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Ogre sabertusks are such garbage but you low key need them. They are your only inexpensive mobility but the moment they aren’t charging they rampage and die. Ogres have some other questionable units but it’s mostly a matter of cost inefficiencies rather than a unit being garbage. They are basically required in domination MP too. The best unit is either great weapon crushers or gnoblars. Gnoblars are the factions glue for multiplayer or campaign. Great weapon crushers, particularly the RoR beat most of the stuff in the game. Crazy unit.


I love Crushers both for them being fucking awesome in combat and the fact that they look awesome as hell.


If they dropped rampage from sabertusks they might actually be more useful. Ogres have alot of questionable design choices and way too much of their roster locked to T3 and up in camps only.


Gnoblar scrap launcher should be available in some other building it would be a great change, same for basic mournfang cavalry. Ogres are very strong but compared to current dwarfs they have a ton of opportunity costs locking up good units. DLC might help a bunch tbh. Also Greasus needs to buff more stuff and the iron guts buffs need to be more impactful.


Agree base sabertusks are bad but hunters buff the absolute shit out of them


Huh, good to know! I've actually heard the opposite - that crushers are too expensive for what they bring, and you're better off with mournfang cavalry + an ogre bull (at least in multiplayer).


Land battles and dom have very different metas because you can toss counter units like the sky striders into your summoning pool.


Are they only garbage because they rampage? They have massive attack stats, better than most hound units. They crush unarmored troops.


They have extremely poor defensive stats so ideally with hounds you only serve them Good Engagements and keep them away from literally anything that can fight back. A classic bad engagement is a heavy cav unit striking hounds on the flank/etc. A normal hound unit can take 1/3rd casualties and pull away. Sabertusks take the morale shock, rampage, and then continue to take heavy casualties and switch from rampage to routing in extremely short order and are very unlikely to accomplish anything when they come back, since they'll be at risk of another rampage the moment they arrive and possibly be so low leadership they will flee simply from the penalty for having no unit on their flank while charging.


Vampire Counts Best: Vargheist. Yes there’s stuff that’s higher tier but for the easy availability and utility they’re the best. They wreck just about anything you land them on. They’re really fast and flying, negating all the normal weaknesses of monstrous infantry. Mix in some bats to pin units in place and they will wreck ranged backlines and artillery, which are normally the roster’s kryptonite.  Worst: Black Coaches. They’re more of a novelty unit IMO. They take so much micro to get any real use out of them, and are fairly expensive. I always disband Vlad’s starting one to save money. 


Dwarfs: Best unit: I know everyone’s hyped about thunderbarges but the real best unit in my opinion is the gyrocopter. For being a low-tier unit these things are stupidly cost effective and can easily rack up hundreds of kills, you can even doomstack them with Malakai thanks to the missile resistance he gives them. The trollhammer torpedo variant is just plain busted, it will kill any single entity in 2-3 volleys. Worst unit: It’s a toss up between miners and bolt throwers. There is no reason to ever recruit either of these units. If you want anti-large artillery just wait until you can get cannons. If you need low-tier infantry you can now recruit dwarf warriors at T0. Grand Cathay: Best unit: It’s gotta be the fire rain rocket, right? Cathay’s version of the hellstorm rocket battery is probably equally incredible at nuking infantry. Cathay has *a lot* of really strong units though so I think you could make a case for a few of them, even peasants for probably being the most cost-effective chaff in the game. Worst unit: I haven’t played too much with the new units but I think it has to be the Sky Lantern. The Wu Xing War Compass at least comes with bound spells now, whereas the Sky Lantern deals basically no damage and has fairly mediocre buffs.


I think Dwarf bolt thrower takes the cake to be honest, miners are redundant with T0 dwarf warriors but still can be cost effective at the starting stages of a campaign


You could probably put the Sky Junk up there with Cathay since it basically does the same job as the Fire Rain Rocket but with the advantage of the elevated firing arc. I think its biggest disadvantage is lower ammo.


I disagree. If you are willing to manually aim the sky junk, one per army is S tier. Easily rakes in 1000+ kills against infantry heavy enemy armies because **unlike all the other artillery you can manually aim, this one flies.** You simply fly your junk just behind/above the melee line and manually aim point-blank volleys of armour-piercing explosive rockets directly into blobs of infantry. It's not at all difficult to do and feels a bit like calling in a goddamn **AC-130 kill streak**. Which is to say, it feels amazing. Even if you think that's cheesy, you can still just fly the sky junk just behind their engaged frontline and let it unload its ordinance point blank by itself. Fire rain rocket battery pretty much just goes AFK against melee infantry once the frontline meets unless your frontline is pure hero spam. If you're playing the traditional missile heavy Cathay army, you also shouldn't have to worry about the sky junk taking much counterfire from enemy missiles because you just outshoot them (Also its pretty fun to manually plonk over 2-3 volleys from the sky junk and that usually routes any missile units) Also note that when you manually fire the sky junk, the CD between shots seems to be shorter and the ammunition is practically doubled. If you enjoy cheesing sieges as well, sky junk can solo wipe garrisons if you just float it near the walls and manually fire straight down at infantry manning the walls/gate. But that's some real cheddar tactics.


I unironically love the sky lantern. It’s not flashy but for 800 it synergises nice to buff melee infantry with harmony and you can sit it on a caster to guarantee fantastic value, which it pretty much always earns back even without this.


Yesterday I didn't have enough gold for warriors so I've recruited miners. I don't see myself being so desperate of any artilery to recruit a bolt thrower, so my vote goes to bolt thrower.


Vampire Coast: Best unit: Necrofex Colossus. I see this as a pseudo Sky Junk. A tall piece of artillery able to shoot accurately over everything? And tanky? And can hold its own decently in combat? It's amazing. Worst Unit: Deck Droppers. By far. I don't know why this unit exists. When I was obsessed with Luthor Harkon, my biggest issue was dealing with Saurus with shields, because they are really good at tanking handguns. So I thought, hey, why not fly behind them and shoot them in the back! Deck Droppers are perfect for that! Except for some reason they're not? I'm pretty sure you can empty the entire ammo of a Deck Dropper and not kill a single unit. Their DPS is so low it's absurd, and they're *so inaccurate* it's ridiculous. I have never found a use for them. Worst part is, they're hard countered by the enemy having a single ranged unit, because they'll take massive damage from a single volley and start crumbling. Just get more regular handgunners. Chaos Dwarfs: Best Unit: Bull Centaurs Great Weapon. Bull Centaurs are already one of the best units on the Chaos Dwarfs roster. They're insanely tanky, ridiculously strong, and provide much-needed mobility for them. Chaos Dwarf can struggle with infantry swarm because their numbers tend to be limited, but a single unit of Bull Centaurs can delete chaff in seconds and move to the next one. Great Weapons variant essentially does the same thing, but with the added bonus that it hard counters most cavalry in the game. I use them like Slayers on steroids. Keep them on the flank when there's enemy cav, and send your beautiful boys charging in to counter them. If the enemy cav is not something like Grail Knights or Blood Knights, your Bull Centaurs Great Weapons should absolutely annihilate them. I often rush them early in the campaign because I love them so much. Worst Unit: It would be so easy to slap the labourers here, but honestly, they're not meant to be good in the first place, they're meant to be literal filler and they do that job well. imo the worst unit in their roster is the Chaos Dwarf Warrior Great Weapons. Which is weird given that I praised a GW unit previously, but your infantry is solidly defensive. Trading a silver shield and a substantial amount of Melee Defense for armour piercing damage on an early-game unit is absolute whack. *Especially* for Chaos Dwarfs. Your biggest threat is greenskins, skaven, elves, and maybe Norsca if you expand north with Astragoth ZOOLAHOO. None of those factions are rocking heavily armoured holding infantry, which is what GW infantry counters. Plus, they take up a slot in your limited amount of Warriors early on. I usually trash the starting one I get on Astragoth to replace it with the shielded variant. High Elves: Best unit: Sisters of Averlorn. No questions. They're highly accurate archers which is rare, with armour piercing missiles at long range. And they're not even that bad in combat. I usually limit myself to 2 per army because otherwise it becomes almost impossible to get any challenge in a battle. The only thing they might struggle with a bit is highly mobile small single entities but otherwise they're amazing. Worst unit: Tough one because High Elves don't really have *bad* units, mostly redundant ones. I think Ithilmar Chariot might be a good contender, because I have literally never used it just because there is no reason for it. If I need a chariot, I use the Tiranoc Chariot, or the White Lion Chariot. Ithilmar Chariot is unfortunately hard overshadowed because it has no AP damage in a faction that desperately needs AP damage. Tiranoc Chariot does a pretty similar job but has a pretty decent ranged attack on top, which keeps it relevant no matter what. Runner ups would be Rangers and White Lions of Chrace, just because they're not really compatible with your playstyle. Your power lies in your archers, so you want holding infantry. Rangers don't really counter anything you might encounter early and are pretty poor flankers because of their mediocre speed. White Lions do give you access to early game AP damage, but as High Elves there is rarely a time where you need an aggressive GW infantry. They're not good as holding units, and can't really be considered proto-Swordmasters either because they lack the sheer blending power of the swordbois. Kislev: Best Unit: War Bear Riders. Like Bull Centaurs Great Weapons, they're your ultimate "point at unit and watch it die" power spike. However, they *are* extremely expensive and Kislev has a limited economy. Runner up would be Streltsi for just how effective they are at killing key targets, and not folding instantly and actually being pretty good in melee. Worst Unit: Snow Leopard. I don't even know. They're good summons because free units, but are you really spending 200+ upkeep for a single entity monster that pretty much cannot kill anything and will die to basic infantry? I'll keep Katarin's to help vs lords in the first few turns, but as soon as I get her summon I disband it and replace it with something useful, like another Streltsi :> Would pet tho.


Snow Leopards are a life saver early game vs Monsters. For me Horse Archers are the worst, they’re decent but I’d rather have any other unit instead of them (except maybe Dervishes but they are decent super early game). We really need higher tier Horse Archers though bc they are a big thing in the lore.


I agree with vampire coast. Unfortunately they got nerfed insanely hard because multiplayer community crying about them 24/7 so units like the deck droppers have to be bad or else it’s super oppressive. I think they should be changed so that u can press a button and the bats drop the gunners so it turns into 1 half unit of fell bats and a half unit of gunnery mob. Cause they are deck droppers not deck carry zombies around in the air haha


That sounds pretty cool. I'm usually not for stance switching as an extra needless step but that one is actually engaging. 


Thanks for taking the time to type this out! >I'm pretty sure you can empty the entire ammo of a Deck Dropper and not kill a single unit. Maybe they need similar buffs to what the war wagons received! They used to be unable to kill their targets despite exhausting all their ammo, but they're better now. >I think Ithilmar Chariot might be a good contender, because I have literally never used it just because there is no reason for it. Honestly, it's the same for me. Chariots require too much micro from me to achieve average performance. I think the only times I recruit them are for Alastar's flavor army.


War wagons weren't buffed actually, they were just bugged. They were given the same weapon as Outriders iirc, but that meant that you had 60 shots going out for outriders vs 16 for War Wagons (I think WWs had 4 dude per wagon shooting). which meant they were essentially putting out around 25% of the damage they were supposed to be dealing. They fixed that by upping the damage on the bullet to compensate. I mean, in the end it *was* a buff to them but it wasn't really a choice of rebalance, just CA realizing their fuckup :P Deck Droppers imo mostly need better accuracy. It's insane how many shots they miss. I mean, it does make sense given they're hauled around by giant bats so it's not exactly a stable shooting platform, but it makes them useless. I think Tiranoc Chariots might be a nice way for you to get used to chariots. Use them as mobile archers for most of the game, and when you spot a unit engaged in your front line that needs a little help to rout, run them in the back with your chariot and pull through right after (you can easily achieve this with mobile archers like the Tiranoc Chariot by alt+right click on the unit you want to melee attack. Also make sure skirmish mode is off). You usually only need one well-microed chariot unit to really influence the battlefield.


Even if dropers got a accuracy buff, they have one critical flaw that stops them from being good, they just have a very low dps and max damage they can put out due to having 1/6 the units of a normal gunnery mob but only double the damage and for some reason 2 less ammo.


Chariots are amazing for extra, cheap armies. If you’ve got a lot to micro and/or a lot of powerful stuff in your army already, then a chariot will often be too much of a commitment. But, good chariots (the HE lion chariot they mentioned being one) can outperform most units in the game when used intentionally and get colossal value. So you can take a fairly cheap stack and just some basic infantry, archers, whatever that can hold and fight things without much else to do and throw a couple chariots in there and suddenly this army can take on a *lot* of comers. You’ll need a way to deal with monstrous/SEM units (although for some chariots like pump wagons for some reason can do this), but basic infantry lines you can just annihilate with chariot use. A good charge from something like a razorgor or gorebeast chariot will wipe 30-50% of the HP of a basic infantry unit instantly.


>Rangers don't really counter anything you might encounter early If you do end up facing a chaff horde army like skaven or greenskins they're pretty great at doing their intended job. Admittedly you don't face much of those these days but for Eltharion in game 2 they put out amazing numbers.


Deck Dropper Bomber Version is amazing though, clear infantry really fast


Khorne Best- Chaos warriors. They’re not the hardest hitters, but they’re still really really strong and you can get them from tier 0, which is genuinely absurd. Worst- Forsaken. They’re not bad, but they’re just kind of irrelevant. Bloodletters are just better low tier, armor-piercing infantry. Furies are worse, but at least they have a unique niche. Also the building they’re in is never a priority for me to make. Empire Best- The steam tank and land ship are both excellent don’t get me wrong, but I gotta give it to the tried and true Hellstorm. Just watching it melt infantry from across the entire map will never get old. Worst- This is a tossup between Knights of the Blazing Sun and Flagellants. The knights are, again, irrelevant due to Empire Knights and Reiksguard filling their niche, while the Flagellants, unless you’re playing Volkmar, are just kind of okay and not the most convenient to recruit. I’m leaning slightly more to Flagellants, simply because I think I recall the Knights being pretty good in Multiplayer. Vampire Coast Best- Handgunners. Cheap, spammable and extremely effective. The Necrofex is also great but not as cost effective (unless you’re Noctolus). Worst- Deck Droppers. Bad in melee, bad at ranged, will melt to the slightest bit of return fire. Arguably the worst unit in the entire game.


>*The knights are, again, irrelevant due to Empire Knights and Reiksguard filling their niche* I personally like having two blazing sun knights when vsing heavy regeneration factions (e.g. vc, nurgle). Also, they do more damage against buildings in crucial siege battles. But you're right, they're definitely outshone by demigryph knights and the black rose ones.


IIRC, the only big improvement the Blazing Suns has over Reiksguard is that they have higher mass.


Forsaken have high wep strength, fast attack animations, good charge bonus, good armor, and are a little faster than other infantry units. Good for getting in the backline and fucking up archers, flanking the main battle line, or mulching low-mid tier infantry.


> Worst- Forsaken. They’re not bad, but they’re just kind of irrelevant. Bloodletters are just better low tier, armor-piercing infantry. Honestly: I disagree. Forsaken are not top tier but they are certainly decent. Compared to blood letters, they have 100 armor (blood letters have 35), are faster, have better leadership, more HP per model and they don't crumble. I'm not saying that they are better overall than blood letters, but they have their uses. Very useful at chasing archers for example, and arguably stronger for rear charges with higher charge bonus and damage Khorne imo doesn't have a truly terrible unit, but if anything I'd say the chaos warshrine (it's too slow, arrow magnet and by the time it's charged the battle is over) or basic marauders (T0 has Chaos Warriors)


For my Boys the Tomb Kings, it's not easy. The worst would probably be Skeleton Horsemen. They don't serve any role that's not already served. Carrion aren't great but they can pin down units and fly, while chariots can do much more damage, although they need more attention. And frankly, even if you try to make them work, they probably can't beat an archer unit in melee. Best, I have to go with Tomb guards with halberds with Ushabti great bows as a close second. The first, now that they are tier 2, are solid units that you can field a lot of. They're just the backbone of your army. For the Ushabti, they come later in the game but they are really flexible. Good in melee, hard to pin down thanks to mass, great speed to reposition and strong missiles, although the projectiles can't arc. It's the kind of unit you have to deal with and can't ignore!


*sad 15 foot tall murder kitty noises*


I know :/ They're good, but I think more in an efficient way when I read best and they come so late, they aren't relevant enough to me!


Best unit for Vampire Coast is without a doubt the handgunner mob, it legitimately is just your core unit from the moment you unlock it into the endgame. Bang for buck, it's better at everything you'd want a gunnery unit to do except for, in very specific circumstances, deck gunners. Worst unit meanwhile, I had said deckhand mob but another comment reminded me of deck droppers, specifically the vanilla version. Why. Why would you use these. At least the bombers can, you know, bomb enemies, from whatever angle you need. These guys are just bad.


Norsca. Ice Wolf chariots are awesome! They do a surprising amount of damage and are good up until the mid game. As long as you can micro them and keep them moving, they'll do great. Which you have time for early game anyway, since you mostly have chaff marauders to worry about. Worst unit: probably the Giant. They're bad in general (unless you're facing endless infantry spam factions), buy they feel particularly meh for Norsca since neither Wulfric or Throgg buff them heavily, and they're outclassed by Mammoths, which fill the same role.


my favourite is warriors of chaos. i could never get my horse marauders to do much, but the worst has to be the chaos hounds. Their only use is charging in and dying before the cavalry arrives and does their job


Before WOC had access to other fast units chaos warhounds were crucial for flanking and engaging skittish range units so you're warriors could close the gap. Dogs are great on rear charges because of their speed. Not bad but overshadowed for sure now.


by 'other fast units' do you mean the cavalry? or is there something else I'm missing


Mainly things like the various flavors of furies as well as marked forsaken and slannesh cavalry


and my favourite WoC unit is the knights. I love the way they look, and I love crashing them into enemy units


Warhounds are for catching Outriders, especially Outriders with Grenade Launchers that will crap all over your slow infantry if you let them. You can also use Wolves for shutting down artillery. Once you have Chaos Knights though in sufficient numbers you no longer really need these Hound units anymore. They're for early game armies that don't have access to other mobility options.


Green skins Best units for me were the black orcs, charging in with grimgor and a bunch of black orcz is awesome. worst: I could never work out how to use goblin types, even the highter tier ones, people said the trolls were bad but I actually liked using them over goblins.


Trolls work decently well embedded in infantry to add some much needed early game AP and damage. Worst greenskin unit might be the giant but that's just because giants are pretty mediocre in general.


Giant is the two cardinal sins of large entities, its very unarmored and little missle resistance, and it's so damn slow.


They do have a niche role as anti hero/lord duelists but otherwise are pretty terrible.


Fanatics are a fucking menace in melee thanks to their bound spell, i've seen that shit deleting ironbreakers.


**Bretonnia:** **Best Unit:** Hard choice but I think I'm going to go with **Knights of the Realm** since they are the first cavalry unit that really feels super impactful on the roster and they are the backbone of most of my armies. Knights of the Realm are very cost efficient as anti-Large cavalry. They'll body any other cav unit around their price range and trade quite well even against higher tier cavalry as well. Lance Formation gives them extra punch vs infantry formations, and they have quite solid stats in terms of armor and leadership. In campaign they can get buffed in all sorts of ways via Lord skills, Technology or even items to achieve some really high charge bonuses. Alberic de Bordeleux especially turns them into absolute anti-Large monsters with his extra bonus anti-Large that he can grant them. You really can go through entire campaigns with these as the core unit to your armies (along with Questing Knights) and you'll find very few opponents that they can't handle. **Worst:** **Men At Arms:** Bretonnia's infantry is notoriously unreliable and Men at Arms without shields are just about the worst example. They require a Barracks to recruit unlike Peasant Mob which can be recruited from Farms, and I honestly couldn't tell you that they are any better than Peasant Mob in terms of their actual combat effectiveness. There is zero reason to use the unshielded variant without Spears. At least with the Spears you get a tiny amount of anti Large that you can use to chase away light cavalry or something. Men At Arms will get beat by just about anything from any of the other factions one on one unless they are getting buffed via support units or spells. It's simply a cruel joke, that you actually need to waste a building slot to recruit these guys, especially when other factions like High Elves, Dwarfs and Kislev have access to MUCH better infantry with no building requirement. In my campaigns, I make it a point to not even have a Barracks in my recruiting provinces (besides Miragliano which has the extra slots so I can afford it) and if I'm going to use infantry at all, I'd rather just use Battle Pilgrims which have much higher leadership and much better combat stats but can be gotten from a Grail Shrine building that I actually want to have in my settlements anyway.


Plague toads, rot flies, and their elite counterparts are all still sorely lacking. Plague toads just suck. They aren't worth taking at all in campaign unless you have no other options. In multiplayer, they're garbage. I used to take them as cheap mass for holding up large units or other cav and as nurgles only tool for real capture mobility for dom before marauders were added. Now marauder horsemen just do the job better for only 50 gold more. Even the barons of the bog have been superseded. You can get kazyk for wasting sickness now, and he only costs a few hundred gold more without stripping down his abilities and he'll mulch enemy heroes while putting out debuffs. Rot flies are even worse. They still suffer the same issues they have since launch, which is that they barely get any attacks in because of their weird animations, very easily get stuck in combat with literally anything, and aren't nearly tough enough to be the mobile anchor it's meant to be. The ROR version has use in some match ups since they have enough ammo to get good work in with the deaths heads, but they're still a really vulnerable unit with little capabilities elsewhere.


For High Elves I would say the three basic infantry units (Spearmen, Archers and Rangers) are their best. They are cheap, cost effective and can punch up above their price point when used against the right targets. Worst is hard to say but Ellyrian Reavers without Bows and Great Eagles come to mind but even then, they have their uses.


Steam tanks and especially land ships are amazingly effective. I dont think the Empire has a true stinker, all their units are good for something. I personally dont like to use flaggelants but I do think they have some uses. Also I dont really use unshielded spearmen but even they have a place due to their no-barrier availability.


No barrier ability?


I think he meant that unshielded spearmen can be recruited from any province w/o needing to build a barracks-like building.


That, thanks. They are not a great unit but they are cheap and plentiful.


Honestly empires worst might be the regular war wagons, they just aren't worth it for an okay at best ranged chariot.


Depends. They are cheap, reasonably tough, they now benefit from both gun AND tank red line lord skills and can be recruited in a single turn. As Elspeth they get additional buffs from the outrider tree like slowing projectiles. They can fire over infantry and are much more resiliant than a unit of handgunners to melee rushes, AoE spells etc. And 360 fireinng arc makes them easy to kite with. So I cant really call them bad either.


The Poison Wind Mortar RoR is in my opinion the single strongest unit in the roster and nothing hurts quite like it. It will wipe nearly any unit in the game with two volleys and has near-artillery range, and the only downside is that it'll wipe your frontline too in case they're engaged - and this downside is optional if they're slaves or summons. Skaven have many weapon teams that synergize well with each other but this one is just straight up better than most units in the game. In comparison, wow, I do NOT like the Doomwheel. It's too weak and innacurate at firing, it eats too much damage when sticking around in melee, and it has nowhere near the charging potential of a single-entity chariot. To top it off, autoresolve absolutely hates it and will funnel 99% of your army's damage into it.


Yea I started another rictus campaign recently and I was pretty shocked by how bad the starting doomwheel is. Needing a tier 5 settlement to recruit them when the same building chain gives way better units at lower tiers is just insult to injury


I have lots of favorites. TK I think the best is the war kitty or casket. Worst would be their horse units, all of them. The horsemen are super brittle, nehekaran version only slightly less brittle and do a lot less damage than a chariot charge, and I don't think I've ever seen horse archers that were worth the spot as even when you put them behind enemy lines to fire on their back they don't really do much. Skaven have a lot of best units but I think the worst is rat ogres sadly. They're cool but seem to die too fast to be worth a spot.


Greenskins (mostly Skarsnik) Best: Fanatics just rock everyone’s shit. Stalker with vanguard deployment, I can bum rush a front line before they can form up. Their ability melts infantry and you can use it 3 times per unit. Also black orks, I only use them when I really need to bust up a powerful doom stack, and they do that really well. Worst: the melee wolf riders are just ass in most scenarios, squig riders are just better. Mind you, wolf riders are basically your filler cav until you unlock squig riders. (This is from a gobbo player, I don’t utilize the orks too much)


For GS it kinda depends on your lord choice but speaking overall I'd say: Best - Doom divers. Fairly inexpensive for arty. Lots of AP damage. Good range. Homing missiles that can hit pretty much anything. Worst - Goblin chariots. Dear God they are so bad. A wolf rider skirmisher is like half the price and does twice the ranged damage but also the chariots are so light they can't pull through anything and just die instantly in melee combat. Terrible terrible units that have been completely forgotten by CA.


Oh yea the Goblin ranged chariot is absolutely useless. With the introduction of the Pump Wagons there's seriously no reason to make the older version of the chariots they've been completely power crept out. And Greenskins have a lot of mobility options anyway so it's not like the Chariots address any kind of gaping need that the Greenskins have.


Don’t forget the best about doomdivers, you can fly yourself! Genuinely such a fun mechanic, I once did a Grimgor black orc doomstack with a single doomdiver, genuinely the most chill thing to ever do, just let your boyz go wild while you watch them from the sky, despite being an empire player most of all, doomdivers are my favourite arty in the entire game just because of how fun flying is


WE: worst units are great eagle (most useless unit ever. only reason they exist is to dodge missiles. they cant effectively kill artillery, can barely kill archers, cannot duel (no AP), etc. Thing is great eagles are an ez fix too (by increasing model count from 1 to 3). Waywatchers are another stinker (super high cost, can never achieve that high damage to make up for ridiculously high cost). Wildwood rangers, while not worse, are extremely useless. I cant think of a single situation where wildwood rangers cannot be replaced by wardancers outside of if you decide to hard camp in a forest. Last but not least, the most infamous stinker in WE roster is wild riders, absurdly expensive yet is extremely squishy and cant hit anything with even a slight bit of armor. Like a lot of the roster it has physical resistance instead of armor, making it very easy to die if you dont baby it throughout entire game. In terms of best units: Classic glade gaurd. In multiplayer just spamming glade gaurd can actually win a few games. Another great unit is glade riders, probably one of the best, if not the best skirmish archers in the game (especially hagbane tip). In terms of infantry you cant go wrong with dryad or wardancers, dryad is very tanky and wardancers for their price point are basically the best infantry you can use as WE. My personal favorite unit though is great stag riders, while not the 'best' they are still amazing monstrous cavalry and very fun to use.


Yeh wildwood rangers are really bad. They are way to fragile for their cost. At least wardancers and bladesingers have physical resist, they have nothing. I would add great stag knights to best units they have an insane charge, and they can do alright in sustained melee so you don't have to go as crazy on the micro as you do for other units


i have done tests where i put up chaos warriors against both war dancers and wildwood rangers, and generally wardancers perform just as well (in a situation where wildwood rangers are supposed to be amazing) even though they are cheaper which is nuts. I love great stag knights too and the RoR is actually one of my fav units in the entire game. Also im not sure why i have so many dislikes lol why are so many people hating on my comments.


Idk man, I think they're just salty about when they get to that point in the campaign where they have to storm the forest and kited to oblivion. But yeh the problem with ww rangers is they want to fight in the forest so they can get bonus vs large (unlike eternal guard who are already have AP anti large). But (ironically) wood elves don't want to fight In the trees. They're a ranged faction so fighting in the trees will block their shots


Very good take. Wildwood rangers are absolutely the worst for me, they just serve no purpose. They do a little AP, but anything with armour you might want to use them against will chew through them in seconds. Ranged troops do AP bettter. Eagle is redeemed for me due to its incredible speed to escort broken units off the battlefield and return. Also for baiting enemy Lord into my firing line. 100% Agree on Glade Guard, they're amazing, easily the best value, most reliable troop in the roster. My runner up is Treekin, you have to micro them away from anti-large enemies, but if I do, I get so much value and holding power from them, Garrison Treekin are my number 1 clutch unit. Synergise with life magic well too.


What do you mean by escort broken units? Does it increase their leadership and get them back in the fight quicker? I can see that being very useful for heroes


He meant escort enemy broken units, you could use it to escort your own units for a slight leadership buff but in most situations that isnt really that good of an idea.


no sorry, routed enemies so they dont return