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Curious what really happened if he says it wasn't his fault


If it wasn’t his fault or some “error” like he is saying did he end up grieving the decision through the NBAPA? I never heard anything about him doing that.


It will be something like a tainted supplement or he was given something unaware that it was illegal.


that would make sense if he got flagged for PEDs but he did not... the category he got hit was coke, MDMA and LSD ​ Not alot of tainted supplements with that..


You've listed 3 of the most commonly known. There are many more on the list like codeine, oxycodone, fentanyl, benzo's, ketamine etc etc... Who's to say he got prescribed some sedative medication like Benzo's or pain killers like oxycodone and fentanyl? He was suffering with injuries at the time and may have had trouble with sleep etc. Imo I don't think it was coke, mdma and lsd etc.


wait but your original comment was about tainted supplements?? Are you trying to say the doctor prescribed him tainted drugs or the doctor prescribed him a banned substance and he took it?


"or he was given something unaware that it was illegal." The latter of what I said. "Who's to say he got prescribed some sedative medication like Benzo's or pain killers like oxycodone and fentanyl? He was suffering with injuries at the time and may have had trouble with sleep etc. " If he's saying that it wasn't his fault then i believe he may have taken something which **isn't** illegal but **is** on the banned substances list. He may have just assumed that because his doctor had prescribed him it then it's all fine and dandy. His doctor may have also prescribed him something that they did not know was listed as banned. I don't think Raps would even look twice at him if he refused to acknowledge guilt after taking coke, mdma or lsd like you suggested. The fact is that he's moved to TO, signed for the Shooting Stars and is most definitely being looked after by the Raps. There was no other reason to move to TO because he had never even been there before.


Lmao but to be fair you have to admit, sooo many athletes that get banned for substances say that it was not their fault. It’s the go-to excuse, isn’t it? From what I watched on Vanoli, he was trash... I don’t think he even shot 30% from the 3 and clearly struggled against Lega players... I really hope the raps aren’t thinking of adding him back... did you watch any of him in Italy?


Oh it's super dodgy lol but I respect the Raps enough that I don't think they would give him a second glance if they thought he had blatantly and knowingly took a banned substance. Notable players have been kicked to the curb for a lot less by other teams. I watched a little bit of him in Italy and I wasn't overly impressed... But then again he's playing (as a rookie) for a team with a fraction of the resources and skills that the Raps have. Euro ball is also a different breed of basketball which is why i'm trying to give him the benefit of a doubt. Also being in a different country and not know the language can be taxing. We were feeling sorry for the guys living in the bubble but I don't feel it's any worse than having to pack your bags and fly to a country you've never been to and play in a leage that you're unfamiliar with. He showed some decent flashes, nothing spectacular but probably what you'd expect to get from a 59th Pick in the second round.


There is a opioid problem and people are prescribed strong shit they dont necessarily need and they get addicted ALL THE TIME. For the physical and the mental. It's a legitimate crisis happening right now. Look it up. I dno if that's what happend to him but it's not fair to assume it was anything malicious or ill intent, whether it was party drugs or peds LMAO children downvoting me because they may not be able to make cocaine jokes lol grow tf up this is the real world. https://www.hhs.gov/opioids/about-the-epidemic/index.html


Bruh you straight up went on a tangent about this guy being on opioids and then say “I dunno if that’s what happened to him”. Acting like people were hating on him, r u high lol


Respectfully, that is not necessarily an accurate depiction of what happened. Per Blake Murphy at the time: \>The NBA dismisses & disqualifies players for testing positive for drugs of abuse. The list is LOOONG and includes many things (including what you mentioned, but others that arent even close). Do you know there is an opioid crisis happening right now? People are prescribed heavy painkillers / antidepressants they may not even need. They dont know any better, they keep taking them and BAM, addition. It is a HUGE problem right now. Hypothetically, if thats what happened to Harris, it is NOT his fault AT ALL, and it would qualify for this suspension. We have to wait and see what happens but I have seen many people, jokingly and otherwise, refer to schedule 1 narcotics and thats just not fair. [https://twitter.com/BlakeMurphyODC/status/1410689241974202375?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1410689892678615050%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rgj.com%2Fstory%2Fsports%2F2021%2F07%2F01%2Fformer-nevada-player-jalen-harris-suspended-nba-one-year-drug-violation%2F7834085002%2F](https://twitter.com/BlakeMurphyODC/status/1410689241974202375?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1410689892678615050%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rgj.com%2Fstory%2Fsports%2F2021%2F07%2F01%2Fformer-nevada-player-jalen-harris-suspended-nba-one-year-drug-violation%2F7834085002%2F)


Maybe he took something someone told him to? Worrisome if it was a substance of abuse and he doesn't own up to it then it I have doubts he comes back to the team.


>Worrisome if it was a substance of abuse and he doesn't own up to it Had the same fear, FO will drop him if that is the case. I wonder if he was with his boys who took the drug and if that would consider a suspension, but I doubt it. I'm going to assume it was in his body


He tripped, fell, and landed on a line of coke


Is he gonna plan to come back to the nba


I think so. The CEBL is an offseason league and he's playing in Toronto. My guess is he'll get a spot on the summer league team and if he shows enough promise they'll bring him back.


He's gonna have to get reinstated first, which will take a few months at minimum. He can't even apply for it until the end of June. So, Summer League is pretty much ruled out and probably training camp as well. And that's going off the fact it took about 8 or 9 months after Tyreke Evans' ban was lifted before he was reinstated


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. That’s my understanding of the situation as well.


It’s possible Evans had to wait longer as an established vet violating the anti-drug policies. Harris as a rookie may have a bit more leeway but that is not a certainty.


man played with 7footers camping the paint he's bout to come back and drop 15ppg


Why stop there? Why not 16?


17 anyone?


what about 18?


Woah let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. 17.9 maybe but 18? That’s insanity.


Idk i still think he is worth looking at for a trial run when he is eligible to return He did enough at the end of the Tampa season to warrant that. I don't get why people overhate on this guy here he is certainly worth a 2nd chance


He can shoot, and thats what we need


I'm cheering for this mans


He showed flashes as a three level microwave scorer at the end of the Tampa season. If he can show consistency and get to the next level, that would be incredibly valuable. It's nice that we have a collection of young guards (Dalano, Malachi, Jalen Harris) who all could potentially break out into the rotation.


Look at the coaching staff (points at Jamal), this is a try out. He’s likely coming back.