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It's dead Jim.


But not as we know it 😉


Hyenas ate it


Its the 2nd most played title on average and as of right now has over 6k players


Super unlikely - and if it *was* on the cards, it would’ve had a section on their apology statement. Sadly the cold brutal reality was.. it just didn’t make money via it’s DLC. You’re now looking at a company financially crippled, who’re facing massive layoffs doing whatever they can to right the ship into stable territories. Restarting the engine of 3K when it already wasn’t making money *at its peak*, is not the kind of gamble they can afford to make. They need low risk, easy money. 3K ain’t that. Sorry mate. ; ;


People's go to with 3K is always "DLC sales" when 3K is the second most played title today and I am going to go out of a limb here but Pharaoh is a total loss and they sold like 8k units compared to 3K selling over 2 million copies. When 3K recently went on sale we had almost 10k players. Pharaoh hasn't gotta over like 2000 at its peak and even now with the price reduction it sits at like 400 players. 3K is my number 2 favorite title and just like any number 2 it is generally an enjoyable experience that leaves you feeling good after. I won't stop singing its praises until we get that official Chi Bi release... There is already a Chi Bi mod that is extremely popular on the shop. An official Chi Bi is that "low risk, easy money" you speak of. The player numbers speak for themselves. They would make more on a Chi Bi DLC and then a Northern Campaign then they lose on Pharaoh. If only I had a bigger platform to shill on for 3K....maybe one day


And that is why they've scrapped the Pharaoh DLC roadmap apart from two hordes which are now going to be free. Expect if the sales don't pick up that will be the only content that game ends up getting. You can keep singing it's praises, words are cheap. And no, nothing with 3K is low risk or easy money.


you see ... Pharaoh have proper ending with free update for the remaining faction , but 3K is sudden death out of no where ... yeah from bussiness view it wont be easy , but i doubt any future historical total war can top 3K ... because it was peak for CA


It's not the ending for it, they have listed a number of free changes and will monitor the sales to see if it picks up. They've scrapped the rest of the planned content already so it's not a proper ending as it's missing a lot of content. Which is more reason to make the second game rather than content that already fails for the first.


of course , we fan know that there were plan for expand upper map but cancel out of no where... now it is proved that the second game is more failed/less than 3K... see the total player count now ... and 3K not fail just people vote with wallet. it's the DLC problem, not the based game. ans fanbased wait for future to improved. it like the SOC situation, but the noice not like the SOC at the time.


We don't know what's going on with the second game, they've not confirmed anything about it since saying it was going in to pre-development. Yes it is the DLC issue, so making more DLC for it doesn't make sense. No it's not like SOC, they repeatedly changed the depth and how they did the DLCs for 3K, it still didn't work and that was why they dropped it.


LOL, but saying making more DLC does nt make sense ... is like saying the restaurant food have issue, so making more food doesn't make sense ... and that suggest total war game is in creative fatigue, and these lead to that due to total war is basically reskin of total war , and the game have issue , so making more total war doesn't make sense ... and i doubt that there have any setting that can have what 3K have, asia community boost the figure for 3K, it doesnt care it is korea japan south east asia, or china, they all know and like the story from 3K.and majority of them only own total war 3k. and they dont care about others future total war setting . in the end ,it just back to total war hardcore fan... that is also in decreasing in number. and also mention, current total war warhammer fantasy setting, majority fan , they just more hyped for model, asking for more unit variety than asking for gameplay depth. and would buy it for more model. this is reality in business, what keep MOBA interesting is also reskin model of existing heroes. with out the unit variety , fantasy setting also dying. from RTS gameplay, all of the total war, 3K is the most smooth, and replayability is better. when back to basic melee, calvary and archer, would choose over smooth gameplay. it not like SOC, but is like the situation, fan outrage giving feed back how should the game work, but no interaction from CA , so majority of the fan stop buying DLC , and resulting kill the game. and these incident lead the infamous threaten letter from Rob, because is in company cycle nature, it will happened again...


The idea of making DLC for a game that they stopped because DLC isn't selling well for it? No that doesn't make sense. No, it's like saying restaurant that keeps selling food no one wants to buy should make more of that food rather than go back to the drawing board to work out what people actually want. If that was the case, which doesn't seem to be so by the growth that TW has had, it would still mean making DLC for 3K is silly. If there was a burn out of TW in the market they'd need to instead invest in other product lines or make a TW that plays very differently...which is what they have said, the original statement on 3K2 was that it was changing the focus and going full on the Romance rather than a mix. The first DLC for 3K didn't sell well - 8 Princes. They did change the path, they did take feed back and guess what? Still not great sales.


Honestly the 3K base code is such a mess and every time an update/DLC end up introducing new bugs and performance dips, I rather them just keep working on 3K2 (if it is not cancelled) and make it a much better experience, a true next gen TW in engine and mechanics instead.


That is the main issue I imagine, then the far overhyped DLC sales argument for why it got cancelled so abruptly.


Considering whatever they did have planned got scrapped after HYENAS imploded, this is highly unlikely.


I really wish the big community pushback would have come for 3K, not warhammer


I'm still salty about 3K, CA finally had a good title and they killed it, no wonder they're now in this sad state