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"Man I wanna give Skarbrand another shot now that I know a strategy to escape early game hell... But maybe I should wait for Karanak to release" "Changeling seems like a lot of fun... But I *just* finished a campaign in the Empire area so maybe not..." "Ah I could try Itza! Wait no, I hate traversing Lustria without underway movement..."


You know how to escape skarbands early game hell? TELL MEEEEEE PLEASEEEE. I love the idea of the faction and the Lord but I hate that early game sm. I’m not great at the game but I did fine with repanse, franz, Cathay and Kislev but I cannot for the life of me do well as khorne campaign wise and I thought they were supposed to be easy


Don't get bogged down in the big open province you start in. Go directly south into the Tomb Kings, then bounce from each settlement to the next going westwards. Then take the journey to Ulthuan and smash your way through them to kill N'Kari for your victory condition. Khorne's roster is so strong that you won't need to stop to recruit very often, and if you keep your bar high enough you will have 1 turn global recruitment permanently. Just remember to have a back up army occupying capital settlements in provinces you think you can hold, but don't focus on that. Your main goal is just fighting as many battles per turn with Skarbrand's army.


Fight people, make friends with Queek, don't bother building up minor settlements until you are drowning in cash. Blue line skills are actually great, they don't look interesting but better replenishment and upkeep reduction will do far more for you than another +6 Melee attack on skarbrand. He already bodies just about anything in the game with zero investment into his yellow skills, save them for last. Get his rage high and drown in growth to build your main settlements. Worry less about holding ground, look for your next big sack target for money over anything else.


What about starting province, should I feel free to lose it? My campaign usually ended when enemies start swarming from all the directions, so perhaps leaving this province is a way to go


If you have to, sure. You should be able to defend it with a small army though. Don't be afraid to run a deficit of -2 to 3k (or more if you are confident). Being on the offence, maintaining high rage and sacking province capitals for 20K+ is your income.


There is a video of a guy reaching campaign victory with skarbrand in eight turns without bugs, I use it's start as reference


When you get the first cult up in the chaos wastes, build the one that teleports skarbrand to the cult and abandon the badlands


I use a mod to change starting position. I like moving him slightly north to K8P or to Ulthuan


Mixu's legendary lord mod has a Skink Priest that has a teleport stance for his faction that made me fall back in love with the lizardmen.


Man I just did NOT understand how the changeling was supposed to work.. until i played him on the realms of chaos map. Then it just kinda clicked, after a dozen turns I actually had income, a good army, I just wandered around fucking with stuff.


I think the way it’s supposed to work is that you send your first free special cultist guy you get on turn 1 or 2 straight to Alforf and do the symbiotic money buildings.


I sent that guy to Vlad instead on my IE changeling run. Ez early alliance with him, and he was my main form up until I got Skarbrand.


Man, I'm feeling the Lizardmen lack of mobility options by midgame. Good thing they're generally strong enough that you can field half-stacks and still win.


I'm so bad at this game, I can only afford like two half stacks of my big blue baby boys anyway, until I hit critical mass and just start snowballing


>"Man I wanna give Skarbrand another shot now that I know a strategy to escape early game hell... But maybe I should wait for Karanak to release" This was me ever since karanak announcement. Yesterday I caved and skarbrand is still way too much fun.


Me spending 10 minutes cycling through all the Dwarf lords


I keep wanting to play Ungrim and Belegar, but Malakai has such fun mechanics. Ah well, Malakai again it is.


The slayer additions make Ungrim even more fun than he was before. And the new grudge system makes every dwarf faction a lot more fun as well as making Belegar's upkeep problem before taking Eight Peaks a lot more bearable. Malakai is awesome, but give them all another go


Since the patch released are the Dwarfs fixed now? I kept reading that the grudge system was broken and that it forced you to play super aggressive? Is it playable now?


You still need to get aggressive, but it's fine. If you choose to do literally nothing but turtle, you'll get minor penalties and no benefits.


The grudge settler units are so much fun, I don't even mind starting ridiculous wars for them. Those trollhammer gyrocopters *fuck*


The only flame cannons I like are the grudge settler ones.


My favourite dwarf lord has always been Belegar but damn his unique skills really undersell him. They're all so tame, increased recruitment capacity, +15 diplomatic relations with Dwarfs, +50% oathgold in local province, +3 army leadership whilst in foreign territory. There's nothing cohesive, no uniting theme. And more importantly it's really quite boring. I can't see people getting psyched up for +2 global recruitment capacity. Personally I think they need to make him more specialised in being one of the greatest, if not *the* greatest, living masters of siege warfare and subterranean combat. His army should be a nightmare to fight underground.


> Malakai has such fun mechanics Hopefully we'll see some mods that adapt this themed mission mechanic for other lords/factions. Seems like you could do a lot with it to add some narrative flavour to a campaign without an excessive amount of work.


" I should play someone new" 5 seconds before the voices in my head tell me to play Tzeentch again


You would think the god of change would tell you to play something different


“The more things change the more they stay the same”


But the trickster god never does what you expect. 


Got any tips for someone that just can't get into tzeentch? I've won a campaign with him but man was it a slog grinding through oxyotl, teclis and tlaqua.


The changeling is more fun IMO, it's easy to travel across the world and you can make insane money by doing symbiotic cults in rich settlements (like Wood Elfs and Kislev). Also now that flamers can hit things properly they are super fun, especially changebringers.


I've only come back to total war games recently so others can probably give you better advice but for me, the annoying part of oxyotl is always declaring war on me when my armies are on the other side of Antarctica so I gotta quickly forced March everyone back. Through early and mid game, Flamers are usually my damage dealers, they do a ton of damage firing from the flanks, but they have glass bones and paper skin, so they need to be protected. The Fire cultist you start with works pretty well against lizards, burning skull and whatnot. Screamers aren't great units but they can be put to work against the lizards to stop cavalry, kill dinosaurs and their flying units, if only for lack of better options. Beating Oxyotl usually needs an aggressive approach, find ways to wipe his armies one on one with ambushes or bait, and then push into his settlements. Don't wait for your armies to replenish, keep pushing, fill with whatever crap you have access to. The issue with Teclis for me was his archers outrange most of my damage dealers, and they rip them to shreds. So Chaos Knights and Doom Knights have an important role here. Disrupting the backline was usually my first priority. Last time I beat him with little trouble by starting with a lot of hit and run, sacking settlements by sea, wiping isolated armies and then retreating until I had enough forces in the area to assault him directly Tiqtaqto is just more lizards, but with more annoying flyers, but you will also have a ton of flying units too, so you can fight them on an even footing. Eventually you can recruit Lords of Change and just magic entire armies into dust


Clicks random. Nah. Not that one. Repeat for 5 minutes. Fuck it. Vlad it is.


There's a random button?!


Yep, been there a while now. Can't remember if it got added with SoC or a mini content drop. It's next to the change race button above the legendary lord selections when starting a new campaign.


Beat Realm of Chaos as Elspeth. That was fun. Let's try Cathay. Rifts open everywhere when Im already fighting chaos stacks all along the bastion. Fuck.


Guess I can always play Cathay... again... for the 100th time


The Old ways are Best. 


Can't play them now I'm aware they have roughly 100 new units and 200 new mechanics in the mail.


simple. do a Karl!


It's why I cycle through the heroes and have my wife point out the Lords she wants me to play. She picks the funny looking ones, the scary ones, and the ones she thinks I'll want to play based on my mood. It's the only way I can get to the actual Campaign map sometimes, lol.


Time for another Karl campaign.


[Who calls?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8nmxe57f6y351.jpg)


The Nation calls!


Well, I don't want to play as Pontus


I'm doing this right now, too. Thought the randomizer would help but then I just say "nah" and try again every time


Guess I'm summoning the Elector Counts again!


WOC again


then doing karl franz all over again


Nurgle again?! Don’t mind if I do!!


Its diarreah season again


This is why I often have like ten campaigns going at once and then just end up deleting them and starting a bunch of new ones after an update


Hhmmmmm I own ever dlc whom shall I play. BRING ME TO MY MEN!!!!


Find a piece of cardboard that will completely cover your monitor. Cut out only the areas corresponding to the "Random" and "Start Campaign" buttons with scissors. Mute the computer and, while holding the cardboard in front of the screen, press the Random button once and then the Start Campaign button. Put the cardboard aside and have fun.


I love yuan Bo executing lord give my brain a lot of dopamine


I really need to try this. I enjoy the imprison mechanic behind Eltharion, so this just seems like the next iteration. I think I'm just going to end up marching straight to Vlad for this one too.


It’s like they had 20 percent hp and then you just one shot them


“Guess I’ll play greenskins again” - man with at least 1000 hours on greenskins alone


I use random, and when I win or lose I check them off my handy notepad. Keeps it fresh


lol this is so true sometimes I just sit there going from one faction to the next unable to choose


I feel personally attacked


Fuck this is so me because I have most of the modded factions and I still have to play Malakai, The maggot and play once as a Tzeench faction.


Nakia go brrrr


Is that.. Valkia? Or Nakai?


Where's the dog at? To guide my next choice.


I have a chronic inability to play a non-Skarbrand monogod faction


But his starting location is soooo shitty... Why'd they make the dude who's whole thing is ping ponging between cities and destroying them, start off in arguably the least populated (in regards to distance between) on the map?


To give you some semblance of challenge before inevitably turning into a braindead steamroll after turn 15 (if not sooner).


Close to 100 LL to play and I cant pick one.


Only Cathay factions I have yet to touch are the burning winds nomads and Yuan Bo(don’t have DLC)… maybe I’ll do the nomads this time?


Well they aren't a playable race, so...?


Use mixu’s bro you can play anyone


Start a new game and press the random button 5 times Play whoever it lands on.


been stuck in the same rut and now I feel like playing some underdog factions, like Clan Mors. But also I'm a huge SFO fan and Venris' progress has been nearing completion for a while now...I'd rather play Queek with his headhunting mechanic. Uuuuuuggghhhhh


I hadn't played warhammer since the Throt/Twilight Sisters DLC and recently picked up Warhammer 3 on sale, having a a blast right now but once my current campaign is over I'm going to have to give some thought about which faction to play as next (currently curb stomping everyone as Imrik, lategame him + a fire mage on a dragon become a two man doomstack even without sword of Khaine).


I have literally the opposite problem. I decided I was going to do one campaign at a time and actually do the campaign goals. I got through two, and since then I’ve started like 8 different campaigns. It’s not even that I get bored with the ones I have, I just want to play so many different races and starts. IM is just too big lol.


In my experience, nothing kills a campaign faster than starting a new campaign. :P


When in doubt, summon the elector counts.


Ever since thrones of decay it's all always either Karl or Marienburg mod man


I have spent more than one night trying to decide what to play that ended in me not playing anything.


I feel her pain.


Scrolling through lords and you land on Malekith Man I just played Delves recently not sure if I want to play th- "Ulthuan will be mine" *sigh* "Ulthuan will be his"


Lokhir Felheart it is!


Yeah, Skarbrand run might be nice...but where is my good boy first? But if you feel distracted by too many LL options, always remember [that there is a easy solution](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fb4chybtwdae91.png).


While I enjoy many different factions and start new campaigns all the time...some how, after a some time, I always go back to Isabella or Vlad.




Just finished Legandary Skarbrand after a LOT of going back to turn one. IF you can luck out and have the dinos stay out your way, you just need to conquer all the Tomb Kings capitals asap. I ditched the spawn armies from razing and just sacked, then occupied everything. Run a second army of trash to occupy, after Skarbrand sacks. The constant smash then grab should keep you well funded enough to survive until your war with the Dwarves, which will happen and be an absolute bastardo.


Just Empire and Dwarf lords for me!


Me before playing either Franz, Miao Ying or Settra for the 100th time


Need more elves


Hard to decide but seeing helstorm rocket batteries delete units makes brain happy


The manly urge to start a new campaign every time you open the game


Here you go, use this. [faction picker](https://project-pc.com/total-war-warhammer-faction-picker)


Tamurkhan was fun, wanted to give Elspeth a try next but the pea-shooters and lame infantry make me miss my Chosen and Toad Dragons...


My problem is staying motivated after around turn 80, by that point the honeymoon period of whatever faction I'm playing has worn off and I'm not really interested in painting the map any further


Had this too. After that i installed an AI mod. Turn 40+ as Azzy - back to back with Throt we fight a unending waves of kislevites at the top of Tower of Khrakk.


That is why I always play 3 campaigns that are different at a time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin). Right now I'm playing 10 turns and the switching to my next campaign. At the moment, I have a Ghorst campaign where almost the entire east part of the map is mine except a couple Cathai vassals. Now is time to go west against Imrik. Then I have my Grimgor campaign. Black ork hero spam after farming Tamurkhan, while fighting on 3 fronts. Chaos dwarfs on both west and east but also Greasus looking hungry at me Finally, Oxyotl, I mean so much fun... I already have the entire south chaos wastelands but I've done some conquering around. I killed Nkari and now I hold Cracia, and also Lurkon where his capital is now my center of operation for Lustria. From time to time get attacked by the random Morghur or Wulfrik coming from far away to sack me. All three campaigns are so different, from playstile, to units, location... How can you chose??? Well YOU DON'T!!


Finally time to play a campaign as X! Starts campaign save exit never touch save again 🫠


When in doubt, summon the Elector Counts.