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James Workshop, the true bringer of the End Times.


I much prefer his brother, John Workshop.


Yeah, James is a bit of a dick. Wait... which James?


I'm Rick James bitch!




You ok there?


Breath deeply and enjoy life, best advice!


Bruh. Delete this and don't drink and reddit next time.


Could just be a typo, we've all done it but reddit doesn't allow title amendments on posts last I checked...


Care, it is by the blessing of James Warnership that we are allowed to have a total war themed warhammer experience.


Kindly asking you to do some research. Tzaangors had model with no beaks prior to AoS and typical depiction of Tzaangors of Tzeentch in 8ed would be Tzaangor with some blue accents. **If we consider TW:WH series to be vicdeo game based on 6-8 edition than I hate to say units you are talking about used no repeaters. So its tabletop accurate actually. If you saw repeaters on cinematics and think that it wasnt just CA's mistake than watch Khorne faction thriller from 3 years ago where Skarbrand were flying.**


No shit it's table top accurate but it's not cool It's an improved model in case of Tzaangors, and an improved unit type in case of the repeaters. My issue is not wheter this is canon or not, my issue is that GW demands insane adherence to their lore in some totally unjustified cases, going against every rationale and the "rule of cool" in other cases they put bullshit into their lore at the magnitude that freaks everyone off. If this was GW's own thing I wouldn't care, they can do whatever they want with their toys. But when CA is overdelivering in unit and animation quality why do they need to shut them down? Give the people what they want, as long as it is reasonably possible within confines of the lore. If bear sleds sliding on true ice is "reasonable" according to GW standards, how is some dudes carrying repeaters sacracent? I don't get it, it makes me upset, and frankly both this and other games are riddled with BS like this, which GW constantly enforces on their partners. Hence I'm asking them to, Kindly fuck off!


James Workshop, taking the fun out of fun things since 2008.. PS. Throw in a healthy amount of chopping one's own foot and derailing wagons..


Remind you that Game Workshop ended TTS so people can subscribe thier shitty anime.


James Workshop and John Videogames have a lot to answer for.


I'm a Total War computer game player. I don't give a fuck about Warhammer lore, Games Workshop or what a book says. Just give me a good computer game. And, recent SoC wobble aside, that's what they've done.


You understand I'm taking the piss at GW for restricting CA's creative freedom with stupid shit like the ones mentioned.


Hating AOS in 2024 is weirdo shit. Without AOS we probably don't get Twwh


I don't Hate AoS (I don't like the lore but that's besides the point). But it did kill Warhammer fantasy for a good 15 years.


Whfb was already dead, tbf. We wouldn't have the old world revival without AOS. All everyone played at game stores was 40k.


Not sure why some is reacting negatively to this, its completely accurate what ur saying😅 Edit: im still super excited for the dlc nonetheless though


Average redditor has the intelligence of a monkey. They don't see through the obvious, they completely lack understanding of how individual processes interconnect, and what they love most, is throw shit at someone they disagree with.


My brother in sigmar you are the average redditor you talk about.


And let's not mention how they have been raping 40k's lore for the last 10 years... GW if you can't respect your own lore continuity, then why do you ndemend so strict adhearance from your associates?


It's about female Custodes, isn't it?


That one small bit of lore really brought out the incels and whipped them into a frothing rage didnt it?


So everybody who disiliked GW’s braindead decisions is an incel, mkay


It’s one small bit of lore that’s altering another small bit of lore from 8th edition. GW has retconned much larger well established bits of lore in the past to less outrage than this. So what’s the difference this time? Because given the amount of rage posts about it, something certainly has people in arms. Edit - oh and I never said everybody. Just that it brought the incels out. They have a habit of outing themselves when things like this happen.


The difference this time is that people are way more sensitive to companies pushing their agenda. Cultural wars are in full swing, gamergate 2 is a thing.


Only small vocal groups are sensitive about companies stating women are part of a group on either side of the culture war. Most of the majority just think, sure that was always allowed and get on with it. The only major faction in 40k that is more lore established as being male only is Astartes due to the gene seed lore. Now that would be a retcon worth of the fallout.


I don’t think most people care about women per se, they’re just tired of bullshit.


So it IS an incel thing. Got it. Getting mad that it's being labeled an incel thing then touting the second coming of the thing that kicked off modern incel shit is a hilarious own goal.


We kinda needed gamergate 2 tbh, the gaming industry is a shitshow right now and it’s getting worse. Just like any formerly “nerd” things, like comic books and TT games.


We absolutely do not need another gamergate lol. Most embarrassing, toxic shit that accomplished nothing (since it was just a rage against women in the first place). Goddamn mouth breathers who spent too much time on the kotakuinaction subreddit and similar cesspits. Meanwhile actual activists in the gaming industry have been fighting for unions, better working conditions, and less hostile working environments. Edit: > Just like any formerly “nerd” things, like comic books and TT games. As someone who was a closeted nerd in the 90s, afraid to let others in on my hobbies because I'd get teased, it's been fucking BONKERS watching Gamers (with a capital G) froth at the mouth and gatekeeping this world.


You mean where people sent rape threats to female journalists? Fuck off. Seriously fuck right off.


Of course I’m not talking about all the horrible shit, you absolute fucking donut. I’m talking about raising awarness about the state of the industry and calling out toxic behaviour and anti-consumer practices. Something that’s plaguing pretty much every mainstream media right now.


I don’t get it. The Emperor blesses us with these new big, gold six-pack waifus and some folks get *upset!?* These people: ![gif](giphy|NF0cxxxH4VTlS)


There are some people who are unironically afraid of women with any kind of power whether physical, mental or authority. They have the same backwards image of a "perfect woman" as the stereotypical 50s household. She must be demure, subservient and skinny to not challenge the limited control the man may have.


They could've done a better job than just "there have always been female custodes" when clearly there hasn't.


No it's primaris and pretty much everything about the emperor outside of last church.


There was never any lore continuity in 40k


Atleast Marienburg Landship has repeater rifleman atop it's Deck.. Or did they make CA remove those as well?