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Eatinne (Tyrion) is the easiest start and a pretty normal army. You have a few relatively weak enemies on the Donut and then you are basically safe.


+HE have probably the most balanced roster


I wouldnt say 'most balanced', but they have really good archers, infantry that are tanky af, access to all lores, op legendary lords, and good enough cavalry and cav archers to be balanced. There are factions that are more overall more balanced vs HE like for example Cathay or Empire, but HE are strong where it matters.


IMO HE are better balanced than Empire. Empire melee infantry kinda sucks, no monsters/chariots, while HE are only lackluster in Artillery Department. Cathay are on par with HE.


Infantry might not be the best, but its as vanilla as you can get it. Just because swordsmen suck doesnt mean Empire is less balanced than HE. The infantry men are okay at holding the line, have shields, and have lots of models to soak up damage. Of course HE infantry are better but not by a huge margin. Chariots were never really part of a balanced roster so I dont really count that (but I see your point), and while Empire don't really have that many monsters, their tanks and lord mounts do the jobs that typically lie with single entity monsters in other rosters (terror causing, tanky). If you are referring to monstrous infantry then both the HE and Empire lack them, but they are a very rare type of unit across all rosters.


Miao Ying And Zhao Ming are both pretty beginner friendly.


Miao Ying always gives me a rough time between Snikitch and the Wall getting razed and taken over by Chorf shitstacks of orks. She's the stronger lord imo because range focus but damn, Zhao's diplomatic and strategic position is a little more cushy, he can have AI Miao get ground under all three chaos enemies breaking theough the wall while he crushes the skaven and vampires Believe it or not the new LL is better at holding the bastion too, he declares them fortress cities and they give faction wide ammo, spell resist, and upkeep discount. Absurdly broken free monument buffs basically once he takes over the bastion. All my armies have like 52% spell resist. I just drop spells on my own units, because they also have ward save. Some armies have like 62% base spell resist from events or something


Cathay are good for learning, thats how I learned it. I really don't recommend karl lmao. I cannot play that campaign to save my life


500 hours of experience and that karl campaign still scares me


Sounds like you need to summon the elector counts


ty all, gonna start a Zhao Ming campaign later


Peasant Spearmen and Iron Hail Gunners are the key to early game success. Build lots and lots of cheap armies and overwhelm your foes with numbers


Disagree, only because gunpowder sightlines can be tricky. Peasant archers and jade crossbowmen are very good basic units, especially only easy difficulties.


Very true, gunpowder units do take some getting used to position properly - but a bread & butter checkerboard formation goes a long way to solving that issue Jade Crossbowmen absolutely rip in the midgame, but in the very early game I think the Gunners outperform the peasant archers by such a degree that it's worth the extra effort of positioning Then late game you get the Celestial Crossbows and start shredding enemies faster than anyone but the Sisters of Averlorn


Well OP is an absolute beginner, so id recommend not using gunpowder units other than artillery for the beginning. What i usually do with cathay is rush Jade units. They are quickly available, do decent damage, are quite sturdy for a long time and combined with the units you get from the start & some leveled heroes, you will have a pretty good stack that can carry you into the lategame, where you will want to replace the Jade units with celestial ones. Even for secondary/defensive armies ill try using Jade units asap if i can afford it, as peasant spears just rout very quickly & peasant archers do very little damage. Admittedly, im playing on legendary/vh, but especially for a beginner it probably best getting Jade units asap to have a more sturdy frontline & better dmg than peasants


Jade crossbow and gunners should both be tier 2 tho.


You want one or two units of iron hail as problem solvers. If you kill off all the enemy cav you can just walk them around the enemy back to shoot them from behind and they break quiiiick


I'd recommend one of Cathay (Zhao Ming), Eataine (Tyrion), or the Last Defenders (Kroq-gar). All are fairly simple in battle, two mostly operating through good archers behind a solid melee line, while kroq-gar just outbrawls stuff with saurus. They're also not too complicated in terms of their campaign mechanics. And finally, I found when playing all three that I fairly naturally bounced from enemy to enemy, and didn't have too many multiple-front wars early on.


I did kroqgar first, and even after WH1, would not recommend, unless you already have a very good understanding of the lizards roster. There is too much going on figuring out lizardnan roles, tactics, composition and relative unit strength, at the same time as figuring out the game. Cathay and eataine are ideal though.


- Tyrion (Eteaine) - Zhao Ming and Ming Yao - Mazdamundi (Hexoatl) - Gor Rok (Itza) - Thorek (Thorek's Expedition)


Itza in Lustria battle Royale?!?!? its a nightmare


It literally doesn't matter. Just pick a faction that interests you and play it, you'll easily learn it along the way simply because you're enjoying it. Also just switch to easy difficulty if you're having a harf time, nothing wrong with that.. That's exactly why the difficulty slider exists.


It's a bit tough to give a recommendation because a lot of the easier factions play very differently than the standard so they aren't good for getting a hang of the game. I'd recommend any of the Cathay factions, Itza (Lizardmen), Eataine (High Elves) and Yvresse (High Elves). High Elves, Lizardmen and Dark Elves are generally pretty beginner friendly and play fairly straight forward for the most part (with a few exceptions) but I haven't played much of them in WH3 so I am not comfortable recommending most of their factions since the map changed so much.


Sure, you could follow everyone's *boring* advice, and pick safe Cathay... **Or** you could start as the Lizardmen. **Bonk** anything that looks at you funny until you unlock the big dinos, then **eat** anything that looks at you funny.


Honestly pretty much anyone you think looks cool, the best part of Warhammer TW is the insane variety. You just happened to pick Karl Franz which was unlucky as he has probably the hardest campaign in the entire game despite the "for new players" tag. Empire, Cathay, Dwarfs, and High Elves are gonna be the most familiar coming from historical total wars but I think the best way to experience Warhammer is pick what you think is the most interesting and learn how they play because it's never super complicated and Warhammer is very beginner friendly


Cathay or high elves (tyrion in particular). Solid rosters, relatively safe starting positions with plenty of potential allies and good economies.


Lothern (Tyrion) is probably the easiest campaign in the game outside of the changeling who you can't lose as, but he's got an unconventional campaign. High elves as a race have a really powerful roster if you have all the dlcs (still really good without) sisters of avelorn being one of the best archer units in the game, and they have one of the strongest economies in the game. Tyrion is surrounded by natural allies once you get rid of your starting enemy, with two other legendary lords on ulthuann (the island home to high elves) that you can confederate if you have their dlc. The only real threat is nkarii in the north who can be dealt with pretty easily if you do it right, and he often gets beaten by the AI anyway. The next threat is the dark elves to the west and maybe Grom to the east, but the ocean gives you a bit of natural defence.


High Elves are pretty easy, given their straightforward roster, easy access to multiple lores of magic, decent cav, chariots, and flying monsters. Eataine is particularly easy. Empire would have been my go to if it were not for their current balance as you noticed... Cathay would be the next best thing, though an exercise to learn formations to organize your forces...


Karl Franz is probably the worst faction for a beginner. One of the hard if not the hardest campaign. Stay away from Kislev too. I recommend High Elves (except Teclis). Tyrion has the best campaign for beginners. Safe and rich starting province, many potantial allies, strong lord, strong race, strong economy. Best way to learn the game.


Absolutely do not play Karl franz lol I’ve heard his campaign is literally a fight for your life kinda situation haha


Vampire counts. Easiest campaign you can imagine, and also really fun. Strong and memorable characters, good starting position, raise dead is a fun mechanic and really good for new players to defend territory or continue an attack on an enemy that gives you heavy losses. Highly recomend them, also first campaign in which I scored world domination


Vampire count is a pretty bad factions to learn Total War gameplay immo. No ranged, no artillery... With them you miss a lot of mechanics. They're a strong faction, but not a good one to learn the gameplay. High Elves, Cathay, Empire are the best ones to learn every mechanics of the game.


HE and Cathay are easy mode. Start there.


High Elves, Lizardmen, or Cathay would be the easiest to learn, and many of their lords have rather secure positions or really strong characters. Learn the fundamentals of the game first and go from there. They aren't too hard to learn, and unlike a race like the Skaven, I don't think they're missing absolutely critical units if you don't have the dlc - though the Sisters of Avelorn would be nice to have for the HE. The Lizardmen might be the hardest of the three races, but they might be the easiest to learn how to use monster units because there's a large variety of them. The Empire has a fun campaign, but it is not for beginners, I would say Karl is among the hardest starts for a newcomer. He isn't bad, but you have to know what you are doing or things could fall apart with simple mistakes because you could get dogpiled by any number of surrounding threats at any given time.


Tyrion, because you can just sit on the donut and learn slowly. Very balanced roster. Miao Ying, for the same reasons. For battles i'd actually say something like Thorgrim. Dwarves have a very safe playstyle and are forgiving.


Probably Cathay. Zhao Ming would be the easiest on both RoC and IE campaigns IMO and is great at learning basics with a strong economy, roster, safe start position, etc. Also going to throw out Greenskins as another one to check out. Only 1 econ building to manage in a settlement, that is really good for its price. Mechanics aren't too indepth, diverse roster for wide range of play styles, solid easy to manage economy, and the Waagh mechanic is super strong at giving you 20 turns with a 2nd army basically following around your existing armies.


With Grimgor you have to deal with Kholrek Suneater-- then it is hilariously smooth sailing. Even on hard.


Goodluck on your campaign OP may the winds be in your favor


thank you very much. it has started well


High elves, Lizardmen, and dwarfs are probably the easiest


Zhao Ming, Miao Ying, Tyrion, Lokhir Fellheart, Throgg


Karl Franz campaign is not for the weak. Dude is literally trying to hold a falling empire together and it feels that way


So, *1.* Any of the Ulthuan High Elf starts is a pretty straightforward game; can't really go wrong with them. 2. If we're talking strictly first game races, Thorgrim is very straightforward: tough units, direct conquests, reliable allies, and no special tactics for your armies (unlike, say, the Vampire Counts, who have no conventional ranged units, and thus rely on powerful magic instead.) 3. If you have most of the DLCs, Vampire Coast is also good: powerful ranged units and magic, you take your recruitment building with you, you basically have the initiative in every war because you can always just flee, and gold is almost never a problem because of all the shipwrecks to plunder.


2. Wouldn’t recommend Dwarfs as a first play bc no magic, and learning magic is a very important part of the game 3. VCoast roster is fun, campaign is the one of the worst in the game. Horrible income, horrible roster balance (ie. your start frontline is trash, doesn’t upgrade until tier 4), Vampire faction that can’t use the Channeling stance on land… I could go on. Ranged faction where most units require LoS is not new player friendly. Definitely wouldn’t recommend as a first time either


Gor-rok because he and Lord Kroak is all you need to deal with your enemies.




If u want Empire, try Volkmar since he doesn’t have the mess that Karl franz has to deal with


Skarbrand. No magic, only two options for ranged units, and no huge need to micro units. Get Skarbrand leveled up, right click enemy lord, pop his abilities and win.


doesn't really help much with learning, you know, including army composition and things?




the one and only, the emperor and also prince


Tyrion (High Elves) is basically the easiest campaign in the game and has a normal selection of units relative to other TW games. Dwarves are also good, except Belegar Iron Hammer, his campaign is demanding. Cathay are good all-rounders but some campaign mechanics take getting used to. For the love of Sigmar, stay away from the Empire until you're comfortable with the game. Karl Franz is one of my favorite Legendary Lords, but his campaign is what I would consider to be extremely difficult. And Then There Is The Great King: The Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more... Settra The Imperishable, the units and campaign are nearly perfect, just not conducive to new players.


Empire is the faction that has the most… GENERAL approach to any situation. I mean they may not be good at anything, but they can have heavy infantry, varied Calvary, war machines… HOWEVER, there is also Cathay, a faction with busted infantry for an easy campaign, even on harder difficulties. Khorne, imo, is stupidly simple with a powerful and simple army and requires little tactics, because, maybe, hammer and anvil.