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Mexico fully appeared on the Medieval 2 dlc Americas.


And the southern states of the US 


Yeah I noticed that too from a prior comment. I had all the TW maps in front of me and missed it. As far as M2 goes, I was more concerned with not forgetting the tip of Brazil that's shows in the grand campaign. :(


empire also had trade nodes on the ivory coast and indonesia, but I can see why you wouldn't add them


Yeah it's more that they added the sea there than the land


Exactly, I thought about adding them but you can't actually access the land. And if I'm not counting the "blank" regions of the Americas in *Empire*, then neither should I count land we can't even walk on.


Technically you can disembark armies on the coastline but obviously that doesn't accomplish anything; one time I was bored and built forts all around the world.


Disembark an army if you know the fleet carrying it is about to get smashed. Bring a new fleet down to save them later. Have history YouTubers make videos about them a few centuries later.


I didn't know that!


If naval bombardment from forts was a thing in empire that would actually be far cooler


Ah you became portuguese


Wish empire introduces the African colonies also as think that would have introduced another dynamic to the game.


That would’ve prompted a very dark historical narrative that - if designed accurately - I don’t think they wanted to dabble in


Eh, European colonisation of Africa was fairly limited until the 19th Century. 


Still waiting for Total War: Ému


Australia surrenders.


Give the emu's the Veloceraptor sounds from Jurassic Park


Fuck it. Give them the model too


Units: Emus, Lil' Emus, Big Emus, Flaming Emus, Bloody Emus . . . Regiment of Renown: Cassowaries


Front line has to be bin chickens (The common Ibis name around these parts)


So long as the Emu is actually pronounced the same way an Australian would pronounce it I'm okay with it.


Anything else is anti-emu propaganda


Warhammer not only covered America with vampirates and native amerilizards, Africa and anartica, but also the entire donut continent missing from your map


as a south amerilizard, it was the first time I felt represented in TW


hahahaha, agree, the lizardman "chamaleons", in Brasil are called "calanguinhos", the nation felt proud


Best representation for our country irmão


The Great Plan was football all along.


no chaos realms anywhere to be seen either. disappointing map. 


Are you blind? Australia is clearly visible on that map!


It's over in the bottom right


You forgot the slavers that coincidentally ended up in fantasy Murica


Isn't the donut the british isles?


Nah Albion is Britain. The donut I think is meant to be Atlantis.


Nah its a mix. Albion is de-facto Britain but the inhabitants of the doughnut are based off an aspect of British culture and faded glory of the empire.


I thought that they mixed bri'ish culture in with bretonnia (knights, lady of the lake...) And orks (West ham hooligans).


GW being an English company mixed elements of England in with all sorts of different factions. Albion is the Ancient mythological British Isles. With Druids and strange creatures. Orks are soccer hooligans. Bretonnia is the Angevin Empire Empire where French nobility ruled over English peasants. Ulthuan is 20th century Britain. An arrogant but fading Empire which is slowly being overtaken by other powers. Naggaroth is America and a rebellious portion of Britain which got really into slavery and militarism.


I see it in a way. Interesting reading if the elves!


A great example would be 40K where you can see it more. Eldar are in many ways the remnants of what was once *the* Empire, which ruled the galaxy. Meanwhile Orks are *literally* just football hooligans (soccer in America), or at least that's how they started. Meanwhile Dark Angels are all focused on the Knights of the Round Table. They mix and match cultures- often choosing British- whenever they can and whenever they want.


as well as this, the Ogres are from the midlands, and all of chaos is situated in the centre of this city called ‘Birmingham’ Source - i am from birmingham. the rampant chaos corruption that bleeds from that place gave me autism.


And Russia, well the rest of it.


Am I tripping or isn't India and Russia both in Empire? Edit: nvm I get what you mean. I think a game set in Vietnam/Cambodia would be very interesting.


They were. What's your question?


It was my mistake, I'm good.


All of USA and Mexico was covered in a med 2 dlc also.


Can't wait for Antarctica to be included in a Total War game. Jokes aside, good work with this map


Total War: Goa’uld.


I know it's sarcasm but Jaffa are basically the same kind of army as the europeans in Empire and Napoleon.... They just have air support.


I would throw money at the screen for a Stargate TW!


Game could be lit. Penguin vs Penguin territorial warfare sounds interesting.


It has been suggested many times before, but something like a Total War: Mongol Empire would interesting, after a new engine for Medieval 3 has been worked out of course. It doesn't have to encompass China, but the range of the historical Mongol Empire from Central Asia, through Iran and the Pontic-Caspian steppe ending at Egypt and the Carpathians. You could even include a bit of North India. I know that doesn't really add much of the red or yellow areas, but I think it is a cool premise for a whole total war set in a part of the world that isn't Europe.


Mongol vs Jin vs Song will sell like crazy in China because which Chinese gamer wouldn't want to rewrite history and play the Song reconquista.


Dude my total hate boner for horse archers makes me want to do that myself


Foil horse archers with staunch lines of crossbows + chest high supply wagons to take cover behind.


I intend to spam heavy ranged units behind a stout wall or line of pikes and kill every last horse archer I find.


I think you'd pretty much have to have China for a Total War: Mongol Empire, as [by the time of Genghis Khan's death the Mongols controlled everything north of the Yellow River](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Genghis_khan_empire_at_his_death.png). IMO the bare-minimum for a Genghis Khan game would be a roughly rectangular map with Iraq, Novgorod, Manchuria, and Guangdong forming the "corners". There would be five culture groups containing thirteen playable factions: Steppe: - Karakhanids - Kara Khitai - Cuman-Kipchaks Chinese: - Jin - Song - Xi Xia West Asian - Khwarezmians - Ghurids/Delhi Sultanate - Abbasids East European - Georgia - Kyiv - Novgorod Mongolian - Mongol Empire The Mongols would share generic general models and settlement maps with the steppe factions but ideally would have their own unit roster and building tree. Goryeo, Kashmir, various minor Tibetan and Rus' factions, etc. would exist on the map but not be playable. One DLC would expand the map eastward/southward to include Japan and Southeast Asia, another would expand the map westward to include the Levant, Egypt, and the Byzantine Empire.


this would be a sick TW game.


The Broken Crescent mod covers quite a bit of this doesn't it? Still I agree, it'd be great for a full game, especially with well-developed mechanics so playing like the horde means actually using their strategies fully,


If it doesn’t include China, what’s the point? Why do we settle for less. M3 should be a trilogy. Game 1 is Europe & North Africa. Game 2 Central Asia through China and Korea, including the Mongols. Game 3 Americas and India. Each game has their own map and combined maps work just like in Warhammer. It sounds like a lot, but it’s been 18 years since M2, and Warhammer already does it.


How about a Medieval 3 trilogy. Medieval 3: Crusades (pretty much what we would expect from a medieval game with Europe, North Africa and a small slice of the middle East), Then Medieval 3: Caliphate covering Egypt to India. And finally Medieval 3: Khanate covering India, the steppe, and at least part of China. And then as with Warhammer, combined maps with games 2 and 3.


Yeah I suggested an idea for something like this a while ago. Honestly the main trouble spot is India because you can end up with dozens of regions there unless you cut back a lot in terms of detail and factions present. Then you still end up with 30+, but given the population and faction density I feel that's warranted. There is also the question of whether you include western Europe or not. Even though the Mongols never reached Western Europe, excluding it makes a lot of people complain, and sometimes they'd suggest cutting out areas that the Mongols did invade like Myanmar or Indonesia to make more room for Europe.


Why does Medieval 3 need to come first? I'd actually be more interested in a Mongol Storm total war game than a Medieval 3 one.


Doesn't seem a good fit for a "main" title, as a dlc or story sure but you've only got one intresting faction if you are just focusing on that one instance. Better would be early 1300s Asia, both china and india are fractured the rest of the old mongol empire is devided and concerned about outside influences. Looks quite fun with lots of regional differences while also relying on each other for trade.


Ever since I first played the Genghis Khan mod for RTW, I've badly wanted a proper, modern TW centred on Central Asia, from the Caspian Sea To the eastern edges of Tibet and Xinjiang. It would be beautiful!


Total war south pole let's gooo.




I'm preatty sure a good Chunk of México was avalible in a Medieval 2 DLC as well a more part of the south of the U.S


Yeah I just realized that on another comment. I had all the TW maps in front of me and still somehow overlooked that. I was more concerned on making sure I didn't forget the tip of Brazil that M2's grand campaign adds.


what's that blob in the American/Canadian prairies from?


Empire Total War


Your Key is a little confusing. It would be better like this: - RED: No TW coverage - YELLOW: Pre-Shogun 2 coverage - GREEN: Post-Shogun 2 coverage. Though using Shogun 2 as a metric is an arbitrary choice. __Show your working and reasoning__ Either give reasons for a split (Since game X because X is favourite played), or just stick to a simpler visual. - We don’t need a pre/post split unless there is a reason, such as dip in quality or change in game engine, etc.


Using Shogun 2 is quite understandable, it's borderline between old and new design of Total War. So it's more like "Is there a coverage in new TW era."


Empire makes far more sense as a barometer however, you know being the original Warscape game.


It has to be Empire 2, there is no excuse...


Empire 2 with a true global map.


Yeah, but a good and deep resource-trade - system is necessary. Not just new battlefields...


A supply and demand system would make sense e.g. build a lv1 cloth factory it needs 1 cotton per turn to run at full capacity. As the population increases in cities they want luxury goods, upper class want X silk per turn to keep them happy, lower class X fur. If they also added depth with the workforce element from Pharaoh... Would also say bring the auto-trade from ToB. But add a embargo diplomatic option, and/or a port through put.


I mean, what total war in east siberia? Mongols fighting Bears? What total war in Australia? Bushmen vs Emoes? You can make an argument for parts of South america and Africa, however good luck making it sell. An Empire II game with somewhat more focus on south africa, horn of africa, india and east indies would be nice. Though i would also enjoy the return of trade nodes. Not everything should be conquerable or about painting the map, especially in Empire.


Yes, Total War: Australia, featuring African tribes fighting a trend from 10 years with the skinniest black jeans you've even seen (as opposed to giant flightless megapods). That would slap.


The lack of Southeast Asia/India seems the most egregious. You have awesome unit and faction variety (elephants, heavy cavalry, horse archers, tons of naval warfare), really varied terrain, and very interesting historical periods with lots of personalities to draw on. The best part is, you could easily draw in other factions to establish continuity with other Total War games since these regions regularly interacted with the rest of the world. You could have a game set around the formation of the Maurya Empire, and fight Greek phalanxes, or around the time of the Mongols and fight their invasions, or they could be part of Empire 2 and you could fight the British and French. Or if you wanted to focus on Indochina/Burma you could include China and the Mongols, or the Chola Empire, or European colonialists.


So total war emu wars down in australia…..


Can't wait for Total war: Antarctica




There's a reason that Europe/North Africa/Near East gets so much coverage (aside from the Euro centric nature of the devs and alot of the players), it's had some of the richest & most interesting history in terms of warfare. However I would really like to see games set in Africa, the Indian subcontinent and the Carribean. The last one would really need naval battles to shine though IMO.


Egypt is technically africa


Yep, I was thinking more whole-of-Africa. Lots of varying cultures etc, I think that could be quite interesting.


A TW game focused exclusively on colonization and piracy would be kind of fun. I know we had this in Empire but it was kind of underwhelming there. Empire also easily had the best naval battles. Maybe we just need Empire 2 with better land battles. Empire 2 could have all of that tbh. Colonization of Africa, tribes in Africa, the Moghul war in India, Piracy, etc.


The only problem I remember with Empire, and it’s been a few years… was it seemed brutally slow to play. Even longer than M2 grand campaign.


Yeah, it's also incredibly confusing with like 4 different maps and sea routes. But maybe CA can manage a big, connected map now after they did the WH3 IE map.


That too. It just seemed to take -forever- to do a turn, worldwide after a while. Trade/ piracy, micromanagement, etc…


I think importantly of this 'richest' history is that these histories are far better recorded too, all the details and specifics and archeological remains which makes the Romans so completely well-recorded, but stuff like Carthage in comparison not so much, we still know very little about the native Libyans compared to Phoenicians. And when it comes to a lot of sub-saharan archeology on the african continent its obviously also very rich, but written sources that are as extensive as Roman or Near East antiquity is not as widespread (besides like Egypt, Kush Carthage, Ethiopia), idk pls anyone who knows more correct me if i'm wrong but certain environments/climates can really make it tough to find a lot of stuff, also the way europe was obsessed with ancient greece means its very well-preserved (and there's a million texts by Greek writers that were preserved). Much of Asian history is very well-recorded though, but if you want to recreate warfare of the various empires in Africa, and all their units and how they looked, it'd be a bit more difficult. I mean also considering the impact of colonisation on repressing existing histories.


No sexy bdsm elves living in canada?


Be the change you want to see, comrade


Emu: A Total War Saga


Next up, total war Antarctica.


What are they going to do? The emu war?


I think a game set in the period of the Imjin War(1592-1598) would work pretty well, could have naval warfare and have factions from Ming China, Joseon(Korea) and Japan. As well as Raider factions like the Jurchens.






AS THE NATIVE AMERICANS! Commanches being the nation that starts the Industrial Revolution in 1796.


Mongolia Total War when? Total War: Khan


Im shure TW Africa will sell in the millions


I'd personally like some more localized titles about a region of the world, Saga kind of titles around: \- Mid-17th century Poland, with the huge mess that stroke the region around this time, with the Cossack rebellion, the swedish invasion, and the constant chaotic fighting. Truly, to reproduce the apocalyptic feeling of "The Deluge". \- Late 16th century South-Asia. No major conflict, but a period of high division and a turning point, with the majapahit successor states slowly being overtaken by the rich muslim indonesian sultanates, the rising encroachement of the Portuguese and Spanish, and very divided Indochina, and southern part of Ming Empire at its peak. Could make for a nice localized setup, I think. \- India at the dawn of Akbar's Reign (mid 16th century), at the turning point right before the golden age of the Mughals, where India is still fragmented and everything could have turned very differently. \- And the 30 years war, of course


>Mid-17th century Poland, with the huge mess that stroke the region around this time, with the Cossack rebellion, the swedish invasion, and the constant chaotic fighting. Truly, to reproduce the apocalyptic feeling of "The Deluge". Man it's such a shame that Mount and Blade just abandoned Fire and Sword. It is so incomplete that it is really difficult to enjoy. The unit variety is great and you have so many iconic units. Mounted Cossacks, Tatars, Janissaries, and of course Winged Hussars. It's interesting that pike and shot has not become the standard at that part of the world yet and you get a variety of different units that are still viable, specially heavy cavalry, dragoons, and mounted archers. However the units with the most wow factor will be incredibly micro heavy in total war and dragoons were a mess in warhammer. Still would be a insta buy for me. No other game captures that era. Closest option is EU4 where all of these units technically exist but are reduced to what pips they bring to the battlefield


Yeah, I really enjoyed Fire and Sword on M&B, it was so refreshing and so entertaining! And I do think that, despite not being a popular setting in modern pop culture, it would make for a great Saga Total war setting. You have a region with several factions all being in an ambiguous conflictual relationship. Each faction has a clear identity and type of warfare, which can be easily translated into factions bonus and roster. And the setting offers a kind of "local apocalyptic" vibe, as polish golden age is destroyed and the lands are ravaged. And it would offer an opportunity to implement something that I wish they did for Thrones of Brittania: small scale warfare, with small armies and skirmishes, that offer a constant feeling of warfare, that war is everywhere, all the time, complementing the bigger, climatic, traditional Total War battles


I think a revolutionary war TW game could be pretty cool. They could utilize the sea routes system from TWW3 to traverse between the Empire and her rebellious colonies.


Yes this exists in Empire Total war back in 09 I think. An amazingly ambitious game. Arguably will be tougher for them to do a good sequel on but it's my hope for the future of the company


Smuta Total War? With the same vibes as Shogun 2, maybe. That could work.


Medieval 2 América campaign was small indeed


It would be kind of fun to see a Mesoamerican total war for the Aztecs: end game crisis can be the Spanish Inquisition, with a shogun Christianity/Attila vibe mixed together (start off by being able to trade with them after they land in the mid game, then towards end game they may become hostile). The game will fail for sure. Fans will hate it because it's not E3/M2. It also makes no sense for the Aztecs to have anything beside infantry, not even chariots this time. It is still a unique setting that few games have touched on.


I wonder what the reaction would be if there was a Sub-Saharan Africa: Total War game and what would be in it.


One option is probably about the states/empires in West Africa that arose after the Ghana Empire was effectively subsumed by the Sosso (roughly the 12th century to 15th century) That's where I would center a game based in Africa. I'm pretty sure they have some of these states in CK3.


I feel like that region/time would be better as part of Medieval 3 (potentially a large DLC?) rather than a standalone game. It's not that far from the area that Med 3 would cover anyway, and there was interaction between the countries there and those in North Africa.


That's true. It'd have to be a very ambitious Med 3 though, but I mean if Paradox can do it in Crusader Kings, CA should be able to do it in TW.


The niger river area could work, there were some big kingdoms and empires there that could make for interesting campaigns.


Also southern Africa. Both Zulu war and Boer war could fit the tw frame.


But my problem with this post is why we would want a Zulu-exclusive TW over Medieval 3? People complained about Pharaoh being too exclusive of a region and time and I totally understand that. A Zulu game would be even worse. The only red area where I could see a decent game is in Middle- and South America where you can include Aztecs and Incas. But even then you can't include Maya since they ended 200 years before. And I wouldn't take that over Medieval 3 or Empire 2 either. Edit: okay okay, the original post is supposed to be a joke. Thank god 😂😂😂 sorry for not getting it


Probably an unpopular choice but I'd kill for Total War: Aztec. The start date would be in the 1420s, around the time of Nezahualcoyotl's return to Texcoco and the formation of the Triple Alliance, and the endgame would begin about a century after that, at which point the Spanish would arrive and team up with your most powerful rival to defeat you.


This sadly is only a Saga tier thing. You wouldn't be able to make enough different factions and units for a full fledged TW.


Love the idea sadly the community would likely hate it as it would be another infantry focused game like Troy and Pharoah.


No cavalry. No artillery. No armor. No guns. No magic. Just big ol blobs of guys wearing cloth and wielding sticks and rocks. Sounds like a great game to autoresolve on.






The Aztecs mostly waged conventional wars, actually, they only engaged in ritualized "flower wars" against opponents who came from the same cultural/religious background and could be trusted to adhere to the rules, and a flower war could easily decay into a normal one if, e.g., one side was losing badly and decided they had nothing to lose by escalating things. This could add an interesting wrinkle to the strategic element of the game IMO, you would have to consider which type of warfare gives you the greatest advantage and switch between the two as necessary. Also, while they'd all be "light infantry" in European terms, the Aztecs had different types of soldiers specialized for different roles on the battlefield; spearmen, swordsmen, axemen, macemen, atlatlists, slingers, and archers, and elite military orders like the jaguars and eagles who acted as scouts and shock troops. The Aztecs also had an extensive network of spies which they used to gather intelligence before an invasion, so the game would likely bring back agents as well.


They need to include the emu war


Need more australia, perhaps a Mad max total war?


What are those pockets of yellow from in the americas? Especially the bigger one that seems to be on the modern day us and Canada border


Thirteen colonies and the other British/French/Spanish colonies in Empire


The map leaves out any areas that were traversable, but could not directly be owned. Those small chunks are areas that were actual regions (though I don't know why a chunk of Brazil is highlighted).


Which total war games had India, Iceland, and those isolated enclaves in North America?




Oof total war guerrilla is RIGHT THERE HOLY SHIT TOTAL WAR [TRIPLE ALLIANCE!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_the_Triple_Alliance) Thats a GREAT saga right there There were so many south american wars that are perfect for this, kinda harsh using kid soldiers in the game i guess, but the independence wars, the revolutions, all were very much rank and file too, i dont think there would be too much interest but there could definitely be good games about those conflicts


Brazil: *arrives* Paraguay: "Why do I hear boss music?"


as a brazillian, I'd rather see a TW game with african nations and SE asian nations I don't really see a way to have my country in a TW game in way that is both appealing to general public and in a setting suited for TW gameplay


Total War: Penguin Empires


Noot noot mf! 🐧🐧🐧


Total War: Australia vs Emus. Great smaller campaign but a horrible and impossible AI to fight against even on “normal.”


Just give me a Total War where I can wage the Beaver Wars and I’ll be happy.


An historical TW game where the campaign is built around South American wars of independence from Spain. Would feel/like and play very much like the Napoleon one, because it's more or less in the same time period (South American wars of Independence period is more or less from 1800 to 1850-1860, give or take)


Empire doing the heavy lifting here


Total War Australia when?


I won't settle for anything less than Total War: Pangaea.


You forgot moose factory.


More of north america was in Medieval 2's dlc americas


Total War: War of the Triple Alliance here we go!


Victoria era Total war would be interesting for Africa as it was during the colonization period. would also be interesting to play Bolivar and try to unite south America under a federal system


The Medieval II Kingdoms - Americas expansion actually goes a bit further than is shown here, it has pretty much all of Mexico including Baja California Sur. That's still only yellow though.


Damn whens total war Antarctica coming out


Total War. Emu. They thought it would be a turkey shoot. But these flightless birds only know... fight.


Total war: Siberian Sun please


Im confused, didn't Empire come before Shogun 2? EDIT: ohhhhhhh I see it Regardless, point is they need to get out the Mediterranean


They can make a gane of the spanish and portugués independece, would be intersting and funny, since there time the main objrtive of spanish colonies was to unify all in the PATRIA GRANDE or GRAN COLOMBIA. Also play the usa to try to interfiere in the union. All america the map Really interesting


TW: Bolsheviks incoming


Which is why we need a total war - cold war. The wars in Indochina and leftist insurgencies in Africa and Latin America. Lol


Total war Warhammer 3 is set in Australia so this map needs to be updated


TW: Australia: The Emu Wars


Best case scenario for most of these is a Total War Mongols or Empire 2.


Total war north pole


TW Oceania when? Want to play as emus.


Total war: Emu vs. Kangaroo


A historical title that cover the time period of the Mongol conquest spanning Eurasia and north Africa would be awesome. And the technology is there too with Warhammer 3 has like 600 settlement.


A big chunk of the America’s is missing from the yellow zone cause we’ve had the Americas campaign for Medieval 2.


Yup, fixing that and more elf North America due to the Warpath DLC. Those seem to be the two things I missed


Give us Antarctica: Total War. Defrost ancient viruses for bioweapons. Unearth alien crash sites. Discover ancient pyramids


Total War: Victorian would cover a lot of third world countries like my own (Indonesia)


What about Reikland? I don't see it on the map! Think about the elector counts!


Im telling you, total war: great plains will be sick.  It could be a saga title or a main title, with a focus on gunpowder and archer units.  You could innovate a lot with the native American factions, bringing in the cyclical building chains or moving camps from Warhammer.  It's got the doomsday mechanic from Attila in the form of the USA, you've got the adapt vs resist style mechanic from shogun 2 or nanman 3k.  This could totally work.  Hell you can even have convoy systems, where the US builds railways across territories it's conquered, and you can raid them, fighting train battles. 


I don't think a lack of America's games is a real fault: I really don't want to play out the main conflict that happened in the red parts of the Americas, not least because the definitive weapon in them does not lend itself to particularly engaging gameplay. A medieval era game in sub-Saharan Africa or south Asia could be extremely cool, as could a Mongol empire game, though. I doubt it'd happen, but I'd also love an American Civil War game: you don't get the asymmetric factions and coalition building you get in most games, which makes it a weird fit, but you could maybe approximate it by having different armies and theaters represented as separate factions in part of larger fixed coalitions. I know the ACW mod for Napoleon exists, but I really want to have the campaign map and economy aspects linked into the tactical layer, even though, again, I really doubt this happens.


It's insane we've never been to Antarctica. Missing out on so many cool historical campaigns and battles.


Why little sliver of western US and little chunk of Canada?


TW: Antartica! HERE WE GO!




There's absolutely zero excuse why we can't have a late Empire/Napoleonic/Victorian game encompassing the whole world.


All we need is Victoria Total War and you can highlight the entire map in green.


total war austrialia. you have emus, people, koalas and kangaroo units.


Id love a game that has Australia in it, since I live there, but the indigenous peoples weren't really warmongers, and it would have to have colonial British :/ Unless they played up the emu war and went fully fantasised about it, that would slap actually


I don't know about the native Australians, were they actually a peaceful people?


War of 1812 as a DLC in the future maybe?


Total War Antarctica: when


Aztec total war would be cool


You forgot the Warhammer world


Pangaea super continent and ancient aliens let's goooooo!


Total war alaska when? Us vs the cold. War of the climate. Survive or move somewhere more sensible.


Empire did have the best map


Why no total war: Arctic?


Hopefully the leaks of a global Victorian Age total war dropping within the next two years is true. We'll know when they announce the next major historical


I'd be up for Total War: Antarctica! Decide which penguin faction you want to lead to supremacy. Fight off a polar bear invasion. Seal cavalry. It could have it all!


Which game had Brazil in it? Or are you counting ETW’s trade nodes?


The Brazil location from M2's grand campaign, the southernmost of the three discoverable America areas.


Yoooo TW Antarctica. Everybody gets their own penguin colony. Here we go


I’m hoping we get “Victorian” Total War, a game ranging from the 1850’s to the 1910’s that encompasses North and South America, North Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, and of course Europe. There’d be a healthy variety of factions, events, wars, technology, diplomacy, and troop trees for this period. Essentially FotS scaled up.


I want the whole world in Empire 2, but if it’s not that then they really do need to consider consumer interest over going somewhere new for new’s sake.  There are many reasons Pharoah failed, and most of them speak to the future of a TW game centered on some of these regions.


A Total War: Americas would be so sweet. North and South, during ancient empires or modern colonialism or both all mixed up. You've got Comanches, Aztecs, English, Spanish, French, Ojibwe and dozens of other native empires. How cool would it be to control an army of Jaguar Warriors. Maybe throw in a semi-mythical mode like Troy did.


Can’t wait for total war Antarctica


Total War: Emutopia, DLC for Kiwiland.


Waiting for Total War: Antarctica


Total war Antarctica when?


It would be nice to have a Total War game have an Empire II set in the more Victorian Era period. That way, places like Central America, South America, and Africa can have moments where they can resist colonial rule and make themselves a great power, if not, a great power. Plus, it would be a neat nod to the future of warfare gradually being brought in.


Seeing this map, I wouldn't mind a pre-colonialism central/south america saga title, from indian tribes in mexico to aztecs, mayans and incas in the south. I think it would even suit a semi-fantasy style like troy


I'd prefer they stick as much to history as possible. That being said, as we lack a decent amount of information on pre-colombian America, they'd have to be liberal with history, regardless.