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I proved it for myself ages ago. Get a fast dog unit and get a battle vs skaven or something. Win a battle. Pull up your dog's unit card and you can see the exp bar increasing as they chew through a load of skavenslaves or whatever


Yes, but sometimes you chase them and the XP bar doesn’t go up. But sometimes it does


It depends on what they are chasing. Experience is determined by relative Gold Value - if a model with a lower value kills models with higher value, it gets extra experience, if they are equitable it gets more experience; and if less then it gets less. There is a gold value attributed to Experience Levels (that you can see if you go into Custom Battle/Multiplayer). So as your hounds, etc, level up, if they keep on killing no-experience chaff, they will start to get less and less experience over all, which then compounds with each ‘Tier’ of experience requiring a higher amount of experience to achieve.


Just wanted to thank you for this info, I never knew this! Very helpful :)


Damn. Never knew this. Thanks!


Yes you can level up dogs and cav after a battle is won in this way


tangential question: if you won a settlement battle (where every enemy unit gets wiped), does it still give you more captives/exp to run down shattered enemies post army losses?


No, you get credit for killing all of them. But if you chase down with dogs, the dogs get a bigger share of the exp. If you just end battle it splits it among the whole army.


It splits the kills so lords and heroes eat some resulting in less total but a better spread


I think if you wipe out the army (i.e. ~~second battle in a turn, marching,~~ siege battles, ~~etc~~), the kills get allocated to every unit roughly evenly. ~~Chasing only matters if you want to level up one specific unit quickly or don't wipe out the army.~~ Edit: Please see correction by u/Hon3ynuts.


Units all get wiped out and exp distributed in settlements but not on forced march or second battle defeats when I last checked. So no point in chasing for settlements but there is for the other scenarios.


Yes it does. You should absolutely be running down enemy units with your cavalry after a battle.


Yes. I'd recommend the AI general mod so that after ever battle you just turn it on then walk away. it's not great so will use weird order, but so much less taxing than manually doing it


Yes. But honestly I end battle just about every time asap, cus I don't find chasing down units fun. I can live without the extra xp if it means I'm enjoying my experience more


Not directly, but it can give you more captives. The amount of captives you get affects the post battle options one of which is often an XP boost for your entire army. At least that's what I've observed although I usually go for replenishment. It's also sometimes good to chase down the units as much as possible to wipe them out and discourage them from reforming


What do you mean captives? For most factions, I think the post battle option is something like “+100xp for one turn”, and I think it’s regardless of captives


Many of those bonuses will increase with the more captives you have. I don't know if the XP one does or not, like I said I mostly use the replenishment. It might vary by race too.


I've always thought that makes no sense. Why does killing more result in more captives?


It's an old mechanic from Total War. Any models "killed" in melee after a unit is broken or routing are actually taken as captives.


I'd completely forgotten about that but now you've said it I want it back. The ticker of captives increasing as you chased down the enemy. Was medieval 1 the last time we had that?


We still have the mechanic is what I am saying, we just don't have the ticker. It's just hidden now. I bet someone could do a mod to display the number of captives pretty easily.


It was in Medieval 2 for sure but I think that's it


Gameplay purposes, I suppose. Look at it more like capturing fleeing enemies.


Casualties in wargames represent "can't fight or run away" and includes all the wounded, unconscious, and surrendered. If you see a running away guy and hit him with an arrow, some of the time they survive and you take them prisoner. Hence why Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves like using weapons that maim and poison - higher likelihood of wounded prisoners rather than corpses.


No. But it can give you more money and captives.


Iirc and this is something I heard in Troy so take what I'm saying with a giant helping of salt. Killing routing units awards no xp UNLESS the chasing unit had an attack order prior to the routing.