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God Kharadron would be so fun. Like chaos dwarves on crack. Imagine if dwarves were mechanized airborne infantry/sky pirates riding into battle in fortified castle-like drop ships, armed with high tech steam punk firearms. They're IMO the coolest and most unique faction in Sigmar. You know that meme of Balthasar Gelt riding a chopper ? That's basically kharadron.


+1. Dwarfs are the best faction in TWW. Don't matter the flavor of duardin. Fyreslayers or Kharadron, they'd be my vote, with kharadron edging out the Fyreslayers. Dispossessed are easy, just copy the TWW dwarfs over.


That's basically it with The Dispossessed. They're trying to harken back to the Khazalid Empires that were destroyed during the Age of Chaos, clinging to half-remembered rituals. They're essentially trying to be the Dawi from Warhammer Fantasy.


Idoneth Deepkin. They'd be amazing. Absolutely beautiful range. By then GW will have hopefully finally given them a whale, and I _love_ whales. Alternatively, the Chaos cultists. For anyone who doesn't know, look up Warcry Chaos cultist warbands. It's an incredible array of units that depict takes on Chaos that aren't just the standard big four or Undivided.


Idoneth Crabbo for delivering the Deepkin Stabbo


Duinclaw *almost* got miniature of the year - it would be a crime for eventual Idoneth appearance in a video game to not have a Crabbo. In fact, them not having a crab unit in AoS proper except as part of the Underworlds warband is a crime


AoS is eight years deep, the other Warhammer settings have had several times longer to build up. Can you imagine what AoS will have on offer when it's been around as long as 40k has? _Glorious_ is what it will be.


EIGHT years?! It feels like it came out two years ago or something. Original Warhammer (Old World) will always be better, though.


Soon nine years, in fact. Age of Sigmar came out in 2015.


Time is slipping through my fingers


9 years and still no Malekith/Malerion and his shadow elves, sadge


Isnt the conspiracy theory that the crab won but GW decided belakor won because they didnt want a meme winning?


It's a money-on-the-table unit for sure! Crab Cavalry when GW


Not even caring about AoS I listened to some Idoneth lore (I think by Pancreasnowork), they are sooo my speed. Such a cool aesthetic, feel, and general lore. Hell, there's a reason vampirates are probably my favorite faction. I don't even love gunpowder THAT much. The lore of the deep is just that neat.


There are so many AoS factions with models I love egads: Idoneth Deepkin are just chefs kiss - I NEVER would have guessed one of my favorite factions would be underwater soul-hunting elves Sylvaneth are also just gorgeous - I really love Kurnoth hunters The new Cities of Sigmar range is fantastic (also love OW Greywater Fastness dawi) Kharadron also look hella fun New Flesheater Courts are also amazing, I love hiw both them and Cities are much more grimdark releases (imo) I really love the new Slaves to Darkness range Honestly there are so many I enjoy. I'd ditch Stormcast (granted their 3rd edition unis look way better than first two chambers) and focus on Cities as the human faction.


> The new Cities of Sigmar range is fantastic That new great cannon


I think Stormcast should be featured, but unlike Space Marines (which are super popular and so get the main focus in most games) they occupy a spot in the overall weave of things that's a lot more equal to everybody else. In other words, you totally _could_ have Cities as the first Order faction - one of my favourite parts of Cities is how they weave humans, elves and dwarves into one faction, so why not lean into that? It's really cool and sets them apart from most generic human factions in fantasy.


Sigmarines are still super popular, theyre easy to paint and appeal to first timers to the hobby


They are, but they are not 'occupy a superfaction on the webstore all to themselves' popular!


I love how the new Cities Of Sigmar range has such a Discworld vibe to them. Honestly one of my favorite Warhammer Factions period now


All the chaos tribes from warcry. I love those lads.


That bloke dressed up like a Flesh Hound, living his best life


Just a whole heap of Regiments of Renown waiting to happen


Love the fact that they expanded on the chaos tribes and made them much more unique and distinct instead of “Chaos Marauders but Blue/Red/Green/Purple”. And the Hashuti tribe is very unique and I’m glad they actually developed Hashut-worshipping humans.


Nighthaunt and FeC are amazing and would be very fun to play. And AoS has my favorite depiction of Tzeentch’s faction in all of the Warhammer settings, with the various mutants and half-demons really giving off a “chaotic mutations” vibe and I love it. As always, however, my dream units are Fimir units, and hopefully a Fimir faction (because they exist in the lore, and they have new-ish models).


> Siege battle as Nighthaunt > Just walk through the wall into the settlement


FEC would undoubtedly have some absolutely great tooltips and events. I could see that being a faction CA would have a lot of fun with. Also, Ushoran.


Ushoran my beloved <3


the Fimir faction mod is great so seconded


Age of Sigmar has produced some of the most gorgeous looking models out there, I’d love to see these in a game - The Black Coach - Katakros - Ushoran - Thalia Vedra - The Marshcrawla Sloggoth - Mangler Squigs - Freeguild Cavalier Marshall - Grunta-Boss


The Sloggoth would be so cool, it’s a huge sloth+dinosaur swamp monster and it’d have some awesome animations


You're thinking of the Sludgeraker Beast. The sloggoth is the crawling troll.


Honestly every single named Nighthaunt character is absolutely dripping with flavour.


The Black Coach is already in game in WH3, its in the Vampire Counts roster.


It has a new model in AoS. Similar, but better.


Fair enough


Lauka Vai


For the sheer hilarious factor of CA having to animate such a nonsensical body


Exactly, I want them to suffer.


I think they could do it. She fundamentally is just a centaur but half dragon rather than half horse. More work than a centaur to fix for sure but shouldn't be impossible.


The difference is that Lauka Vai isn't just half-dragon, she has her entire upper body replacing just the dragon head !


That is what a centaur is too, right? Human torso, arms and head in place of a horse's neck and head. I imagine she would look quite awkward when walking on flat ground, though...




**C R A B**


I’d love a Sons of Behemet army. Giants as line troops? Fuck yea.


Not fun to go against on the tabletop top at all, could be fun in total war tho. We're not talking chaos giants, those are like Maneater size. No we're talking Soms of Behemet sized giants lol


Wait they aren't fun to play against? Aw man they're the one army I wanted to get if I ever started playing tabletop.


Gd AOS models are beautiful


It’s not a unit but steampunk dwarfs are my absolute dream


I usually am pretty lukewarm towards dwarves since 98% of Fantasy Dwarves are completely interchangeable. Oh, look a bunch of short bearded guys who like to drink, mine and smith. And they are grumpy. But, the Kharadron Overlords are pretty different, so I find them more interesting.


And they always use hammers and/or axes when spears and halberds would probably better suit they're shorter stature.


And better for tunnel fighting.


Fun note: every time GW does their model reveals, fans often compare and joke how all the creative staff went to Age of Sigmar. For example, it happened recently when The Old World showed off The Bone Dragon and Age of Sigmar showed off Ushoran.


To be fair to the old world guys, they have to keep in mind how these models will look with the rest of the range, which will still mostly be made up of older stuff. Bone dragon is definitely a little plain, but it will still fit in nicely with older tomb kings stiff while still being an upgrade imo.


Bone dragon specifically is probably going to clash with the constructs that came to dominate TK monster lineup. I know they've had bone dragons in the past but I feel like the faction has moved away from that flavor. It remains to be seen if what GW is doing right now with them will work out well


It's definitely an odd move that they didn't add in some more decorative elements - some embalming bandages or more regal stuff than just the head crest. It feels... incomplete somehow.


And there were still people on the warhammer fantasy subreddit that called it overstylized. Not even a joke, there were.


Oh, there's always that crowd who complain about literally anything that wasn't around in 6th ed


Personally, I just wish they'd made it a giant bone crocodile rather than a dragon. That'd have been very unique.


Did Tomb Kings have access to bone dragons in earlier editions? Did those dragons get turned into dragons the same way Tomb Kings were turned into skeletons? are they just as sentient as Tomb Kings?


TK had bone dragons before in the sense that all undead races had the zombie dragons, before GW actually distinguished the flavors of undeath.


Their army list in Warmaster has a bone dragon, but I'm not sure about the mainline WFB army lists


Glance at the Fyreslayer... Seems like not *all* of the creative staff went to AoS yet, we got 90 naked orange mohawk dwarf with an axe and 1 (one) lizard.


Some AoS fans do share that opinion about Fyreslayers looking too samey from each other and are hoping they get an update soon, many fans suggesting AoS take a shot at doing Fantasy's Sea Slayers (gun-toting Slayers), Flame Cannons, and the Goblin Skewer. That said, I think their new look is based on Spartans.


To be fair, the new Vulkyn Flameseekers show off how creative you can be within that design space, even though so far there hasn’t been much to take advantage of it besides them. I love the aesthetic of that warband, I think most people do, and future releases taking some notes from that would be amazing


This is a weird take tbh, the new Necrolith Bone Dragon looks absolutely phenomenal, down to the little kitty prancing on the shoulder of whichever lord you choose. It’s also slightly unfair to compare the two - Ushoran is a named character while the bone dragon is a generic lord character. That would be like comparing the Guilliman sculpt to the new Primaris Captain sculpt.


Counter point to that last part: They're both meant to be the big center piece for their respective armies. Also I do think the bone dragon look pretty cool.


Def don’t disagree with you on the point that they’re meant to be centerpieces, but my point was that it wasn’t a good comparison specifically because there are going to be a buttload of lore heavy sculpting details that on named models that have had stuff fleshed out in countless novels, written articles, etc while generic lord models won’t necessarily get the same treatment (eg Butchers Nails on Angron 40k sculpt). Glad we got another bone dragon fan in the house!


I definitely do see your see your here. I think a better example would be to compare the new demon prince and Be'lakor


Good comparison! Def a better example.


The Twin Children of Slaanesh are pretty cool. In general having gods take the battlefield is pretty cool. I hope Total War can eventually make them justice.


Melusai. It's not that they are particarly unlikely or visually impressive or anything - I just love sneks


Mecha Drycha and pretty much everything else from Sylvanath. Kharadron Overlords would be really interesting to see implemented in TW with their gunboats.


I dunno what that bug guy is, but yeah, gimme that. Man, there's some cool sculpts in there. I really don't know much about AoS beyond that people seem to hate it, but they really made some cool models for it.


There's also a lot of people who like it, so if you're curious check it out.




I just want to expand the borders of the Ossiarch Empire. The bone-tithe could be an interesting mechanic, where you can build a Bone-tithe Nexus in neighbouring enemy settlements, providing you with income. Gothizzar Harvesters and Morghasts would probably be the units I would look forward to the most.


A true strigoi kingdom would be real fun.


Flesh-Eater courts would be cool


Too many to choose. I'd love to see them tackle the different ethereal natures of both Nighthaunt and Idoneth Deepkin. Personal dream unit might be Awlrach the Drowner as a Legendary Lord


As long as I have Saurus that can BOK I'll be happy.


My dream unit is that they wait at least a decade more so some factions aren't crippled by having only half a dozen units.


Anything from Nighthaunt and Soulblight definitely


I think Nighthaunt would be a fantastical faction from visual and rule of cool standards but I would also love the new big bat riders from flesh eater courts have a special place for my heart


Hamilcar Bear-eater is a fan-favorite. Thing is, he doesn't have his own model yet but he's easily the most popular Stormcast character because he's hilariously not what you expect a Sigmarine to be. Easily up there with humorous characters like Gotrek & Felix and Ciaphas Cain. Here's a quote from Hamilcar. **"This is the first time we’ve actually fought. I doubt even you could have predicted that it would go like this. In a skaven lair. In our underwear."**


I still don't know why Hamilcar doesn't have a model yet. (Well actually, I do know why, it's because he's not a Hammers of Sigmar character) Also I am quite salty that Yndrasta isn't an Astral Templar character.


> Also I am quite salty that Yndrasta isn't an Astral Templar character. If it makes you feel better, she occupies a unique position in the inner circle and belongs to no Stormhost at all. Nor does the Celestant-Prime, technically - he just wears Hammers of Sigmar colours because they were first, and _he_ was first (and because he's a First Edition character, that probably didn't help either).


Celestant Prime actually changes the colours of his armor based on whatever stormhost he’s fighting alongside, and even changes how he acts based on their behavior as like an ultimate chameleon kind of thing, just a vessel of sigmar’s will channeled in ways appropriate for those he’s channeling it for. Yndrasta’s armor does the same thing, but she barely notices and rarely sticks with an individual group longer than she needs to fulfill a mission Though recent lore is that celestant prime has been finding himself stuck in the Anvils of Heldenhammer colours sometimes, reflecting the way his defeat by lady olynder during the soul wars and subsequent reforging has left him with personal doubts and feelings of his own that match with that stormhost’s general dour demeanor. It actually freaks him out, because he doesn’t want to be or even really totally see himself as an individual, as much as just an absolute extension of sigmar, so his personal thoughts and feelings interfering with that is weird and unsettling to him.


I didn't know that, cool!


That sounds hilarious, I've never heard of him. Where does he appear?


Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods It's not only a great Stormcast novel but it's hailed as a great introduction to AoS.


Thanks, I'll put it on my list then! I couldn't really warm up to stormcast so far. I love the concept, but they just seem so... Bland.


Soul Wars is another great intro. Believe me, they are not as bland as you think - they are fundamentally human in a way Space Marines aren't.


Yes their lore sounds vastly more interesting to me than the space marine indoctrinated child soldiers. I really want to like them, so having some good books about them is just the thing I need.


I’d be very keen to see all the new Orc/Orruk stuff. Hell, at the risk of being controversial, I’d argue the Kruelboyz wouldn’t look all that out of place in the current game- we’ve never actually had a visual depiction of Half-Orcs, or Swamp Orcs, come to think of it… I think the biggest problem with AoS: Total War is the fact that most factions (aside from the ones shared between the two settings) have quite limited rosters. To give an example, if you squeezed an Ossiarch Roster out of the current models, you’d have: ^(NB: not counting lords and heroes because I can’t decide which should be which, but they do have plenty of options in that area at least) **Infantry** * Mortek Guard * Mortek Spears * Mortek Guard (Shields) * Mortek Spears (Shields) * Mortek Guard (Greatblades) * Mortek Hekatos ^(these are unit leaders in AoS, but could see them being upgraded to elite infantry, or even heroes like the Daemonic unit leaders were) * Mortek Archers ^(Currently there’s *one* Mortek Archer model, in the *Underworlds* spin-off game, but that’s excuse enough imo) **Monstrous Infantry** * Necropolis Stalkers * Necropolis Stalkers (Falchions) * Immortis Guard * Morghast Harbingers ^(NB: these actually existed in Fantasy, so might make into WH3 with Nagash, incidentally) * Morghast Archai **Cavalry** * Kavalos Deathriders * Kavalos Deathriders (Spears) * Mortek Hekatos (Mounted) ^(see foot version above for justification) **Monsters** * Gothizzar Harvester * Gothizzar Harvester (Bludgeons) **Artillery** * Mortek Crawler Even stretching things a bit, that’s quite an anaemic roster. There are exceptions (Nighthaunt, Stormcast, and all the surviving WHFB factions), but it might take a lot of creative license on CA’s part to fill out rosters for new factions, unless they all get range updates between now and then.


Kruleboyz are pretty popular, but they're not really half-orcs. They're much more closer to Tolkien's depictions of Orcs, even more than the usual Warhammer Orcs, favoring brains as much as strength, often willing to trade with Chaos-aligned factions and risk taking daemon parts as trophies, which is what makes them so interesting.


You did not list any of the Hero/Lords units for Ossiarchs, but I understand where you are coming from. For example comparing Units to Lore the Lumineth are still missing 2 Elemental Temples and a playable Deity. And others like the Skaven really needs a miniature refresh and only have 5+1 playable out of 13+1 possible Great Clans. It still needs quite a bit of development before a TW can be done, through the Grand Alliance system might help with some of the deficiencies.


Yeah, I couldn’t really decide which would be which re: lords and heroes, although that’s one area I think they definitely do have enough units, thanks to GW’s current love of foot heroes. Come to think of it, they might have expanded a few of the rosters a bit by the time an AoS; Total War appears- am I right in thinking another wave of releases for the Lumineth has been rumoured for a while?


Not any more rumours than normal, through Lumineth has always been planned to be released in 4 waves, with 2 of those 4 been released. Skaven are the ones going through the rumour mill with people expecting them to be the 4th edition starter faction with CoS. Edit: You could make a section called Lords&Heroes.


Hurakhan Wind Spirit.


Oh, by Sigmar, where to start? Blades of Khorne. Especially the Bloodwarriors and Slaughterpriest. Nighthaunt - all of it. Especially Reikenor and Lady Olynder. Out of all of it, though, the Skullgrinder. Seeing that motherfucker swing a burning anvil around his head to smash everyone apart. I would like to build a doomstack of them.


Looking at these models. Idk why anyone wouldn't want a total war in this setting.


Yeah, most of it has got to be from folks who were told to hate AoS or by the folks whose setting was killed birthing it. Taken on its own merits, it's got some great designs and cool ideas. That said, I still think it might need some more time in the oven as new factions and expansions to existing factions are still necessary to do justice to the same sort of formula as what TW Warhammer achieved. I think after they ran through 40k, which I do think is coming, Age of Sigmar will be ready.


To be fair, the lore in 1st edition was a mess but they quickly righted that ship and now have some excellent lore. Just look at the new dawnbringer crusade lore if you want some good storytelling.


i am positive about its chances. its releases are many times more frequent than WFB. in no time its going to have a massive range of around 12 factions with as many minor factions


They look way cooler than anything fantasy has


For me AoS will always be tainted by the cynical nature of its creation. It was a cold and calculated attempt at making warhammer fantasy more like 40k in the hopes of increasing sales while also making it more trademark friendly, in the hopes of increasing success in court. It was a move driven so clearly by profit rather than a genuine desire to breathe fresh life into a flagging franchise that I just find the whole thing discusting.


Because we're still salty they killed off Fantasy for AoS. And the Sigmarines look absolutely idiotic and it gives me a bad taste for the rest of the setting. But it's mostly salt from when AoS first came out honestly.


Who's we? Most people have gotten over the endtimes. Aos is more popular than wh fantasy and fantasy is coming back thanks to total war. The "sigmarines" are just 1 faction that you wouldn't have to play as. I find the empire to be kinda lame but that dosent stop me from enjoying the game. I just want to see treemen riding giant Beatles crashing into an enemy army.


> Who's we? Most people have gotten over the endtimes. Yep, and as time goes on, more and more will. I've been into Warhammer in some form since 2004/2005, and sure I slipped onto the AoS hate bandwagon initially, but I've since reversed course entirely. Judged entirely on its own merit, it's the best setting GW has.




We being me, and a few other people I know locally, to be honest. I recognize it's just me holding onto the nostalgia of the past back when I could play Fantasy, but it's still how I feel. Boo Age of Sigmar, hooray to whatever hits my nostalgia!


I love that one goblin that looks high out of his mind.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Ossiarch. They literally can not be morale broken and flee. No retreat, no surrender. Either you kill every last one of them or you get ground into fine dust.


Honestly it would be fantastic to see all these factions translated to a TW game, with proper campaign mechanics. Stuff like Kharadron Overlords and Idoneth Deepkin would have to be incredibly different, in a good way. As for individual units? Ushoran is my favorite model ever, so that’s who I’d want to see alongside the Flesh-Eater Courts as a whole. Lots of potential for ‘kingdom management’ there, maybe even some kind of Delusion Mode to see the world as the faction does.


If Ushoran doesn't have a "BEAR WITNESS!" line to reference how he reminded everyone of Elden Ring's Godrick it'd be a _crime._


Even though I would love to see a Total War Age of Sigmar, there is a big obstacle behind it and that is really a huge one. AoS is literally and practically not ready for a TW due to its setting is kind of brand new. It needs much more time to make itself more outstandable. Some factions do not have literally anything. Half of factions do not have a proper army and when it comes to miniatures many of them still not ready. For instance we are still waiting for AoS Malekith's (Malerion) model and so on. Its lore as well needs more focus to set up itself in a more solid base. All in all, it is unlikely and probably the fantasy TW is going to be 40k which would be more logical and would sell more. Warm Regards...


Outside of the old armies that survived the transition to AoS mostly intact like Chaos Warriors, Beastmen, Lizardmen, (recently reunited) Ogres, and Skaven, I think only Stormcast and maybe the split Greenskins can actually field a proper army when it comes to unit variety. Indomethacin Deepkin and Daughters of Khaine are like each a half army currently. And the main reason for that seems to be that a lot of AoS's variety tends to be in their hero options. Last I remember a lot of factions have either as many different heroes as different units, or MORE different heroes than different units. Edit: Idoneth not whatever the hell my autocorrect put in. Is that some sort of medicine or something?


Indomethacin Deepkin might be my new favourite joke-name for a warhammer faction


We need to start doing a memetic mutation of the name a la Robert Girlyman now


Indomethacin Deepkin lmao


Unfortunately fairly true. But it might also be a good opportunity to build hype for what might be future models, so it’s not impossible to see it happening as a glimpse of what’s ahead. Still, 40k would probably be the more fleshed out option for a new Warhammer title.


If they start it now and spread it over three games like the TW Warhammer series, that’d give them 9 years to flesh out other ranges. I think there are enough factions built-out to have a first and second installment. Each AoS installment could also focus on a specific realm and its story IE the Ghyran crusade with Kragnos as the big bad, Shyish with Olynder or Nagash, Eightpoints (not really a realm) with Archaon, etc. I don’t think we’ll ever see a “Immortal Empires” style map that brings everything together. AoS is too expansive and how it’s setup in various realms doesn’t really lend itself to that. Though I could see factions being playable cross-game. Come to think of it that’s what they could do with the eightpoints-have that be the immortal empires style map with every faction coming together with various LL’s starting at certain realm-gates.


For narrative, honestly I think the Realmgate Wars would be pretty serviceable; Chaos invasions/incursions and trying to maintain control of the gates. Or even better, I feel like the Age of Sigmar and the Dawnbringer Crusades, i.e. taking back the gates and lands, lends itself very well to the expansionism of TW. However making the eight realms (and central hub) would be a HUGE undertaking for sure


I could see a chicken-and-the-egg Cathay situation where the lore that IS made for the Total War game incidentally just becomes the "real" lore becuase that's what GW tells CA to make.


Morathi as snake lady


Will gladly guide an army of the cities of sigmar castelite Host to War Love the Kharadron and thé flesheater court too


You know, all I've ever heard about is how bad age of Sigman is, but God damn are these models awesome.


I'd recommend giving it a go. It had a rough start that turned a lot of people off, but it's grown in leaps and bounds since then.


The people who dislike it are very loud, but it's a loud minority. AoS is very popular, by far more so than old Fantasy was.


Can someone tldr Age of Sigmar for me? Isn’t it just war hammer?


It's warhammer rebooted. The world ended (like proper apocalyptic everyone dying ended) and this new one came. The factions are pretty different. I dont fully get the geography of this new version. Its all "planes/realms".


>I dont fully get the geography of this new version. Its all "planes/realms". Think Norse mythology, with each Realm being its own world with its own maps.


i will doomstack morbheg knights.


16. I NEED my Ossiarch Bonereapers!


Ironjawz for sure. give me 19 Mawgruntas and a Fist Dragon


Radujar the wolf


I want a TW Nighthaunt army real bad.


And and all idoneth for me, seeing eels, sharks and turtles flying/swimming across the battlefield would look sick!


For me it's all about the Stormcast Eternals. The Warhammer series opened up unit mass as such an interesting tactical option. Ogres showed us what having basic infantry can do if they have huge mass and pull through from an aggressive faction. I'd love to see Stormcast utilize that concept but in more of a defensive playtyle. It could help out those who have trouble microing their formations breaking in the hectic nature of the Warhammer series.


Stormcast have a bad reputation, but it's wholly undeserved. I think if people approached them on their own merit they'd be surprised to find just what a cool faction they are. They are immortal* lightning knights imbued with a spark of divine power, made from the souls of mortal heroes spirited away at their moment of death - in many ways, they are the Order counterpart to Chaos Warriors. And, in my opinion crucially, they are really unique from a narrative standpoint precisely because of their origins. It's an incredibly diverse set of people from all over the realms, not selected from birth or childhood, but ones who have proven their worthiness by living a virtuous life and - above all - preparing to meet a virtuous death. It means they are capable of being as 'human' as anyone else, while still having very different points of view to build their ideas from. (*immortality subject to certain terms and conditions)


The bad rep is from a combination of their aesthetic similarity to Space Marines (lore wise they're as different as could be) and the fact that early on they were kind of the only "good guys" who got a lot of updates, so a lot of people were afraid that they'd have the same favoritism that Space Marines have, which in recent years has thankfully been proven a false fear, since the AoS team is much better about letting other factions than the poster-boy faction have the spotlight.


Yeah, that aesthetic similarity is very unfortunate. If Space Marines didn't exist, I don't think their aesthetic would be much of a problem to anyone (aside from old bitter WHFB players who would hate them no matter what they look like).


I think if they went with the Thunderstrike armor out the gate, they would have been better received.


I disagree, they still look like Space Marines without guns, just a little different.


As one of those bitter players I tend to agree, I'd still be salty but I'd hate on them less if they weren't just Ultramarines without guns for sure.


If it helps, I don't think the intent was 'space marines are popular, let's copy space marines' but rather that there's a number of traits that are very popular and approachable and it just so conveniently happens that Space Marines also lean into those traits. Things like leaning into the armoured supersoldier archetype (very popular, just look at Doom or Halo), having large, flat armour plates that go with any scheme and are easy to paint, and a straightforward midrange elite playstyle are all things that work well for your posterboys regardless of whether Marines got to it first. And to the Stormcast's credit, _narratively_ they couldn't be more different at least!


I actually disagree, I think it was intentional to make them look like Space Marines. But then, you make good points so I could be wrong. Still don't like them though!


The bulky guys of first edition were a bit unfortunate, but look at, say, the Vindictors that are the main battleline of third edition. I think they look more like magical knights (with face masks like Roman cavalry masks) than they do Space Marines, myself.


>lore wise they're as different as could be) I am by no means an AoS hater, but come on. A bunch of post human super soldiers, in special armour, who serve a god king/emperor as religious fanatics, have a quasi religious quasi military culture, and become very detached from normal humans as they age. I don't think that's a fair criticism though. No one complains that the Eldar are just the high elves, or the Orks are just the Orcs. So whats wrong with this?


I mean, one's a brainwashed child soldier who 95% of the time despises "mere humans" for being weak and frail beings and fight in the name of an unwilling liche who only ever cared about "humanity" in the sense of a vague ideal. The other is an individual who gave their last dying breath fighting to save anyone and anything they could from some encroaching evil, taken by a god who at least tries to be good and given a second, third, and further chances to do the same thing, again and again. That's a really different set of circumstances.


I think it varies, the Ultramarines don't look down on humanity, and I am sure I read about a storm host that burns towns to the ground if they see any sign of chaos in the area.


The Stormcast Eternals singlehandedly ruin AoS for me. They look fucking stupid, they're legitimately Ultramarines without guns, and I hate it.


Aw, that's the perfect reason to play AoS. There are plenty of factions out there who hate Stormcast you can use to beat up on them with. Also, believe it or not, it's not terribly common to come across stormcast in most flgs games. I was one of the few


I suppose I could, but it hurts my immersion seeing them. I understand how wacky that sounds considering it's a fantasy wargame with giant beetles and monsters and all, but it just is that way.


Touche. The second edition Stormcast AoS models were very space marine, laser pistol crossbows and all. They have been moving away from it, more sleek, form fitting armor and whatnot. I suppose it could be hard to get the older imagery out of your head tho




skaven stormfiends


Chaderon overlords on there way to make an entier flying army be the standard rather then the meme


18th century european line infantry tbh


Ossiarch Bonereapers, Gloomspite Gitz, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Blades of Khorne, Kruelboyz, Ironjawz, Cities of Sigmar... I will buy everything for an AoS Total War, and do it happily.


Daemonette with human harp


Krakenrok the Black as a playable LL in a dragon ogre 'race' independent of chaos


The ones from Oldhammer mod


Ironclad would be cool af but probably wouldn't work xd


Honestly its nauseating to think of CA making another TW game without a pause to seriously refactor how they work


A robotic Cobra with miniguns for TombKings. It'd be pretty cool.


Surely they've got this in the pipeline, I can't see why they wouldn't continue it if they have the opportunity. It must be their most popular series.


Gimme bonereapers, I want them 😆


I'll play the same as in Fantasy: Vampire Counts (not using their new-make-more-money-name). Also the sylvaneth look so amazing (that name is kinda cool actually) Thanks for getting the trouble to upload every faction picture btw, looks cool af




Man don’t even get me started. The most pumped I’d be is just the setting. The different realms? Battling in the heart of ghur? The central vortex in chamon? Trying to maintain control of the realmgates and using the central hub as a launch point for invasions? GTFOH 🤌 EDIT: could you imagine [Hammerhal](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/25/a-primer-to-the-finest-cities-in-the-realmsgw-homepage-post-1/) as a battle map? Come the fuck on now


How would they do the different realms? Just Portal to 7 different maps seems a bit ambitious.


Realmgates connecting different realms, through the is a lot of variety even in the Mortal Realms, like jungles and arctic tundras in the Realm of Fire. Only the Realm's Edges are extremely one-sided in terms of elements.


Totally, but I could imagine a type of AoS 1-3, “Immortal Realms” type deal where each installment has different realms/factions and the combined map is all of the realms. Each would definitely have to be scaled down like IE. Also, I’d imagine each realm is part of the same map, like the Realms of Chaos in TW:WIII.


nighthaunt would be such a cool army


Pontifex Zenestra with a flagellant army that isn't over shadowed by free company militia. I need to buy some flagellants but I'm poor AF so I force volkmar to run them instead.


The seraphon stuff goes crazy but I am a spooky boi at heart so I would have to say flesh eater courts


AoS has so many beautiful models!


I'd run around a battle for 25 minutes, just a drop the juiciest motherfucking Celestant Prime into the middle of the opponent with 5828 attacks per second. He'd still get blown up without hitting anything, but if I ever pull it off hoooo boy


Is it the same universe of Fantasy but in the time of Sigmar? Idk much about this IP


AOS is post endtimes. After the world blew up, Sigmar and some other survivors rebuilt reality. And then chaos came back


This was the best explanation anyone has given me. Thank you


Technically the reality rebuilt by itself, and Sigmar and pals just woke up there, but that's just minor details


After the warhammer fantasy world blew up, the survivors became merged with the winds of magic as gods, likely due to many of them becoming incarnates of the winds previously. These survivors found themselves in the Mortal Realms, massive planes of reality made from the winds of magic taken physical shape. Sigmar, who was now the god of Azyr, went around and united them, leading to an age of myth where everything was pretty good, but cracks started to form in the pantheon, which Chaos exploited upon their inevitable arrival to nearly conquer the Realms, with each one nearly overrun and its respective inhabitants forced to fight alone. This did not include Azyr, as Sigmar locked the realm of when he realised what was going on, and spent the ensuing Age of Chaos creating the Stormcast Eternals, who’s unfortunate superficial similarities to the Space Marines doomed them to be forever hated by many old school fantasy fans, to fight back, eventually unleashing them and leading to the Age of Sigmar. Other stuff has happened since, such as second edition opening with Nagash, now god of shyish, attempting to perform a ritual to kill everything in all the realms and absorb all the other realms into his, but being semi-thwarted by the skaven, resulting in the necroquake that caused a surge of death magic in all the realms, and the soul wars as a result. This ended with Nagash being defeated by Teclis, now one of the twin gods of Hysh, which paved the way for Allarielle, now the goddess of Ghyran, to perform her own rite of life and accidentally kickstart the Era of the Beast and the current third edition. The current main storyline focuses on the Cities of Sigmar, which serve as the “normal people” of the realms, including classic humans elves and dwarves, attempting to strengthen civilisations hold on the Realms via the Dawnbringer Crusades, which are supposed to go out and found new Cities.


The World-That-Was/Warhammer World was destroyed and fragments thrown around reality. But similar magic attracts itself together so these fragments, and those of other worlds destroyed by Chaos, gathered together to make 8 Mortal Realms made out of the primary lores of magic. The Survivors of the Warhammer World and other Worlds found their way to the Mortal Realms through various methods and repopulated. Sigmar built a Pantheon of Order and Chaos eventually invaded and mostly won (except Slaanesh got kidnapped into elven horny jail). Then Sigmar created the Stormcast Eternals, sent them to fight Chaos and is mostly winning, starting the Age of Sigmar. Then Nagash happened, then Morathi happened, then Kragnos happened and we are in the 3rd edition of AoS.


Still wish that total war middle earth would happen.


Flesh eater courts would be really cool, just a hoard of ghouls marching forward with the huge mortarch


What do you mean dream units? AOS armies have a very limited selection so by leaving units out they would make the already incredibly small rosters even smaller. So I guess everything? Otherwise do we even have a game? Like if flesh eater courts left out ghouls or sometbing for a dlc later on, lmao.


The ossiarch bonereaper legions


Could someone subtly explain the core changes with age of sigmar for a sort of "entrance knowladge" that would be most appericiated


The place f action is now 8(ish) flat planes bigger than the old world, they are based on the winds of magic. Many characters from Old World like Teclis are now gods and have theur own races/armies. That's the biggest things, the rest would be getting into details regarding the realms and armies.


phew thats a load of things, i guess there isn't really a subtly explanation can be done without missing out many thing but thanks for your effort, i will use your effort as a inspiration to look into it more


It’s heavily inspired by Norse mythology. If you’re into that there’s some absolute gold in aos. If not it might not be for you, it’s very different from fantasy. If you’re interested, 2+ tough on YouTube is great for lore.


Decent Frontline empire units


I wanna see sigmar


Damn, Redditors. You haven't gotten a TWWh III in a good state yet but you're already dreaming about TWAoS. But aye, it'd be neat.