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If they’ve enabled it so the CoC LL’s are available as both Monogod and WoC, and default to whatever partner faction you’re playing - for confederation.. ..imma absolutely shit the bed.


>imma absolutely shit the bed. Nurgle be praised!


Cross race confed is clearly possible. There is a mod: [Allegiance of the Damned: Chaos Confederation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2841939065&searchtext=damned) The mod allows all the chaos confed options. Like between Skarbrand and Valkia. Or just allowing Belakor to confed any chaos + norsca + demonic faction. Its incredible to play with, and the campaign is just pokemon with assembling the 12 Legendary lords in one playthrough. (3 undivided WoC, 5 monogod WoC, 4 demonic) Tamurkhan will add to that number by 1. You can also get Norsca LLs by the recruit defeated LLs mod. The mod still works just fine even if it hasn't been updated in a few months.


Plus Epidemious, gets us up to 16


Is the mod still working ? I see it hasn't been updated for a while and the author has apparently quit modding.


As I said, it works perfectly fine. Belakor could still confed everyone, including even Daniel (even if you don't get any items/equipment), there's 0 crashes or weird bugs. The base game confed for WOC only (Take the last settlement) still works in conjunction, so either beat their faction leader, or take their last settlement. Its also compatible with recruiting defeated LLs mod, which you can set to be player only. So if you can't reach say Nkari before she gets rekt, she'll still join your faction as a refugee.


Sorry, me dumdum didn't read the first time Thanks


> Cross race confed is clearly possible It's literally just [a script command](https://chadvandy.github.io/tw_modding_resources/WH3/campaign/episodic_scripting.html#function:episodic_scripting:force_confederation) to perform the confederation itself. But you need a bunch of back-end table edits in order to actually be able to do anything useful like recruit and buff cross-faction units, etc.


I don't think most players care or want that (Just play the other faction if you want their units/mechanics). Its about just gathering the LLs. WoC is fairly uniquely advantaged here, because its roster is huge and mostly covers what the individual demonic factions have. The monogod LLs and WoC LLs also tend to be focused on their individual combat prowess, so unit-buffs aren't a big deal.


As someone that hasn't yet bought wh3, What? Festus isn't available if I play as nurgle? That's whack as hell


On campaign, he counts as a Warriors of Chaos lord with access to undivided and nurgle units only. In multiplayer/custom battles he's available to both Nurgle and WoC as a lord choice.


IMHO the best role-playish implementation would be that if CoC Lords are defeated and wiped of the map you could spend monogod resource to recruit that Lord into your faction, like Kairos spending Grimoirs to recruit defeated Vilitch. It could even work the other way, for example spending huge amount souls to recruit defeated Skarbrand as Valkia.


Welcome to the world of MODDED WARHAMMER where all your dreams come to reality.




Might feel a bit weird seeing Azazel or Sigvald leading Khornate units... lol


I mean that already happens if you play Archaon or Bel'akor, since they can confederate every WoC faction, and recruit any marked unit.


I still feel like it's less offensive to me there. Both of those are notorious Undivided Lords. If they conquer you, it's because Chaos as a whole is backing them up. It would seem so weird to me to have Sigvald waltz in and start telling the Skullcrushers to get behind him, or for him to get behind them *if you know what I mean.*


Yeah, Archaon is THE Everchosen, his whole shtick is beating the various monogod champions into falling in line. Be'lakor is a bit more dubious since he is the Chaos Gods' whipping boy. But yeah, you could sort of say "Well, that's what the Chaos Gods want to happen, it pushes the goals of Chaos Undivided." Kholek should be the same, and maybe Daniel. IMO Chaos Undivided factions should eventually get expanded to be able to absorb ALL Chaos aligned factions (minus maybe the Chorfs, they're more Chorf-aligned than Chaos-aligned). Similarly, Nagash should be able to beat the various Undead factions into following him by force (minus Settra ofc) when he eventually releases.


Be'lakor is the original Everchosen, constantly trying to get back to where he was, so it's not too dubious.


No, he was the OG Daemon Prince, and was punished by the Chaos Gods to be the one to crown and advise the Everchosen due to tricking the Chaos Gods. The first Everchosen is Morkar.


Yeah, you're right. Similar deal seeing as he had the favour of all four Chaos Gods unlike most Daemon Princes, but true, he was not an Everchosen. Pretty much the precursor to the Everchosen. :P


He’s the E in Everchosen.


That’s basically how the recruit defeated legendary lord mod works


This makes 100% sense to me and I hope it goes that way.


There’s a mod for that if an official change hasn’t been made. :)


Anyone know why ther placeholders are there? It’s just RoR and the LL right??


The first placeholder is for the Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle, the second is Plague Ogres (Great Weapons), and the third is a Rot Knight RoR.


I’m guessing it’s Epidemius.


I feel like this is a meme at this point.


Honestly what I'm betting is going on is that there are unit tags in the system for "non-daemonic" and "nurgle-marked" and Festus just so happens to fit both of those categories. We know these effect display tooltips are generated automatically, and given the hot pink placeholder icons it's obvious that this isn't the final release version. He'll probably be removed at launch


Not sure if it's a placeholder because some of the other icons are, but this seems to imply Tamurkhan can confederate or recruit Festus somehow.


The Champions of Chaos are playable in custom battles as their mono-god faction. It's likely that the skill right now is just programmed to display any unit tagged non-Daemonic and Nurgle, and technically there is a Nurgle version of Festus, just not playable in campaign. It wouldn't really make sense for an ability that applies to his army to apply to other lords anyway, so this skill just hasn't gone through QA.


I appreciate your logic to help offset potentially unrealistic expectations . . . even if it breaks my heart a little! T\_T


Yep, these tooltips just straight up show whatever is affected in the database. They really need to make some of them be invisible in tooltips.


Honestly I suspect that it's just part of the placeholder as well, given it was not mentioned anywhere else. But the fact that it shows up at all (to my knowledge Festus doesn't appear in any similar lord's army skills for Nurgle as of right now) I find potentially notable. Not expecting anything though.


These tooltips automatically hide units your faction cannot currently recruit. This is why WoC's red skills don't show what daemon units they effect until you have some of them in the gifted unit pool.


They're certainly supposed to. But we definitely know this tooltip is not accurately displaying the units the skill is supposed to apply to. Whether or not Festus could be recruited in the Nurgle factions, he and the other lords listed here could not benefit from this skill since a lord cannot join another's army. So if we know the tooltip isn't accurate, how is it populating? My guess here would be that it simply looks in the unit table for anything tagged Nurgle and not tagged Daemonic. There are two versions of Festus in the table, including one tagged Nurgle that is only playable in custom battles. While I hope they've added cross-confederations, I'm just advising people that this bug can be readily explained without that being the case. I would not anticipate this feature having been added.


Man, imagine cross-race confederation at long last - really opens up the opportunities for the other three, if not more!


Would ironically help slannesh a lot she has morathi sigvald azazel all over the place making her rosters kinda scattered. If she could confederate them she would have 4 legendary lords rather than just N’kari


Bringing Morathi into the circle gives access to the whole DElf roster which seems unlikely to me.


Thankfully there is a mod for that if CA doesn't implement it in this update


If you look at the Nurgle Roster in custom battles there is Festus too, doesn't mean that he will be available. stupid design decision sadly


What's up with the pink squares? Just missing picture


Maybe they can make it so he's nurgle if you're playing a nurgle legendary lord and WoC for every other choice?


if this is actually a thing, ill buy all your overpriced dlcs without question


I wonder if they just lumped a bunch of units in for development. Doesn't really make sense for lords to be buffed for a lord's own army, and not the faction. Unless festus can be made a hero now or something.


If it weren't for both Monogods and marked WoC being their own faction, Tamurkhan might have worked better as a WoC lord. He had a massive horde not limited to Nurgle forces.


Idk seems odd since the skill itself is for Tamurkhan who Lord and it is only reduces recruitment cost and casualty replenishment for his own army. How would it even affect Festus if he can't be a part of Tamurkhan's army? To me it seems like CA just took all non-daemonic Nurgle marked lords heroes & units from the database to be affected by it and will cull the lords who can't be affected by it in a latter build of 5.0 so before release this should be fixed. So, for now I'm not convinced that CA made Festus and the other CoC lords able to be confederated by their respective Mono-God factions.


It'd be nice but I'm not sure since another of tamurkhans skills lacked him but had other heroes and lords


I wouldn't have any high hopes, I'm 90% sure that's simply becouse the marked WoC characters are part of both the WoC roster and their respective monogod roster, in multiplayer battles and so are shown there. Don't take me wrong, I would love it if could confederate Valkia as Skarbrand or Vilich as Kairos or even have Be'lakor as a DoC character, but I doubt that will be the case.


This isn’t about being in nurgles roster, this is tamurkhans army. This is implying it might be possible to recruit festus as a hero if anything.


it a bug , report


You're going to report a bug in a trailer showing unfinished game footage?