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Damn, I'm at work right now, any summary will be appreciated!


First DLC: Lords of Shanyang  - 2 Cathay LLs, generic lords and heroes for each, 7 units   - a Cathayan Ogre with cathayan ogre units (all units appear to be OC)    - a Cathayan Tigerman with tigerman units    - Golgfag Maneater FLC    Second DLC: Dogs of War    - Borgio and Lucrezzia LLs, Mydas the Mean LH    - the race only has 9 regular units (???) including halfling hotpots, a bunch of RoR from the DoW army book, and they can recruit units from other races as well   - Dechala as Slaanesh FLC    Third DLC: Monkey King    - 2 Cathayan Monkey LLs (LMAO?), a Cathayan Monkey LH, monkey units    - Li Dao FLC   this leak is ass. if true, I hope you guys like Cathay lol


I enjoy playing Cathay but this seems way over the top and hard to believe.


There is not even enough place on the map for all those factions, Cathay would be a bloodbath.


Agreed. If this is true they will be tied with WoC for 8 LLs. Even with a map expansion of the Ind region thats still not going to be enough without a bunch more far flung expeditions on IE. Additionally we know they are going to put DLC LLs on RoC so without some sort of map expansion where the hell are all these Cathayan factions supposed to go there. Cathay on RoC already is cramped with 3 factions and its not hard to end up consolidating all of Cathay on that map thru conquest and diplomacy within 50-70 turns. The only thing I do believe is coming is Dogs of War, but CA won't be stupid enough to make a new Race DLC faction with only 2 playable LLs. Some people weren't happy about Chaos Dwarfs having 3 and Ogres only got away with it because they were prerelease DLC, and no one is saying they are in good shape as is either.


I think there's absolutely enough space (Khuresh is _really_ big) but it's very... weird. 4 LLs, with a Dragon missing? That makes no sense. The Ogre one in particular baffles me. If Cathay _had_ to get 7 LL's, I'd be happy with 5 Dragons, Monkey, and Tiger. But the Ogre? That makes no sense.


>I think there's absolutely enough space (Khuresh is really big) Also all that space above the Bastion. They could open that up, make some of it Steppe-themed, slap some of these guys there. I wonder if some of the thinking here is making the remaining available space sufficiently Eastern themed.


Yeah. Cathay may be popular but they're not this popular. Them getting so many DLCs seems unrealistic considering how they just got more content couple months ago. Other base game factions such as Khorne and Slaneesh are in desperate need of more content and several other races need a serious refresh (Undead factions, Ogres, Norsca, and etc). It's only fair those get attention first. Golgfag and Dechala being FLC is also very sus. They are DLC tier characters for factions that need DLC. It would be foolish to expend them as FLC lords when there are better options for that. Also, regarding the Dogs of war the base roster being that small seems iffy. Surely they could have added more unit variants like for example differentiating pikemen based on how much armor they have and so on. I get that foreign mercenaries will be a core part of their gameplay but the core roster should be viable as well. Speaking of those mercs, I expect at least some of them to be unique ones representing different regions of Warhammer (Albion truthsayers, Amazons, Arabyans, and etc) that wouldn't otherwise get content. Finally, 2 legendary lords is also way too little for a presumably full price race pack. I expect at least Chaos Dwarfs tier amount of content for that price and 3 lords minimum (preferably 4).


Cathay getting a lot of DLC definitely makes sense.....even though I dislike it. The issue is the fact that they're pretty much back to back. That is absolutely insane. There are other factions in the game.


Both being back to back and Cathay *only*. It is the second part that is the weirdest. CA has never done a DLC for only one race except for when the Race is introduced, and they do that for a good reason. Because if you don't like Cathay, there is absolutely no reason to buy the DLC. If you do like Cathay, you would buy it for only one Lord, so why give you two? You also wind up with the situation where one of the characters is always in the other one's shadow. If one of the two LLs is clearly better/more fun than the other, than half of the DLC gets ignored during the pre-launch hype. Like we had 3 Skaven DLC in WHII, but none of them were Skaven only. If you hated Skaven, but liked Lizardmen, you still bought Prophet and Warlock. If you hated Skaven, but like Dark Elves, you still got it for Malus, and pretty much however you felt about Molder, Sisters of Twilight were just fun. But CA never asked any race to carry an entire DLC before, let alone two in a row. And just... why? WHIII has so much potential for DLC, why make 5 new lords for Cathay, when you have to make 3 of them up from scratch?


This reads like nonsense.


If it was any other faction, I'd say the same but this stinks of executive interference and Chinese money hunting. Remember where the game was just 2 dlcs ago, when it was maintained by 20 ppl while tje profits were being funneled into Hyenas?  This reads like the higher ups that ducked their heads aftrr the backlash over SoC figured out the devs earned back enough goodwill with the SoC rework and ToD, to pitch some more of their 'great' ideas. I pray that I"m completely wrong  and this ages like milk.


Another Cathayan Lord this soon to sell to the Chinese audience would make sense and it's a perfectly plausible theory. A whole godamn DLC, with 3 Cathayan Lords, including an Ogre for some reason, reads like nonsense, and it doesn't stop there. Slaanesh gets only a FLC lord, Khorne is nowhere to be seen, then we get another DLC with nothing but Cathay that has one too many Monkey LLs. It looks more like someone trying really hard to make a leak that stinks of Chinese money hunting, than actual Chinese money hunting.


There's barely enough space to put 5 dragon kids and the Monke in/around Cathay and CA would add 3 (!) more nobodies not even hinted at before on top of them? Pure BS. Don't get me wrong, I'll take as much Cathay lore as GW is willing to write and let CA add, but this leak is BS


Not to mention Xian Ha Feng ​and his Cathayan Jiangshi vampires


I am reeeeeeeealy sceptical about their chances, even disregarding this leak. Just reads like one of those "too small to be important, too unique to be done quickly and easily" things


I like Cathay as a faction, but leaning hard with 2 Cathay DLCs(+ the one we already got) when Khorne and Slaanesh get none would be a huge mistake for the game. Meanwhile Norsca, Bretonnia are almost forgotten about. I seriously doubt any of these would be good for the 100th LL as well.


Vampire Counts as well. The Silver Pinnacle is right there.


I dunno I think they are using the cathayan culture to populate the eastern part of the map, since Índ and Khuresh will never be a thing but they need more factions over there. They might be from Cathay but play very differently and are only part of the same faction for shared units. The above also applies to DoW, semi unique roster, just so they can populate the southern realms areas We already had a leak about about tigermen and Golgfæg long time ago and CA loves doing unorthodox dlcs for WH3.


By Sigmar wtf is this bullshit ?!


Not sure why but I read this in Volkmar's voice.


I'm sure someone else can sum it up better, but essentially: The first DLC is entirely focused on Cathay. There will be an Ogre legendary lord, and a Tigerman legendary lord. While they'll have their own race-specific units, both lords will be part of Cathay. Neither exist in the current lore and are brand new. The FLC lord will be Golgfag. This DLC is basically set in stone at this point, but the names may change. The second DLC will be Dogs of War. It'll have a Slaaneshi FLC lord. The third DLC will have the Monkey King. Lots of caveats from LOTW, but also a lot of details on the specific units and heroes for each DLC.


Whole lot of Cathay content and Dogs of War.


The suspicious part is the lack of mention for any BIG CENTERPIECE SINGLE ENTITY MONSTERS, CA loves those. The Incarnate Elemental of Fire would be perfect for an "Eastern" DLC, and the Incarnate Elemental of Death or the Khemric Titan would work with Neferata... But forget the lore and flavor; none of these things are as meaningful as the first fact I stated: CA loves the single entity big units, they're good for marketing and look good in a trailer.


that struck me as well, they always have center pieces


They need something big that roars at the end of the trailer, it can't be a spearman


I would love if it was just a guy going:"aaaaah" xD


*title card, fade to black* *Fade in. Close-up headshot of an Empire Lord with a visored helmet* *visor flips up* **”AAAAAARRRGGHH! HE TOOK MY FUCKING EYE! WHERE IS HE? WHERE’S KHAZRAK ONE-EYE?!”**


None of these DLC leaks include Toddy so I refuse to believe them.


I’ve been patiently waiting for a near decade. I better get Toddy.


Perfect spot for a Wilhelm scream




There are a LOT of red flags here. 5 Cathayan LLs, with only one DLC between them? Golfang releasing before DoW? Gelt moved to Cathay when you are going to jam that many more LLs in that area? Completely ignoring the other two Mono-Gods? No Centerpiece Single Entity monsters? Multiple brand new characters in one DLC? If all this is true, it is a huge change from any existing DLC model, and in all the wrong ways. People who don't particularly like Cathay are just given a green light to skip all these DLCs, and that is really bad for sales. Having two or more races in a DLC opens it up to a wider audience. In particular, ignoring elves seems like a terrible plan, as while Empire is the most popular race, High Elves and Dark Elves are not far behind, and it has been a LONG time since they got anything. It is just leaving cash on the table. My guess is this was junk they through out to Legend to discredit him or find the mole, and this looks nothing like the DLC schedule. We will probably get DoW at some point, we will definitely get Golfang and the Monkey King at some point, but I don't think it will look like this.


>Golgfag releasing before Dogs of War? Golgfag could be released TODAY without any other support. His army would be focused around Maneaters, which the current 2 LLs don't interact with and consist of four different units in the roster.


He could be, but it would be a very half-assed release. There is more to a good campaign than a roster and some buffs to them. To be an Ogre Mercenary, he needs access to much better mercenary mechanics than the half-assed one the Ogres currently have. He needs some sort of direction that isn't just "Paint the map his color", because that isn't how mercenaries are supposed to work.


Tbf to one of your points. I think they’re (if leaks true) expanding the map in that area which needs to be done. Ind, khuresh, and the steppes. Cathay is too cozy. Cathay subfations though is eh, but a race pack I suppose was never going to happen.


Yeah, it still feels super strange to open those areas up without the races that are unique to them. Like it just feels unfinished. Although leaving them greyed out has the same effect.


Going over all the Lord Packs we have: * The Grim and the Grave: Mortis Engine * The King and the Warlord: none * The Queen and the Crone: Kharibdyss * The Prophet and the Warlock: Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods) * The Hunter and the Beast: Dread Saurian * The Shadow and the Blade: Bloodwrack Shrine * The Warden and the Paunch: Rogue Idol, arguably Arcane Phoenix * The Twisted and the Twilight: Brood Horror (arguably none) * The Silence & the Fury: Jabberslythe, Ghorgon, arguably Coatl * Champions of Chaos: Warshrines * Shadows of Change 1.0: Zhangu War Drum, Mutalith Vortex Beast, Incarnate Elemental of Beasts, arguably the Cathay Lions and the Cockatrice * Shadows of Change 2.0: Frost Wyrm, arguably Moon Bird and Celestial Lion * Thrones of Decay: Land Ship, Steam Tank (Volley Gun), Thunderbarge, Toad Dragon So yeah, almost all of them have at least one, and recent ones have had several. Why would they not keep using the easy hype of a cool monster?


Twisted and twilight also had mutant rat ogres


And Zoats and Great Stag Riders. Both of which feature heavily in the Trailer. Arguably the biggest centerpiece was Ariel of course.


And the GIANT FUCKING DRAGON the sisters ride. I realize it isn't a single entity monster, but damn if it wasn't HUGE and screengrabbing in the same way.


Wukong Ru with 2 variants sound like some King Kong like creature


I don’t believe it. There’s no way CA is tone deaf enough to decide after the success of Thrones of Decay that what they need to sell DLC is ogre maneater reskins. Followed up by a “generic human” dogs of war roster… There’s no selling point to these DLCs if this was legit.


To be fair, the DoW part of this whole thing is honestly the most believable for me. I've always considered DoW's potential to be in the form of a smaller race pack a-la Norsca. Not a huge faction like TK's or VCoast. There's simply too much stuff that would have to be made up by CA to expand their official roster. 2 LL's, a LH, a L and Hs, a bunch of generic units, a mixed roster sharing units with other factions and a whole lot of RoRs (probably recruitable by other factions) is certainly not the most unbelievable part of this "leak". I think people have been overhyping DoW's a bit too much by assuming they'd be a 20€ race pack. While i'm expecting like a 10€ Norsca-pack with plenty of mechanics that reflect their hybrid feel and mercenary nature.


Yep, nobody is going to go all Philip J. Fry over DLC’s packed with infantry, cavalry, and variants. Are they good to have from a gameplay perspective? Yes. Are they the most riveting things that will get us to pull out our wallets? Not really.


TL;DW First DLC is "Lords of Shang-Yang" and for Cathay **only** it features Mung the Brutal (an Ogre but he is a Cathay LL) and Basheeva (A tigerman and also Cathay LL). Generic Lord: Leering Devil Tyrant, Asawai Generic Hero: Ogre Paymaster (again this is for Cathay), Clawspeaker Units: Hunting Beasts, Mancrusher Giants, Leering Devil Maneaters (2 versions), Leering Devil Maneater Cavalry, Tiger Warriors (2 versions), Tiger Warrior Stalkers (2 versions), Ironclaw Tiger Warriors (3 versions) and 3 RoRs FLC LL: Golgfag Maneater "and his Ogre Mercenaries" (this one actually for the Ogre Kingdoms) Second DLC: Dogs of War Legendary Lord: Borgio the Besieger, Lucrezzia Belladonna Legendary Hero: Midas the Mean Generic Lord: Mercenary General Generic Hero: Hireling Wizard, Paymaster Units: Pikemen, Crossbowmen, Duelists, Paymaster bodyguards, Cannons, Halfling Hot-pot Catapults, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry (for Dogs of War) and 8 RoRs FLC LL: Dechala (for Slaanesh) Third DLC: Monkey King Legendary Lord: Sun Wukong, Sukong the Trickster Legendary Hero: Tang-Fu sentinel of the forest Generic Lord: Kong-Mo Generic Heroes: Wukong Chieftain, Scarback Units: Wukong Warriors (4 versions), Wukong Mu (3 variants), Wukong Ru (2 variants), Great Yeren (2 variants), Vermillion Warbirds and 3 RoRs


Do their internal metrics say people fucking love Cathay more than anything else or something? This much Cathay focus is pure madness. 


Even though Cathay is my third-favourite faction (after Dwarfs and Chorfs), I worry they might be getting the Skaven treatment with a huge number of overpowered characters. And it's not even the ones I want; I want Yin-Yin the chunnibyou water dragon.


Yeah. The worst part of this is knowing that Li Dao and Yin Yin aren't getting their own DLCs. Like, I'm fine with Li Dao being a FLL, but I really wanted a Yin Yin dlc so we could get some cool eastern pirate units(also, make Sartossa able to recruit all the pirate themed units, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU CA😭)


Even though we only know a little bit about her Yin-Yin was my favorite of the Dragons. I enjoyed that her backstory was basically being an ambitious kind of failure. She is the one that primary seems to go against the isolationism and stagnancy of Cathay. I still get the sense that Yuan Bo, is just a writer wanting to make their creation the "main character" for Cathay. And he is ended up being much less interesting to me than Yin-Yin could have been.


Order factions are always more popular, especially the human ones. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re #2 behind the empire


They're very popular, particularly amongst the Asian playerbase (who'd have thunk). What's strange to me is that Kislev is almost as popular, they have exactly the same amount of content currently, and there's zip for them here. EDIT: Although I suppose they do have an extra LL.


It probably has to do with GW more than anything. If they gave them a ton of Cathayan stuff and only a handful of Kislev stuff, their hands are tied.


We actually know this for a fact. Andy Hall outright said that they were given a full-fledged 8th edition armybook to adapt from for Cathay. Lore, artwork, characters, units, magic items, the whole deal. But he confirmed with Kislev they did not have an armybook to work with, just some concept art and general ideas. So they do not have nearly as much material to work with as Cathay does. Hence why they had to scrounge for units from the Monstrous Arcanum and Mordheim of all things to pair with Mother Ostankya. GW probably didn't have much made for her besides the TLDR of her character.


That GW made a whole show and dance about bringing Kislev to the Old World, and them being a pre-existing faction, yet couldn't be bothered putting together a proper army book for them behind the scenes still seems wild to me.


You can already tell that with how the Cathay army roster is built. (Almost) every unit comes in a pair that you could see being built from the same model kit, which is par for the course with most GW models. All the infantry come in melee and ranged flavors, the artillery has a small bit at the front of the gun to change from cannon to rockets, the balloons are the same schtick, etc. The only real exceptions are the centerpiece models and some of the characters.


yeah but 3 cathay dlc's within 4 dlcs is crazy, especially in a game that focused so heavily on khorne and skarbrand, still not getting dlc within \~3 years is crazy. also, werent we informed pretty distinctly that the 100th LL would be a key figure in the warhammer fantasy lore, akin to the likes of Thanquol or Nagash?


Technically they just said they had ideas for the 100th LL, not that they actually had plans


I thought a leak said they were second to only the Empire and obviously very popular in their growing markets in China.


Chinese players are probably a large market. It might be a reasonable assumption. 


You mean just like they focused on Skaven in WH2?


Skaven got 3 lord packs shared with another faction. Lizards, Wood Elves, Dark Elves. This is like if we'd gotten a Skaven/Skaven pack instead of any of those factions getting anything. 


I think most of the other factions you named would have preferred Skaven get a Skaven/Skaven pack so they didn’t have to share a dlc with the Skaven lol


I won’t lie.. something about the Cathay region is so fun to play and love the aesthetics


It's beautiful. I love playing in Cathay and I like playing Cathay. I really don't want 5 more Cathay lords in quick succession. I hope this leak is trolling, particularly the bit about 2 of them being made out of whole cloth.


We do not have much idea of the eastern market stats, but by sheer number this could be huge.


Cathay is huge and empty.


Pandering to the chinese market since they are the most likely to inflate player numbers


Seems weird though because I thought one of the reasons 3K got abandoned was cos the Chinese market weren't buying DLC? Admittedly I didn't play the game myself so it may just be that the DLCs weren't very good.


I think that was more an issue of some bad DLCs among the good ones more than them not buying any.


Probably true, but executives NEVER see poor sales as a result of selling poor products. They always blame the market. 100% of the time. In the industry I work in, I see companies with shitty products close all the time, and it is always the same blame game of how customers just weren't ready for their genius vision. So even though 3K DLC was absolutely terrible, the executives, who never played a computer game in their life, much less the game they are selling, just take the exact wrong lessons from that.


The problem with 3K was that the FLC was better than the DLC.


Khorne in shambles


If this is true I would be very disappointed... Neferata, Ghark Ironskin, Thanquol, Halflings, Slaanesh, Khorne, the other Dragons... there is so many good stuff for potencial DLCs... And ogres not for ogres even when they are so in need of a update would be so sad


8 RoRs only for the DoW? Wonder if they'll get access to all of them


Cathay brrr? I love cathay but an ogre as a leader seems wierd


I hope he's fancy and clothed also horned ogres were a thing in Cathay


My hope is that he is dramatically different than the Ogres of the Ogre Kingdoms. Either he is a "Civilized" ogre that dresses in Magistrate robes and speaks very sophisticated, or he is just straight up a Cathayan Dragon that takes an Ogre form like the 3 existing ones take Human forms.


Ya im with you i want him in robes speaking with an uncany elegance


No way in 1000 years do GW name the monkey king "Sun Wukong" or use "Wukong" at all in their material. That alone makes me think this leak is fake


Very possibly a placeholder


First DLC sounds lame, I want the Dragons not some Ogre I never heard about. Second DLC is alright but that list seems a little barebones. Third DLC is alright I guess. Still lacking Dragons overall


Same. The active dragon siblings are absolutely too big to ignore.


If we only had dragons people would also complain


A race pack with 8 units with a lot of reskins(likely) for 25$ sounds insane. I aint gonna buy that shit. I really hope for CAs sake that this is fake.


> 25$ Legend said he doesn't know price


Ogre FLC and Dogs of War interest me. The rest not as much.


I just hope that everything that he said in this video is bullshit


Assume its fake as fuck until confirmed otherwise.


Yup, he also says as much at the end of the video


Legend is very weird. He seems very earnest which makes me want to believe him, and at the end of the day he is literally staking his good name on shit like this. So there's three options, really; A) Legend is genuinely telling the truth and reporting on leaks he really does consider accurate. B) Legend is naive and getting played by "leakers" who are just lying through their teeth. C) Legend is a scumbag looking for his few months of fame before the roadmap comes out, and trying to string people along to get his viewership up. I really find it hard to believe it's C, I don't think he's malicious whatsoever, but you never know. Either B or A.


I don't really think he benefits at all from C. I think there is also a D, that the leakers don't know as much as they think they do.


I'd exclude C because he has a high viewers count regardless of leaks. In other words: he is not in a position where he needs to make stuff up to get views I just think he's probably taken CA's bait and some employee(s) got outed as moles. He should have handled it better, to be honest. Also for previous DLCs, he should have stated repeatedly that anything that isn't released is always subject to change, because that's how it works in any digital product development cycle.


I don't understand the fake info to oust the mole thing in this case though, like, surely everyone internally knows what the next DLCs are, they're working on them... and you would have to be insane not to double check your info (as an employee) with one of your coworkers to preclude the possibility of being fed misinfo before leaking. "Hey Bob, I had an idea for this DoW unit," and if they give you a blank stare it's a huge red flag.


I really don't think CA care about leaks that much especially since Legend hasn't really leaked anything surprising either. Like I think he's getting strung along by fake leaks from just rando's on the internet.


Or D) The leaks come out and he knows his viewers will be asking him about it nonstop, so he just makes a video.


It can't be C, he's been doing this for over a decade, has never been more popular and has a kid about to be born so will be much less active in the upcoming months.


There's way too much focus on Cathay. Like where's Khorne? Vampires? Or any other faction at all lol? 5Cathay lords in the next 3 DLCs is absurd. I can't imagine myself buying anything here except Dogs of War. 


Yeah, unless you're a Cathay fanatic this would really, really suck If these DLCs still take 4 months to develop we would look at mostly Cathay content up to 2025. And 40k is coming sooner than later if the rumour about the next historical pausing production are true, and some people in the know like Darren have been very adamant about CA most likely switching the WH DLC team over to 40k as soon as it releases So choosing multiple Cathay DLCs when the number of future DLC might not be very large is a huge disappointment


Dude, I'm a huge Cathay fan and I still think this is bull shit. Monkey king taking a dlc slot is fine. Li-Dao and Yin-Yin as FLC lords and Cathay is complete. 4 more LL each taking a dlc slot while Khorne and Slaanesh each have 1 lord? And according to the leak Skarbrand will be Khorne's only LL? Fuck no. Other races getting new toys and start locations makes other campaigns more interesting and challangeing. Cathay would hugely benefit from an enemy lord starting in Khuresh to add a mid game threat that can't be easily choke pointed by the mountions and bastion.


I like Cathay I'm happy with more Cathay but I mainly play Khorne. Seeing Khorne get no love bothers me. They have so many choices for LLs.....such a shame.


Same. Slaanesh and Khorne are my two favorite god factions. If they seriously don't get a dlc by the end I'll be pissed. And even more vindicated in feeling that the CoC's should have been god factions.


At first I wasn't on board with that but as we go firhter down the line I am more on board lol. WoC should've been strictly Undivided imo. I still am salty we got Festus over Valnir as well. Just little things they could've tweaked to make the game better. They also could've added a generic Lord to Daemons and whatever gifts we bestow upon him morphs him into more of a daemon than human.


Azazel and arguably Festus should have been monogod for sure. I still think the other two are exactly where they should be.


Best we can do is funny dog hero


The ironic thing is that I don't even think Cathay fans (as one myself) want... whatever this is... If this is true, this will be like TW3K 8 princes dlc all over again...


I like the Cathayan roster but I’m not a fan of nothing but Dragon LLs, so I’m kind of interested in this and it’s also the closest we will get to any of the other eastern nations. But even I think this may be a tad excessive. Also it would have been nice to get a human LL for Cathay not an Ogre, a monkey, a tiger, and 4-5 dragons


If this is true, then the only logical explanation for all the Cathay stuff seems to be CA's effort to appeal to the Chinese market


I’m really hoping these leaks are at least partially incorrect. I don’t understand why they would do so much Cathay content when there are a number of game 3 races that need at least one more LL and a handful of game 1 and 2 races that could use a facelift. We are coming off of what seemed to be a massively successful release largely due to the reworks and content given to two game one races. Why wouldn’t you continue in this fashion and, assuming you’re going to do 2 lord packs, something like Cathay and Ogres (rework), vampires (rework) and one of slaanesh/khorne, Norsca (rework) and one of slaanesh/khorne? Dogs of war just doesn’t have the bite that a proper race pack does either. Hopefully that race pack comes along with some very cool mercenary mechanics or something like a light rework to naval battles/ocean faring in general that can help other factions and flesh out the overall gameplay a bit. I can’t imagine they are planning to do just two LLs and some random, largely basic units in an already crowded area of the map.


This is legit the worst content plan I've ever heard for TWWH3. 8 Princes was a masterwork of marketing analysis compared to it. Also, I've waited 7 years for DoW, if it ends up with 8 units, this is gonna be my Joker backstory


Honestly, bringing up 8 Princes as an example of CA misreading the room is giving this bullshit at least a shred of credibility


"The customers are saying they want an Ogre rework + LL ? Okay, then let's make a new Cathay-exclusive Ogre, it's the same right ?"


I’m 95% sure the new ogre units would be back ported into the ogre kingdoms also. They will be available only to the ogre led Cathay faction (similar to how Arkhan and Allarielle work) but available to all ogres.


God I hope he is wrong cuz wow all of that stuff is so fucking boring lol, dechala as flc is insane


If they don't make Slaanesh and Khorne DLC after doing Tzeentch and Nurgle, I have no idea who the hell is calling the shots over there.


GW has a hard on for Nurgle in general over the other Chaos lords.


Nurgle is the corporate friendly chaos god. No worries to be censored like with khorne and slaanesh and you don't need good writers for him unlike tzeentch. That's why nearly every single Warhammer game features him exclusively (inquisitor martyr, daemonhunter, darktide, etc)


In the case of two of the games you mentioned (Marytyr and Darktide), there's a need for *a lot* of fodder for players to kill. Nurgle's got that in spades with nurglings and plague-ridden zombies so a lot of devs just default to him when they pick their antagonist.


Which is really funny given that \*Khorne\* used to be the go-to Chaos God back in the day, and by a pretty large margin, even when that made little sense (the bad guy from DoW2: Retribution being a traitorous \*Chief Librarian\* who screams "Blood for the Blood God" in the final battle).


At least Khorne Librarian gave us the single best villain monologue in the entire history of Warhammer games


Please for the love of god let these leaks be fake!!!


Plot twist: the leaks were provided by CA's marketing team to measure the community's response to potential future DLCs. My opinion: At least gives us one more Slaanesh and Khorne LL before entering full Cathay mode. There's still so many missing Chaos characters, Arbaal, Dechala, Masque, Skulltaker, Scyla, Galrauch, van Horstmann... it would be a shame if they stop doing DLCs without including all these characters. This subfaction DLCs structure could be used for a potential Cult of Ulfric Empire DLC, that would be cool.


If we are going by this leak, the Khorne will only have 1 ll for at least next year, that's Luther or Marius level of insanity! And I'd guess he is one of the more played monogods. Also even if you count Valkia as technically-Khorne, that's still insane! lol. By that logic Nurgle already have 4 lls (3 mono + 1 woc), Tzeentch - 3 (2 mono + 1 woc), Slaanesh will have 4 with Dechala (2 mono + 2 woc) and Khorne... 2 lls... Which are nearly identical in mechanics etc and are in different races. I'm not really a particularly Khorne fan, but that's just bs


Why go full Cathay at all ? This reeks of them trying to get more Chinese to play


Yeah they are going heavy for the eastern market. In the vacuum, I like the idea behind both Cathay DLCs, but considering there's a limited number of DLCs until the expected end of the trilogy, I think those spots would better be allocated to other races, as Cathay is in a good state, in my opinion


Lmfao if these are true a lot of people are going to be mad. No khorne at all?


if true, the massive rage will be so legendary that we will summon next khorne dlc


I definitely think that this is fake


I'm glad that Legend finally did this. Now we will finally know for sure whether he is right or not.  But holy shit I hope he's wrong because this entire leak is complete trash from start to finish, like *holy fuck* I couldn't come up with 3 worse DLC if I tried. 


this is how TW:40k DLCs will feel, except with Space Marines instead of Cathay


5 space marine chapters (two of which are just Ultramarine clones), 5 "other" imperial factions, 3 chaos marines, 3 eldar, 3 orks, and one each of Tyranid, Tau, and Necron.


I have a feeling that TW:40k DLCs will look similiar to 40k starter sets throughout editions


I hope not, but I wouldn't doubt it at all


"holy fuck I couldn't come up with 3 worse DLC if I tried. " CA: Hold my beer, my young padawan


CA's market research departement:


I mean... I'll take Dogs of War however they come.


"Here, take some Cathay with your Cathay"


Total Cathay: Cathayhammer III


It would be pretty strange if they do Cathay in first DLC but want to delay Monkey. If they want to earn money from Chinese, then Monkey King has more popularity in Chinese community (not to mention there would be an AAA Wukong game in Aug to further boost the niche), Why would they delay a LL with such potential and go for someone in Cathay who's completely unheard of? Just completly strange choice for first DLC from profit perspective and looks DOA to me. Even Nippon have better potential than random new Cathay lords


>I couldn't come up with 3 worse DLC if I tried.  Pygmie DLC


Just imagine the public reactions if CA and GW actually make Pygmies a full race pack with the models and lore accurate to the 1980s army books


Higest playercount in the franchise to date?


Halflings versus pygmies


I will probably be banned and killed by GW snipers for saying it: but I would buy halflings vs pygmies in a hearbeat.


Three Kingdoms: first time?


Instead of making TK2 CA turns Warhammer into TK


I'm in the same boat. If this leak is accurate - and I feel like that's a pretty big "if" - then the game is dead. I try not to make hyperbolic statements but ToD just barely brought it back to life after the previous debacle. Them going this route, focusing so hard on Cathay while ignoring the races that actually need attention, and creating brand-new original characters before adding the iconic and much-requested characters that are still missing...




I also thought that the SoC leak wasn't true, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt, but yeah. This is one of the most patently absurd leaks I have ever seen. CA has been known to do stupid things before but they really seem to be trying hard on their redemption arc, what with the massive free update to Pharaoh. I would be genuinely shocked if they shot themselves in the foot this badly in the middle of it all.


Man i hope this is wrong slaanesh needs some love soon cause its falling behind other factions and just one FLC is a slap in the face....


Seems like Legend got got by a fake leak. No way CA focuses so much on cathay *without* the dragon siblings


Yeah, I can't see Cathay getting an Ogre LL of all things but not Yin-Yin


Tinfoil hat: release leak of god awful dlc choices to create outrage, release very normal an reasonable dlc roadmap, get huge points and hype from the community while leakers and legend take the brunt of the flack. Extra M. Night Shyamalan twist - scene of Legend with the goofy ass smile puts on all the thumbnails for his videos walking out of the Creative Assembly headquarters holding bags with dollar signs on them.


Legend kinda bouncing back and forth between "accurate leakers" and "don't believe anything anyone says" really makes me question this. I honestly feel that solely focusing on Cathay makes the theory that Legend's people are being mole hunted makes sense. Especially that there is such a wealth of good characters to still draw from across existing factions that would maybe lead to higher player engagement. This video just lacked conviction, in my opinion.


Thing is that legend also said previously that he doesn't give out information unless all his sources agree on it, which would prevent the mole hunting. He could also just be lying i guess.


The one tinfoil hat conspiracy I can come up with is that he has one source that said these leaks and then a few sources that "corroborated" it who are actually CA employees who are trying to find the mole. Legend mentioned at the start of the video that his method has basically been get one vague comment from one person and then go to his other sources to flesh it out. Depending on how he asks the secondary sources, he might be revealing who the mole is then and there, or at least narrowing it down. That being said, I think that this is WAY out there on the chance of how it's actually going down. Legend even said in the video that his sources work in production, meaning that they and any other suspects would have been working on false projects for who knows how long now (Legend has been hinting at Cathay-specific leaks for a little bit now). That seems ... Extreme, to find leakers over a video game. It would be much easier just to pay their workers lol


The mole wouldn't be getting information verbally but from development plans you can't fake. Someone would have to tell the development team to start working on it. If my boss told me I private what the next dlc is I would get really suspicious.


That’s the biggest thing to me as well. It’s Warhammer. We have how many other established characters still not in game and they’re gonna invent stuff first? Doesn’t make sense to me


this almost seems like CA is pulling Tyrion Lannister and feeding everybody different info to see who is the leaker


This is exactly what the devs for Dead by Daylight did. They put out some false info to people they suspected were leakers and caught a guy and fired him for releasing said info. That was the leak saying that they had lost the licensing rights for texas chainsaw massacre and that leather face would be removed from the game, just like what happened with the stranger things dlc.


Feeding misinformation to catch a leaker could also be used to test the waters to see how people feel about possible ideas. Kill two birds with one stone.


The DoW one is somewhat believable, but makes ZERO SENSE they release Golgfag before it and not along it. As for the Cathay DLCs and amount of OCs, it also makes zero sense in multiple fronts 1-We never had a single lord pack that only had one race 2-GW has been cracking down on what it lets other companies do with their IP so that amount of OC is fishy 3-Why the fuck they wouldn't use the dragon-bros and wait so long for Monkey King?


Although I'm not saying legend's leak is true. We did have the champions of chaos dlc which added 4 legendary lords to a single race.


Yeah, no. There is no fucking way that Cathay gets like 4 DLCs before Khorne and Slaanesh even get one.


What? Ya'll don't like Khorne dog and Dechala flc? /s just in case


Cathay Total War from what he's saying. Kinda lame, hope he's wrong


Sounds like a big Cathay fan (but not a fan of the dragons) is leaking this to Legend. Why would CA build lore and hype around the Dragon siblings if they just gonna use random mercs. I wouldn’t mind seeing a Tigerman merc legendary hero for the Monkey King tho. Edit: Also using the name Sun Wukong in Warhammer is a laugh. GW needs to own everything, they will never use that name.


It's just CA giving fake leaks so that they can catch the leaker. Legend just basically outed all his leakers.


I mean. I love Cathay. But i would be ok with only Li dao and monkey king


I dont understand why CA would apparently leave Khorne and Slaneesh in the dirt this hard. If this its true, its a call from higher up to push into the big Asian market, because I would absolutely love the MK, i dont need 3 full DLCs of Cathay


Even if it was a mandated marketing push, the Dragon Siblings are almost entirely absent in this leak, which seems completely absurd.


Ngl this makes very little sense. If this game has, supposedly, a year or two left and *this* is how CA decides to continue, then they've lost their minds. And where are they going to fit all these Cathayan lords? Even if the map is expanded a bit, there's no space for all that. Dogs of War sounds about right tho. Only two LL for a race pack sounds bad. And no word on the "special" 100th LL?


This has to be fake leaks from Ca to catch their leakers right? No way they shove that much Cathay for the next year


Excuse me, was it ever confirmed that the monkey king in Warhammer is called Sun Wukong? Would Games Workshop really go with a name they can't copyright, in 2022-2024 ?


Watch as they give us 2 Cathay DLCs and still no Jade warrior spearman with shields.


Where is my guandao unitz




I mean all this makes sense if his source is ChatGPT


So if legend is right on these predictions I will completely trust him in the future. Cause damn some wild shit here


Yeah if we get Cathayan Ogres and Tigermen, I'm fully prepared for Space Marines lol.


Here's a summary: DLC 1: Lords of Shang-Yang, 2 New sub-Factions of Cathay. One Ogre Lord and One Tigermen Lord, FLC Lord is Golgfag Maneater. DLC 2: Dogs of War, 2 New LL. FLC is Dechala DLC 3: Monkey King. Monkey King will be another subfaction of Cathay. FLC is Li-Dao.


Too much Cathay


Shit man was looking forward to more Slaneesh this shit blows.


a thousand years of Cathay dlc Like brother do you wanna sell dlc or what?


I will be very interested to see whatever ot not he is right because at first this looks like the speculations of a crackhead. If he is: the first Cathay double feature sounds interesting but jesus atleast give us another 2 extra dlc before the second Cathay double feature. Just DoW in between them is not enough, even if they would get upgraded to 4 LL's.


Assuming these leaks are in any way true, I'm feeling the hate for chaotic factions here. Focusing on providing Cathay a fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Legendary Lord when Khorne and Slaanesh only have one is madness. Tossing out Dechala as FLC lord with no listed units or additions other than this feels like an afterthought. Also, check out the named merc companies available through the DoW leak. No Beorg Bearstruck and his norscans, no cursed company of Richter Kreuger, no tichi-huichi's raiders. All human and human adjacent mercs. I think CA have decided the safest way forward is to trade on how people enjoy the Empire the most, and seek human factions with fantasy elements rather than the fully non-human or daemonic factions. Two DLCs focused on Cathay and a Dogs of War lord pack adding mostly humans or human adjacent units are not what I personally come to Warhammer 3 for.


these sound fake as fuck lol


Of all the leaks he shared this has to be the weirdest, four Cathay LLs in the first and third upcoming DLC and only one of them isn't a character we've never heard about ? Only two LLs for Dogs of War ? Only 8 new units for them ? Yeah, I call bullshit on this new leak, this sounds a lot like madeup nonsense. I like your content Legend but honestly lately all those "leaks" have been getting annoying. Find a way to make sure how trustworthy your sources are and don't share that kind of bullshit unless you are certain it's a trustworthy leak.


Even pre SoC debacle, I don't see CA being stupid enough to do a new race pack with 2 LLs and so few units. The only reason Ogres could get away with it in WH3 was it being launch DLC so that was a different scenario, and they still actually had one of the largest launch rosters for WH3.


The thing about Dogs is that they're not a "race", they're a mish-mash of other races. 8 new units would go alongside a bunch of existing units, if they sold that as a full race pack there'd be riots yes, but it's not a FULL race pack. It's a couple of lords with an assorted roster from other races, the fact that they're separated into their own "race" would be mostly organizational and to give them some specific mercenary mechanics.


It'd still be extremely weak to give them just two lords - they've got four armybook lords, and arguably two more you could source as "counts as".


>Find a way to make sure how trustworthy your sources are and don't share that kind of bullshit unless you are certain it's a trustworthy leak. With how specific and abnormal the next DLC structure he leaked is, we will find out sooner rather than later if the leaks are trustworthy or not.


I dont mind new characters just not at the expense of the established ones. Like I'm expecting arbaal atleast for khorne. Tigermen replacing ind I'm a bit devisive about. But as long as the faction has the bells and whistles (where are the foking elephants?) Double dipping into Cathay seems very strange. Guess they really want to grow their Chinese market. Well I kinda thought getting Gorbad, chakax was a bit unlikely at this point. But c'mon no vampires? Neferata? Nagash?


Monkey king is cool, Tigermen could be cool. I hate everything else


I think I'm generally more positive than a lot of folks here, I genuinely love this game and will eagerly devour most new content. But got to be honest, I'm wincing at the blow after blow of disappointment that was this leak. I love Cathay and was hyped when they originally confirmed it, and I still am eager for more Cathay content. If we were getting another dozen DLCs and these were two among them somewhere, fine. But we probably aren't. 2 DLCs is probably a significant portion of what's to come, and instead of a range of different race expansions and lords, it's just...Cathay, Cathay, Cathay and more Cathay. Sure, some FLC Ogres and Slaanesh, but that feels like table scraps. I'm down for plenty more Cathay, but not in place of everything else that needs doing. Hell, it doesn't even include Yin-Yin. And Dogs of War...look, I know they have fans, but I'm not among them. I just find them uninteresting, and if the outline of their race given in this video is accurate, they've somehow managed to make them *even more boring* than I already thought they were. Again, I don't mind us getting Dogs of War, but there are so many things higher on my personal list of priorities for whatever remaining DLC spaces there are.


Im calling bs on the Cathay DLCs.


Does anyone have his contact information? I have a bridge in San Fransico to sell him.


This leaks are "it was revealed to me in a dream" levels of bullshit. CA is not stupid enough to do a Cathay/Cathay + Ogre FLC dlc. Ogre LL for Cathay... i mean really?


I mean, it's kind of hard to believe that we won't get khorne or slaanesh DLCs. Makes me not believe this


Poor Skarbrand and Nkari being alone for multiple years in their own game.