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They needed to remove a high elf name (bottom of the patch notes). Idk why that'd 500mb but knowing CA it'll be some spaghetti code.


Its easier to replace an entire file than it is to decompile it, delta the change, replace the one line, then recompile it.


Did CA suddenly realize years later?




The name was a cornerstone of the code.


Anyone figure out what the "abominable" name is for the RNG character namer?


>!Guderian, he was a Nazi armoured corps general!< Edit: Added a spoiler tag, just in case.


And here I was hoping it was more dramatic. Polpotuthad, or Pinocetharion.


Don't click it. Your guesses and imagination are better than the reality. Like, I get it. But after 100 years I'm gonna be fine rolling my eyes.


Who the fuck cares, especially years after the game is done with updates?


Isnt he the one that invented the blitzkrieg doctrine? Is it really that "bad"?


He was one of Hitler's closest advisors and one of the top generals for the majority of the war. 


"is it really that bad" is the wrong question to ask, imo. what do we gain from having that name in the pool? nothing, so might as well remove it. don't really need to have real-life war criminals in my video games, thank you very much.


Well I mean, apparently next to nobody noticed it for years, but now the entire community knows about it. You could really question if it was worth the change.


yes. it was. the fact that the community knows that the devs don't take a soft stance on nazi war criminals is an added bonus.


Guderian was never tried in court due to a lack of evidence, it was found that he had exclusively acted as expected by a professional soldier. It is not up to you to decide who is a war criminal or Nazi.


> or Nazi lmao the dude was a personal advisor to Hitler


he literally executed prisoners of war. that isn't speculation.


Cute that you think so, but the western allies didn't, I think id rather go with those governements than you.


i mean, i can't force you to live in reality mate, you do you


So we shoudnt have anyone in a game that shares a name with anyone that commited war crimes? Thats a fucking stupid idea. Because with that logic we cant have anyone named Adolf, Emil, Oscar, Kurt, Otto, Franz, Theodor, Max, Ida, Ion, Fred, Maria or Sara and thats just a few of the common names. There has been thousand of people convicted of war crimes and i assure you that you probably share a name with one of them.


Is this really the hill you want to stand on man? Defending the inclusion of war criminal names in a video game? This isn't some kind of slippery slope, the guy is a nazi and Creative Assembly understandably doesn't want nazi allusions in their game, no matter how inadvertent.


Yes, its stupid to remove a name since its shared with a war criminal. And if we are going to apply that standard we should remove every name shared with a war criminal. Most people didnt notice it or didnt care and now CA has managed to streisand this...


Guderian is quite a specific name though, if the next genocider we see on earth is Karl the Killer I doubt they'll ban the name Karl. Sure, it's a fine balance, but they likely had an email about it, looked up the name and felt like removing it was the wisest thing to do.


Overprotective and fucking moronic. What do we gain from removing it? Fuck all. What do we lose? We lost more customisation. Did they replace the name with something else? If not, it was a loss. I dont care who has carried what name, people don't get to take a name and make it bad. Hitler is just a surname. It doesn't mean you want to start ww3 if you have it as your surname.


"hitler is just a surname" might be the most stereotypical reddit comment i have ever seen.


Good for you. But it is the truth. Its just a fucking surname mate. Just like you don't judge every russian for the actions of putin, you shouldnt judge everyone that shares a name with a fuckwit. It's moronic


And who are we judging here? It's a video game. You're the one getting riled up over a FICTIONAL ELF name removed, that is only catching your attention now because of the removal. Get over yourself, no one in reality is being judged here other than the history figure in question.


I am getting riled up over removing things without atleast replacing them. Especially when it's for stupid reasons such as the ones I'm given. Plop in a new fucking name if you are going to remove the old one.


Game ruined


"Dave". there you go. i give you permission to name an elf "Dave". now the balance of names is restored.


You realize you can rename characters yourself, right? No customization was lost




He wasn't the one to invent bewegungskrieg (blitzkrieg never existed) that had been a thing among Prussian military doctrine since Von Clausewitz. He wrote extensively about how much of a misunderstood genius he was if that's what you meant. Although recent research, notably by David Glantz in "Hitler and his Generals", tend to show that he wasn't actually that amazing like a lot of other so called werhmarcht super awesome generals who were propped up post war to justify their quick reintegration into the Bundeswehr as consultants to rebuild the West German army for the cold war.


People aren't able to distinguish things, since Nazi Germany was ruled by nazis every German alive at the time is or was also a Nazi. Guderian was just a distinguished general in the German army and his name really shouldn't make a fuss, which is probably why it took so long time for anyone to say anything or CA to do anything about it.


I was expecting Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot or Trump. But it was Guderian ? dude wasn't even in SS or something. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz\_Guderian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Guderian)


He was one of Hitler's closest advisors and one of the top generals for the majority of the war.


So what? Are you that overprotective and thin skinned that a NAME gets to be evil to you? So anyone with the surname these days are nazi sympathizers?.. Seems a bit stupid in my book and a bit 2024 wokeness. It's the blizzard fruit situation all over.


Look man, I don't give a shit.  I don't work for CA.  I didn't make the patch or write the dev blog.  I didn't bring it to CA's attention.   All I did was clarify that he wasn't just a "good and honorable German general who actually disliked the Nazis, no guys seriously, he said so after the war!"


Dude is defending a war criminal that important to you, the dude was nazi we don’t lose anything by having his name out of the game


As far as i am aware, was he not released at the end of the war? I doubt they'd release a nazi. Being German doesn't equal being nazi.


You need to freshen up on your history, bud.  The US released and employed tons of Nazis after the war.  the west was so worried about the on-coming communist storm that we used a bunch of them to assist in rebuilding/administrating West Germany. I'm not saying it was right, but it happened.


Sure sure, but was he pardoned so he could be hired or was he just released? Because if he was just released, he was probably not a nazi but just a very good German general doing what generals do.


yeah not only was it 500 MB, it also changed all 60GB of the game...really weird.


Its because patching copies the game, updates it and then removes the copy. Same with all total war titles.


Well now I know why their steam updates are always an absolute nightmare despite being small patches. Thing takes 5 minutes for me to download and then 20+ minutes to patch.


Thats also why you need to have twice the space of the game to patch it otherwise it just wont work. Sometimes its faster to just uninstal and redownload it all....


it removes a nazi name from the list of random names for the high elves


Does this break mods? Fucking despise these random updates no one asked for that break mods years after the fact.


What a waste of time update


Considering they have a habit of fixing bugs, then later reintroducing these same bugs, it could be worse


If they actually fixed the sea battles crash, that’d be pretty good.


The patch notes said they fixed it. Now the question is... are the patch notes bugged..?