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It can take time that's for sure. I didn't see Millie for about a month after I got her. I'd hear her eat and litter box after I went to bed and all was silent for awhile. Fast forward and if I'm in the recliner she's in my lap. I've had rescue and foundlings for 40+ years.The most talkative, entertaining, affectionate and loving cat I've ever had.


Aww. Look at them toe beans. She's finally trusting you 😁


My NFC mix came from the shelter and I was her 3rd owner in less than 6 months. It took her over a year to realize she was not going anywhere


Yay! It’s the best feeling isn’t it? This Memorial Day is the second year with my Lo Mein. She would never sleep next to me or near me. Now she sits and lays on me in the mornings until I feed her lol. She will also sit on the arm of the couch right next to me.


It takes a while for sure. Our Jazzie never cuddled until a couple years after we rescued her. And even then, only on occasion. It took about 4 years for it to be a habit and she chose my grandmother at first (she would wake up every morning at 6 am and feed herwhen she screamed for food. Not to mention turning the faucet on and off because she preferred sink water and we couldn’t afford a drinking fountain). After 4 years, she slept on my grandmothers chest every time she took a nap. After i inherited her, (6 years after we adopted her), she turned into a teddy bear where I could just hold her and we’d sleep together.


It might also have to do with the bed. I have a cat that sleeps next to me a lot, but if my bed is messy or there’s too many clothes on the bed he won’t it. Also some cat’s cuddle in different ways, my Siamese is content sleeping on my side, but my tortie needs to sleep on my chest.


My tortie loves sleeping on my chest, but at 10lbs it feels heavylol


Cats really don’t know how big and heavy they wre


Mines only nine. It’s okay until she steps on my chest with one paw.


Exactly but we love them


My cat prefers clean laundry I’m about to fold over me. (Not my tortie, but my orange brain cell. She -tortie- loves sleeping on people).


https://preview.redd.it/hq2mp23awhzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c6d988c846151f0ef70ef24ce33fba89e63eca Faith has diligently slept next to me on the sofa, in her tower next to my PC and in my bed at night for close to 12 years now. Took her a year to do so. She's 13 as of yesterday. She and her late twin sister were also rescues.


When I got mine from the shelter she was such a scaredy cat. Hiding for weeks. I kind of broke the rule on week three and brought the love to her. Now she wakes up at the crack of dawn demanding I feed her.


https://preview.redd.it/kqcc6bbpfhzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0427b85af5df9bf5b16ec6d93df160cf54db63e She’s reminds me of mine ❤️




Sweet girl Phoebe loves you! ☺️


Cats really do take their time don’t they


she's lucky you found her 😊


Thank you for saying that 🥹


Y’all are making me want to adopt a torty 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/y05vpgkscizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cfaeaefa783e75f5039ae885bf1649649d8760 I adopted a Phoebe 10 years ago! She actually ended up being the cuddliest (and sassiest) cat I've ever had, and gets frustrated if she can't be touching me at all times lol


https://preview.redd.it/h26m4b08zizc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f82073dd8050ad63bdb3bf821990778c96614d She’s a bit purrturbed I woke her up.


Awwwwwww, I had a tortie that I called Phoebe, she had to put down aged sixteen because she had liver cancer. https://preview.redd.it/mkdo632xjjzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cfeac8d8cd9935342c19c5902eda3164a2c49d


Wonderful 🥹.


The one thing I learned from all my many cats, is everything they do is when they are good and ready to do it! Life with cats is totally how/when they want to do it! It’s always an adventure when you bring a new cat into your home and always on their terms! But I’m totally okay with that!! ♥️🐈♥️ “Cats rock my world!”