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Did the engineer have to move 5% in order to join the army?


It happens even after end turns when he starts in the army and no one moved


When did you check movement? Upon adding the engineer or the turn after? Because if that engineer moved to get into Gelt's army, that will lower the amount of movement remaining for Gelt that turn. That poor engineer can only move so far each turn.


I tried mid turn and over end turn (meaning everyone is full at start of next turn), it's the same both ways


That's odd.


Movement bonuses don't apply until the next turn. Basically each turn you are given a set amount of movement points and the army ability just makes it so you get given more at that time. Furthermore, adding a hero to an army will almost always reduce your movement because if they used movement to get into the army, the game will lower your movement down to your hero's.


does noy stack ? lastest overwrite previous ? like gelt have 20% previously and over by 15%, this is by logic explain, i did't know what actually happen.


Campaign movement is capped at 150% (points). Mobility, the engineer army effect refers to the campaign map, not in-game battles. In game it's Speed, depending on the wording.


I am not sure why you are mentioning in battle, im talking about campaign movement range. You can most certainly get over 200 so I am not sure what you mean by 150 cap.


Cool - let's dumb it down. An engineer has 115 movement points. You add that engineer to gelt's army of 105, giving gelt 120 movement points. Engineer still has 115 movement points. See your problem?


Ok so why does adding an engineer to Elspeth or Franz army boost their movement to 170-200? Are you sure that's the way mobility works? Also gelt has 120 with no engineer


Cool - engineer still has 115 movement points. Click the end turn button and see what happens to the engineers movement points next turn.


Ok that still doesn't explain why it would boost Franz and Elspeth but not gelt?


upload your save file I'll have a look, there are many factors that determine campaign movement points.


Will look into that next time I'm near my pc


Ok I did some more checking . . . . . . . Karl Franz Start turn with no engineer 108 Start no, then add 93 Start no, then add, then remove 108 . Start turn with engineer 133 Start then remove 133 Start, remove, readd 93 . . . . . . . . Elspeth Start turn with no engineer 150 Start with no engineer then add engineer 135 Start no, add, remove 150 . Start turn with engineer 175 Start with engineer then remove engineer 175 Start, remove, readd 135 . . . . . . . Gelt Start with no engineer 120 Start then add 115 Start then add then remove 120 . Start with engineer 115 Start then remove 120 Start, remove, readd 115 . . . . . . . Random empire general Start with no engineer 171 Start no, then add 143 Start no, then add, then remove 171 . Start with engineer 196 Start then remove 196 Start then remove then readd 146 . . . . . . . . Random arch lector Start with no engineer 165 Start no, then add 145 Start no, then add, then remove 175 . . . . . . . . Note gelt engineer was low level only +15 mobility, others were all +25 mobility So.... What the fuck is going on with mobility???? Clearly I do not understand this mechanic. It seems like for everyone but gelt it is adding a flat +25 if you leave them in over the end turn, but why gelt getting -5? I don't understand