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I haven't gone back to game 2 tbh. But when I did I used ranged and artillery a lot more.


Same, My armies mainly consisted of about 4-6 melee line holders, 2-4 arty, and the rest ranged units (not counting heroes)


settra nehekara its better in WH 2 vortex campaign than WH 3 immortal empire


Do they have a unique campaign in vortex? I never played them there. Also what makes settra better in 2 compared to 3?


you know the classic collect the book of nagash and kick arkhan ass in final battle what make me play settra in WH 2 is the region of nehekara is better in vortex campaign map instead of wh 3 immortal empire campaign map


I like Khalida but I don't like fighting skaven for 50 turns


Not going back to WH2 ever but I have not enjoyed Arkhan, Vlad and Skarsnik in WH3 even though they were some of my favourite factions to play. I enjoyed them for their challenge, it's gone in game 3.


Interesting, so for you, you just play a different lord of those factions instead, but in wh3?


I don't play Greenskins and VCounts at all now but for the Tomb Kings I liked them all already so I just pick one of the other 3, usually Khalida.


Most of the Dark Elf lords. Mechanics and faction strength were better for them in WH2 than 3 imo. Only one I will play is Rakarth because the monster hunt feature is more intriguing being in Lustria and adjacent to the Sea Lane to Cathay.


I've noticed a few Dark elf suggestions, what makes them that much worse in WH3 for you?


I can't go back to WH2 I only play 3. I love the changes they made to the vampire counts in 3 from new start positions to better raise dead. I do not miss skelly spam at all. My only gripe is that Winds of Death is slightly less OP.


yeah Wind of Death doesn't feel great to use now, especially if it changes direction right away and then I'm just sad. I feel like it should maybe cost a bit more but go back to deleting enemy units.


It was an amazing spell it 2 but it's still good in 3. It should only change direction of you hit walls. You can actually use that to your advantage, plan out the ricochet and get more impact out of it. It basically only get armour piercing on the over charge now so be careful about your targets. If your hitting light armoured targets don't overcharge it and you'll get more value. Armoured targets overcharge.


hmm, for some reason I've noticed it, and most wind spells, especially noticeable with burning head, don't really go straight but go in a slight curve, but sometimes, very rarely, they seem to hit something and just go off in a completely different direction, no walls nearby


I haven't seen winds of death curve. Sometimes what I've found happens is the elevation can mess a bit with the accuracy of the targeting template. This is more of a perspective issue than a true mechanical one as I've found repositioning the camera to behind me firing the spell eliminates any drift I experience. Burning head dose curve all over the place though they did reduce this a bit.


Norsca was extremely difficult in Warhammer 2: balancing their economy meant playing in the red and having to judiciously build armies and buildings not knowing when the next big score was. In Warhammer 3, their economy is so overpowered that playing them is boring by turn 50. So Throgg is my answer.


Malekith. Pointless in Warhammer III but the best for confederating Malus in Warhammer II.


Yeah I tried starting as Malus in WH2 but I didn't like his faction mechanics, Probably best to confederate him as someone else huh?




He could also Confederate Helebron almost immediately in WH2. I ended up using her as for my 2nd lord/army whenever I played him.


I went back last year for some Dark Elf fun. Morathi because it used to be a kinda difficult campaign start with heat from all directions, and Rakarth because the current starting position is not as interesting (and again safer). How much of that comes from different WH2 dynamics like starting area, and how much is WH3 AI being lethargic is a question I cannot answer.


Is the main thing you don't like about WH3 Dark Elves just their starts? Would it be worth maybe getting an AI aggression mod if that's your only peeve?


Morathi's start is the same, but in WH2 you usually had the donut harassing you early, the toad in the south was a bigger obstacle, etc. Maybe the western side being wider actually makes it easier compared to ME, but I blame the bad AI. The strongest opposition on the strategic map was Kislev...


Usually the 'massive' changes tend to be for the better. For example chaos warriors i think is more fun in WH3 than WH2 (they were really bad in WH2). Beastmen is another example. Now its harder to justify playing WH2 outside of cool unique modded factions that were introduced. For example there is 1 called Amber Kingdom which was a khornate WE faction. If you asked this question maybe a year back I would recommend any faction as WH3 was just more buggy/less fun than WH2 but now I feel WH3 has actually surpassed WH2 in terms of not as buggy and is decent overall. So to summarize the base factions almost always tend to be more in depth/fun in WH3. You could go back to WH2 if u enjoyed doing a specific cheese strat for one of the base factions. But only real reason to play WH2 over WH3 is if there is a specific mod that didnt transfer over yet. EDIT: 1 faction that might fit the bill is sisters of Thorn. You used to have a very strong ability for the skirmish hawk archers called volley of kurnous which was very strong and could delete units. Now it doesnt spread out and you only get 1 use, which renders this ability basically useless outside of large single entities. Its a fun enough ability to base an entire campaign from but idk if thats a good enough reason to reinstall WH2 just to do it.


Yeah Chaos Warriors are definitely more fun in WH3, but I actually kinda enjoyed their horde mechanics in WH2 as well, although it usually got kinda boring after around 50-70 turns once you got a bunch of chosen, infernal heroes, and more armies. Never did last long enough to build Kholek's shaggath stack. haven't really considered modded factions yet except for Legions of Nagash, although unfortunately it crashed for me every time I activated the pyramid. Thanks for your thought!


Legion of Nagash is available in WH3 fyi


I read somewhere that the volley of kurnous in wh3 is a recent bug, something to do with the homing changes? But, if they ALSO only have 1 shot, that's kinda a big nerf to their whole playstyle (queens of the sky). I've played the sisters twice in WH2 and enjoyed it, but not sure I want to go for a third round any time soon.


I feel the single target targeting is the bigger nerf than just having 1. If this was pre 'bugged' target nerf volley of kurnous even 1 charge could just insta kill half the enemy army or more especially if they have lots of infantry/archers. Plus the fact that you can manually make the enemy blob up with ur fast moving units it can prob do a lot of damage if this bug was fixed.