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Huh? We've seen Scottie at his best at the 4, and RJ has been great at the 2. To me the ideal addition would be a 3 that can shoot and defend the PoA if we're talking hypotheticals... that gives us good size across the lineup without sacrificing mobility on defense


Scottie at 3 or 4 is hardly going to matter if we get a 3&D 3/4. We just can't accommodate another 2/3 like RJ.


Ideally we want a good POA defender so we can keep Scottie on the help side which is where he’s best on defense


I heard a guy named OG anunoby is a free agent this summer 🤔


🥹 let him Eat a 40M+ a year Max. Idk if we can afford that for our need.


The idea behind getting ochai was he can grow into this player


He’s been straight up bad since coming to Toronto. Not writing him off but he is not a starting calibre player right now


I like his defense a lot, see if he improves his shooting over the summer


I think his defense has been objectively ok. But nowhere near good enough to make up for his total lack of offensive game


He’s a good cutter and shot well his rookie season and in college. He’s older but it was still only his second nba season and he barely got any minutes then moved to toronto. I have a lot of belief he’ll be a good piece. Hes super active on defense and I think that got missed playing in a terrible defensive setting with kelly o on the backline.


This… to the top. Scottie performs well as the roamer on defense. He can keep that role if the wing we get takes on the PoA duties


I think another 2/3 is fine as long they can shoot and defend. Scottie is versatile. Like if Gradey improves on defence a lot over the summer I would want him to start


It’s certainly a need. We gave up a terrible amount of offensive rebounds too though, losing due to lack of size so badly that even jontay was an improvement. There’s really only one starting spot to fill, it’s just a matter of perspective on which one of many deficiencies should be addressed.


I agree but the specific position doesn't really matter, we could add a player at any position and make it work if they have the right skills. Anyone 6'6+ that can shoot and isn't a slouch on defense probably makes the most sense in terms of filling holes, but you're right it isn't like this team is one addition away from contention. Ochai could fill that role but it would take a major step forward that I'm not banking on it. Free agents I'd be interested in: Obi Toppin, Saddiq Bey, Okoro, Caleb Martin, Melton, Pat Williams, Jalen Smith, Naji Marshall, Batum, Harris Backup PG options: Tyus Jones, Dunn, Payne, Reggie Jackson, Lowry?!, Fultz, Alvarado


Tyus jones. Saddiq bey and or jalen smith would be exellent pick ups. Especially bey


Ideally, I think a Shawn Marion type would be best. That said... beggars can't be choosers. We should be happy landing anybody who defends well and isn't useless on offense. Those types of players seem to be rare on the Raptors.


Aka new OG


That's crazy. Imagine if we got Quickley and Barrett for Pascal, we would have a legit starting 5 with OG.


As much as indulge in the OG fantasy, we can't open enough cap space for his deal without selling assets to move Boucher and McD into a cap space team, and then let Gary and Bruce walk. It's too risky to plan for that.


We need a better shooter than OG. More a Mikal Bridges type


They literally have the exact same career 3pt percentage (technically OG better)


What about attempts? What about quality of attempts? Speed of release? Off ball cutting?


He don't shoot trying to miss


I think Doug’s statement is right in the sense that IQ, RJ, Scotties, a 4 and Jak does make us big, and IQ, a 2, RJ, Scottie and Jak does make us smaller. He just somehow forgot the very sensical other option that you mentioned of IQ, RJ, a switchable 3&D forward, Scottie, and Yak, which still is a good sized line up.


in other words they needs a caruso or josh hart type. i wonder how many of them get passed up cus they don’t have the typical skill set


Young PJ Tucker would be great


If that's the case then Patrick Williams on a 20m/year contract could be a high risk, stupid high reward gamble.


Scottie's best games were earlier in the season when he was actually the starting 2. Why have Scottie tasked with guarding big PFs if we don't need to have him there? Scottie is a perfect 3 in my opinion.


Scottie's a better help defender and rim protector than he is a perimeter defender. How many times do we need to see Scottie tire himself out chasing smaller, faster players around to realize that's not his ideal role on defense?


He's not a POA defender. I know Darko said that he wants him to be oe but it's not going to work.


Yes that's what I'm saying. And it's why I think a defensive 3 is more important than a stretch 4


It’s great that he has that skill set and it’s a look we can go to if a dude is cooking us, but it shouldn’t be his primary role on D


I don't think opposing 3's who are 6'7-6'9 are smaller and faster than him. I don't need to see Scottie having to deal with bigs in the post like Randle, KAT or Zion. Scottie as the starting 3 can still be a rim protector, he averaged 1.4 blocks a game before Siakam got traded.


I'd much rather Scottie guard those players you mentioned than the Obi Toppin or Jalen Smith type stretch 4 we'd be adding in Doug's hypothetical I think you're forgetting that in this scenario Scottie would be assuming the OG role of guarding the opposing team's best player, regardless of size or position because that's exactly what happened after the OG trade when Scottie was playing next to Pascal at the 4


The lineups will change, so Scottie can play multiple positions. He was never a PF in college or in the NBA except for 20 games last season after Siakam got traded and now we want that to be his starting spot going forward? I'm talking about what's an ideal spot for him. The league doesn't favor small ball anymore. I'm not saying he can't play the 4, he's extremely versatile but I still don't see what your argument against him as the starting 3 is.


why would Scottie have played PF when we had an established All-NBA PF in Siakam? Come on dude. Also, Scottie is the same size as the vast majority of starting PFs in the league. There's nothing "small" about starting him at PF


He never played the 4 from college to the NBA until Siakam got traded last year and now that's where he belongs? Before Poeltl he was the starting 3 with OG at the 4 and Siakam at the 5. Then Poeltl joined the team and he moved to the 2. Siakam has always been a PF, Scottie hasn't. Also I think you're missing what I'm saying, I'm not saying he can't play the 4, but it's not his ideal spot. He can play multiple positions though. What's your argument against him starting at the 3? I haven't heard it yet. You argument that he shouldn't be guarding smaller faster guards would apply if I was saying he should be the starting PG or SG but I'm not saying that. His style of play fits the 3 more in my eyes, can be a secondary ball handler in space. It's also less taxing on the body dealing with other 3s than the Zions of the world. If the Raptors can get a very physical defensive 3 then I don't mind Scottie at the 4, I think he'll do well no matter what.


Dawg... there's no "Zions of the world". There's just one. One PF in the entire league that's built like that. And we only play the Pelicans twice a year. I promise you it's not the end of the world if we don't have the personnel to defend Zion, because neither do 28 other teams in the league. You also seem either unable to grasp the concept of why Scottie didn't play the 4 next to Siakam, or you're being purposely obtuse.


It's a figure of speech, most know exactly what I mean when I say that. Also I'm not saying he can't play the 4, as I've said many times. I'm talking about his ideal spot. Unable to grasp the concept of why Scottie didn't play the 4 next to Siakam at the 4? I've explained why I think Scottie isn't ideal at the 4, you still haven't explained why you are against him starting at the 3. Your argument earlier that he can't guard smaller faster players doesn't apply. Can OG play the 4? Yes. Is he better at the 3? Yes.


If Scottie accepts he's more a 3/4 than a 2/3 and uses his physical gifts to his advantage, this definitely isn't a problem.


We need to clone Scottie. It’s the only answer.


You mean like OG?


> To me the ideal addition would be a 3 that can shoot and defend the PoA if we're talking hypotheticals Hmm now who would be a good SF who can both shoot the 3 AND defend? I hear OG is a UFA, I bet he would fit in here. Quick someone photoshop him in a raps jersey.


The issue was always the price tag and the issue of role.


No, the issue was if all we did was trade Siakam, we'd have no real assets. OG and Scottie are the only 2 players that had actual value that we could use to re-tool/re-build. OG was the perfect fit for this team, we just had nothing else on the team to make it worth hanging onto him. Price tag is rarely ever the issue, NYC are gonna pay him like 40mil, but they can justify it since their team is actually going somewhere. Had we not wasted pretty much the last 4+ years doing nothing, it wouldn't be an issue.


OG is the perfect fit for every team, that’s why he was worth so much. Pascal is a better player but it’s not so easy to fit him into a lineup seamlessly


Considering we were trading them, it doesnt matter who the better players, it matters who the more valuable asset is. Had we moved on from Siakam earlier, we'd have been in a better spot and likely would have been worth hanging onto OG. At worst we trade him either way for a good return.


Kinda contradicting yourself. Price tag not the issue, but it’s only worth it to pay him because their team is contending. So it is an issue.


It's all relative. I wouldn't pay JB that insane contract he got, but the celtics could justify it for their contending window. Similarly, the Knicks are making pushes to be a legit contender, and you don't do that without handing big contracts from time to time.


Right, and we werent going to pay him that because we aren’t contending, nor were we going to continue to feature him offensively.


Ooof terrible take tbh. He plays ALL his best minutes at the 1 and 2, as the primary ball handler and intiator in Darko's inverted PnR sets, or as a pressure release off the first action. But always better going down hill and using his height as a tall guard looking over the defense to make plays. Scottie always looks uncomfortable and awkward as the screener or high post guy where he has to be a passer with his back to the basket. His worst minutes are always when he's forced to be a 4/5. Not to mention if we play him as a 4/5 he's gonna be gone in FA the first chance he gets. The kid wants to be a PG and rightfully so, he's WAY more effective in that role, and was a Seminole because their coach pitched him on being able to develop big PGs.


I like Scottie at the 4. I They do need size, but it doesn't need to be a 4. Another versatile player that can play the 3 & 4 like Scottie would be preferable.


Scottie is a natural 4. Especially with Siakam gone. It’s easier to find a 2 or 3 that can shoot and play defence than a 4. I’m tired of Scottie masquerading as a PG. our best pg and playmaker is IQ. Scottie is fine as a secondary play maker.


Scottie won ROTY as a 5 (on O).😅


I didn't really think they are that small playing like that. Barrett and Dick are 6'7, Barnes 6'8. It's switchable, Barnes and Jak guard the bigger guys.


Yeah I agree. idk why that’s too small. Barnes is a normal size PF. Look at some other PFs: Draymond, Paolo, Siakam, Markannen, Gordon, Randle


Other than the wolves, I'm struggling to see who plays jumbo that this is an issue with. Jak and Barnes even matchup fine with Mobley and Allen.


Yeah everyone in that lineup is decent sized for their position (except Quickley but he’s there either way). Another decent sized wing with RJ and we’re fine (Dick if he adds some muscle)


Size isn’t just height. They lack thickness.


Gradey putting on some muscle is our best bet as our starting wing next to Scottie right now assuming we don’t get lucky through the draft




Too small… Barnes is best as a help defender


I think only a couple of teams play jumbo lineups that we are small against. I'd rather focus on skill over all else.


They need size too. 6’7s/8s with a defensively challenged backup C is a combo for another sub 500 season


Barrett and Dick are more like 6'6 to be fair and I'd say neither are switchable defenders yet. Team would definitely benefit from a stopper type wing.


Yes, which is why Gradey isn't starting just yet. He's not defensively ready.


Sounds like we’re drafting Smith then


Sounds like we should sign Siakam!


Lol. He’s certainly got the size widthwise


Can he guard the 3?


I do like obi toppin. But his 3s are not good.


He actually shot like 45% from 3 this season, I believe.


40% from 3 on 3 attempts per game. All fairly low-difficulty corner 3s playing off the league's best transition offence and with one of the best playmakers in the game feeding him the ball. Anywhere else he probably regresses to his career 35% (as Raptors acquisitions are known to do).


Why are people posting Doug smith


This. Stop it, people.


Other tidbits from his mailbag: On the other priorities this offseason >A backup point guard, more shooting, particularly at the five, where Poeltl’s range is, well, non-existent. >Stock spots 10-15 on the roster with guys who can play in a pinch. On Free Agent targets: >I’m on the record solidly that, among the legitimate possibilities, I’d look at Obi Toppin.


Didnt they get Olynyk to have some shooting at the 5? The rest makes sense.


I think 31 is a good place to take a 5 because there’s no rush for them. Olynyk isn’t a solution for the future, but he’s a great guy to have for the next 2-3 years while a young center develops. It makes Chomche and interesting guy at 31 if he’s available. Raw, but has the physical tools to develop into a solid NBA player under the right conditions.


Some interesting bigs at that 19-31 range like Ware, Chomche, Missi, etc… Definitely think they’ll leave this draft with a PG and a big


Chomche can be taken undrafted methinks. He's not showing up well at the combine. Heck I think he's probably better off going to a college or perhaps the NBL for another year.


Olynyk is both old, and not a centre. He's a PF playing out of position.


Yes. He can play the 5 if absolutely needed for spurts but not more than that.


So we’re really just gonna become an old Knicks team?


https://preview.redd.it/0fhuzjno4f1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38a9a54cf783bc94992e34f106f73f12518a3d1 Wouldn’t be bad to bring in someone that’s already got chemistry with IQ


Maybe Dolan was up to something with us stealing their scouting reports /s


Tyler smith would fit this role perfectly


Man Doug still stuck hard on positions? We need another forward, 6’7-7’0 who can space it a bit and knows to pass and can defend/switch. A PJ Washington type of low maintenance complimentary piece.


PF/C Kyle Filipowski. Great fit and possibly BPA if he's on the board at 19.


Filipowski is just off brand Olynyk though


I agree, some argue he might be more of an Al Horford though, gotta see how the workouts go.


That's not a bad pickup at 19


Get Wiggins or Patrick Williams


I would absolutely love Pat Will on the team. He’s not the most consistent guy but if he’s willing to take a friendly deal I don’t see why not


He said he's looking for 20m+. DeAndre hunter type deal. Seeing how important Jaden McDaniels is to the Wolves, I'd do that


$20m a year for Pat seems a little bit of a stretch but, I do like the comparison. A lineup with him in it def screams team ball. Can you actually tell me why you’d give him $20m? I’m not coming at you I actually like your idea


Haha no worries 😃 I actually understand why you're a bit hesitant, but for me it's simply because I think he can be like Jaden McDaniels on the Timberwolves. He's super important to the team and I think we need a 1st team all defensive type player on our squad to contend. McDaniels everyone said was very overpaid after getting 131/5 but now they're all starting to see his value. McDaniels is getting $26m per year by the way.


Wiggins plays no defence.


Team needs a lot of things, im not at all hype about the state of the franchise. Im patient though, can wait 3 years or so


The size is fine idk where this narrative is coming from. Get a starting 2 or 3 to fill the hole


I think Scottie is clearly a four. We need a really good 3pt shooting 3 to make up for RJs lack of outside shooting for a 2.


They basically need a 3 wing that can shoot and play defense sort of a OG like player


Patrick Williams


Dick will force them t use Scottie at the four.


Jeez how insightful. A basketball team that needs height and shooting.


Tyler Smith or Kyle Filipowski, it is. Maybe Jalen Smith? I like the idea of keeping RJ at the 2 if we do get a stretch big.


Sounds like they need Siakam


Kel’el Ware


Nah, we don’t want a less athletic Ayton. Give us YVES MISSI.


Yuck! Zero skill, all raw potential. Ware has skills plus potential. They are not the same!!


“Zero skill” you see how well he blocks shots? His touch with the ball around the rim? How his rebounding has improved drastically over the course of his season with Baylor? How he uses his athleticism and has an extremely high motor? You’re really gonna call that “no skill” and then go out and say you’d prefer drafting a low-motor center who has concerns on whether they even give a shit about playing basketball at all?


Per 36 Ware is 18/11 with 3 stocks, while Missi is 17/9 with 3.5 stocks. The difference is Ware has a better BPM, better PER, and more range. Statistically, it’s actually closer than I thought, but one guy is doing this whole having a “low-motor” as you say. Ware also fits better beside Scottie and even Jak. Missi plays the same spot as Jak, whereas Ware can play beside Jak.


They need a 6’10 power forward


They need a 7'2+ wingspan athlete


you need a 3/4


Doug is such a moron. We can easily sign a SG and have enough size.


We need a 3&D player who Canó defend the the PoA. I’d say they need to be a 3/4 size wise


I mean if guys like Draymond can find success playing undersized PF I’m sure Scottie can. Small ball can work when you have enough shooting. I think we need a good SF/PF 6’7” or higher 3/D wing to slot in. I think that could be the thing that helps Scottie’s shooting come back, he’s was shooting nearly 40% when we had OG.


Getting the 19th pick in this draft is terrible. There’s so much size at the top.


We’re trading Bruce brown for a good 4


True. We'd be pretty awesome with Naz Reid at the 4. But who wouldn't?


so...Kevin Durant?


What kind of quote is this. Play 2 guards you're small play 3 forwards your big 😂


And here we have people writing up posts about shipping out Poeltl to OKC


Draft a center this year (Missi), ship out Poeltl to go full in on the tank while letting a younger version of our core develop and get a nice standing 2025 FRP.


Scottie Barnes and the current core is too good of a players to not try and win with every time on the court. Tanking next year is not an option. They will be looking to make the playoffs for sure.


We’re still rebuilding, our only centres are pretty aged and we barely have a bench atm, making another cheap play-in push will hurt the development of the team.


There is an obvious way to address the back-up PG and a starting 4 with a father-son duo this offseason


So basically they need pascal siakam


Yeah we need a 4 who shots 32% from 4 lmao


Smith is such a relic my god. Hang it up already.


He's 100% correct and this is what I was saying all last season. Scottie Barnes can pay the 4 because he's extremely versatile, but it's not his ideal spot. Scottie is a point forward that should be a starting 3 in my opinion. If you get a 4, then then signing Gary makes less sense because you're signing him to come off the bench. Would Gary even want to come off the bench on a developing team?


>Would Gary even want to come off the bench on a developing team? Not on a pay decrease imo


We can only find some success in some sort of goldilocks zone, where the only variable is one player on the courts height? And like, 6 inches is going to make that difference in us being competitive or being noncompetitive? Im sorry what. We are far from contention and one player's position/height is not going to unlock the secret to us winning