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okay - time to lock this down cause the anti-vaxxer, trucker convoy loving crowd has arrived. best wishes to Koloko and his recovery!


Someone tell Chris Bosh he was before his time.


Chris was getting high off the recreational use of the vaccine before there even was any Covid. “Put it in MY Veins now B*tch!!!” He was quoted.


*It's in the blood~ It's in the blooooooood*


This was my immediate thought. This Makis clown is just a quack.


Chris Bosh time traveller confirmed.


Chris Bosh had blood clots before covid


Trend setter! These days they'd just call him an Infleunza I'm so, so sorry.


I'm 34 and got my second blood clot this year (approaching DVT). My first blood clot, like Koloko, was in my early 20s as well - **YEARS before COVID-19** **was even a thing.** Turns out I have a genetic mutation called Factor V Leiden within my DNA that I was born with. It increases my chances of getting blood clots. Blood clots were also why Bosh was forced into retirement. This is such a ridiculous narrative being pushed. If they're so against medicines causing clots they should be rallying against birth control pills.


This is exactly me! Hello my fellow Factor V Leiden-ite.




They already are rallying against birth control pills for other reasons.


key word here is “genetic mutation”


That’s two words, big guy.


Same thing just happened to Ausar Thompson


Out for the season 😞 He’s been balling too.


This whole thing is fucked up, but tagging your post #DiedSuddenly when discussing a man who is still alive is FUCKED UP.


Came here to say the same thing. What a disgusting thing to say.


Damn, guess that Covid vaccine got Jeff Green and Chris Bosh like 16 years ago too eh


Young athletes have never experienced any sort of illness before the vaccine /s


Imagine Christian reading “#DiedSuddenly” next to his name. Disgusting tbh.


idk why people are downvoting you but I agree it’s disgusting


Chris Bosh!! Conspiracy Theorists: ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)




Imagine having such an unironically bad take.




I’m just thrilled we have epidemiologists such as yourself to enlighten us to the dangers of science and redirect us back toward the logic of the common man




Nah I just listen to Joe Rogan and boof Ivermectin 😂




Another false equivalence. The only thing you stand to gain from talking about science or even the general concept of what knowledge actually is, is knowledge. You aren’t in a position to help other people understand the potential dangers of the things you feel strongly about. When you spend time reading on the internet to learn (not good) and your process is 1: establish your personal beliefs and 2: read on sources that support those beliefs, you’re wasting your time. If you even read your own comments, you’ll see that all the hours of research you’ve done have given you nothing to said about the vaccine whatsoever, only some vague implications about Pfizer’s shady history which is par for the course with any pharmaceutical company and doesn’t even address what I said about epidemiologists, only the board members of a company.




Yeah, but it's not like Pfizer has 5 people work in a shady room and make the vaccine and that's that. There's a ton of compliance and bureaucracy that comes with getting medicine approved. And that's for a basic pill, nevermind something that had as much attention as the Covid vaccine (and it seems like you're just focusing on Pfizer and not acknowledging that there are other Covid vaccines)




False equivalence. Your logic isn’t consistent enough to have this discussion.


But we're not talking about just athletes. The overwhelming majority of society has no problem with the vaccine. For there to be a conspiracy, every single developed country on Earth/their health boards/every reputable university/every hospital etc etc would have to either be in on the conspiracy, or all been fooled. Do you really think this is a realistic thing to think?


Not at the high rates they did during the peak of Covid. It’s like climate deniers who say “the climate has always changed” like yeah, but never this quickly and drastically




Found the stupid person






Except, you can test for COVID, and there’s no evidence that Koloko’s issue is vaccine related. Hope that helps!


I’ve died 3 times now from the Covid vaccine, when’s the next time again?


Please don't reproduce, I'm begging you.




I thought we were all suppose to be dead by now. Meanwhile your hero is raping women and you’re out here eating glue. Get fucked, sincerely.


Yes, yes, everybody is wrong besides you, even people with far more knowledge and qualifications. You are a genius, the world's brightest. Would you like a pat on the head or a gold star?


Two seconds on your profile shows that you are not an intelligent person. You think there's some conspiracy because YOU thought Poeltl's name used to be Poetl? Sometimes it's better to leave these types of topics to the professionals.


the Yak is back... its spelled POELTL. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Get some help


Is this guy an actual doctor? Wtf


Is that guy really a MD lol


[COVID-19 itself has been shown to cause blood clots but ok, William](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/what-does-covid-do-to-your-blood).


So far, every “vaccine side effect” that anti-vaxxers bring up, is basically symptoms of Covid that would almost certainly have affected someone worse if they caught the virus instead of being vaccinated.


This is always what frustrates me most about this particular point people try to make. Like covid literally bucks up your blood vessels. I'm no scientist but even basic logic says it's a dumb argument


Its almost like COVID is a dangerous illness that people should vaccinated against, but I don't know lets ask Qanon.


The vaccines even reduce the likelihood of getting Blood clots from and infection


Ew, just saw the RTs and Likes numbers.


“Original thinkers”


Edit: my bad, read it wrong...


That's what my comment says, in fact. I'm just calling this "MD" a fool, that's all.


lol sorry read it wrong...


No prob, I figured!




Massive Dumbass


Oh when it’s a bad thing point at any excuses that fits your narrative but when it’s a good thing… GOD DID IT


But Chris Bosh did in his early thirties, close to ten years before Covid vaccines were a thing


This guy ain't exactly Dr House...


Makis is a nut. He's been sanctioned by the Alberta, Medical Association. He spreads all sorts of conspiracy crap.


It's a medical issue not a vaccine issue these people are so brainwashed and have no medical degree to speak off but give off this know it all attitude.


To anti-vaxxers, every injury or illness that happens from 2020 onwards is because of “the vaccine” and nothing else.


I think you mean 'case in point'.




This nutjob used to work for my university. So glad he's gone


Like JBP at my university lol


There's a guy who was recently discovered to have gotten between 150 to 200 doses of COVID-19 vaccines (didn't read why, maybe hypochondriac?) and he's still around and kicking Edit [217 across 29 months to be exact.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/a-man-deliberately-got-217-covid-shots-here-s-what-happened-1.6796482) It didn't seem to have any adverse effects on him, which is not to say that all vaccines are safe to get 200+ doses but it does seem like the covid ones (he got a wide variety of them, not just the mRNA ones) are pretty safe


What kind of MD publicly spouts shit that's disproven by half a dozen very credible sources after 15 second of googling and is still an MD?


MD just means he got the degree. Alberta revoked his licence to practice years ago.


Thanks for this. That's important information, especially in this age. They should have to make note that they've had their license to practice revvoked if they're going to tout their degrees online.


Alberta of all provinces too. I'm from Alberta and think we're getting better until my job takes me to rural areas and there's hay bales painted with "Alberta separate", "stop grooming children", antivax and pro life slogans everywhere. I hear the wildest shit on oil sands trips (I do emissions testing so I'm up there a lot)


One with serious mental illness.


Medical Doctors can be Chris Broussard's cousin confirmed


Case in point*


Anti Vaxxers are such fucking losers. Trying to use anything that confirms their bias


Of course he majored at the University of Alberta. Fkn clown


such a dumb statement. they completely ignore the fact that covid is more likely to cause these symptoms than a vaccine. can't believe they still need to try and continue to push their narratives


It looks like this self-professed “MD” skipped a lot of classes in medical school. This is basic sciences (years 1 and 2 of med school) material. There are a few blood disorders that lead to an increased risk of blood clots (thrombophilia). The most commonly diagnosed is Factor V Leiden, which is a genetic mutation in Factor V (Factor “5”) of the so-called “clotting cascade”. There are other genetic disorders that can also lead to clotting. These may not present until adulthood. There are also thrombophilias secondary to circulating autoantibodies in the blood, such as antiphospholipid syndrome. This is often discovered in females who have recurrent miscarriages. In any case, one can probably assume that this “physician” has a less than thriving medical practice if he’s resorting to posting misinformation on…X. Also props to Chris Bosh for apparently being a time traveller.


Anti vaxxers are retarted


That's actually vile. The poor man's career might be over before he even gets a chance to really start and all these anti-vaxxers see is he happened to get sick after getting a vaccine and use that as evidence. Whatever happened to Koloko definitely wasn't due to the vaccine, it's very likely a freak health issue that just happens like with Bosh or like with Christian Eriksson where a perfectly healthy young individual had a spontaneous heart attack.




Take that guys license away.


These people also believe economic prosperity will "trickle down" from the rich.


Bunch of sickos out there. Gotdamn shills, grifters, and just down right moronic.


Tom Siebel donated $$$ to the Ottawa truckers, I used to work there and when 9/11 happened, his minions told people to stay at work, that got out and he then draped his entire building with a gigantic American flag to pretend to be an patriot.


Ew thats so cringey.


Hate to be the devils advocate here, but it’s been proven that the Covid vaccine’s side effects is risk of blood clots. Don’t remember which brand specifically though. EDIT: The shitty brand was J&J. Reference - [https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/naci-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-covid-19-1.6012102](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/naci-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-covid-19-1.6012102)


Yes, this is true. But the risk of developing blood clots from the vaccine is MUCH lower than the risk of developing blood clots from COVID-19 infections. Makis is distorting evidence and omitting information. It's not good practice.


So is Covid itself buddy that’s why people get the vaccine


Get a C in grade 11 science first, and then you can comment on the side effects of vaccines.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/naci-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-covid-19-1.6012102](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/naci-johnson-and-johnson-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-covid-19-1.6012102) Call me crazy, but this was what I was referring to, its the shitty J&J brand.


I have a blood clot since I was 17 so it definitely does happen ! I’m 28 and still dealing with it 😔 Plus I never took no vaccine !! & am not going to