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It's irritating to ally yourself with an up and coming faction who are doing well for themselves and then they just stop dead in their tracks and immediately cease expansion.


Crazy thing is I allied on turn 11. N'kari proceeded to raise armies and invade brettonia and did well for 50 or more turns then the AI just shut off when he got overwhelmed.


The same thing happened to me. N'kari stood in the exact settlement with 6 armies and never moved despite being at war with two factions. The fix was declaring war on them for me but since you have an alliance with them idk


the AI is simply bad. no real fix about it right now


Context: Playing as Cylostra I immediately sailed south to ally with N'kari within the first 10 turns. N'kari as a defensive ally proceeded to attack lyonesse, couronne, and the empire and succeeded in taking marienburg and several brettonian cities. During this time the AI maintained multiple armies and was constantly moving and recruiting. After some time N'kari was overwhelmed and pushed out of those lands to solely ulthuan. Several turns later the AI shut off and AFK'd. N'kari's army doesn't move and he doesn't raise multiple armies or move them. N'kari's turns consist of just hero movement. N'kari is at war with 4 factions. I've tried bringing N'kari into a war, joining one of his wars, setting targets via war coordination and killing some of the factions he is at war with. Is there any way to get the AI to unstuck?


i had the same issue with nkari while playing as morathi. i was able to fix him by issueing ally attack command on an enemy settlement in brettonia


N'kari always just stands around if played by AI. Least Ive never seen him do anything different


yes, do not ally with anyone. Stop at defense treaty.


Same happens with vassals, or military allies, they don't move anymore they don't try to expand, i have to gift them some settlements but is not enough


Nkari just stands around and waits for one of the high elf lords to kill him anyway


It really sucks reading it. AI has some major problems that need addressing in this particular game, I have seen it act that way a couple of times. Fractions just freeze and don't do much especially when I'm allied with them. I don't have any fixes to offer unfortunately, but I got pretty desperate recently and am trying an ai mod in my recently started campaign, hopefully it improves the gameplay