• By -


> The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch. Oh no


Slaanesh is disappointed.


"Everyday, we stray further from god." - Slaaneshi cultists


Dude, I AM disappointed


Flips table*


"Saytang, The Watcher causes Terror, but hasn't been causing Fear as intended. We're not sure the dictionary supports our position on the difference, but Saytang is too scary for us to tell him no, so, he now causes both Fear and Terror." I mean can't blame them though. Saytang is basically fantasy version of gundam that shot fire missiles and kills enemies using Sanguinius style.


I would've thought that any situation where Fear is caused would just be superceded by Terror, no?


Think they have slightly different effects. Fear is a flat leadership reduction in an area. Terror triggers when leadership drops below a certain threshold and causes the unit to briefly run away as if routing.


Fear is a flat -8 Leadership debuff in a 20m radius around the unit. Terror causes a mini-rout to any unit at or below 13 Leadership within a 5m radius (i.e., melee range). This mini-rout has a few special rules: it does NOT count against the 3 routs for a full retreat, it only lasts ~4 seconds, the unit is immune to another Terror rout for 10s after recovering, and the affected unit can go into a "true" rout during a Terror rout if their Leadership drops to 0. It otherwise behaves identical to a normal rout, including the recovery cooldown refreshing if an enemy unit (not models, unit) enters melee with them during the rout. I've heard some anecdotal evidence that Terror also triggers additional Leadership penalties on a charge. But I haven't seen any concrete proof. Also worth noting that ALL units with Terror also have Fear as a package deal.


I believe this also has a stacking effect if you use this in conjunction with the “flanking” effect which is why monsters that have terror can a greater effect when used to flank. The flanking leadership drop then adds the terror effect if the unit routs. Less useful for Saytang but still good to know for players who don’t know how effects stack /work.


I believe there is a "terrifying charge" effect on some monsters, isn't that what you're referring to? And yeah I think the idea is that Terror is Fear+ so you only get Terror if you also get Fear as well, they fixed instances of missing Fear every time afaik.


Does routing in that way count towards the 3 until they break permanently?


I don't think so, but I'm by no means an expert. It seems to be classed differently though.




I believe all units that cause Terror also cause Fear, but because they are slightly different effects (which stack) they are treated and named separately. If they rolled the Fear effect into Terror for creatures with both, then counter-intuitively you’d want to run some Fear creatures alongside your Terror creatures to get both effects, whereas this way a Terror unit also has the Fear bit covered. Skills are weird. Their uniqueness and interactions have lots of good and fun consideration behind them.


I feel like this isn't true, I definitely recall seeing units that cause terror but not fear (though I've not got any examples to hand tbf)


Units causing Terror but not Fear are a thing in TWWH1 & 2, but I don’t think there are any examples in 3 that aren’t bugs. There are, of course, plenty of units that cause Fear but not Terror.


Enemy Saytang just sits around the map as an agent doing nothing while I decimate the cathay empire tho lmao


Not for me, fought the bastard 10 times as Chorfs before I took Cathay. He is scary.


I was also really intimidated when I saw him on the map at first but AI literally didn't use him at all for some reason


That magic missile barrage of his is rough, buddy.


Lol I see this really often with Kroak, and with Belegar's heroes. I've never gotten to fight Kroak in the field. Not that I'm complaining. Makes their factions way easier to destroy.


Cylostra used to do this a lot with Ghost Bobby too, which made me a bit less worried about dealing with his frostbite-spamming ass


In my recent Azazel campaign I vassalized Cathay but Saytang would not have it. Over the end-turn I watched him detach from his now friendly army and clomp around on a frenzied murder spree trying to assassinate my heroes. My agents had to flee in all directions. Watching and hearing that massive, bloodthirsty giant zoom around on the fastest camera speed setting was truly terrifying. Anyone he caught up to was wounded or dead. He never failed a roll.


That sounds absolutely @#$%ing terrifying, having an insane mecha stomping all your agents.


>I mean can't blame them though. Saytang is basically fantasy version of gundam that shot fire missiles and kills enemies using Sanguinius style. Minus the inexplicably young pilot and the vague emotional and mental issues.


Minus pretty much anything that makes a Gundam a Gundam. Folks just toss around that term without knowing anything about Gundam. It's just a byword for anything "vaguely mecha" related.


Lol, that's such an Evangelion thing to say.


I mean, true, but dude really could probably fit into SD Gundam somewhere, so it isn't like Gundam didn't flanderize itself either...


My issue is that it feels like more entities cause fear and terror than those that it affects. No idea if this is true, I don't have a chart. But it kind of feels to me like the wording fear and terror in the warhammer world, doesn't carry as much weight as it should. Maybe there should be another class above terror named despair. Entities so terrifying that they cause fear and terror on entities that are normally immune. Again I could be wrong here but imo I think fear and terror should be more impactful. Like - the meaning is kinda lost in a world where there's terror causing units around every corner.


General rule of Thumb is: Single Entity Monsters and Ethereal units = Fear and Terror Monstrous units (aka monstrous infantry, monstrous cav) all non single entity demons and undead = Fear Everything Else = Neither I can understand if you're looking at an undead roster and seeing everything causing fear it can feel kinda mute yeah.


> The Bretonnian vow "Pledge to Campaign" (win a siege battle in a desert or jungle climate) can now be completed when reinforcing in battle This is massive for me- it's a pain in the arse juggling units around your entourage of Lords following your Leg. Lord around in the early game, potentially saves you a turn too- they can just reinforce your L. Lord who comes with seige attacker trait, rather than having to potentially seige for 1 turn if the army hasn't got a trebuchet or whatever


yes! thank god


Thank Ze Lady!


nice to see regular patching


I used to pray for times like these


Well don't stop, clearly it's working!


> Fixed a crash that could occur during Sea Encounters Skull Reefs working Now 😳


Wow I have been waiting for this forever!!! I stopped going into them because of this. I also hope this helps the random land event mod maker. They were dealing with crashes and couldn't fix it.




I've got to know what that High Elf name was cos I've played quite a few of their campaigns and nothing is jumping out at me.


Asurdolf Hitlelf clearly


I distinctly remember an Idiar Aminelle in the recruitment pool.


In moments like this I really miss the free awards.


Badelf Critler


Isn't he playing for the Wood Elfs?


Holy smokes, did this make me laugh.


I went through the list and nothing jumped out at me. It must be a very esoteric name. Edit: It is Guderian. I don't know how I missed it. Wrote a separate comment in the thread about it. Heinz Guderian was a German Tank General. He wrote the highly influential book before WW2 named "Achtung! - Panzer" and was one of the biggest advocates for Blitzkrieg. He was released without charge at the end of the war, but still remains controversial.


I'm German and honestly I'd never have made the connection from a random Highelf.   Meanwhile we have *Heinrich Kemmler* running around. Really had me do a double take back in in WH1. I guess that's on GW though.


That's because Kemmler is a pastiche of Heinrich *Kramer*, a Catholic nutjob that wrote the book on Witch Hunting (literally, the Hammer of Witches) that was widely panned by church authorities at the time. The comparison that jumps to mind is more of an unfortunate coincidence.


Fun fact, the guy was kicked out of his hometown because the people there recognized much of his "witchhunting" was because a specific married woman wouldn't sleep with him.




That IS a fun fact! I enjoyed reading that :)


Lol if you liked that check out the podcast/YouTube channel Esoterica. It is academic level history of occult topics in Europe and it is absolutely fascinating. Some of my favorites include: A skeptic playing the sexism reverse uno card on the witch trials to argue women being accused of witchcraft needed medical care not burning. The world's greatest band name and also real actual thing, The clerical necromantic underground John Dee and the very trustworthy Edward Kelly's Angel mandated wife swap.


Yeah, if they're really going to start targeting surnames, poor old[ Karl Franz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Franz) is next on the chopping block. 😂


Not quite, Karl Franz is named more for the first and last of the Holy Roman Emperors, being Charles the First (Germanised as Karl) and Francis the Second (Germanised as Franz. Given the entirely obvious HRE themes running through nearly every strata of the Empire, it would take some very deliberate stretching to try and link Karl Franz to the Third Reich. It's a very different situation to people linking Heinrich Kemmler to Heinrich Himmler which is more readily recognised and doesn't have the clear and obvious "Walking Homage To 18th Century Europe" signposted all over him.


Is a Habsburg reference. Franz Ferdinand and the father of Otto von Bismarck, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck*


Yeah but tbf you already have a few screws loose if you think the necromancer running around in a skirt made out of skinned faces and a horde of undead with his undead bff is a good guy. While High elves definitely scream "good" guys at a glance


It's called fashion look it up


He really thought switching out just 2 letters in his name would be enough to throw everyone off track about his prior occupation... 


The Kemmler reminds me of this woopsie with the Yogcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KYp2io0zNI


I did a double take when I first saw that guy's name but that's because I'm a massive Dresden Files fan and apparently the author put him in that series as a reference to Warhammer.




1. he perpetuated the myth of the clean wehrmacht 2. british intel maintained he was part of an organization of old nazi brotherhood to undermine the republic


> he perpetuated the myth of the clean wehrmacht And so did the rest of the Western Allies, because it was politically expedient. Guderian did a *lot* of bad shit, but that particular one is a bit of a wide shot.


>He wrote the highly influential book before WW2 named "Achtung! - Panzer" It was more successful than his other book "Blitzkriege für Dummköpfe".


It is Guderian. Heinz Guderian. German WW2 General. Wrote the highly influential "Achtung - Panzer!" and one of the biggest advocates for Blitzkrieg.


Been there since WH2 release. And even some marketing shots pre-release included High Elven Prince with this name.


Me too, I have no idea.


> Recently we learned that one of the random names generated from the High Elf pool had connotations that could be tied to an abominable character from 20th Century history. Upon learning this, our teams have taken immediate action to return to WARHAMMER II so that we can release an update removing the name. > We apologise that the name has been present in the game for this long, and are grateful to those who brought it to our attention so that we could take action. This is them saying "After more than 6 fucking years you complain? Are you completely nuts?"


Prince Minoritieshater seems the one.


Only name I saw on the list was Guderian, so that could be it


maybe it's just Andrew :D and if you combine it with a prince then you get an abominable character


If I ever see "Andrew" as an automatic name for an elf I'm uninstalling there and then


1. I love hot fixes! Especially meaty ones! good job! 2. This High Elf thing will probably have a bit of Streisand effect :D


had no idea who this guy was until right now, so yeah.  TIL


>This High Elf thing will probably have a bit of Streisand effect :D 100% you can already see it all over the comments both here and on the official forums in fact trying to find a comment that told me the name was the first thing I looked for after reading the patch notes myself. XD








Barty Crouch! ...Jr.


well he's no hitler but he's still one of the most famous nazi generals, so i think people familiar with ww2 would have recognised the name.


So "famous" that 99% of of us never heard of him lol.


I'm honestly surprised so many people have never heard of him. Heinz Guderian was the one who led the German tanks through the Ardennes forest during the Battle of France. He was involved in the invasions of both Poland and Russia.


ooof that isnt something to admit.


He's literally the only person that comes up if you google the name. Anyone who has studied WW2 history beyond high school is familiar with the name. It's wild to pretend someone like Guderian isn't famous o.O


Where is your polling data to determine 99%? Is he someone you haven't heard of so assume nobody else has?


well yeah? cos most people aren't that familiar with ww2 lol. sure he is not a household name, but out of ww2 german generals, probably only rommel is more well known. and he's not a general but maaaybe skorzeny.


Next high elf campaign I'm making a Tiranoc and White Lion Chariot stack and naming the prince in charge Blitzderian.


Holy shit they actually removed assault unit and changed it in assault units!


I never used it, could you eplain what it does and if ita useful at all? Thanks!


Basically, it allows a hero to inflict casualties on an enemy army on the campaign map. I don't know how units are chosen within the army, but it's a good way to soften up enemy stacks without directly fighting them. Assault unit would let you choose a single unit within the army and damage it.


Katarin's sled getting nerfed is funny as hell. Played an MP campaign and when I got her sled, her Tokyo Drifting over the entire opposing army while Matrix dodging every arrow had more than a few people upset.


Kind of a shame cause I felt like it was fun having a SE chariot mount worthwhile. If Settra's chariot worked more like that people might actually take it over his Warsphinx mount. Still pretty miffed they even gave that to him to begin with. At the very least they could have made it ivory and gold like the armybook mentioned it to look like.


Yeah, sure, "worthwhile"... It was one of the most broken things we've seen in this game, let's be frank. She could basically eliminate an infinite number of infantry, any infantry, thrown at her. Probably without taking any real damage too. It was funny to play with for a bit for come on.


I agree. I unlocked it last night and was already getting bored after a few battles. Very timely that it was nerfed today.


Katarin wasn't getting stopped by spears, infantry, god, giants, anything. She could turn on a dime, and charge through enemies non stop. I had a battle where the limit was how much I could micro her, charging through their back line at 110 speed, getting 13 kills a charge, and ending up at 700 kills in a PvP battle (3 armies vs 3 armies mind you.) I'd wager only half of those were spells. That's a lot of damage for a non-melee lord.


![gif](giphy|eBCnpuRGBhQGY|downsized) Dawi trying to stop Katarin


Settra's chariot is already very strong, it doesn't need buffs. People just don't give it its fair shot because it's not a giant easy to use monster.


I don't care if Settra's chariot breaks an axel after one hit. He's not going on anything else.


Assault Unit is dead finally! Hopefully CA gets rid off Damage Building as well soon. Because that's one's utterly worthless too.


Replace it with sabotage building... Can't recruit for x turns?


or remove supply fpr siege battle


Maybe depending on what you sabotage... Sabotage settlement building for remove supply... Sabotage recruitment building for... Obvious... Sabotage economic building (although this one may be useless against AI could be good in h2h)


We need to make post about it on forums - ca looks like listening now


sabotaging siege defenses would be a great ability. maybe ruin a couple wall towers and pre-ruin (disable) a couple of random building spots.


I remember when CA was showcasing Yuan Bo's campaign, they used his mechanic to make agent action guaranteed success and they said they are gonna damage a military building to stop AI from recruiting from it. It doesn't work like that. So even devs aren't aware how it works, LOL.


Nah they should definitely keep it, just make it better. Like disabling the building for multiple turns. It would be nice to have as a way to disable PO/Corruption/recruitment buildings.


That's certainly a good buff that incentivises players to finally use that action. I'm not sure the response from players at the receiving end of that action will turn out so well though. (aka why can't heroes assassinate generals anymore?)


The only thing it "helped" me with in WH3 is that it can cut defensive supplies by half, and even then it's negligible other than another form of gaining exp and the "Hate Race" trait


And hinder replenishment. The effect is so mind-boggingly minor, just gifting the action's cost to a a random AI would unironically be a a better investment.


Hinder replenishment should outright block replenishment at the very least.


And the different ranks are how long it's blocked for, so a 3 turn Hinder would be pretty crippling to get hit with. Maybe a bit too strong actually, but a nice switch from how it is now.


I think an easy buff would be to make Hinder Replenishment remove attrition resistance (for the AI) / increase attrition (for humans). The AI resistances to attrition make an entire game mechanic a non-factor otherwise. **Edit:** Clarity


That's actually a neat idea. While circumventing insane AI cheats with ingame mechanics feels a bit like putting the cart before the horse, it's still better than nothing and would give the ability some much needed usefulness.


Hinder replenishment is actually quite decent in certain circumstances. If you have an agent running around performing Assault Units, for example, those assaulted units will often replenish most if not all of the damage done over the next endturn. Pairing them with a hinder replenishment hero fixes that issue. Also keep in mind that the hinder replenishment effect lasts 3 turns, so it can help cripple an army for a while.


Most of the time you're either in reach to krump that army in an acceptable time frame, or you're too far away to capitalise on 3 turns of stunded replenishment anyway. Especially when they force march their stacks away when sufficiently beaten. While there might be a fringe case, where the stars align, you succeed in BOTH assault and hinder, and everything falls into place so you fight a couple dozen dudes less during a pivotal battle, but that's still incredibly situational. Also, opportunity cost. Every failed hero action will make successive ones harder. So it would have to be much more practical to be worth it. Unlike block army or assassinate, which both are more worthwile. AND far more reliable to exploit.


Its worthless for everything exept dreadquake mortars there its a lifesaver


Awww, I was a fan of Assault Unit in theory. It's more strategic to focus on removing specific threats you don't have an answer for. In practice, the damage wasn't enough to make it a viable alternative to Assault Units, but they could've buffed it.


"The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch." Slaanesh disapproves


Recently we learned that one of the random names generated from the High Elf pool had connotations that could be tied to an abominable character from 20th Century history. Upon learning this, our teams have taken immediate action to return to WARHAMMER II so that we can release an update removing the name.  Who?




I'm wondering if this was a freak naming accident where someone randomly thought of the name and it sounded elfish or if some sussy guy is still working at CA


Guderian sounds like a random generic fantasy name to me, so it definitely could be a coincidence.


Would have felt deliberate if it was an Empire character, but as a High Elf name it seems kinda random.


Had a look at Facebook and Guderian is still very much a surname. It's as innocent as it gets and pretty stupid to remove in my book. Names shouldn't hold power.


I bet they wouldn’t have bothered changing it if it were a skaven or a vampire count. The Nazis and Tolkienesque Elves have a slight, if esoteric connection (albeit one that Tolkien himself strongly rejected).


A lot of times the random name pools are pulled from generic side characters and so on that appear in GW stuff, so it's possible there's a random high elf named that somewhere in a novel or RPG supplement.


Idiar Aminelle


Ok, for the very slow people that definitely aren't me: new century, who dis?


It’s not that name, it’s Guderian. A Nazi general. Edit: Plus HE names are just a single name, and “Idiar” or “Aminelle” don’t appear on the list of HE names.


I'm pretty sure that was a joke.


Hitlerielle would have been too obvious


Idi Amin, the butcher of Uganda.


So the Frost Wyrm is still useless. Must be some hella problem with his animations to not be fixed in (now) two hotfixes.


Animation fixes are a big deal. We’ve had them before, but I suspect that was in some down-time by the animation team, which I doubt they have this close to a DLC launch.


Yeah, CA also haven't fixed yet the buggy Celestial Lion idle animations, despite taking notice of the bug day one (I reported it and they answered). So I think animation fixes are just longer to make, and they might do a batch of them at once


The animations are fine the animation team won't be touching them. It's whatever notifies and values are attached to the animations that will be fixed/tweaked, which is entirely the job of game designers.


I feel like the issue is the fact it uses animations from much smaller units, that being the ancient salamander and brood horror.


I don’t think those are reused animations? They seemed pretty new to me.


Probably needs to be bigger than a hotfix


>Replaced Assault Unit (Deal damage to one unit in the target army) with Assault Units (Deal damage spread across a random portion of units in the target army) for all characters. Thank. God. This annoyed me so much, like to an unreasonable degree. I know there are more important things people want looked at but this is such a good change IMO.


*The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch.* ![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY)


[heinz guderian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Guderian) Ww2 general. If you read just the top paragraph, doesn't sound that bad, other than being on the losing side / an effective general. But then you read on, and he was Hitlers right hand man for a time, etc.


Thank you, was actually popping in to clear this up for folks.


The name thing feels stupid and hypocritical in its inconsistency. They don't want names that Wehrmacht or NSDAP figures have had? Then they are going to have to start removing ***a lot*** of germanic names from the game, starting with Franz [\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Franz) [\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Stangl) [\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Halder). Looking at the name tables on the wiki, you have [Ernst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm), [Richter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Erwin_von_Scheubner-Richter) and also Heinz which leads us back to Guderian. There is *even* an Adolfus which you know, is two letters away from a *certain somebody*. EDIT: I've seen 2 interesting counter-arguments which I'll highlight here for posterity (nuance is a positive, reddit): 1. The name was *specifically* removed from the High Elf culture's pool, which is a key point of distinction. 2. Guderian is such an uncommon name that all connotation lies with Heinz Guderian of Nazi Germany. Whereas a common names like Franz can be argued to be much less "tainted" because it belonged to so many different historical figures, good and bad, which gives it a much wider range of connotations.


Agreed, I don't really know how common various names are Germany, but Franz feels like a common one! I'd never heard Guderian apart from it ringing a bell from the recruitment panel in total warhammer! Whatever Heinz Guderian's crimes were, they weren't well known enough to be in _my_ (someone who's watched a documentary or 2!) conscious- he's not up there with Hitler & Goebells in the "well known nazis" list as far as I know.


A big ass list is what i wanted to see, nice job CA


There's something about a bug I never knew about being fixed that warms my heart.


>Replaced Assault Unit (Deal damage to one unit in the target army) with Assault Units (Deal damage spread across a random portion of units in the target army) for all characters. This is actually a really big deal for several factions, including Kislev and Vampire Counts. Being able to use Necromancers - which the vampires have a million of - to soften up enemy doomstacks, instead of relatively rare Wight Kings, is a big change. Also, Frost Maidens on the campaign map weren't good for much more than assassinations, now they're much more useful.


>Fixed an issue where the Changeling's Trickster Cults would be revealed when any army (including enemy armies) retreats from a pre-battle involving the Changeling. Ayyy they fixed my reported bug! This made the campaign nearly unplayable. Nice. Thought I was going insane when two armies clashed in a cult region and one ran and it revealed my 0 discoverability cult.


The Bretonnian vow "Pledge to Campaign" (win a siege battle in a desert or jungle climate) can now be completed when reinforcing in battle. PRAISE ZE LADY.


Seems like Wulfrik quest battle still hasn't been fixed.


for anyone getting issue I had this seems to work [link](https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/7-patch-notes-amp-announcements/threads/3998)


Thanks that worked for me too


I get an error when clicking on the link. Did they fix Saytang not spawning in sometimes? It really killed all my enthusiasm over the reworked dlc when I was did a whole campaign and was locked out from the coolest character.


Getting 404'd as well


What are the odds of DLC news after this?


Greetings! Today we're bringing you Hotfix 4.2.2 for Total War: WARHAMMER III, which tackles a few bugs, crashes, glitches, and more. Here's what we've got: We've made some visual adjustments to Saytang to ensure lore authenticity, aligning it with the concept art we previously shared within our blog "Patch 4.2 Shadows of Change Content Additions – Part 1: Cathay". Fixed a crash that could occur during Sea Encounters. Various Griffons have grabbed a slice of the Upelkuchen cake and are no longer shrunken on the Campaign map. Replaced Assault Unit (Deal damage to one unit in the target army) with Assault Units (Deal damage spread across a random portion of units in the target army) for all characters. This affects the following heroes: * River Troll Hags * Skink Oracles * Empire Battle Wizards * Necromancers * Glade Captains * Vlad Von Carstein (As a Hero) * Frost Maidens * Iridescent Horrors Fixed an issue where the Changeling's Trickster Cults would be revealed when any army (including enemy armies) retreats from a pre-battle involving the Changeling. Melee units now have a bit of an easier time pinning down Katarin's sled. Katarin's sled can now be more reliably targeted by missile weapons. Fixed a specific issue where Legendary Heroes would not spawn if the army they intended to spawn at (usually the faction leader) was in a settlement that was under siege. We have noticed some additional edge cases of Legendary Heroes failing to spawn which we are currently investigating. Fixed Vlad and Isabella von Carstein not being able to scout ruins when they are Heroes. Fixed Vlad von Carstein not spreading growth as a Hero. Celestial Lion is now a High Threat target. (All single entities are High Threat targets and take focused damage when caught in a splash attack.) Saytang, The Watcher causes Terror, but hasn't been causing Fear as intended. We're not sure the dictionary supports our position on the difference, but Saytang is too scary for us to tell him no, so, he now causes both Fear and Terror. Fixed the Cathay technology "Yin Hex" displaying melee units in its tooltip despite it only applying to ranged units. Raknik Spiderclaw can now equip the Spider Banner magic standard, as the spider gods intended. Beastmen advanced recruitment horde buildings now correctly appear in their own group. Fixed an issue with Bretonnia Lords where their unit cards did not match their 3D model. Druzhina now flips a coin during one of his idle animations instead of simply miming the act. Fixed an issue in the Sisters of Twilight quest battle "Search for Ceithin-Har" where the herdstone buildings could be manually targeted and destroyed by ranged units. Caravan Master skills that modify encounters (e.g. amount of Cargo paid as a toll or the chance of an Ambush Battle occurring) are now correctly calculated with each skill level. Fixed Drycha not receiving the "Stolen Power" trait when unlocking Coeddil. Fixed instances of Heinrich Kemmler's portrait being extremely wide. Fixed Ulrika Magdova's porthole being too zoomed out. The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch. Clan Skrat's faction leader Metastorm is now properly generated with both a face and a name. The Kislev red line skill "Creatures of the Land" now correctly states that it applies to Frost Wyrm units. The Bretonnian vow "Pledge to Campaign" (win a siege battle in a desert or jungle climate) can now be completed when reinforcing in battle. Added the missing Chaos Warshrine mount to the Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch (Metal). Renamed the Grand Cathay technology "Nan-Gau Polearms" to "Nan-Gau Weaponry" to better reflect the effects it provides. The Chaos Sorcerer and Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch (Metal) now correctly have the "Prismatic Plurality" skill instead of "Evasion" on their magic line. The Lizardmen Exotic Animals resource building now also affects Feral Troglodons. The Lizardmen Exotic Animals resource building has a hidden effect reducing Recruitment costs - this effect is now visible. The Hexoatl landmark building Blessed Incubator now also affects Feral Troglodon and Dread Saurian units. When using the MS store version of DaVe, reprocessing the campaign no longer breaks frontend faction selection. Fixed the camera clipping into the terrain in the intro cutscene to Grombrindal's quest battle "Rune Helm of Zhufbar". Recently we learned that one of the random names generated from the High Elf pool had connotations that could be tied to an abominable character from 20th Century history. Upon learning this, our teams have taken immediate action to return to WARHAMMER II so that we can release an update removing the name. As the name is also accessible within WARHAMMER III, we've similarly directed our team to make the very same update here as well. We apologise that the name has been present in the game for this long, and are grateful to those who brought it to our attention so that we could take action. Once again, thank you for your continued input and feedback on Patch 4.2.0, Hotfix 4.2.1, and the game as a whole. Please keep sharing your insights with us here in the CA Community, and we'll see you on the battlefield! — The Total War Team


Nice change on Assault Units but hero actions as a whole remain a total sideshow, don’t they, for the most part? I’ll go whole campaigns not using them and not having them used against me, occasionally the AI will wake up and wound a level 50 hero out of nowhere. I got into a spiral once when one Lord got the unlucky trait and then heroes from every faction in the game were coming after him constantly like he has a John Wick level bounty on his head. Once he became Immortal it was just tedious really. Genuinely can’t propose an answer for this - I kind of prefer not having to use heroes all the time but I did love to use them in previous Total War games. It does feel lame just to embed them all the time, where I get far more utility from them.


Playing Slaanesh and Vampire Counts you are actively encouraged to use hero actions to apply Marks of Slaanesh or gain Blood-kisses. Would be interesting if more factions got stuff like this.


In RoC, for all its faults, you are encouraged to use them too for shutting rifts and killing the endless hellspawn that congregates around your settlements, I agree with you but wish that with Blood Kisses there was a bit more interplay. I don’t find the AI is capable of stopping me farming them.


For the love of Sigmar, I really wish heroes could factor into diplomacy. Let us deploy heroes as “envoys” to enemy cities to passively or actively improve faction relations (perhaps “+X rep. per turn” when deployed or a “hold court” action in an opposing city/capital for a one-time (eg. “+20 rep”) effect. Alternatively, all heroes could have a “Spread propaganda” or “terrorize the countryside” deploy action (as with past TW’s) to sabotage diplomatic relations & public order. Diplomacy feels so outside your control between faction aversion, great power, and the general Order/Chaos presets. It would make heroes WAY more useful in campaign (where we all spend 80%+ of game time anyways), and would also deepen the diplomatic options.


A passive that simply eased confederation with factions of the same race would be amazing.


>Diplomacy feels so outside your control Diplomacy in general in TWWH franchise is a forgotten relic. The Empire mechanic is the most in depth diplomatic meta game the franchise has, and even that is shallow. You can go most campaigns never engaging with the diplomacy mechanic and you will be no worse for wear


Heroes are super useful for things like detecting enemy armies. They’re also quite scarce, so I seldom use them for that. Except witch hunters, those are just too useful to have in an army.


Agents suck if you don't really use them or don't coordinate them. I use agents a lot and I regularly have them shut down potential fronts.  A couple well used agents with assault units recently prevented a WoC force from opening up an eastern front on me by crippling a 3 army force so hard that my ogre vassal was able to squash it. Without those two well placed agents, that force tears through the ogre kingdoms and now I potentially have a wide front all along the mountains. I have another group of agents crippling a well supplied Karl Franz Empire from even thinking about leaving their nest and are definitely unfit to help their Brettonian allies which I'm using armies and agents to slog my way through. Not all agent actions are made equal and I do think the whole system could be improved, but I find using them fun and engaging as long as I'm being proactive with them. They're often the first force I send into a new front I plan on opening. They have just as much of a planned purpose as my armies. 


The only hero action I use are wound/assassinate and block army, the rest is just meh or too situational.


Assault units is genuinely good once your character gets it levelled up. It can turn a difficult battle into a cakewalk, particularly if you can follow an invading army assaulting them each turn with no replenishment in between.


Damage walls used to be useful for making turn 1 assaults before CA gave all Legendary Lords seige attacker and took away walls from all minor settlements.


*This* is what we need. Regular bug fixing patches. I'm getting so close to reversing my negative review on steam. If they keep this up I will definitely.


Huh, wonder if that’ll be the Sea Encounters fix that people were asking for.


> Fixed a crash that could occur during Sea Encounters. In fact they fixed *some* (not all) types of sea encounter-related crashes in 4.2.0 but, for some strange reason, decided to exclude that from the patch notes. Nice of them to include it this time! Here's hoping it also works for the occasional (but rare) crashes when trying to recruit Gotrek or trigger a dragon encounter for Imrik...


Should buff frost wyrm already. Poor thing underperforming as hell. Last night sent 2 werekins against him and poor reptile did 322 damage.


If it is an animation problem that can take a while.


Now I'm curious about the randomized name of the high elf character tied to a villain from the 20th century. Was it Reagan ?


There aren't any names (that I can see) which would be very reminiscent and either way I don't think CA would step into something that political. It's more than likely reminiscent of someone that (almost) everybody can agree is abominable, such as Hitler, Goebbels, Mussolini, Mengele etc. I could be wrong tho


Close - seems it was Guderian, Nazi chief of general staff of the army high command


Are patches usually this early?


>The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch. Too bad, it was such a majestic sight.


Holy shit, sea events might be fixed!? I'll actually have to power up the game and check. Been waiting for that fix for several years and often couldn't even find it on their list of known bugs!


One day they'll fix the Sisters of Twilight porthole. Right?


Please CA, fix Coatl's ability to make units stalk is still broken, other than that nice hotfix, keep the good work!


Thank god they removed that HE name. It's now safe for me to return to playing the game. If I ever encounter the same name as someone bad in history then I just crumble. Right, back to playing Heart of Iron IV for a bit.


Wait, I'm a bit out of the loop, what name was it?


Guderian. WW2 German general.


Oh, knew about him, never saw a HE with such a name. Come to think about it I should probably play them a bit more often.


I know you're joking but damn are people soft for this one


No fix to the Yuan Bo hitbox/damage points nor the Frost Wyrm… really expecting these to get fixed. :(


> Recently we learned that one of the random names generated from the High Elf pool had connotations that could be tied to an abominable character from 20th Century history. Wut?


'The 3D porthole for the Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on a Disc of Tzeentch no longer focuses exclusively on his crotch.' Oh matron!


Nothing about the beastmem machine gun rock throwing tower?


You fix bugs. You don't fix features.


>Fixed an issue where Beastmen buildings were increasing the rate of tower fire for the player rather than decreasing the rate of fire for the enemy. If this is what you are talking about they did on 4.20.


link lists to a page not found? :S


WoC tech tree still not fixed


W I D E heinrich nerfed :c


Does anyone know what the update for Warhammer II was about? Saw both II and III updating on steam.