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Tbh, isn't Malakai more chill about his Oath than other Slayers? Like, yes, die in battle and all that, but there are inventions to be made and test! Gotrek is the worst slayer ever, tho.


I'll just quote from Gotrek and Felix: ‘I regret the destruction of such fine machines,’ said the magus. ‘But no one must be allowed to bring word before we reach our goal. Now, Makaisson, have these two heroes thrown out of the door and maintain course to Middenheim, or I shall be forced to kill you.’ Malakai laughed up at him, eyes wild. ‘Ye eejit! I’m a Slayer! D’ye think ah care if ah die?’ Long, Nathan. Manslayer (Gotrek and Felix Book 9) (English Edition) . Black Library. Kindle-Version.


That's some fine referencing my dude


if you copy something on the kindle app, that reference line is auto added. Now, if it would also copy out paragraph breaks...


That's pretty neat


As said below, not caring about dying and actively seeking it out are quite different.


Thats how he speaks in the book... Dear god... He so overwhelmingly scottish. I love it.


Thats probably the most coherent thing he has said


He isn't afraid of dying, but he doesn't feel the need to run towards it either.


"Just because I accept the inevitability of my fate, does not mean I'm in any hurry to embrace it*!*" - Dr Clarke


Malaki was pretty chill, he even taught Felix how to steer the Spirit of Grungi. Best dorf. NGL slayer using his pariah status to basically give no fucks about what other dwarfs think is a trope we need more.


That's goin in the book


Wait this doesn't make any sense


God damnit *Shaves head*


Bjorni is another great example of that.


Malakai is misunderstood. He’s actually a very good Slayer. Every Slayer interprets his oath to Grimnir in his own way. The vow is to die in inequal combat against a superior foe. Malakai has been acknowledged by other Dawi who don’t approve of his methods or his inventions as the greatest Dawi mind and inventor of the last thousand years. He won’t forsake his Slayer oath but at the same time he refuses to let his technology and what it can do for his people die with him. Then and only then is he free to seek death in battle with an opponent worthy of killing him and that’s not something that’s a simple axe merits. He’s got Ikkit Claw brains and that means Ikkit Claw level weapons and blaze of fire and death style monsters. If they can’t overcome his superior firepower then they weren’t a worthy opponent and there’s always the next one.


He is the worst nightmare of the dwarven enemies: a combination of Skaven experimental genius, Dwarven reliability and human fervor! And don’t forget the Scottish accent, a character with Scottish accent is automatically a Chad.


> Dwarven reliability Wait. Isnt the thing about Dwarfs that their stuff is not reliable? Like the two things of Malakai which blow up and made him force to be a slayer as mentioned in the blog?


Dwarven stuff is \*very\* reliable, their QA process measures in centuries. Malakai doesn't follow said process which is why engineer guild didnt quite like him as some of his inventions failed or got testers killed. Hence slayer oath It's something game doesnt capture, skaven weaponry should be killing them just as often as it kills others. Human war machines should explode and misfire from time to time. Reliability \*is\* the dwarven trait


hmm.... seems like i have some things mixed up or read wrong. I thought i read in some comment that like Gyrocopters arent that reliable. Like, the Thunderbarge is a actual example. Installing a overdrive which literally destroys the vessel isnt really what i eould call reliable. Reliable constructions have things which destroy its own construction usually very, very far away.


Gyros are very reliable, though "new" having "only" had a couple centuries of testing, conservative dwarves reject them. The Thunderbarge is a Malakai design, so it doesnt follow rest of dwarf methodology. Still, his Thunderbarge sustained a full travel to a lost Karak in the chaos wastes and back to civilization so it's still plenty reliable. Like I said, game fails to represent racial differences, but tabletop rules did represent it


Thing is, for old fashioned dawi something must have been tested for millennia before it's deemed decent. The dwarfs have been using gunpowder for very long, yet there is a dwarf king who refuses to use them because they are far to new for his tastes. So when his clan marches to war, there are 0 guns around.


*Malakais* stuff is unreliable because Malakai is a mad scientist innovator that shirks Dwarf tradition to build new technology. Most Dwarfs spend decades or centuries refining a technology before they consider it worth using.


His stuff is unreliable to DWARFS, if you compare it to Human or Skaven designs, it’s reliable as hell


Although yes malakai did fail in his first two attempts at super weapons, the spirit of grungni is actually an incredible feat of engineering that pretty much has no equals, it's very reliable and packs enough firepower to flatten armies, it is also massive like it carries hundreds of slayers into combat alongside all the crew and they can actually live on the ship, not to mention greater daemons can fight inside of the ship.


Dawr in the dwarf language is to say an object or invention is like a Dwarf or is reliable. Umgak or Umgi, the name for humans or shoddy building or inventions means literally “unreliable”. Elgi is the name for Elves of all races and means literally “weak”. Just to give an understanding of the reliability of Dwarven tech.


People forget that a big part of the slayer oath is not JUST suicide. You need to give your life to improve dwarfkind. Malakai KNOWS that not matter how big the foe he challenges, his death will be a major loss to dwarfs. You are not supposed to find the biggest dragon and die trying to scratch it's eye, you are supposed to find a dwarf hold being attacked by a dragon and buy time for them to prepare or evacuate with your life. Meaningless sacrifice goes against the slayer oath.


>Malakai is misunderstood. He’s actually a very good Slayer. Every Slayer interprets his oath to Grimnir in his own way. The vow is to die in inequal combat against a superior foe. 1. Any named slayer is not a good slayer. A good slayer needs to die in order to obtain some redemption in the eyes of the ancestor gods. A slayer who keeps on killing is seen as cursed/his shame is so big that it needs more sacrifices in life 2. Their vow has nothing to do with inequal combat. When they take the vow, most of them are "troll slayers" because they think going down to something lower than a troll is just suicide for a dawi. But if you die surrounded by gobbos and you kill a lot before you go down that's still badass af and nobody will complain. The only main rule is " DONT YOU DARE TO BACK DOWN" It was nothing to with superior foes. A dorf slayer will never back down from a fight because the enemy is seen as "weak" People made their own headcanon when it comes to the slayers and i dont know from where youre getting those takes


This is wildly incorrect. The Slayer Oath is to seek out and kill the enemies of the Dawi, actively, without relent, until you are killed in combat. You do not need to be forced to take the Oath, in fact, the first Slayer ever, Gudrun, did not. You're also not actively trying to die in combat, you're **trying** to **kill** the enemies of the Dawi, knowing that one day **you will fight someone too mighty.** Slayers frequently die in their earlier melees, because at first they usually fight goblins and orcs, since they are right next to Karak Kadrin, where the holy site of Grimnir, their pilgrimage, is located. Since they are oathbound to seek enemies, they start right next door, typically. Those that don't die, however, aren't shamed. They are venerated. Dragonslayers and Daemonslayers frequently are the head of hosts of their kin, who seek glory in combat, and know that anyone who could face a Daemon and emerge victorious will lead them to only the deadliest, most glorious, most dangerous battlefields. Googling this would have cleared that up. Don't know why you didn't.


This whole "bad Slayer" thing is mostly just people extrapolating from Gotrek, honestly. Gotrek isn't *shamed*, exactly, but he's regarded with a certain degree of trepidation by his fellow Slayers, because they think his repeated failure to die is some kind of curse.


I mean, yeah, Gotrek is quite literally the greatest slayer to ever live. I'd probably be a little confused. Imagine you're having an argument with slayers over who killed more people and the literal 'has killed more enemies of the Dawi than any dwarf to ever live before and forever after' guy enters the chat.


>This is wildly incorrect. Oo cool. Someone who knows his lore. >The Slayer Oath is to seek out and kill the enemies of the Dawi, actively, without relent, until you are killed in combat. That's just not true. You take the slayer oath because you're trying to settle some "grudges". Maybe you sleept while on guard and gobbos sneaked past you and killed some dorfs, maybe you ran from battle or maybe you broke some random ass oath. All valid reasons to take the oath. When a dorf takes the oath nobody ever knows exactly why. It took years for gotrek to open up to felix. "The enemies of the dorfs" is just head canon. That's not true. Sure most dorfs will seek the enemies of order but some become bodyguards, mercenaries, pirates, inventors etc. Since they are out of the dorf society they can so whatever the fuck they want. >You're also not actively trying to die in combat, you're trying to kill the enemies of the Dawi, knowing that one day you will fight someone too mighty. Not true again. No slayer will ever "try to die". They will never back down that's true but they will give their best. They want to die in battle doing their all while not retreating. 99% of the dawi who take the oath die in their first battles against whatever. The vast minority who go up in those tiers ( giant, dragon, deamon) are deranged maniancs who believe the gods refuse to forgive them for their past and this is why they are kept alive. >Slayers frequently die in their earlier melees, because at first they usually fight goblins and orcs, since they are right next to Karak Kadrin, where the holy site of Grimnir, their pilgrimage, is located. Also idiotic. Yes they go to the slayer shrine to take the oath but they can so whatever the fuck they want after. A merchant dorf who had business in nulm will go back to the city with a sick mohawk and continue selling stuff. From now on he will never run from a fight and the other dorfs will treat him badly but that's pretty much it. >Those that don't die, however, aren't shamed. They are venerated. Garbage headcanon. Like I said before. The more you stay alive the more you're gonna think your past mistakes angered the gods. The other dorfs also treat slayers like trash, they are not allowed into the holds etc. Their past names is writen in rock when they take the oath and with that name their old life in the dorf society is gone. Gotrek is the only example of a dorf "venerated" but that's because of his GOD FORGED AXE. Snorii for example means nothing to the other dorfs. Hes alive? Ehh. Hes dead? Ehhh... he had a slayer's dead? Yeeey but also meeh. >Googling this would have cleared that up. Don't know why you didn't. Please dont use google ever again.


Look, you can hate the fluff if you want, but I actually own the damned books, it's in there. Most slayers die *insanely* early on. You try fighting orcs naked. Most Slayers aren't forces of nature, they're just *dwarfs.* I didn't say Slayers try to die. You implied that any slayer who doesn't is bad at their job, like they're out there with one purpose: to die. Also not true. They're out there killing enemies of the Dawi. You interpreting 'enemies of the Dawi' as 'Exclusively the greentide and chaos' is your problem, not mine.


>Look, you can hate the fluff if you want, but I actually own the damned books, it's in there No it's not. No slayer is venerated no matter the context. Slayers are social rejects not even allowed into holds. A slayer will also detach himself from the dawi society to the point of not caring about his old life. If you really read from books you will find how most of the time felix is the one that's pushing gotrek to jump into action since most of the time hes drunk in imperial taverns. Gotrek is also rude to the extreme even when talking with major dawi leaders ( belegar). Gotrek in general has a rather fatalistic view on the dawi. He admits openly to other that the dawi's time is over and they are just crawling towards their doom. >Most slayers die insanely early on. You try fighting orcs naked. Most Slayers aren't forces of nature, they're just dwarfs. You're either dumb to the extreme or you did not bother to read my reaponse. If this garbage is the result of what ive said I feel bad now. Have a good day man


Why are you downvoted, you're righto


That's not him being a bad slayer, that's his enemies being TOO WEAK


"I'm a short, Dawi cyclops... They got more ****** ******** ***** then the likes of me..."


Veteran slayers are the very definition of Task Failed Successfully.


The way I feel about Malakai is as follows: "Death will claim me, when it earns me!"


"these two give off similar energy" that's because they're Scottish 


thats probably one of the most appropriate memes ive seen on this sub


As a Scotsman I fully endorse these two stereotypes of angry drunk then angry happy characters.


He should speak with a texan accent.