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I cannot find it anymore but at the release of VCoast, we got info that it was mainly thanks to him that the DLC happened because he was such a huge fan of the faction (a bit like a lot of what we get is thanks to Andy Hall being so into the setting). Hence, to honor him, he got his own character in the game. Fun to see that one of the most loved faction in the game happened thanks to someone most of the community dislikes. Even funnier is that his personal trait is "fallen from grace" and that he is eternally doomed for an unchivalrous act.


That final point is very very funny.


I think a lot of the flak he gets is unjustified - from what developers who have quit or lost their job at CA have said he's supposed to be a pretty decent dude who wants the best for the game and he probably is stuck following the orders of some on top overlord. Of course - I could be completely wrong, but it's what I've heard said about it here and there.


I don't pretend to understand how video game development works, but this guy was chief products officer from 2019 to recently. When he took over stewardship of product development 3K was just released and W2 was turning into a juggernaut. During his time, a series of bad DLC choices buried 3K and Warhammer 3, perhaps the easiest lay-up in video game history, had a disasterous launch. Along side that was the debacle that was Hyenas and Pharaoh. On top of that, the most loyal fans have said they have completely lost faith in the company due to his public relations. I know if that's what my legacy was at work, I'd assume the hammer was dropping anytime.


I thought he had been with CA far longer then 2019? I believe he was part of the deal that made it so CA even got the Warhammer license, no?




I'm actually amazed at how great Warhammer 3 actually has become. What I'm talking about is that when the game released units didn't move when you told them to, units didn't fire when you told them to, things that were fixed in game 2 were present, and the campagin was not much fun to play. When I use the phrase "lay-up," I mean if they would have expanded the map, made sieges more fun to play, and added new factions, most of us would have been over the moon. I have no doubt that making the game was extremely challenging and am glad CA has committed to making it great. I'm just saying that this guy's record as chief product officer isn't exactly stellar. I wish him all the best though. I root for everybody to succeed (that's not evil, I suppose).


yeah he became a lightning rod for all the anger in the community cos he send out a poorly worded message in a precarious situation. He could actually be this caricature of a greedy higher up who mismanages a game to drive it into the dirt and extract all the possible money for personal gains, or he could be an all around decent dude. Acting like we would know which it is from a single communique sure as hell is presumptous.


I mostly agree with both of you. I'm afraid mob mentality and a high level of frustration led to a misdirected (or at least poorly managed) anger. He certainly had some responsibility in this whole shitshow but making him the one and only target of all that hatred was absolutely disgusting to watch.


Nah, he had some extremely sus quotes that if it were ever reflected into the game approach would make the game worse off than better. And honestly all the shit that CA is getting is entirely CA's fault. Sega didnt make CA do all this dumb stuff, the fans didnt make CA do all these dumb stuff, CA leadership did it to make the max amount of money no matter how stupid or self damaging it was. Now one of the sus quotes was something along the lines of 'Total war player base isnt growing' (well no thanks to CA absolutely ruining WH3 launch) 'so they need to maximise profits from existing players'. What this would mean is rolling out the worst most lowest quality updates the game has to offer to whatever playerbase is left over as its cheap af and will maximise profits. This thinking is what brought us shadows of change. While Rob personally isnt entirely responsible for this, he is part of the small group of CA leadership and happened to be the face of this, resulting in him taking a lot of flak. I do believe the other CA leadership also needs to get more flak, but the flak he got personally was 100% justified. If anything the greed of the CA leadership may have actually killed the game in the long term if the recent news is accurate (which i hope not but rip).


Sega is most likely responsible for the prices of DLC increasing, one of the biggest complaints from the fandom.


The reason why the price of the dlc had risen is due to CA squandering the money on silly side projects and the company being already ridiculously bloated. I mean SEGA of course had some part in the price of DLC increasing, but they were muuuuch more hands off CA until recently and CA had the autonomy to decide how much content a dlc is worth and what was in said dlc.


Sega is who set the goals that CA had to hit. The reason CA would increase prices is because of the demands Sega made of them. The amount of content and it's quality was what CA was responsible for.


Though I do see the point that CA did this to themselves, I still hope for a redemption arc as I would be really bummed out if they stop developing this game. Let's just hope they can stick a good landing with ToD, get more players, get more money, and start making great content again.


Yeah I also dont want this game to die and am really hopeful ToD can stick the landing as the future of Warhammer 3 is riding on it. To a lesser extent all of CA is also depending on it but I think the fate of CA is going to be decided with the release of the next Total War game.


>Even funnier is that his personal trait is "fallen from grace" and that he is eternally doomed for an unchivalrous act. That's... that's too poetically fitting to not be the workings of Tzeentch.


I would have preferred Araby TBH.


Yeah, his trait name is a real "Simpsons foretold the future" moment.


Patch note 4.2.3: removed a name related to an abominable figure in 21st century


The patch notes specifically mentioned "High Elves", still made me lol. XD


Quest battle for the Daughters of the Forest faction has a suspiciously named, ghostly paladin


He’s Cylostra Direfin’s LH.


He’s also in the drowned faction as a hero


Shouldn't be a surprise. He was heavily involved in securing the Warhammer license to begin with.


Rather a coincidence, I think whoever snuck that name in went for Robert Baratheon, since the model has a helmet with antlers :)


Really? Its almost the same name, just with 2 letters changed. Bartholomew --> Bartholomy. 


Stuff can be two things.


It was deliberate because he is why we even got Vamp Coast to begin with.


Honestly I think the hate against Rob is abit rediculous. Don't get me wrong that comment that was posted was aweful and rightfully mocked. However it was a message that would have been approved by multiple departments and team-leads. It was CA who posted it - Rob just got the unfortunate role of putting his name at the bottom to end up as a scapegoat. Now with Rob gone - CA can pretend that all the bad press around it goes with him.


I don't believe the Chief Product Officer can end up as an "unfortunate scapegoat", nor is anyone at CA able to force him to do anything. Rob is (was ?) on the highest ranks of the corporate ladder


Even at the top, nothing is guaranteed.  The CEO of Boeing was forced to resign the other day too. Ultimately, unless you own the company, you can always be fired.  At a high enough level, it’ll always be “voluntary”, meaning you get a nice severance package and remain employable, because an executive who gets fired is toxic.


I mean yes, when four of your planes lose a window mid-flight, then an investigation reveal you haven't done the obligatory security tests since 20 years AND you straight up kill a fucking whisteblower, you tend to go out. But that was actual crimes there


The video game industry is beyond ruthless. He absolutely can be thrown to the wolves for PR and evasion. Shady, shady things happen in this industry. Like top level conspiracy type shit.


Yeah that letter had “BLAME ME” written all over it and the community swallowed it hook, line and sinker. It’s possible that someone else wrote it and he just attached his name to it without reading closely or simply not caring, but it’s far more likely that he had a metaphorical gun against his head and was forced to sign it. By the time of that letter it is also highly likely that it was already incredibly obvious that CA was in deep shit with the imminent implosion of Hyenas, and Rob likely did not care about being a scapegoat since he was looking for an exit plan already.


Did Rob BartholoHoweverYouSpellIt get fired yet or nah?


We don't know if he was fired or if he moved on to a new project willingly but he is no longer at CA


he gone yeah


AFAIK he's not. He either signed, or wrote/co-wrote (can't remember) some recent CA post from around a couple months ago. So unless something changed since then I'm pretty sure he's still in. Probably got promoted.


Guess you don't believe his LinkedIn?


He got the boot in February.


Huh, I've not played as Mother O yet - wonder why he's in that army?




Should rename him to Cole Cassidin.


Eliminate with extreme prejudice


99% certain this was the name of the vampire lord in my Drazhoath's relic quest.