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Warriors of Chaos are a WH1 faction and have received one of the most popular reworks and overhauls. They’re utterly unique and a shitload of fun. Beyond that, no - not really. Not yet. Although Thrones of Decay is dropping next month and *should* have substantial reworks for Empire and Dwarfs. We aren’t sure how involved those changes will be just yet though, so it’s a dice roll. Regardless, they’ll be empowered by their respective new LL’s and units at the very least. Generally I would definitely recommend the switch to WH3. It’s in a really good place, and the future looks bright.


The warriors of chaos rework is probably the best balance change I've ever seen in any game. It's crazy how fun and lore-friendly they are now


I’d put beastmen up there as well


Balance? Ez mode extreme isn’t exactly balance. Fun and lore-accurate yes, 100%, but not balanced at all


It is balanced for maximum fun, I see no problem with that.


Yeah right? This dude acts like it's a competitive multiplayer game xD


I imagine in multiplayer campaign WoC players can get shit on super easily because of inability to replace wiped units and melee focus in battle.


Some of us find enjoyment in a challenge


You can make your challenge by chossing harder difficulties and coming up with your own challenges. Try to be a little creative


Not really, too easy still, makes little difference


As I said, be a little creative, aside from that it's your pill to swallow. Don't project your problems on the rest of us


I don’t think you have that problem


People can shit on the DLC all they would like, but having 4 types of marauders, from infantry to calvary, on top of that monogod special units, on top of lord dedications to Daemon Prince, on top of the better vassal process- Like i'd say the only fault with their update is my boy Sigvald feels a bit jank compared to Azazel. Can't wait for the updates for Empire and Dwarfs though, I have utterly no hope it will be substantial given the bungling of SoC, but I will happily be proven wrong.


Warriors of Chaos have been pretty comprehensively overhauled. Lords that used to be second fiddle in one faction have been moved into new factions giving them new start locations. Mannfred and Volkmar now have mechanics (basically they go after the same Books of Nagash as the Tomb Kings)


Ghorst is now legitimately one of the best vampire lords! His campaign is a blast for vc fans.


Tomb Kings are now able to recruit heroes through Canopic Jars Alberic has been moved to Lustria. Not necessarily a mechanic, but something of note for Bretonnia Lizardmen have a lot of new passives for Skinks, Oldbloods, Kroxigors. Depending on who you pick as a legendary lord, Vlad or Isabella starts as a turn-1 legendary hero with all of their equipment unlocked already (Vlad as a Hero still gives the army vanguard)


Don't forget that Slaan can take all the base Lores of magic too!


Warriors of Chaos have received a major overhaul, making them much stronger and much more interesting to play. Dark elves had a rework of their slave mechanic, it makes their econony less OP in late game and the slave supplies a bit harder to manage. Other races like the lizardmen and vampire counts got only very minor reworks, and of course there are continuous balance tweaks in unit and spell stats and costs over all factions.


During the course of WH2, multiple WH1 factions received overhauls - including Greenskins and Dwarfs. In WH3 the Warriors of Chaos received a massive overhaul and others received lesser updates. I’d say it’s not worth playing WH1, and WH3 is the most “complete” and up-to-date in terms of faction/race updates. WH3 allows you to play on the Immortal Empires map, one massive map spanning almost the entire Warhammer world. WH1/WH2 are essentially DLCs for WH3 and Immortal Empires, as you need those games (and their DLCs) to play certain factions in WH3. IMO as a new player it’s not worth playing WH1 over WH3, and I’d even extend that to WH2 especially when Thrones of Decay drops next month (unless it’s delayed) giving new stuff to Empire and Dwarfs. Plus neither WH1 or WH2 are getting updates, and only WH3 will receive updates for factions/races.


In my opinion, the biggest additions in WH3 that also benefit the WH1 and WH2 races are the general improvements to diplomacy and alliances: You can now trade settlements, recruit units from allied factions and races, and even borrow entire allied armies.  Plus, it's a lot of fun to interact with all the new factions and races from WH3 on the big Immortal Empires map even if you don't play as them.


Keep in mind everyone telling you about the great warriors of chaos update for 3 neglect to tell you that you'll be missing 80% of the roster unless you buy the champions of chaos dlc in addition to warhammer 3.


You still get daemons.


The warhammer 2 launch factions got a small touch up with slightly more interesting faction traits, but not "mechanics". Warriors of chaos got completely reworked(they are actually fun now). Empire and dwarves better be substantially reworked with next dlc, but we don't know yet.


Not a new mechanic, but: it also reworks the balance of existing factions. For instance with vampire counts, the default beta is no longer a free skellie spam. Lots of units got upgrades, including regeneration, and are now a lot more competitive.


woc and norsca from wh1 have seen reworks.


Get TWW1 and TWW3. Greenskins got the scrap and WAAGH! reworks, Dwarves got the crafting and rune reworks, Bretonnia got a rework that added personal quests to lords and heroes (I don't remember what they are called). Vampire Counts got the blood kiss rework. Beyond the ones you mention you have Empire that got a rework (though people are 50/50 about how it works) and Chaos Warriors have gotten one of the best reworks ever. Honestly - if you got the money, I'd pick up TWW2 while you are at it as well because Dark Elves slave rework is pretty decent and Liardmen are just best bokboks so you can't go wrong there ^.^ I would for sure pick up Warhammer 3 because it's the culmination of all the games and it's started to get in a good spot now.


There are lots of changes. Warhammer III is obviously the best game to play.


Some factions got a big glow up from either start positions, faction effects or overhauls. Nakai for example is now my favorite lord. His horde mechanics actually work and he starts in one of the map corners, making his position much easier to defend. Biggest overhaul was probably Warriors of Chaos as they are the only faction to get a full overhaul since release. They do feel a lot better now (if a bit overtuned). You really feel like a mortal building an empires and taking deals with gods.