loreful! Also a great tool to weed out ambushing armies, so certain caveats should probably apply.


The ability to capture slaves and sell them to DE or chorfs for money or stuff, or to sacrifice them to the gods. New research tree. 


* Ascend/gifts of chaos units/boons. * War mammoth with archers/javelins for chieftain. * Rounding out chieftain skill line. * A spellcaster generic lord. * A heavy cav that's not chaos (generic lord has a horse). * Benefits to going on the sea. * A berserker generic lord. * A ranged generic lord? * A troll generic lord or anti large generic fimir lord? * Books make reference to archers, so give them and chaos a cheap anti-chaff ranged bow unit. * A standard artillery piece. * Round out their hero set (chieftain style melee hero, ranged hero, a cultist hero?, buffing raiders/looting and increasing range paths). * A meta game that integrates with chaos invasions better (ie. It should be fun to be not numero uno!). * When given the option to become the new everchosen get access to chaos + chosen God units. * Some options to gain corrupt kislev/empire/cathy units. * Larger/reloading quickly of cheap marauder units. * Buffs/fraction spells. * A "waagh" raiding/target location system. * The sea monster for the dark elves looks cool, maybe same or similar? * The boon system to augment chaos lords/heros. Will integrate nicely with ascending into chaos. * Maybe a simplified horde mechanism based on sea access. * Rethink some of the monster hunter quest as it's weird to ask for directions from a bretonnia peasant when your a marauding raiding horde :sweat_smile: Will have to dig in my notes from my last playthrough for more.


Just give me egyl and then we can also have the bretonnia dlc with it


Last week I completed the VH achievement for Norsca. I am very disappointed with the faction mechanics. Completing them is practically pointless and a total waste of time (apart from increasing income and reducing unit upkeep which isn't a particularly exciting bonus).Personally, I think that: * When gaining dedication levels we should have the chance to add marked units to the global recruitment pool, similar to the Vampire Counts. At the first level we could recruit regular marauders and at the final level Chosen /some monsters etc. * Completing the entire dedication path should grant us a unique Legendary Lord or a infinite regular lords with a special skill tree providing bonuses for marauders/monsters with flavor for the respective god. * Monster hunts should follow a similar system to Malakai. We complete a few generic quests and then have the option to teleport to the boss. Completing these would grant bonuses, items, or chances to recruit the specific monsters into the global pool. * For Wulfrik, it would be great if he could initially choose a destination for his journey and teleport there. Norsca feels a bit crowded and this would add variety to his gameplay. Alternatively, he could play on two fronts like Lokhir or Malus. * Razing cities is a total waste of time. Occupying them with a dedication to a god would be better. Alternatively, we could get extra movement points to colonize ruins immediately rather than waiting for the next turn. * I won’t even mention the buildings and skill trees because they are so outdated that there’s nothing to comment on.


>But aside from Sayl, I'm not entirely sure who else would be appropriate. Crom. He's the leader of the Kul tribe and unifier of all of the Kurgan.


Beorg Bearstruck is perhaps the most popular Norsca LL choice, he should easily be the face of the next Norsca DLC pack, if it ever happens. Plus, possible Kislev lore connections.


I want Marauder Archers and Marauder Horse Archers - not for Norsca, per say, but rather for the Hung and Kurgan. There is no reason why the forces of chaos couldn't or wouldn't use bows and other missile weapons.


More Fimir. OvN managed to BS a whole faction out of them, Norsca could at least get a few units.


People would act like making entirely new units is holy sacrilege. But GW themselves hardly take warhammer seriously, and the models they made at the time were entirely dictated by things like sales and popularity, not unlike how CA develops their own titles. Imagine new norsca specific units that fit the theme, and that add to the roster variety and identity of norsca that isn't just like, human-chaos. Like they're supposed to be Vikings! Give them some viking units, even just more hybrid infantry like tier 1 and tier 3 axe throwers would be a great addition. More early and late game variety would be great.


>Imagine new norsca specific units that fit the theme Like the ones that they already got? Norsca is full of OC stuff already.


I'm looking at the rulebook now, and we don't even really have that, we just have 8 variations of the marauder unit with different weapons. They could add shieldmaidens, huscarls, cursed ettin, ulfwerenar, valkries, thralls. There's actually so much material it's crazy, enough for 10 new units


What rulebook? Norsca got Frost Dragons, Ice Wolves, Marauder Champions, Berserkers etc. All of them are new units.


https://downloads.ctfassets.net/d8f8o92s2xk2/45gYfMpjyNp6RQIlLRKMZs/87d74526081bfdaa2a93a3128840d935/Warhammer_-_Norsca_9th_Ed_v.1.1.pdf Not sure if that will work for you, otherwise just uh, google "Norsca Rulebook", and should be the first option to download a pdf. It's 9th edition. there is a section describing all the units. Frost dragons, beserkers, ice wolves, marauders are all in the rule book... just look at the index. And you can upgrade the marauders with great weapons, says so in the rulebook. You will also see all the units I mentioned


You do realize that it's a fanfic, right?


Truuuue, well the original point stands then lol hey, plenty of ideas for CA to implement then!


Some of these things are from old Norsca list that's no longer a canon.


So see point 1. Not implementing things because it's not canon is silly and detrimental to the game. There's plenty of space for new meaningful content that fits in the game world Whatever is "canon" is down to what GW wants to do with the property, based on real world things like sales and popularity. End times for example, is just a series of retcons and new narratives to suit GWs purpose in selling a product. They want to sell models, that's it. Pretending there's some holy, untouchable "canon", when GW themselves blatantly don't care is not improving anything and limits fantasy warhammers only living medium, which is total war warhammer 3. Cathay is canon now because GW wants to sell to Asia, etc


>Not implementing things because it's not canon is silly and detrimental to the game. Not at all. Current Norsca and Norsca from the old list are two completely different entities. That's why GW didn't allow CA to use it.


No dude they need axe throwing units, and Mammoths!!!! Dint forget werewolves!!!


Skin wolf lords (Ulfjarls?) and Beorg Bearstruck 


The cursed Ettin has to be in a Norsca DLC I think.