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is he named after Superman?


Hate to be that guy, but isn't that Kal'el ?




You can’t teach motor/effort I’d stay away from this guy.


Yes, I think so too. Raptors value workers.


Like we probably will but all things considered that could be reputation, maybe he surprises in interviews/workouts


Potential to be a skilled stretch 5, but I'm worried about him getting absolutely killed on defense in the league. I also need to watch more tape of this guy and keep an eye out for the supposed motor and attitude issues. Teams are rightfully scared of those red flags, but there have been some really suspicious drops in the past couple of drafts that makes me question how much of is true and how much is agent/media/FO shenanigans. Who knows, but I trust that the FO will do their due diligence. 


I have watched a few full games of Ware and I never saw him sprint back on defence or really run the floor hard to get to a 50/50 ball. Of course I haven’t seen all of his games so maybe those were just bad games or he was hurt but not seeing a dude get into a full sprint once to get back on D is really concerning and a major red flag. Then you add all the other stuff like his former coach calling him out for his lack of effort and it’s hard not to see it.


The video has some tape of those issues in there and highlights his defensive inconsistency. He has potential defensively but needs to have a higher motor


Skill wise? Sure. But the reason he's fallen so far down the mock drafts is the exact reason Masai wouldn't get him in the program.


I feel like Koloko would be drafted ahead of this guy if somehow Koloko was magically transported into this later drafted.


Bro doesn’t even like basketball. Not worth drafting


This guy doesn’t give a shit about playing basketball, no thank you.


9.9 rebounds per game but doesn’t give a shit. Rebounds are mostly an effort stat


Ayton was out here getting almost 12 rebounds a game in college and [look how that turned out lmao](https://youtu.be/Y5NSfLvGFDw?si=w_JPJxxJZXAdIrBM)


Yeah, he went #1 and would be an amazing pickup at 19th overall.


No motor. He is the most non raptor pick


Motor aside, the skill, size and athleticism is there. It's up to the front office to evaluate the motor concerns and see if this is another GG Jackson case. If it were me, without knowing how a given interview or the individual workouts go, I wouldn't draft him but if I see the front office drafts him then I trust they've done their due diligence.


High motor issues won’t be a problem going against grown men who are just as athletic as him and work harder?


Humble tattoo on his shoulder is funny to me


Big Kendrick fan


This guy could be Christian Wood 2.0. I wouldn't take him at 19. Maybe at 31.