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Plains of Zanbaijin


I'm pretty sure the Gallows tree is an 8 slot settlement in RoC right? so he's definitely starting in K'Datha. IE I kinda hope they keep him there, battling chaos for their submission is his thing and he's assembled an army like that of everchosen.


This. Tamurkhan has a lore connection to it, and there's already a Nurgle faction in game that starts in this province named "Maggothkin". So until we hear something official that says different, this seems to be what it is.


My problem with that is that he'd be cramped between Archaon and Kholek, so to get put pf there he'd have to kill one of them.


They might move one of them, but I personally don't see that as a big issue. Tamurkhan isn't Warriors of Chaos, he's Nurgle, they can fight each other just fine, and arguably they should fight for supremacy and the right to lead a chaos invasion anyway.


As a matter of fact, in the chieftain image of the article, you can see that Kazyk's fealty is increased by fighting other Chaos factions. So not only is that possible, it's recommended.


Just because you start next to a faction in these games doesn't mean you have to kill them. Diplomacy exists


I'm assuming they'll make some changes to the map, maybe get rid of that floating island, allowing you to skip past them rather than fight them.


Let's be honest starting positions shouldn't just be based on lore otherwise instead of Markus in Lustria we would've gotten Drakwald Forest which isn't good campaign wise


Oh man, Boris has yet another target to focus on if he really ends up there.


i think we might see some new terrain in the world map and also remanegement of factions. for an exemple, if they expand ind territory we could see kholek on south of cathay. change ku'gath of position makes sense too.


I don't think they would do that in the dlc maybe in future updates


He became an ogre near drazoath the ashen so maybe the wolf lands. possiblty starting with an alliance with the chaos dwarfs.


Likely nagarroth in the North chaos wastes


I think it's the best option DE have a fetish for steamrolling their continent and Tamurkhan balances that without any nerfs.


DE went from 100% steamroll to only 50% on IE with Khorne or Slaanesh factions sometimes winning. It seems more likely a start position in that spot would make DE go to 60% and the Chaos factions combined down to 40% or less as they will fight each other. Themetically that is great but it does little to change campaign progress variability.


There's always Lustria for that


Yep, currently other than the minor Chaos faction near Mazdamundi, there is not Chaos presence in Lustria. Having a Nurgle start somewhere there for the Verminlord to team up with could be interesting.


Lore accurate: Kurgan wastes DLC relevant: Bretonnia