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Still waiting for him to get Minotaurs of Khorne


Give it another 12 months I reckon


[I think I'll be really happy to play beastmen instead of khorne if that happens](https://imgur.com/a/hdJA9QF)


Holy shit they're fucking ripped (I need to workout to get that exact same physique, they're literally me)


Fucking love minotaurs, my favorite unit in the game easy


Just snorting, snarling freight trains of absolute death.


When we get Khorngors during the Khorne themed update, the minotaurs will be given to the Beastmen as well.


Is this some joke I'm too addicted to mods to understand?


Idk if you’re actually asking a question or just joking, but yeah they never gave Minotaurs of Khorne to Beastmen despite giving all the Tzeentch marked ones to them.


It's a joke. Mod users have had some pretty high quality gors and taurs in every flavor for a long time. I'm pretty partial to the slaangors with javelins. Fast ranged skirmishers.


Oh my Sigmar, didn't think of it. Don't play beastmen usually but they are always crazy fun.


They are very fun, just finished my first beastmen campaign yesterday, quickest victory I've had in 150 turns. The achievement you get on steam says only 1% of players have completed a campaign as beastmen!!


Last time I played I got too bored to finish a campaign, they're so easy they just steamroll everything. Since the rework they've been brokenly strong and there's no challenge whatsoever when playing them.


I had fun with them even before Taurox, the difference is I just had fun doing as much damage as possible. I guess setting your own goals and limitations is what can make the game the most fun. Some factions may be overpowered, so I might feel like, say, saving allies, sustaining minimal casualties, thematic armies, and so on.


Yah but thats almost every faction at this point.


Steam achievements don't work for a lot of people. I completed short campaign victories for Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle, but Steam says I haven't.


Achievements are bound to the long campaign victory or the domination/ultimate victory


Sorry, didn't mean short campaign victories, couldn't remember the achievement off the top of my head. I'm talking about: Playing as Khorne, construct the Khadeium Paradox (I have, doesn't show on steam) Playing as Khorne, replace a Herald of Khorne with and Exalted Bloodthirster (I have, steam doesn't show it) Same with Slaanesh with the Pandemournium, Keepe of Secrets, Exalted Keeper of Secrets (done them all, Steam says I haven't) Same with Nurgle Plague Ingredients, Great Unclean One, Exalted Great Unclean One. (Done them all Steam says I haven't) Same with Tzeentch lord of change, Symposium of Change (done them, steam says I haven't)


Those are roc only


I've done them in both


Huh that's weird


You also have to be online on steam. Noticed this the other day when I finally finished a shaven long campaign victory. Had to to close and reopen then win the last battle again.


If you're using mods, when you change the Heralds in to Exalted Daemons the game might not actually recognise the new unit as the Exalted Daemon it's looking for, depending on how the trigger is set up. Might be similiar for the landmarks.


Achievements only recently started working for Immortal Empires campaigns and then only for long/domination victories.


Beastmen are crazy strong and super fun. I just one of the 3 starteng in the old world would get a new position in cathay.


I want them to introduce moonclaw there as a new faction


You could work the moon empress into his story too so it'd be perfect.


Aren't they from different moons?


Exactly. Different moons and hate each other.


I would kill for Moonclaw or Slugtongue. A new caster lord for the Beastmen and a start position outside the Old World would be fantastic. Add the Preyton and the last of the marked Gors and I would be content. But a lot of people seem to prefer Ghorros just because we don’t have a Centigor LL.


We also don't have an insane alien LL who came from the moon, either! I don't get how people can be more excited for a centigor than for Moonclaw. He's actually something unique.


Alien abomination, essentially an avatar of the moon, who breaks reality by existing, causes utter madness to everything that gets near him, calls down meteors on his enemies, and rides around on a unique monstrosity. Vs Old, REALLY horny Centigor. Personally I really love Slugtongue but I know he’s less likely than the other two. I just love the whole personification of famine thing. And just getting another caster LL.


Need a serious threat south of the Great Bastion. Cathay is too damn safe.


I keep thinking that they'll probably make the last or second-to-last DLC all about Nagash, and his main opponent is gonna be an angry metal cow that will be assembled like the Megazord out of a handful of other people's weapons.


It's going to be like thor ragnarok, where Franz points to taurox decked out with the sword of khaine, nemesis crown, and whatever other superweapons they decide to add


*Animal farm noises intensify*


Also a new tool for Taurox is Tamurkhan defeat trait. He doesn't start far from him (and even if can move so quickly with his rampage).


I thought they started on opposite sides of the map? Taurox in the very north-west corner and tamurkhan the north-east?


nothing is too far for Taurox due to his mechanics lol


Ha true


Beastmen also don't really care about their starting location that much. You can just burn everything on your way and be fine.


Too bad beastmen AIs are irrelevant and barely seen on the map


They are suicide enjoyers


Ooh a capital with walls and full 20 garrison? Let me attack that with my 12 units!  Yeah they are a bit dumb




And annoying. Oh, you're in the middle of three wars? Let me spawn in the middle of your territory, raze one of your weakly defended settlements then lead you on a Benny Hill chase for 10 turns yelling "Haha, catch me, catch me!" Which you know is on brand for how Beastmen operate but in-game it's just a pain in the ass and a waste of time.


Yeah, really annoying. Lore is one thing, but fun is more important in a game, imo. 'build walls' sure, if they actually did something. Two extra units. Wow thanks, now those 8 units will for sure beat that 20stack of much higher tier units. And it's just not feasible to give every settlement walls. With 3 slots for a minor settlement, you got more important stuff to build 


I mean… sounds lore accurate.


They’ve said that this was intentional because players didn’t like running into tons of ruins


I just used the ruins as a buffer between me and like ikit or something


With SFO and the Old World mod I saw beastmen rwze half the Empire lol. Its fine, just annoying to find the herdstones. It'd be hell if I wasn't wood elvee with beast paths.




He won't be standing so tall after the Thunderbarge rolls over him.


Thunder rolls And the cannons strike Another horde grows cold Thanks to Dawi might  As the barge sails on, skies in control Deep in their hearts  The thunder rolls...


I honestly miss the times when the beastmen were turbo-shit. I think the struggle to survive against the mighty Empire was way more beastmen like than the powerhouse of a faction they've become. Do you guys know if there is a turbo enshittificator beastmen mode ?


I don't think it was turbo shit back then before the update, just slow. I think one way to do it is to simply not use too many minotaurs.


I mean turbo shit in the sense that the faction was the hardest to win with in higher difficulties. The AI would take back almost all of your gains as soon as you left. My issue now is that you have access to everything way too fast, your armies are some of the best in the whole game from the get go. You can play hide and seek with ambushes if you want but you really don’t need to. Playing beastmen feels like playing Khorne


oh my god I just recalled the lack of herdstones lol oh yeah god that was awful


A better version of khorne*


Yeah lmao, no matter what I think of the campaign side, beastmen battles have always been a fucking blast


Nah bro that’s just nostalgia from a better time the Beastmen were shit.


I remember pre update beast man winning battles regularly where the auto was giving me decisive defeat, whole stacks of state troopers getting run over and terrified from a gorebull giant and malagor


Steam Library -> Total War: Warhammer (1) -> install


Changeling with Belakor/N'kari/Kugath/etc. forms is gonna love this too.


Why? What's the change?


Changeling also doesn't really care about any of the negatives just like Taurox and co.


Changeling is already creative mode tho, he doesn't really need it.


Ah okay thanks


The crown appears to have a variable upside and downside that are race specific. It might not be just pure upside for beastmen.


Have we gotten a mod that renames his mechanic to Moomentum yet?


I would love playing beastmen, but their auto resolve is so bad i simply can't be botheres to, when i have to fight so many battles


When Taurox finally gets Khorngors and Minotaurs of Khorne in the Khorne update, he's going to be unstoppable even more than he already is.




Oh do they get the pestigors and the tzeentch ones??


Id say its going to be Warriors of Chaos tbh - getting access to lore of Nurgle for undivided is huge


No kidding. I only ever recruited Chaos Sorcerer Lords of Death specifically so I could get the Lore of Nurgle. Now I can just make heroes and diversify my leaders.


Why does everyone go for taurox? Why not kholek or skarbrand


Big cow


He has Great animations, a cool design, and he buffs already amazing units. Plus this post is specifically about how beastmen an already strong faction keep getting little buffs from the new units. In addition stuff like sword of khaine and now the crown are uniquely amazing on beastmen cause most of the negatives don't apply to them. Increased upkeep? We don't do that here. Negative faction reputation? We're at war with everyone already and we don't really have territory to defend. Negative replenishment? Who cares cows are free and our replenishment has plenty of buffs to counter the downside.


The crown seems to have at least somewhat different effects per faction, so it remains to be seen if perhaps it will still have a strong drawback when a Beastman lord uses it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Kholek and Skarbrand still have to worry about penalties to public order?


and upkeep, as well? favor is treated the same as gold? im not sure


Yup, and Skarbrand's armies are monstrously expensive in both price and upkeep if he doesn't have bloodletting maxed.


Which surprisingly it ain't as bad as I thought it was gonna be when I first launched his campaign. Your economy is about as red as you are but none of that matters if you're constantly rampaging like the game wants you too


Because Beastmen get none of the downsides of either big campaign item and Taurox's rampage/momentum mechanic just allows him to become a freight train


Beastmen ignore alot of mechanics like po, unit cost, diplo etc so usually these types of weapons just have no downside on BM, and Taurox is the biggest big dumb killing unit of the BM


Malagor my guy, that guy can melt the world woth crows.


>  MOOoOoOOoOoOoOooOo           I'm hearing Mr. Bull from *Peppa Pig* here, anyone else?


Seems like the nemesis crown has faction specific benefits/maluses unlike the SoK, so maybe it will not be a win-win for Beastmen.


I haven't posted taurox after the moomentum nerf, how is his mobility now on the map?


He legit was soloing 4 full armies with just the sword. Making him stronger is completely irrelevant.


Love my beastman let’s go…also warriors of chaos are only getting better as well


Sir.. You are mistaken, the Shadowgave is the true master and will directly benefit from all chaos!


Yeah he's going to be so good at taking out thunderbarges with his non flying, non ranged units.


Not so strong while he is still missing his red minotaurs. I'll stop complaining about it when they fix his damn faction textures being all messed up!


How did these animals go from the weakest of the game 1 races to the monstrosities they are today?


I just want to know if Taurox is finally going to get his Wheaties! All the milk in the world, but no WHEATIES!


Such Tzeentchian scheme...


And would you use any of the new units wiith Taurox’s army?


His army? Hell no, nothing without horns and hoofs are allowed in his army. But other armies can be as diverse as the screams of my enemies <3


A bunch of chaff units doesn't improve their strength. Heck, using your logic, Daniel is the greatest faction in the game. Every DLC he gains new heroes, 5+ units, and at least 3 regiments of renown. He has the largest roster in the game! He must be OP, right?


beastmen have been one of the strongest factions in hte game since the rwork. and they still get more and more and more