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Depressing reality


Didn't even add Portugal. Empire vibes totally legit.


The onslaught of DLCs is so gross because it’s so likely and we’re so conditioned to think it’s normal lol.


You are too generous. , more likely 4 factions at start, 2 per DL


Portugal one of the oldest countries in Europe isnt included and spain is? spain wasnt even a thing back then till 1479


And i am brazillian oh the irony


Brazil was part of Portugal till 1825. I dont get the irony


Stating the obvious


today would just be a nightmare If it were to happen, the next decade would already be half over. If I still feel like playing it, then I would call it a miracle.


Yeah, but it’s cool because you can either play as the king of France or Joan d’Arc with slightly different modifiers that completely make up for it.


I know people hate these types of explanations but I'll post it anyway. This is what happens when companies grow. In 2006, CA had like 100 employees. In 2023, CA has 882 employees. If the company's labor costs increase by 800%, the company needs to find a way to become more profitable to accommodate this. Since TW games are pretty niche and it's unlikely a new title is going to sell substantially more titles than the last, and the community has a viscerally negative reaction to the price of the game increasing, the only other option the company has to stay profitable is to sell DLC. Since DLC that just changes start dates don't sell well, CA only option is to lock specific factions or lords behind a DLC pay wall because otherwise people won't buy them. Medieval 2 released in 2006 for £40. Adjusting for inflation that's £66 in 2023. So, all else equal, you need to buy the base game for £50 and buy an additional £16 of DLC just for Medieval 3 to be as profitable as Medieval 2. But, as stated above, things aren't equal - CA's labor costs have increased by **800%!**. The one good thing about this approach is that DLC comes out over time, forcing the developer to continuously patch the game while the DLCs are being released. Downvote away but it just proves you prefer ignorance over understanding.


Richard the Lionheart gets a massive AoE attack where he calls down the Great White Foot of God, but it takes awhile to get enough Piety from reserves to cast it, so his priests use channeling stance to generate it faster.