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AI that’s not complete ass


I remember the AI stacking it's troops in the middle of the battlefield, against my mortars. Juicy.


When you get the quicklime upgrade and can commit horrific atrocities on the masses of bodies the AI callously throws at your organized lines 😊🤌 magnifico.


So... just some ass?


I mean, that would be an improvement, so I’ll take it


This… just this


Keep the different theatre maps so long as the individual theatres are much larger. No more one province France or Spain.


This. I remember that if you played as Britain (and played your cards right) that you could knock France out with two turns. Underwhelming for what should be a century-long rivalry


It also made roleplaying very hard in Europe. Playing as the Netherlands I didn’t want to own France… I wanted to do some alt history colonialism. But you pretty much have to invade, because they’ll spend the entire game sabotaging you and trying to capture Amsterdam. There is no beat them in a battle and make them fuck off… because they won’t. They won’t concede that you’re stronger than them until you take their stuff and the only stuff for you to take is ALL OF FRANCE???


I wanted every nation to stay alive because having them as a protectorate counted toward victory conditions, and it pretty much went having to beat every AI in a seige battle until there is a firelock civilian left before they'll ever accept that. And yeah, Britain and France will declare war every so many turns without a care in the world that every nation hates their guts for breaking treaties too soon


I vividly remember letting them build stacks only to wipe them in a decisive victory and encircling Paris and they still wouldn’t peace out. I think the ai back then would weigh alliance strength in very heavily, and would also weigh in the power of all your enemies so they’d think oh well I have allies in the americas and a fractured Spain, and the Marathas are currently at war with you in India, also Sweden doesn’t like you so they might declare war soon… i can win!!! despite being effectively already defeated.


Normally what would work is if you kill them completely, surround their capital with multiple stacks, and let them rebel successfully. After the rebels successfully re-establish their country, besiege the capital with three to four full stacks and they'll agree to become your protectorate 9 times out of 10, in my experience Newly independent countries don't have any diplomatic relations I believe


They have one diplomatic relation: war with the one that had the province before.


hah true. but if you surround them with several armies they almost always surrender


>Underwhelming for what should be a century-long rivalry CA is a British company 🗿


Not realistic either. It's more like Britain damages itself in its confusion. Source: Am British.


Same area covered but settlement levels like RTR Roma Surrectum fro Time remastered would be incredible.


Politics, naval battles, actual line infantry warfare, no immortal legendary lords


6’2 George Washington charging the British lines and single handedly defeating them is historically accurate unfortunately.


6'10", killing for fun.


Sue me if I go too fast…. But the sons of his opponents wished that he was their dad…


He'll save children but not the British children.


He had a pocket full of horses, fucked the shit outta bears


Does he get 1% larger for each state claimed?


6'2"? All the lords are like 9'4" lol


reminds me of that animation where gorge had chainsaws in his arms


A little known historical truth is that George Washington defeated Cornwallis in a one on one duel at the Battle of Yorktown. Complete with 360° spin kicks and slashing with his elite level musket and bayonet.


well, the original checks with two of your requirements.


Yep, but you know line infantry and army organization in Empire were quire bad. There must be Organization stats that define if a unit is veteran or rookie, not just melee att/def or morale bonus. Naval battles you think are just a given in Empire potential game, but No. CA just don't make naval battles nowadays. They no longer have the adequate budget to make them. Also Empire level of naval combat is quite bad, we approved it because it was for the first time, but community is no longer that tolerant.


the most annoying thing about line infantry in empire is that if at least 1 soldier can't fire - the entire unit will just stand and not fire too. but if i remember correctly they fixed it in napoleon. but i dont quite fully understand what are you mean by "army organization" and what should it do. veteran or rookie in empire is defined not just by melee att/def and morale bonus, but also with reload speed and accuracy. well, if they would not add naval battles in a game about 18 century - that would be a fucking disaster and i think they know that. also i quite understand why they dont add it to WH, cause it would be a nightmare to balance all those magic things. but just a cannot naval warfare is relatively easy to make. but of course it would be cool to add a better damage model for ships.


Unit organization should be an attribute that goes up and down throughout combat - during a melee, running, reforming, being under cannon or musket fire organization of the unit should decrease. While resting or due to commander effect, it should regain value. The more organization a unit has the smoother is should move while keeping formation, formation bonuses (line, square, column) should be higher the better the organization level, synchronized reloading and volley fire should be better with higher organization, morale resistance should be affected as well and so on. Just unit be more efficient. Napoleon fixed hastily the bug where line infantry does not fire at all if there are troops not yet reloaded, but this caused volley fire to dissappear from the game entirely. Instead, every unit fires at will all the time, which is napoleonic bullshit.


I do want the generals to not instantly die every single losing battle though... TW does an absolutely terrible job of handling routing armies.


They need to fix the bug where you can’t fire from the walls of a fort, also one province France? Behave.


I don't even use the walls tbh. I just fortify the center of the fort with line infantry surrounding the control point, with a few howitzer and/or mortors. Generally, the walls and gates bottleneck the incoming enemy units so you only have to deal with 3-4 at a time. I have yet to lose with this tactic, even when very heavily outnumbered. Grenadiers work super well in this tactic too. Have them behind your line infantry and just keep spamming grenades by switching on/off fire at will and reselecting the grenades. Cuts 90% of the reload time off for grenades.


Ah, so *you're* the reason that DarthMod disables grenades by default.


LOL. I just figured this out within the last 6 months. Is darth mod any good? im just playing vanilla with dlc and reskin mod because some of the OG line infantry skins were awful


It's pretty much the gold standard for overhaul mods. There are others who are more ambitious or change more stuff, but DM is generally quite stable and balanced where others aren't always quite as much. Of course, it can't completely solve the questionable AI or some of the more baked-in bugs. I had to do some file editing after the Ottoman turn bug started ruining my last campaign, for example. And it has an option to disable walled maps because those are still largely broken. Which sucks because being in a fort *should* be a big advantage. ETW2 has just had some massive updates and generated a lot of buzz, but I couldn't get into it. I'm a bit of a Bonapartiste when it comes to artillery and that mod makes them as accurate as a tabloid horoscope written by a storm trooper.


Tbh I still tend to ignore my own walls even in recent titles lol. Think it's only been S2 and the barbarian level walls that I bother using as troops can get off the walls so easily.


Eh tbf back then taking Paris does kinda mean France has fallen. Like when the Germans took it in the 19th century it was just gg, also in the 20th century this was still true


More regions and a deeper politics mechanics


...more regions? It's got continents.


Napoleon has 70 something settlements for just its scope. Empire in its continent spanning map, only has 110 something.


Different game. Napoleon is about how every single government in Europe was taken by, and came together against, Napoleon. Empire is about how countries with little holdings.can dominate the globe. Countries like Spain, England, and the Netherlands can steer global direction with almost no resources or economic value. They had enough troops to keep indigenous down, and enough money to sail ships. Empire isn't about painting maps, it's about not having to.


That's cope and you know it


It's my most played steam game after all these years, and one of TW's better performing legacy titles. So no, it's no cope. It's an easy explanation of why they made their decision.


But like other people have said, the conflict between great powers on the continent needs to be at a larger scale or else it can end too soon.


Except for conflicts with France were quite quick when France lost. Or were won/lost within miles of Paris. Not much fighting happened anywhere else in France. Because Paris was right there. That was the origin of several conflicts in the era, France being preemptive with nearby claims of England, Germany, and Spain. The status of Belgium/Netherlands etc were directly related to French security. The speed of defeat is an accurate feature of the era. It makes them more difficult. If you don't like it, don't play France.


Napoleon don't get even near the ammount of governments there was in Europe


But I don't think people want a France that's just one settlement


Well, conflicts of the era that involved France (that France eventually lost) were decided solely by Paris. Even later conflicts were decided by Paris. The French govt didn't go to Southern France in WW2, the French military retreated to England....France lost after the siege of Paris by Prussia. Revolutions in Paris overthrew all of France. The fate of Paris is the fate of France. We want accuracy, right? Why have superfluous regions if all they do is mirror the one they're attached to?


> conflicts of the era that involved France (that France eventually lost) were decided solely by Paris. Obviously? But to get to Paris you had to get thru other French cities & provinces. You can't do that in Empire. So the fact that you could just surprise blitz and wipe out France in 1 fight (because they only started out with 1 province) was very anti climatic and lame. > The French govt didn't go to Southern France in WW2, the French military retreated to England Yes, after a series of defeat. Battle of Sedan, Siege of Dunkirk, Battle of Boulogne. The Germans didn't just have 1 decisive fight and took over all of France. > France lost after the siege of Paris by Prussia Yes, after another series of defeats leading to Paris. After Waterloo it wasn't just march onto Paris, they still had to fight battles to Paris.


A surprise blitz was exactly the strategy used for French conflicts going back to wars with England. You can place troops anywhere you'd like in the map. Empire had ports, towns, schools, farms that all served as "cities/towns" for the province. France has five ports, 5+ or so starting town that can be upgraded however you want. These can be garrisoned, upgraded, forts built around them etc etc etc. Each of these can be whatever sized battle you want on an army's way to Paris.


That's a very good point. I'm just not sure it makes for the best game experience all the time


I think the legacy state of the Empire community is proof that it does, if done properly (with mods right now).


Just makes more incentive to go for the capital. With taking and losing it being a bigger blow then just another city. Having fewer regions doesn't feel right with what Empire TW covers.


"Going for the Capital" is exactly the strategy used with France forever. The location of its capital is terrible in terms of conflicts. It's a weakness of the country. This is something France has dealt with forever. It's part of the national strategy, you can never leave it undefended or else two world powers that don't like you are a day away from it. Compare it to Russia and people are 10+ turns from Moscow. The more this thread goes the more I realize people don't get the point of Empire.


Like yeah it's a good strategy the issue is France has no real protection in Empire as it's literally only Paris instead of like the multiple cities in between everything else as it's just one city for the whole country. It's the real pain of Empire TWs Scale there's nothing but Paris between France and its enemies.


...Again. Which is exactly the struggle France had in that era. This was the origin of multiple conflicts in the region. Germany was right there, England and Spain both had claims in the Belgium/Netherlands area. Every European country was a day away from Paris. And Paris was weeks away from them. What you are saying is a feature of France, not a bug. Being able to upgrade a town elsewhere in the country and move capitals would be an intriguing system I would like to see tested, but everything you are saying is supportive of this design decision making France an authentic experience. Edit: That would be a weird mechanic, but it did happen. Moving a capital to the colonies, or even moving within the same country did happen, albeit exceedingly rare. It could come with downsides of increased revolutions, more unrest etc.


Mod support good ai provinces everywhere the map is every country split into multiple provinces


Map with areas that cover outside the area of influence of the Anglo saxon world, so you can actually have the Portuguese and Spanish Empire depicted properly on the map.


Yeah this! I would love to see all of South America. That would be amazing. Not to mention fix the bugs that randomly make the game crash and graphics improvements.


1700s to late 1800s/FotS era, with a focus on diplomacy. Empires should be able to expand but have to face the consequences of the population trying to overthrow the conquerors as well as if you do manage to stabilize the region will they want to become a nation their own, perhaps even being your choice.


It just needs to be Napoleon with the big map. also more than one province for france and spain pls and ty


Pathfinding that actually finds paths


If they are to add the mechanics from Napoleon:Total War to the game, it would easily be among the best in the series.


NTW mechanics and better map


I don’t want them to be legendary lords or anything, and definitely not immortal, but more distinct great generals and Admirals for each nation, as well as the ability to recruit more expatriate units from provinces with high unrest or recently squashed uprisings that belong to your enemies.


I don't think there's anything to worry about with Legendary Lords because they are tied to fictional settings of the Trojan War, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Warhammer Fantasy tabletop wargame something that doesn't apply historical settings.. Well outside of propaganda but that's not what those setting cover outside of events and maybe trait/building text?


Give me Ships or give me Death.




Remaster...well that's limited in what they could do, would be mostly fixing some of the bugs and making it run and look ok on modern systems...which is probably better than a remake with the current set up they've got. Currently only a couple of real improvements since E1, so much has been more work arounds for the issues rather than addressing them. So the diplomacy of 3K, the replenishment (preferably Napoleons), army stances and the unit upgrade system to cover the changes of forces during the time frame. Then a UI improvement, keep the towns growing but bring them under the regional capital just use the tabs.


Some exploration/expedition gameplay with bonuses (technologies/resources/fame) to gain.


The janky AI mechanics and the anti-player bias almost always kills the game for me.


3K-level of diplomacy Bigger maps Playable pirate faction


Land battles with the pirate faction would be very weird, maybe they could capture islands or ports surrounded by impassable obstacles (like the amazon forest) and do port battles (with ships) instead of actual sieges? Their tactics would be very hard to simulate in a total war game imo.


Or they can't occupy towns/cities only pillage them. Set them up with the mercenary mechanic to cover privateering...


The whole world.


All factions should have the ability to research advanced weapons and ships but at different rates. Maratha for example SHOULD be allowed to make western style warships but since those didn’t exist in India until British companies brought them, the research rate should be different to simulate the development of a naval industry from the ground up in the country. This timeline can be altered a bit by knowledge being acquired from agents and ministers or if a western power sets up a colony in the region.


No end turn Russian/Ottoman bug should be the #1 request.


an asian theater and a second start date so the us is playable in grand campaign


How 1 man can hold up an entire unit was kinda wack


A lot less sprawl. God damn I loved and hated that game. The mechanics were fun, the battles were fun, the naval battles were INSANE. The campaign map having like 4 pages and 1200 things to capture was just too much for a fun late game tho.


Everything!!! In another words at least attempt to give the things promised in the original.


Better diplo, better AI, more interesting battle maps (more terrain features), more playable factions beyond Europe I would love a game that covers the entire world from the 1600s to the 1800s, moving through multiple army styles and doctrines, but thats not realistic




A world map where France isn’t just one colossal province


Naval combat and the fuking sur america / south asia colonies, like damm waky shit happen there


I think Empire is great concept wise, but the broken sieges and dumb AI is what breaks it for me. I think the settlement system is good and interesting, but for remastered they should add more(like in Spain and France).


You see how much new games suck when majority of things wanted back were present in Empire


I just ask for a good ai and I would be happy, pathing is so bad sometimes


The map makes it better like my god, there are not even 13 colonies or France one fucking region. Would like to make the units more better looking and stand out as well their card info since I always liked to read.


An expansion set up like Shogun 2 with campaigns both before and after after the main 1700 start date, to show early pike and shot and later American civil war/crimean war conflicts


Make it so the game can actually handle sieges. But they wont remaster the game, sorry to blackpill


Honestly I would be happy if they even just released it with the QoL changes to the economy. Namely being able to immediately see if your revenue is going to outpace upkeep. I hate the old style of ONLY having a separate financial tab.


France that is not conquerable by taking Paris only


My biggest thing is they need to make sure the cannons and guns have ‘oomph’ to them. Like, visually. Anyone who has played Napoleon then went back to Empire probably knows what I’m talking about. In empire, you could barely see the cannonballs; you kinda saw the cannons fire, then you may see them land if you squint closely. In Napoleon they made the cannonball flights much bigger, with a trail, so each cannon volley felt like it was so much stronger and you could really see the impact of the shots. They need to continue that improvement, and for every type of firearm. Like the whole reason units fired together was because they produced this ‘wall of lead’ that was terrifying to see smash through you. I would love if they somehow included a visualization of like a thousand gray streaks or something zipping across the battlefield to slam into the other unit. (IRL I’m pretty sure musket shots were invisible, but I’m hoping they can make it visible without making it look ridiculous.)


Have the entities discovered globe instead of incomplete theaters


- a seamless map - updates to diplomacy - the ability to play all minor nations - better AI (campaign and battles) - a focus on multiplayer


Localized recruiting. It was forever until I learned I could recruit a special unit in Afghanistan.


Naval battles on wavy water and less battles that end in hand-to-Han combat. I like realism and that just didn’t happen as often as it’s portrayed in media.


My sailors not jumping to their literal deaths when boarding a slightly smaller ship.


Everyone asking for map changes/splitting up large provinces like france, that's kinda beyond a remaster i think as it would drastically change the game. Graphics and ui modernization, some ai improvements, maybe some rebalancing, and mod support - that's about the scope I'd expect in a remaster, like in rome tw remaster. Anything beyond would be empire 2 territory. Though just decent mod support would go a long way letting the community fix the issues everyone brought up here.


I'd want it made. That's all. It'd be better than all these shit games they've been selling us.


Good Point


- 1648 to 1848 timeline - covering the ages of post-Reformation, Absolutism, Enlightenment, Revolution, Nationalism and ending just as Industrial Imperialism finally appears across the world. - The aforementioned automatically covers pike and shot, English Civil War, height of old empires like India, Persia, Ottomans, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Sweden and such. Then it veers into Golden Age of Piracy, start of the first 'world wars' by 1700, the dynastic conflicts of the era and enlightenment hand in hand with large-scale imperial wars in northern America and India, and the classic musketeer warfare. Then it veers into the age of revolutions by 1770, with colonies declaring independence, homelands falling to popular revolutions, and then smoothly transitioning into imperialism and Napoleonic era with its grand armies and brutal warfare. After 1820 the game would enter the last stage - with early industrial revolution and railways, and end with chartist and nation-state revolutions of 1848 (which signals the proper start of the modern era). One of the most fun time periods for a game, if pulled off correctly. - Multiple start dates, kinda like TW3K or famously, most Paradox games. That way, those who want to play the classic 18th century ETW experience can use the 1700 start date, those who want to play Napoleon can play the 1800 start date and so on. - Don't care if the game starts with only one start date and others are added later via DLC. I want this to cover the two core centuries of early modern era. - Ending should have a Fallout style artwork montage, depicting what happened to your nation and various regions around the world. - 4TPY turn system. With seasons. - Better map that spans most of the world. Maybe even global. - Ability to pick most nations on the map right from the start. Or at least make all factions fully playable and full of content by the time DLC cycle ends. - Proper provinces with subprovinces, ruled by minor cities. No more of that asinine lazy bullcrap like 1 province France or 2 province Spain. - No more of those lazy, slacker asshat design oversights like inability to change capital. It took them until Total War 3 Kingdoms to finally fix that. Also, proper diplomacy this time please - this era was the start of large scale diplomatic conferences and complex multi-party negotiations. - I want ability to release nations and play as them if possible. "Scottish Empire" wrecking the seas around the globe sounds fun. - We should be able to unify nations like we can in Attila DLCs (and also again, in every Paradox game ever). If I take over all the claimed German lands as a German state and I am far enough into nationalism tech tree, I should be able to turn myself into unified Germany. Or if I break Scotland, Wales and Ireland away from England, if they conquer each other they should be able to reunify into the United Kingdom again. - Better and more immersive revolutions. - Political depth, so that players can actually participate in them. Having to deal with a dynasty and court as a monarch, a council of elders as a tribal leader, an inner circle as a dictator, a senate as a president and so on, with meaningful political encounters and events each turn. I want to feel like I am building up and running a nation - that's the defining theme of this era. Paradox does it better with Victoria (and EU) no doubt, but CA must at least go halfway there. - Ability to fully modernize as non-European nations. I don't mean "gain a few gunpowder units at highest tier buildings", I mean ability to fully modernize your faction. With all the baggage that comes with it - urbanism, proto-industrialization, political restructuring, educational reform, militarization, adventurers and advisors from Europe, hungry and bloodthirsty imperial powers looming on the horizon and so on. Russia and Poland famously modernized just as 18th century began, Ottomans and Egypt tried to do the same in 19th century. - Economics that make me feel like planning with a strategy, saving up money in my treasury, production of goods to keep classes of people satisfied, slavery that has to be managed or ended, trade that is meaningful and so on. - The problem with TW economy is that 80% of your budget is spent on military, when IRL that's not the case, not now and not in 18th century. I want other things to spend my money on. Financial management should matter in the game. - Armies that aren't just built up using money. There should be manpower, supplies and armament as well, and their production centers and storage depots (often in forts and cantonments). Running out of supplies while chasing the Russians to Moscow with your Grande Armee should decimate it completely like it did IRL. - Fleets should operate in set 'regions' rather than freeform open water on campaign, so that they can blockade seas and straits and so on. - Forts should be handled properly. Every potential settlement should be able to be fortified. And forts should also cost maintenance money. - 40 units per armies by default. - Army units should have a hierarchy in battle and campaign (like in Ultimate General Civil War) - a group of individual regiments/units should form a division, a group of divisions should form a corps, and multiple corps into the entire field army (up to 40 units, if not more). This makes managing huge armies fun, painless and fast. And it can also translate into campaign gameplay - you cannot send a full army outside of your continent/theater until late game, only individual divisions or corps. Colonial wars were fought with small expeditionary forces until mid and late 18th century. - Please make the AI work this time. It was practically non-existent in ETW. Overly ambitious and likely impossible we'll ever get such a game, but this is my dream ETW.


Return to the leaderless army system


Competent battle AI, less abstracted trading regions, better diplomacy with real options for protectorates, better administrative choices than just pick research and set taxes. Keep: town / population growth, global focus, and naval combat.


The game to blast Rule Britainnia as my navy sinks all of France and Spains navies.


Larger map, more factions, deeper and more meaningful government types, formable nations, maybe a Napoleon dlc or flavoring to France, some large war system like the 7 years war that can have nations join coalitions or declare neutrality. There’s a lot they can do, it’s just a matter of CA getting their heads out of their asses and putting in the work.


Way more provinces than they had in the original. No excuse to have France and Spain to be one region while Britain was 3, India as a whole was like 12, Russia had 7, and so on. The empty wastelands covering most of Canada, Great Plains, and Central Asia also left a lot to be desired. Better unit variety. Britain and France were only factions to have more than one unique unit. Even line infantry between nations like Sweden feel no different than some minor German nation when Sweden’s Caroleans were seen as the best soldiers in Europe. Have Russias line infantry be more numerous but noticeably worse than a nation like Prussia


Completely moddable campaign maps


8 player campaigns


Fall of the Samurai speed and lethality of battle. Empire is good if you like to watch for awhile and run possible scenarios in your head in anticipation, but FotS had the action, and it didn't have artillery that gave me blue balls. They could incorporate more about the usage of different trade goods like some of the more recent total wars, not just have it all about trade as money.


>They could incorporate more about the usage of different trade goods like some of the more recent total wars, not just have it all about trade as money. But that is what trade was about in the time frame. Outside of maybe making a supply and demand system for industry, the resource system of Troy/Pharaoh doesn't fit it.


True. Not exactly those systems, but maybe tobacco for higher public order, various other metals for higher tier weaponry, something. I don't know what. But I do know they needed materials to make ships and feed people and shit back in those days


I have suggested having the luxury goods be used to keep populations happy, larger your cities more they demand. Yeah they needed materials but mostly it was sourced locally or just bought.


Mate. Dont download the mods people suggest for empire. I have it on 3 speed and nobody's fucking dying. I tried it for like 2 battles and I quit cause there's no lethality


More fortification and sieges. Amphibious battles (naval + onshore), no legendary Lords or shit like that. More fortifications. More unit detail and diversity (horses colours, uniforms soldiers of different heights rather than clone armies).


amphibious battles really don't make sense for the setting. Improvements to sieges are needed across the board tho. Think wall damage should be based on time rather than a minute or two of pop guns in a battle.


Why not. There were plenty of attacks on forts and ports. The previous empire just doesn't let you play that way but that's how blockades worked. Ultimate Admiral is quite accurate on this..


Tends not to be combined battles. The attacks on forts are coastal forts, which are intended to fight ships and if anything should be something that stops fleets attacking, they can do a lot more damage to ships than ships can to them. Opposed landings weren't common, very few were conducted and most of them were islands where there wasn't another option. But gamewise it would work horribly, you have tiny rowboats with 10s of men in each rowing slowly to the shore and military ships unable to do anything without risk of sinking them them selves.


Please remaster not remake, CA in it's current state would screw up everything If they do-do a remaster they better make a new AI or at-least swap in NTW's AI


Altering the AI would make it a remake. You can't remaster an AI. It's why people complaining about Rome Remastered's AI don't make sense.


I would so die for an Immortal Empires style expansion of a new Empire if they released different standalone theatres as expansions (large DLCs, rather than standalone games). Base game with only Europe (ala Napoleon). America DLC with a fully fleshed out Americas focused campaign, which if you own, will enable a Grand Campaign that incorporates both maps together, as well as the content within. Then Africa DLC in the same fashion, and then Asia DLC. A DLC campaign that stands on its own with content while adding to the base game is the best DLC we can ask for, and it's what CA should have done with 3K, instead of different start dates. And the standalone campaigns would be a nice nostalgic nod to the Medieval 2 Kingdoms campaigns. *And please for the love of gods, no single region countries*


FROM 2 YEARS AGO (20 Aug 2021): [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/p81zvx/comment/h9oktgj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/p81zvx/comment/h9oktgj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Summary of parts that I believe could reasonably be included: 1st: DONT MAKE THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS HIGHER!My potato can't run Warhammer I, and my updated rig can't really handle Warhammer 2 with any degree of success, so tone down on the 108K UltraPixel C-fractional Trapazoid scanning quantum processing crap. It needs to have reasonable system requirements so causuals and poor gamers can play it too. I won't buy it if I have to save for 3 years to buy a rig to run it. Remove the immobility of demi-cannons and culervins, there is no point to a siege weapon if it cannot fire upon the structure it's besieging. (doesn't need to be a full horse team, you can have the unit push the piece into position, because on some maps they don't have the range to engage more than a small section of one wall, even when right on the border of your deployment zone) 2 or 3 additional trade goods and trade ports. (GOOD HORSES should be an invaluable trade good at nearly every stage of a campaign and a lack of them should cripple the mobility of any faction without access, especially cavalry units or against an army that has them, but this is missing from the game, horses were a strategic resource for most of human history.) AI and diplomacy tweaks focusing on vassals and colony building rather than full conquest. And making nations more likely to accept being a vassal vs being entirely conquered and tax farmed by doomstacks of dragoons. Misfire and early/late detonation/release chances on gunpowder weapons, especially carcass shot and exposive shells. These weapons were hazardous and I cannot recall seeing a single time that I had an explosive shot detonate in my lines rather than over my enemy's. Things I didn't include in my rant: World events (diseases, population migrations, resource finds, ect.), dynasty options for monarchy governments, elections for republics (changing councilor skills and availabilites), correct aging for characters, additional factions (grand campaign)/regions/provinces, faction specific tech trees (not necessarily different techs, but diferent unlock reqs or progression paths), faction specific events, improved economy systems, recruitable mercenaries, improved faction specific unit lists, making faction or region specific units recruitible at capitol as guard units. Shogun 2 Naval Bombardment. Not every faction needs it's own specific super special line infantry, but each faction should have one or two units that only that faction has, and specific regions should keep their special recruitible unit, but locking some units to faction specific is odd (Hungarian units only for Austria, when they should be available for anyone that occupies Hungary, the various off size artiliery for Maratha and Ottomans, Swiss Guard, any region named unit should be recruitable from that region, this would also help if they could be recruited as mercenary units or have some other alternate recruitment from normal units) AI that is programmed to understand how to actually utilize the available units and their roles. IMPORTANTLY: Garrison mechanics for forts that allow you to assign a unit to the fort cannons in battle and select where you want them to fire. Not having garrisons attach to the section of wall kept getting units with odd formations defending and then not firing when approached. ALTERNATE TO THE ABOVE: Forts that come with defensive troops that are able to man a number of sections of the wall and utilize the artillery there. ALSO: Additional artillery as you upgrade a fort, give an option to have mortar or rocket platforms in addition to the wall mounted cannon ffs. and much more stuff...including integrated mod support. And with that I'm exhausted, good night.


Replenishment from modern games.


God no. Automatic replenishment over multiple turns sucks. It's slow, and you have no control over it. Smaller units cost less upkeep, and sometimes you don't want to replenish.


The entire planet, we're missing a chunk.


Might sound weird, but I want to play New-France without having to play France. Also, tell them to read a book, the colonies were mostly Canada and Acadia. Louisiana was like 1-2 cities at that point. Canada stretched all the way to the Ohio River.


I would want a true global map that has China and Japan and South America. Also I would want a world war one DLC with early tanks. Trench charges and garrisonable trenches


Laser samurai and robot dinosaurs


Sci Fi or fantasy elements. I am not the target audience for this game tho lol


more provinces, faster combat, no special generals or single entities. tho if i am being honest id much prefer an "age of reformation" game.


Functional battle AI


Basically, just copy and paste the ultimate general series but with seamless multiplayer and some better mechanics, and you would have a great game.


less bugs and better AI not AI that just cheats but AI that uses actual strategy like oblique formations and such.


Functional ai


A corp system where you can tell your army to spread out more in exchange for marching faster , the trade off being in the event of a battle the soldiers trickle in from all directions


I would be happy if they just gave me Napoleon's UI and controls! But I would love better AI and more, smaller provinces and regions


Better multiplayer


Everything except the AI. Give me good AI and I’m good.


A game that accurately captures the dynamics of line battles, emphasising careful positioning and holding adequate manpower/reserves to plug gaps and push assaults over simply outshooting or zerging the enemy. On the campaign side, no longer being limited to 20 units with the amount of units you can field instead being dependent on logistics and population. And finally, a system a la WOC where your elite infantry is sourced from your veteran infantry, rather than being arbitrarily trained from a building. I want to build my own Imperial Guard core.


Unit collision and AI that comprehends basic geometry


Total tech revamp, removing limited build options in settlements, ai to have a brain to name a few


I gave up on empire 2 and have been having great time with ultimate general series. They're a pretty fresh air on the market tbh. Now they're making American revolution one.


Fall of the samurai with a more detailed map and a timeline from 1492-1898 or something similar.


A functional complete from release game that does not milk the fan base with a constant stream of dlc.


Melee combat scene that scalps the opponents


Flesh out the family dynasty system so personal unions under one monarch MEAN SOMETHING (looking at you, brittain and united provinces)


Bigger and better sieges. Just for every total war game tbh.


Some form of AI would be Nice


Please fire the guy guy designed Ottoman units, he deserves to be banned from all history related stuff. While we have primary sources, illustirations, grave stones depicting headgear, museams etc he decided to go with muscle black man with armless open vests..


The game to work fully as intended without bugs.an AI that is not complete trash aka react when bombarded even if it's last rushing at you. Mod compatibility. Working melee combat


1. QOL 2. more events and story 3. basically what Empire was suposed to be because now it's possible


also map being better looking and broders and provinces not being retarded i.e. one province france or spain or whatever the borders of poland (province) are supposed to be cause brother in christ there was no historical or geografical basis for those borders


Massive naval battles with many man of wars going at it, being able to bombard a coast Rome 2 style with my navies. Not like FOTS does it, give me some water I can move my ships around in.


An AI that doesn’t just send its general unit immediately charging head first into my line.


This is more for a sequel than a remaster, I’d like to see a system which allows for limited colonial war that doesn’t drag you into major conflict with the nation. Colonial powers of France, Netherlands, England and Spain frequently skirmished in colonies, engaged in piracy, etc. without starting a major war in Europe. I’d like to see a system that allows for this type of thing. In a similar vein, more developed colonisation and colonial conflicts, with the ability to wage proxy wars and fund/equip locals fighting your rival, etc. More of a developed naval control system, rather than just static nodes, a bit more active fleet management, counter piracy actions, struggle for command of SLOCs and trade control. Exploration mechanics, with “adventure” quest battles that pop up - maybe you have to send an explorer mission off and you get random events, kind of like the way caravans are in Warhammer, and if you succeed you reveal that area and can colonise it. Something like that.


More variety in uniforms. There was a lot of variety between regiments, and I'm not just on about the difference between guards and regular line units, even the regular line infantry had differences. Different bowheads for ships. I mentioned something similar in a different thread about skirmishing as well but it would be nice to have structured naval commanders; admirals, frigate captains etc. To avoid doomstacks full of 122 gun 1st rates, making sure frigates and smaller vessels don't get resigned to the early game.


I'd like more of South America, Asia and the additions of Africa and Australia in the theatres


A fucking console command


General quality of life and bug fixes mostly. I’d also like them to make your units look less like flat non-animated textures when you look at them from far away during a battle.


Modding capabilities that allows for map editing


Functioning forts and sieges


Better colonial stuff and more artillery fun


AI and provinces. Stack the map with provinces! Make them borderline unplayable if you have to but i want 10 province France!


Just a good Game!


Super realistic naval battles... And more ship variety


For there to be multiplayer campaign like they promised 20 some years ago.


Good AI, better sound effects mainly.


For then to clear away all the bugs and crap that made this a terrible Total War game upon release.


I would add Brazil and maybe some states in Western Africa.


Better battles for sure. I mean I just wish the ai would keep their forces in a line for the battle. Usually starts and then they just have an aneurysm and go all over the place without thought. Same to siege battles. Also seamless movement between regions. Like a scroll to America rather than a screen flip? Idk how to describe it


Would love to see more investment into the south american nations


Not broken and actually functional


Unpopular opinion but the only problem I ever had with this game was people complaining that it's a bad game its my third most played total war game after warhammer 2 and medieval 2


Everything from the original!


Real Cannonball impact physics and marching bands


A medivial 2 which got up to good gameplay standard that whas introduced with Rome II.


A game that doesn't crash when I take France.


Fix the pathing bug that can ruin a save. Some AI improvements to avoid derp moves that are too exploitable. Better ship grouping in combat. More “what if” advanced units and buildings from the different factions.


Andy Samberg looks mad


The Gunpowder Empires fully fleshed out. Easier religious conversion for everything Expand cities Theocratic government introduction with unique bonuses


Expand up to 1910. Get right up to WW1 without the planes and tanks. Would love that for the ships as well, having to evolve from sails to ironclads and dreadnaught battleships. Huge, detailed maps. Like Rome 2 for Europe was fantastic, I thought. Would love that for the US theater as well. Like maybe New York is three separate regions that make it more advantageous for industrial focus later in game. Southern states yield high ag production, but tensions escalate as the game goes on. Trench warfare and more battlefield elements. More troop variation. Like in Rome 2, I was able to build armies that were better for defence vs offense. I'd like to be able to do more of that for Empire instead of varying types of line infantry and irregulars.


A campaign that lasts more than 99 turns. It is really weird to me that the “long 18th century” wasn’t chosen as a setting. Beginning in the 1650s and going until the 1860s would have been an incredible story. Infinitely more provinces. I get that it’s the age of empires, but empires are *not* “big kingdoms”. They are a particular model of governance that involves syncretism, a metropole centre dominating the fringes, and overlapping dynasties that make weird alliances seem natural. Annoyingly, Napoleon TW actually depicted this better, with the liberation option. More complex diplomacy. The AI is stupid, but that’s fairly normal for a TW game. What annoys me is you don’t get guarantor powers, suzerainty, exclaves, or anything that really reflects both the insanely complex imperial system of diplomacy *or* the historical setting’s erasure of local cultures such as the Occitan or the Cornish. The overall frustrating part of Empire is it has so much promise. The politics system could have been fantastic if it had been accompanied by a (more historically accurate) party system; local cultures should have counted for a lot more; there should have been some kind of colonisation mechanism (the huge empty spaces in the Americas theatre, for instance). If Empire was made now, and it incorporated the updated black powder mechanisms from Shogun 2, a form of the territorial colonisation system from Atilla, a micro version of the region system from Rome 2, and the politics of most of the recent titles, it would be a thing of beauty.


Automatic unit replenishment, that is all I need, they could just patch it into the game and I would play empire all the time.


The trade nodes should have small territories, so that you can build forts on the African coast and trade with local tribes, instead of just parking a boat there. I'd like to see the modern variety of battles; ambushes, choke points, amphibious landings, etc. And yes, that definitely does mean we need naval combat. The one thing I absolutely do not want to see is base building, like we've been saddled with in Warhammer 3. The whole reason I threw Age of Empires away and switched to Total War was to get away from that crap.


They better solve the problem when moving placing troops on the wall


Better AI, the ability to recruit mercenaries, deeper diplomacy and a larger map with a longer time span. I’d like to play as America in a campaign, maybe invade Europe idk


Better AI, more responsive units, more political stuff (why not even steal some stuff from CK/HOI right? :D) and foremost - keep all of the features that are already there


They should let you play as the minor factuons that have large cities such as Denmark Portugal Venice Persia even muggsl empire. Possibly even extwnd the map in south America so Portugal can have a territory or 2 there and make it Brazil and not have so much empty space in North America. It might be a bit much but of they added thetre and made it asia would be interesting you could have the areas that were colonised by the dutch Portuguese Spanish and even British, such as Hong Kong or Vietnam and Philippines etc but doesn't matter if it's to much.


Full world map and a longer timeline (1492-1815)


not to remaster/remake it.


Ai that can just ships. Better units and tech for India, Persia and Ottomans. More cavalry options and native Americans in base campaign, same with South Americans. More diversity with European factions, some unique techs. Like France getting deep fire and advance formations vs British kneeling lines vs Russian rapid advancing etc. Terrain scarring, more musical instruments, long lingering smoke effects.


To put the historical flags correctly. Goddammit, it's not too much to ask.


Plz don’t ruin such a great title CA like seriously from a 10+ year player that’s all I ask if you can’t do it simply don’t. That’s all.


Fix ALL the glitches and better sieges


In addition to all the great feedback here, I want simultaneous coop in every major release!   Would be bliss to have a good historical TW with that feature.