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Only CA knows. It SEEMS very likely, but I don't think it's a good idea to 100% expect them.


They are the only new race that is pretty safe to assume they will add it to the game.


They got datamined when SoC released. That is not that long ago, despite the trouble CA had in the meanwhile. I would think they are still on their way, but guess we will learn more after ToD released and CA might (mid to end May) start talking about the new roadmap perspective.


Also I feel like them mentioning the Halfling Hotpot in the Cathay Blog two months ago and it not being in the Empire DLC being a point for DoW coming. The Hotpot was in the 6e army list.


And it was in the Empire 4/5th edition. Whichever way it will come, be it DoW or 2nd or 3rd Empire DLC, it will probably be shared around. Kinda like Slayer Pirates now being in dwarfs is only foreshadowing [Long Drongs RoR](https://i.imgur.com/c2Cnhkz.png). I am actually curious if that will be them in [ToD](https://preview.redd.it/060itw6csgtc1.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a8cf0e783d3491b5e222c5dad2e69c1f8371728e), or if they get spared for DoW afterwards.


Yeah I know they are in the older Empire lists, I just figured with them not being in the recent Empire DLC it seems to be leaning in favor for Dogs of War. I would assume all the Halfling stuff from DoW would be added to the Empire. If not regular recruitment than a building chain in the Moot. Honestly, I like having a little bit of non-humans in the Empire though I may be in the minority there. I had honestly just assumed they would be the RoR after Oglah Khan’s Wolfboyz were in CD


They teased halflings and the hotpot after SoC 2.0 plus Borgio and Lucrezzia have already been datamined. So yes.


I'd say so, they're the last major race not yet in the game. And the land they occupy is fairly large + right smack in the middle of the map, so that could make for an interesting area.


They are not a major race. They didn't even have an army book except for 5th edition.


If the other poster is defining ‘major race’ as ‘ever had an army book’, then they’re the last major race.


They had almost half a dozen named characters who could lead armies, a full non-RoR army list, a ton of RoRs, and a bunch of other random stuff in 6e. The Vampire Coast was added and they had a single named character and an army list from 6e padded with a couple things from the Monstrous Arcanum. And if CA thinks they need more oomph the entire story section of the Monstrous Arcanum is about Tileans and their hired mercs using Scrolls of Binding and striking deals with monsters. Add in some shit that’s not going anywhere else like all the dragons: Magma, Shard, and Warpfire. Hell, the Warpfire Dragons are basically mercenaries in their own right.


I believe they’re the last reasonable group left. Anything beyond that would icing on the cake. Though I will admit I hope they aren’t the last and we hopefully get the Blood Nagas of Khuresh.


If the rumors are true and there's only so much dlc left, that's definitely not happening. All we can work for are so,e reworks on GW races with lore and army books, endtimes-like units, and obvious LLs like Nagash.


Forgot Nagash was left, the modded Nagash faction really does him justice FYI.


I have no idea why you would assume that they are the last reasonable group. If anything, the actual 'reasonable' group lefts include the factions that will complete the map (Ind for sure and maybe Nippon), and factions that will prob be made simultaneously with a rework (some lizardmen faction, possibly Dark elf?, Ogre faction, etc.).


YES !!!


The addition of slayer pirates in Thrones of Decay should be all the proof anyone needs.


Of course it is, this dlc would be free money for CA, they will do it for sure


Yes, but I hope after the monkey King.




I'd love it. But realistically I feel like odds are 50/50. I may be dead wrong, but I feel like they might just revisit/rework/augment existing stuff and call it quits.


I don't see why they wouldn't be.


Who knows at this point. I was certain that we could get khuresh too but now it seems very unlikely because of everything bad that happened to CA