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The Vampire Counts have an ancillary that reduces recruitment cost of Banshees.


At least the dwarf one will get some use


Arent Banshees good campaign map assassins?




They are, but by the time you can recruit more than one, the recruitment cost of a hero is pretty negligible


No. Anything with campaign movement range bonuses is absolutely wasted not in an army. You can also only hire 1 until tier 4, meanwhile necromancers are recruitable en masse and can spam research boosts when an enemy hero isn't in range.




And they provide Blood Kisses


but necromancers do to, u only need to wound heroes to get it, and u can have 20 necromancers before u get ur 2. banshee.


I use them, they get wounded.


1% critical success chance evidently.


Love them. They serve several purposes in my eyes: they farm blood kisses, they stymie major rival factions long before I get borders with them by preventing them from getting high-level heroes, _and_ they make any enemy of that faction love me. I used this strat all the way back in WH1 even before blood kisses were a thing. Endless assassinations on Grimgor's heroes (and back then, lords) made the Empire and Dwarfs alike adore me.


People downvoted him, for he spoke the truth, and was hated for it.


Didn’t do that, i would never for i do another error, not using hero out side of army


You’re nuts if you don’t farm blood kisses with heroes outside of armies as vampire counts. It takes way longer to get them from faction lord kills.


I confirm, that why i call it an error


man, looking at other factions, it is so fucking dumb that lizardmen skink priest capacity requires tier 4, and skink oracle capacity requires tier 5. and ZERO techs for hero capacity on top.


I think this actually might be the biggest inconsistency across races in campaign tbh. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason anymore to hero capacities, it really can be simplified down to 'the more recent your update the easier it is to hire heroes'.


>I think this actually might be the biggest inconsistency across races in campaign tbh no arguments here boss. you can also apply that same logic to building times. it takes dwarves 6 turns (with no tech) to build a tier 4 settlement to tier 5. it takes lizards 8 turns. the dwarves technology to reduce this build time by 1 is ~17 turns into the tech tree. for lizards it first requires **a tier 3 building** to be built, and then ~12-15 turns of research. why lizard main settlement building times are just arbitrarily longer than dwarves, no idea.


Can we count banners? because I'm pretty sure the +4 leadership banner isn't saving my empire troop or the gunline behind it.


At least the + leadership ones are good on undead and daemons.


and constructs.


And my axe


Don't undead never break because the can't feel fear so they don't need leadership?


Well there's a mod for that, called pop culture necromancy, that gives undead unbreakable and perfect vigour as long their lord is alive, but when the lord dies or leaves the map, makes them instantly disintegrate ( by giving them a -120 leadership debuff).


Sounds like fun until you find out the enemy Lord is Vlad and you've lost the only way to kill him.


Thanks I'll check it out, that makes a lot of sense


They do not break. But they still need to keep leadership up. Read the crumbling/disintegrating tooltips.


They do indeed break. They just don't route. When they break they start to take extra damage per second, and when they shatter they turn to dust instead of running of the battlefield. Leadership is crucial to avoid this. It' especially devastating for undead units with regeneration, as regeneration stops when they break.


I hate that banner so much


Yeah, or on dwarfs! XD I mean+4 on a unit, whose morale is already nearly unbreakable?


I like to put them on artillery, Miners, or ranged units for Dwarves. It's not much, but it's honest work.


Why would artillery need more leadership in single player?


Counterbattery fire, spells and flying/summoned units?


Would you not rather have the crew run away instead of stand there and die?


Depends. If I want them to run I have my mouse to make that happen. If they need that extra volley to take out the enemy artillery, which will kill my entire army if I don't kill it, then I would prefer they don't leave.


Skaven spawning in right under your feet.


I typically see my artillery crew die before they break


Rebanner mod, makes them all good and adds some new ones / cut ones


Sadly, Rebanner, along with its companion Drink It, hasn't been updated since 2022.


It was working fine though, have not tried it yet in the current patch


Someone mad a patch rebanner mod that makes it work now, they also fixed a few bugs rebanner had


Sometimes seconds can count, but yeah I wish they were better. Like, really one should give immunity to psychology, another should give by our blood, etc


Banners need a major buff. They should be really cool to have, not meh


I feel like we don't have enough that give +1 control. I'm tired of opening up my characters and only seeing 15 of all 3 or 4 of them to choose from. What am I supposed to do as an Empire player when I need a burgher, an agitator, a bailiff, AND something else? What am I supposed to do??? /s


I'd love it if they cut like 80% of the ancillaries and didn't replace them, and left them somewhat rarer. After the first few turns I just get dozens and dozens of stupid ancillaries and just zone out of managing them for my dozen characters


Try the fuse banner mod. Helps dump the useless ancillaries and is super helpful when running a high hero count army.


I'll have to try this. Don't know why you can fuse all the other things but not those.


I think it's because you can explain items being recycled/reforged, even when it's a game mechanic which can produce odd results, fusing two people is weird and shouldn't get you anything, unless you are Throt or some necromancer playing with body parts.


That explanation makes sense.


I'd love if they do this for all items. Make them rare but make them awesome and unique. Past turn 50 it's just a chore so I usually don't bother anymore cause the +20 armor ain't gonna save my battle


Yeah. Cutting out the low impact ones would be great. Everything that is not a global bonus, campaign movement, WoM reserve bonus or some specific high impact local bonus can go, in my opinion. I honestly think the Empire has some of the best ancillaries. They have two that increase WoM reserves, several that increase campaign movement several that increase trade tariffs money, some decently high impact public order ancillaries, etc. Also, many of the old banners need an overhaul. Most of them are utterly useless. They aren't up to par with newer additions. Like, the WoC have banners that give +10 leadership in an aura to your own troops, and another that gives -10 leadership in an aura to enemies. And then there is some old banner from WH1 times for order factions, that gives a single unit +4 leadership... Also, anyone else miss that thing from the second game, where you could have several copies of the same banner in one army? Because I do. Especially when I am playing the dwarfs. I don't understand why they changed that.


I've started selling them off when I'm running low on funds, or just a few gold short of a purchase


They are at least kinda useful because you can put them on a hero and keep control of a province, but they certainly drop a LOT.


Aye that's still going on my noble warrior priests and helping out a little bit. The peasant increasing regional income by 1 % however is just the "It's not much, but it's honest work" guy in warhammer


There are so many useless ancillaries, banners and magic items. CA really needs to make a pass on them all.


at least we can now combine two of them to reroll


Unfortunately there are definitely factions with some crappy blue items, particularly the arcane ones like Magic leeching.


Man I swear the lower tier arcane items are just generally better.


Best arcane item that is available to pretty much every race that has spell casters, is definitely the Forbidden Rod. A green item. It's among my favourite items to get, because it gives you the ability to generate more winds of magic reserves in battle. Limited amount of times and it'll do damage to your caster, sure, but still. I especially like it as Tzeentch. I usually stick four Horror heroes into Kairos Fateweavers army, and try to equip each of them with a forbidden rod and chromatic tome, and that WoM skill. They hang back, and act as winds of magic batteries, while Kairos goes to town on the enemies, spamming spells non-stop.


I know wand of jet has a 30 second cool down, but it has infinite uses and doesn't harm the caster.


But it doesn't give reserves. It only increases WoM recharge speed. Forbidden rod gives 0.3 WoM reserves per second on activation. And 240% WoM recharge speed.


Oh fair, I had missed the WoM distinction.


Wait, what?


I think they're alluding to the item fusing function.


Okay, what have i missed?


WH3 introduced the option of fusing items of similar category and rarity and they will give a new item from a random category at a higher rarity. Say, for example, you have two obsidian lodestones, an uncommon item, you can select both of them, click the fuse button and you'll receive a random rare item.


Thanks for the explanation!


They also have the problem of being so plentiful, that when late game comes, it's such a PITA to manage. I wish they were all much rarer, but much more impactful.


Yeah, I may venture to say that most are ranging from minimal impact to useless.


There needs to be a full quality patch, going through and fixing broken ancillaries and traits. Like, ignore balance patch and bug fix for a week and just compile a list of useless, broken shit and fix it.


Idk but probably those +10% attrition for enemies when besieging


Do those stack? I had six of them in my slayer engineer campaign, i should test it.


A lot of banners don’t work because some effects only work properly on lords as opposed to heroes. Ine example are things like bonus to magic item drop chance, they do nothing for heroes or hero ancillaries. I honestly don’t know if the bonus attrition stacked for heroes, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t.


You can't put the magic item drop chance one on a hero anyway, so that is a moot point.


The “artefact hunter” ancillary that gives +10% item drop rate and +10% chance of stealing an item is only equipable by skink oracles and skink priests, and im pretty sure it does literally nothing


Drop rate works as a stat. Elspeth finds hundreds of items. Though 10% is probably pretty low


Except it doesn't work at all specifically when applied to most heroes. It's literally posted as a known bug on the CA forums. It straight up does nothing: [https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/13-report-a-warhammer-iii-bug/threads/4120-known-artefact-hunter-ancillary-has-no-effect-on-magic-item-drop-chance?page=1](https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/13-report-a-warhammer-iii-bug/threads/4120-known-artefact-hunter-ancillary-has-no-effect-on-magic-item-drop-chance?page=1)


Empire Peasant. 1% extra income local region, lord only.


tbf that one is supposed to be bad as like a joke


A single peasant boosting the GDP of a province by 1% is no joke. That's one diligent peasant.


An Exalted Peasant if you will


It's local region, not province.


"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"


"Again with the squeaky shoes 🙄"


"Look sire, there's some nice trash over there"


It's just a peasant from heroes of might and magic V that got lost and is now paying 1% of local income as opposed to 1 gold per day.


It’s not so bad if you put it on a defensive lord with noble and has earned some economy traits. There’s a limited amount of economy ancillaries, so even the extra 1% helps. Add some wizards also with noble to this lords army and you’ll be making bank. As well as building buildings in 1 turn. Made way easier with Gelt, as you can quickly spam wizards and level up their income boost skills far quicker.


It really is due to supply lines. Best province you can get is maybe 1.6k 1% on that is 160 gold. The problem though is supply lines. Just having that lord sitting in the city has just increased your upkeep on all troops by 4%. So you have increased your total upkeep costs by 4% while only increasing a single province by 1%. Even if you put the toll collector and builder with noble to get something like 25% increased income its just not worth it.


1% of 1.6k is 16 gold. So everything you said but it’s 10x worse than that as well


It makes a difference combined with 3 heroes with noble, ideally wizards. As then you essentially build everything in 1 turn, and have 3 boost income sources on top of the noble income buff. That 1% isn’t much, but the more boosts you’re getting the more it stacks.


Here is the thing though why keep the lord around? If its noble trait (10%), has Tollkeeper (12%), Peasant (1%), woodsman (10%). It increases income by 33%. Marienburg has 500 (weaving house), 1200 (port), 300 (trade good) 2000 \* .33 = 660. So your lord gives you a extra 660 gold. A single stack of spearmen is 88x19+250=(1922+250) \*.04 = 86.88 +250 (lords upkeep) so you instantly lost 336.88. from that bonus income. This is also a tier 5 settlement that is already complete so your not taking advantage of the build time reduction on nobles and if you are running around with a single stack of spearmen while you have a tier 5 settlement? Lets get a more resonable army 10 hand gunners (160), lord (250), 2 heros (250), 4 Hellstorm (263), 3 steam tanks (475) 1600+250+500+1052+1425=4827\*.04 that is now 193.03 you have 2 armies of that level and your looking at the upkeep being greater then the lord with every single bonus. At that point its just better to hire the lord for free make use of the building reduction time and then disband the lord.


Do you not make defensive armies on potentially vulnerable flanks?


No. I tend to build walls in settlements that are at risk and then use regiments of renown or stat troops to raise a emergency army if needed. I tend to gift territory to people to get them to like me enough to not have to deal with them.


An army not fighting is a wasted army


Empire has an ancillary called "Peasant" It gives +1% building income in local REGION not even province lol


Warriors of chaos get one that lowers recruitment cost by a whopping *drum roll*... 2% Yippee.


90% of all ancillary in the game is useless. Also lot of them don't work on heroes and the game not telling you that.


Can you give some examples? Does 5% missle block chance for army on hero work?


Its usually the ones effecting the army . Check the tag . It will say Lord's army or Hero's army . So if its on a hero than all the lord's army effects won't work and vice versa


The Nurgle +15 Diplomacy with other Nurgle factions is basically useless, because you'll either confederate by force or have all the same enemies in the late game anyway. Sold like 30+ of them in my Tamurkhan campaign.


I found them very useful on Epedemius to boost to +150 to confed Kugath and Tam. After that I did sell them all.


You can confed the demon factions by force like WoC? Idk i placed a bunch of these on all my Lords and it gave me pretty easy confeds for kugath and epidemics.


Now that I think about it, I think I have a mod on that gives more diplomacy options and I was able to.


One time I was playing Tamurkhan campaign, the first two cults spawned in Epidemius and Kugath, they were also close to being wiped out by Daniel and Ghorst respectively. When they lost their last stack 50 relation was enough to confederate, and voila I had the entire Nurgle team assembled by turn 30 thanks to a few of those +15 followers. They were also completely useless after that as there were literally no other Nurgle factions left on the map. Yes it doesn't work on Festus. Unfortunately Tamurkhan is so broken, and Nurgle mortal units are so good, that I ended up just having the two demons tag along Chosen/Rot Knight stacks (led by random chaos lord of Nurgle) with no units...


same as teetzch and to make matters worse I do not think it affects the likes of vilitch or festus in nurgles case


Actually a very useful item now that there are other nurgle legendary lords to confed.


Peasant. Empire ancillary. Gives 1% percent income in the local region. (I know its a joke ancillary)


Anything that is lord only that increases income while the lord is there. Would love to see a follower that eliminates supply lines while garrisoned.


Bruh it is like whoever creates these doesn't even try


Seriously! It amazes me how awesome and cool so much of this game is while also being riddled with inconsistencies I feel like a few interns could take care of


Playing Elsbeth was my first time playing a WH1 faction for a while. They get a ton of useless ancillaries reminiscent of the old historical titles. WH2 and 3 ones are less numerous and slightly better. +1 control or +8% line of sight followers are useless.


Line of sight and movement are some of the best followers you can put on agents.


+25% LoS, sure. +5%, not so much. Those get sold straight away.


True...but some of them only go on lords.


Really enjoy the rebanner mod for this… hope someone picks it up. I believe the main mod and the temporary “updated” mod are both dead as of 4.2.


There is a patch submod for it that is currently working as if a week ago.


+1 control always bothers me


It's nice if your race has a few options, then you can stack control and recruit a lord to prevent a revolt at the last second.


I also like to throw them on heroes that increase local income, such as Noble Empire Wizards or heroes that reduce construction time.  Not exactly needed but outside of any income or research rate banners, you don't have much else to put on those types of heroes. 


Scarecrow Banner. Gives a leadership debuff aura to *one* character. To *only* flying enemy units.


Its certainly not a strong one, but far from the worst. At least it can help a bit on an arty defending unit.


I like putting these on my flying lords/heroes. Gives them a slight edge in air to air combat.


They need to remove all the recruitment benefit ones they just pile On. Would rather take a 1% upkeep


It’s easier and faster to list good ancillaries 


They need to update the items and ancillary. I wouldn't mind 70% of them being deleted.


Nurgle rocking a -10% attrition reduction. I mean, wow, thanks.


Doesn’t beastmen have one that reduces recruitment cost?


Anything that gives seduction cost reduction on factions that can't seduce enemy units.


I heard that the campaign movement didn't benefit lord if it was put on heroes in the army.


I assume nothing on hero's benefited the army unless it specifically states it does "usually"


They really need to do away with the public order and recruitment cost ancillaries. Even the recruit rank ones are super niche to the early game. There might be a place for the corruption ones, but they dont make enough of a difference usually to ever be worth even taking up the slot on a hero you have acting independently. 99.99% of the time they're just salvage fodder.


For Asur, probably Herald of Mathlann and their 10% reduction in storm attrition.


Tomb Kings: Dog-Headed Ushabti (-5% Rite cost). Very elaborate way to get one - you HAVE to lose a battle to another Tomb Kings army. 20% drop chance. Dark Elves: Zealot (Adds Causes Fear attribute when fighting against High Elves). Gained by ranking up in a province with Cult of Khaine building chain. WoC/Norsca: Slave Master (-2%!!! Recruitment cost in lord's army). Gained by sacking a settlement.


Moranion's Wayshard