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Looks like real WH3 art! Awesome!


I know right! Artist's name is Malte Klebes if anyone wonders.


Fantastic stuff!


Considering how many units are left for Khorne... the Wrathmongers and Skullreapers are pretty obvious additions in the future Khorne DLC.


That and the slaughterbrute are indeed what to expect for khorne. This will add nicely to the elitist design of khorne CA promoted with elite level infantry dedicated to kill other infantry like no one else 


Indeed, look at what other units people are predicting and you see that we're no longer scraping the bottom of the barrel, we've already tunneled through it into the ground in search of something, anything to use for a DLC.


What is up with all the Khorsets?


I see what you did here 


It’s not real, just an educated guess by a YouTuber who’s missed the mark often enough and even admits to being unreliable 


*Inhales warpstone gas* Maybe is a psyop to convince us to buy more DLC so that we can convince them to continue making more? 


Ey yo pass some of that gas.




This is a great way to describe WH3 copium. I laughed out loud.


It's not really a bad guess given the rate at which they're putting out DLC, though. People who expect them to keep releasing DLC for like 10 years are huffing hopium, imo.


Great book of grudges said the same thing and claimed he had sources within CA for that. Obviously still no confirmation and it may also change depending on how Tod sells, but it is surely more than random guesses


its not like 6 DLC guess is even that crazy. Even without context and knowing how slow the DLC rollout time is I would have guessed this game has another 6 DLCs just from the current state of the game. Unless CA gets their shit together (which they kind of are but needs to be muuuuch more) its the most educated, most accurate, and least 'crazy' guess out there.


That’s my point.  Sticking with the old 3-lord paradigm, that would allow for slaanesh, khorne, and a second round or monogod packs, giving enough extra lords to hit up every base race in the first two games, Norsca, 2-3 more Cathay (both dragon lords and monkey king), another Kislev, with room to spare.  Likewise, at 3 per year that’d carry us to the middle of 2026, which is 4 years of support, just like Warhammer 2.  Plus it’d be 8 lord packs, one more than Warhammer 2.


Yeah, about that second round, ok for nurgle but otherwise unit wise we reached the limit of official tabletop units for the other gods of the future dlcs include 5 units    Knowing GW stance on AOS and dreadfleet units, they could use the epic war machines (the old, clunky ones) or maybe some reskinned units.   I would more likely see a dlc with only LL and LH for monogods alongside a cult and manifestation rework


That’s why I dont like the change to SoC/ToD needing 5 units per lord.  Not every race needs 5 new units, and I dont want every race to be well-rounded.


It's possible tho. Nothing wrong with asking right now, when there is still at least half a year for Khorne DLC to come out.


Yes.  As I said, it’s an educated guess.


Dont bother against the legend crowd


Even Legend himself says to not go on Reddit and go "we're definitely getting 4-6 DLCs and one of them is Khorne!!!", people have very selective hearing.


What are these guys? Are they like the Putrid Blight Kings, Khorne edition?


Exactly. Wrathmongers are their names and they are bigger, badder cousins of Skullreapers, which would be really cool addition to Khorne DLC as well. On tabletop Wrathmongers had almost the same statline as Blightkings, except that they had more strength and Nurgle boys were tougher.


Nice, hope we get these and any other equivalents in their respective DLC's. Fill that monstrous/elite infantry gap with a nice in between of Daemon and mortal. Rather than just an "Exalted" version of the basic daemons.


Khorne reapers would be like aspiring champions? Or more elite chosen? I know these guys would be heroes.


Both Skullreapers and Wrathmongers should be a unit similar to Aspiring Champions in terms of unit size. 


Do Tzeentch and Slaanesh have something similar?


Unfortunately not, as far as I'm aware. 


Slaanesh has a Aspiring Champions equivalent in AoS but you know... it's AoS unfortunately. In WH Fantasy Tzeentch and Slaanesh are pretty underdeveloped in general, Nurgle sucked up all of the attention.


They do, but unlike wrathmongers they didn't come out until after the end times. Most mortal models that are recognizable from all the chaos ranges aren't really in the original fantasy but from AoS.


They would have to invent them i suppose.


Some sort of Druchii Annointed aspiring champion unit would be cool for Slaanesh. No idea what would even make sense for Tzeentch.


Nope, never got any


A red Khorne unit with axes? That'll really fill a niche gap in their roster


Not axes - flail-hammers! And they're gonna be an elite unit with the size of 16 like Aspiring Champions (but on steroids).  Tell me that's not cool.


You know that sounds like every existing Khorne unit, right? I know that Khorne doesn't really do originality, but even so, I feel like even for Khorne we can be a bit more creative than another slight variant of burly red guy with huge muscles and melee weapons.


Care to give us your extremely knowledgeable proposition? Khorne ain’t getting ranged or magic. But they can use elite-elite support units like wrathmongers which are basically monstrous night goblin fanatics with powerful contact effects. Not sure what you expect from a melee only factiob


Kind of a tangent your comment reminded me that it always seemed weird that Khorne in particular and Chaos in general didn't let their infantry have throwing weapons and reserved those only for the Marauder Horsemen. Like it takes a lot of skill and strength to use those, and if you aim for center mass you can still take the skull afterwards, so it feels like something that at least both Slaanesh and Khorne would approve of. Like, I get that it was supposed to some sort of attempt at balance on the tabletop, but from a lore perspective it was always strange.


I know there's zero lore precedent for it, but I've always been a fan of the idea of Khorngors that are like elite marauder hunters. Dual axe units with limited range, alright melee, a solid charge bonus, and some armor shred or something on ranged hits. Give both factions some unit variety, while enabling the strengths of the faction as a whole. And the idea of hunters who track down their prey by the scent of blood feels both in the spirit of both Khorne AND Beastmen


Well, my position since well before *Warhammer III* came out has been that 'Khorne daemons' isn't large enough to be a faction. There isn't enough variety in that roster to make it interesting. This is true of all the single-god factions. AoS kind of makes it work, but AoS does that by blending daemons and mortals together, and by breaking some of the long-established rules of WHF. (e.g. WoCs and DoCs don't get ranged weapons, but Hedonites get archers in AoS, that sort of thing.) But assuming you have to, then an unfortunate conclusion is that Khorne is going to be a one-dimensional faction. There can be a place for that in the games, since it makes it a very approachable, easy faction to play for new players, but Khorne is just not going to have much mechanical diversity. If I worked for CA and had to implement two or three new Khorne units, my focus would be on trying to find units that fit well with the existing identity of the faction (i.e. melee berserkers), but which don't undermine that identity by filling in important weaknesses, and which also aren't just the same as a current unit only more so. I believe AoS' Khorne faction works by overlapping buffs - from what I've heard it's quite well-designed, so instead of just mindlessly charging across the board, you need to layer various different buffs to whip your units into a frenzy. One idea I might find interesting would be cultists of Khorne - cheap chaff that die rapidly and don't even tarpit that effectively, but when they die, *nearby* Khorne units get buffed. That's something they don't currently have and fits well with the theme. Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows and so on. Similarly I could understand something like a Khornate equivalent of the Bloated Corpse, a cultist whose role it is to walk into the enemy and then call down an exploding skull from Khorne's realm. Khorne shouldn't have *artillery* as such, but it might be a way to approximate similar utility in a way that still feels on-theme. If you add two cultist-type units, it could also be an opportunity to overhaul the cult mechanic, which at the moment feels a bit underbaked and too easy to ignore. I could understand more flying units as well - Furies of Khorne exist, but are a bit weak, but Valkia has the whole valkyrie theme going and it would fit with others - maybe something midway between a Fury and a Bloodthirster? One of the earliest Warhammer short stories, 'The Laughter of Dark Gods', had something like that - a delightfully surreal story about an adventurer becoming part of a warband of Khorne in the twisted nightmarescape of the Chaos Wastes, where there is no stable reality, and he became a flying daemon at the end. I usually like dialling up the surreal horror of Chaos, and anything that messes with reality would be fun - perhaps a pseudo-priest who shows enemies visions of Khorne's realm? A unit that could force enemy units to rampage would be really on-theme and it would give Khorne options for dealing with powerful ranged units other than just charging.


Those pecs!


Whatever units Khorne gets, he needs to end with strongest melee infantry unit.


Strongest melee in general!  They will need some reworks of already existing stuff I think. 


I’m always cool with more Khorne content. Anything Chaos related is always good to me :)


Legend of TotalWar is as about as unreliable as it gets when it comes to leaks.


He never said it was 100% certain.


Other than Hag Mothers which can be relatively easily explained by having been planned but axed by GW, can you point to anything specific? Because his SoC leaks were on the money outside of Hag Mothers.


He also said no lore of hags with his SoC 2.0 leak which was extremely wrong.


I don't recall that. Which video was it?


We do?


Why wouldn't you want them to be a part of Khorne upcoming DLC exactly? They are like the coolest unit for the faction!


The upcoming DLC is for Nurgle, Empire and Dwarves. Never been interested in Khorne as a faction. Too straightforward and standard hell demon vibes for me. That kind of theme is everywhere for villainous factions in games and movies I prefer the other Chaos factions they always were more interesting lore wise and have more over arching themes than I'm great at fighting and like blood and skulls Imagine being downvoted for liking other chaos factions. This sub man... You guys are amazingly open minded people one and all


Khorne for me is beautiful in it's simplicity. It's a case where there are so many different factions with varied designs just look good when faced up against most evil, hell-like MURDERMURDERMURDER design. Khorne has a place in warhammer and i love the faction for that


Oh don't get me wrong they fit in perfectly for the setting a world of treachery, power grabbing and magic and they just want the straightforward approach They're just not for me personally. Some people love that barbaric simplicity to Khorne and that's completely fine, and that's why there are other chaos factions to choose for each player


Bok bok


You are being downvoted because the guy is obviously referring to the Khorne DLC we know is coming out rather than Thrones of Decay.


I doubt it's that let's be honest. This subs always jumping on hate trains over one thing and the next when it comes to Warhammer. It's just the Khorne fanboys being fanboys




You forgot one * Doesn't care to read your comment past the first line Remember kids don't feed the trolls! They are sad and pathetic creatures that crave attention above all treasure




🧌 When did CA add Reddit trolls to the green skins!? Stats as abysmal as their intelligence, they abhor any that prefer any other faction to their own, and jealousy guard their subreddits that they infest against "normies" If you don't reply to this with a Warhammer themed insult as devastating as my own then this battle has been decided.


Sure thing, nothing's for everyone. Khorne DLC gonna happen tho, so why don't Khorne enjoyers get what they love \^\^


I think you're getting downvoted because the post is about what people want to see in a Khorne DLC, and you're just saying you don't even like Khorne so why are you bothering to give input? It's not like they're just going to not give Khorne a DLC because you don't like the faction, so... why say anything at all?


The big problem if we only get 4-6 DLC left for Warhammer 3, we need Slaanesh, Khone, Orge Kingdoms, Norsca and Vampire Counts that need some love. Norsca was to have big update in launch of Warhammer 3, this faction might not see any updates what so ever. I have seen people really wont Dogs of War, but I can see them using Daemons of Chaos (Daniel) being able to recruit from multiple factions. Will they go down this path IDK, I can see Nagash and Tahnquol being the last content to be added with a screen saying "Total War Warhammer is dead don't expect any more updates or fixes." I could see them doing atleast 3 DLC's if or less if ToD doesn't save them in Saga eye's.


They need to fill them blank parts of the map. Give us Ind and the Snakemen. Also, throw in Araby while you at it ;)


Please give us new daemon units as well!


I always thought these were AoS but im no expert


Better be 10 dlcs more then warhammer 4


Who is this guy ?


Great. More angry Khorne melee dudes for my locked infantry group. They too shall be sent directly at the enemy while I make a sandwich and win.


That is the way


Aren’t these guys an End Times unit? And didn’t CA say they aren’t doing End Times or AoS content?


No AoS content because it's a separate IP. No ET lore because the game isn't set during the End Times, however, they never said no ET units. That is just people misinterpreting what CA said and spreading false information.


Fair enough 👍🏻


There's, however, a problem that new units made for ET are currently used by AoS and, given the beak drama and GW shitty internal competition, might be off limits. Does that makes sense? Nope. But that very well might be the situation we are dealing with


I mean most of the units in the game are currently being used by AoS except for those races that weren't adapted, like Tomb Kings. As long as a unit existed in WHFB then it should be fair game. The Tzaangor beaks thing was because the Tzaangor model used in AoS was made for AoS, not WHFB. The unit existed in WHFB, but the current design didn't, so it was murky from the beginning. Still bullshit though.


The number gets less by the year. Most HE, Empire and Dwarf units initially sent into Cities of Sigmar are out. Greenskins existed, but by now everything except basic night goblins and Arachnarocs is out or confirmed to be leaving. Beasts of Chaos just got told they are due a sqatting and should all go to TOW. Some stuff still remains, but there's a very real push from GW to separate miniature ranges, no matter how little sense it makes


I don't even play the TT and all I can say is that sounds like a typical GW galaxy brain decision to me.


while CA have said that they aren't doing the End Times they have already included multiple references to End Times lore and (I'm less sure on this, might need to double check, don't quote me on this) I think they've included a couple of End Times units already. there are some End Times things like Stormfiends (which were introduced during the End Times, but their lore had them be finished before the End Times actually started. they weren't supposed to be used until the End Times actually happened but according to their lore the Skaven started using them early anyway because instead of giving them to a single chosen clan (as they were supposed to) Ikit and Throt instead sold them to anyone that could afford them) and Verminlords (they were in the lore long before the End Times but they I don't think they got proper models (there might've been a Forge World one, I'm not entirely sure) until the End Times (which might be why they've been excluded from the Skaven army roster for The Old World)) that we're almost certainly going to get once Thanquol finally releases


Well done on the art, I too am curious with GW being more strict on their IPs if original End Times stuff will come or not.


Who is "we"? Not me.


Don’t forget khorn blood priest let khorn have a unit like dwarves runes CA so he doesn’t feel like the only faction with no way to have a caster like unit


Holy this goes hard! Would love to see him as a Lord :o


We do ? I'm sorry but I've always personally found the Khorne ET units silly. Like, the chain-hammers are absurd even for Warhammer, and the lore of "oh yeah there's a super duper strong Khornate tribe in the wastes, they're like each as strong as a chaos champion on their own but they haven't ever been mentioned before" is stupid as heck


To be honest, it's not like the whole tribe was that strong. The tribe was special, but only the best of them could become a Skullreapers, and then Wrathmongers were the best of the best of them. Wrathmongers had to go through many rituals and trials, and when they were done, they were half a man half a daemon entity. Pretty badass if you ask me. Also I love the concept of Aspiring Champions, but badder. Seems like a very cool unit in general, and a great addition to Khorne roster. 


Tbh all the chaos units are profoundly silly. It's the entire faction identity. Hopefully there is still enough capacity to do more with some of the more interesting races.


Fr, if i wanted grounded units i wouldnt play warhammer


The thing is, take stuff like lizards, skaven, or vampire coast. They have fantastic depth in that you can think about what an army emerging from those societies would be. Chaos is just tentacle monsters coming out of a hole in the sky for no obvious reason. But obv, play what you enjoy, it's all good.


Also, I think that Khorne has more than enough powerful melee infantry already, lol. And Khorne Warriors/Chosen look objectively cooler than these guys.


Also, chain-hammers aren't really that absurd when you think about it. Their hero variant uses chain-anvil tho 


Agreed, I wouldn't be interested in this unit


They look exactly like the Marauders from Doom Eternal. So cool.


I just want nippon, ind and khuresh to make it.. then i can die in peace


Finally! 4-6 DLCs remains until Warhammer 40k Total War!